posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 03:58 PM
Originally posted by AntiUNnation
I always hear talk of revolt, talk of resisting the tyranny of government.
What is your plan then, what would you do? Does anyone here have an idea of how the would effectively resist this government?
For something to suceed there has to be a planned approach, indeed the man with a plan will be the one who can stand, the other one will fall.
Lets all sit back and become slaves then
You are already being led.
Did you turn in your analog phone when told?
Did you dump your regular TV and go along with their digital conversion as told?
They speak you listen and respond.
You never stopped to ask yourself if they had the right to force you to switch your TV; you just went along because….?
I don’t watch TV so it was a no brainer for me but are you really buying the flimsy excuse they are giving you about why they are forcing you to
Do you really think that they are going to stop sending out those brainwashing messages to you home if enough people just say “no”?
What are they hiding? What do they have up their sleeves?
Anytime somebody is forcing you to do something, you had better believe it is not in your best interest.
I think people need to pay closer attention. Ask more questions and do more research before giving in to the demands of TPTB.