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Obama: US Facing 'Catastrophe'

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posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by silent thunder

Specially when he inherited the mess we are right now, while is not of his making, history tends to be cruel and if the economy doesn't get fit within the next 4 years Obama will regarded as a failure.

But we here at least know better.

Sometimes things can just no be fix no matter the intentions.

[edit on 6-2-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by marg6043

HEAR!, HEAR!, or is it HERE!,HERE!?, Marg.

I like your spunk... you have really gotten unto this. I appreciate your efforts.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by pyrytyes

You know that here in ATS we have been on the issue of the economy and politics for years.

Is sad to see what it was nothing but conspiracies and here say a few years back to become reality.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I'd been lurking off/on for a couple years prior to joining. I know of what you speak.

There is a big job to be done in pulling us out of the mess, but I am sure we will prevail.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Yes, Obama is using fear tactics. But that doesn't change the fact that what he says is true. The US does face a catastrophe. What we do or don't do now will probably have little consequence. I doubt it really matters if his "package" passes or not.

We still face a catastrophe.

We've been talking about it here on ATS for a couple years now.

I say we go for the we go for door number two!

The door we choose; not the one that they choose for us.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by pyrytyes

The problem is that if we the common citizens know what the problem is with the nation but our elected officials still do what they want to do and keep screwing the nation further then we know that the problem is within the government.

And to fix it we will have to replace the government, we did already in November but still in Washington you just can not get rid of the trash after a new president gets elected because they get to get recycle again by the new administration.

That along tells you exactly how business is run and who is running that business in the government.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by mental modulator

We are already buried in debt sir - been slopping it on for almost a decade -and two decades before that...

You think I don't know this? It hardly justifies lopping over another trillion on top...we are already staring at 53 trillion with medicare and social security. I really don't care who points fingers at my eyes both Reps/Dems are at fault.

Your point makes the assumption that OBAMA is evil or purposefully try to kill the U.S.A.

What? I'm stating that what he is doing is wrong. I don't think it will work and just make things worse.

This assumption that he is trying to F things up on purpose is absolutely illogical IMO.

Trying to put any kind of trust or faith into our government right now is illogical. I am not assuming he is trying to F things up on purpose...maybe he thinks it will work....

For all any of us know, we may be MUCH worse off than we are being led to believe.

Much worse? Well, Mexico is on the verge of collapse....we are dumping way too much money into the system which is going to inflate the dollar...China is threatening to dump our 30 year treasuries...Other countries are calling out to dump our treasuries (going to be tough financing all that debt), we are still financing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that we can't afford, looming terrorist attacks, worldwide hatred for the USA, our 11 trillion dollar debt (53 trillion if you include social security and medicare which is staring us in the face), etc etc.

If things are worse than he's leading on...then he needs to tell the public. I will not trust politicians unless they give me a reason to trust them. I'm tired of being had.

Well put sir

I appreciate your reasoning for sure...

I personally wish we were not in this situation in the first place.

Total catastrophic failure in basic economic theory is both trickle up and trickle down as well as cascading.

It also suggests that if the top or the bottom becomes "broke" the other will soon follow, unless the flow of capital is restored to the impaired... "bracket".

In this case wages have been flat for a good while - however big money has thrived.

Unfortunately big money has loaned far more than they had in liquidity.

SO begins the process of

lay offs

Laid off folks can't pay bills X's bill quantity per person which

Creates more layoff

MORE bills unpaid



The cascading effect has started - BALANCE is way out of whack now.

If the ECONOMY does not get a firm injection of money, GREATER than the amount
of circulation at the problems get go, we are screwed - or EXTRA SCREWED W/CHEESE

Inflation can be contained with time - death of a currency cannot be fixed as far as I know.

Another point,,, TPTB would likely love nothing to be done - because it would provide a great opportunity to come in a buy EVERYTHING for sub pennies on the dollar. The depression - was not a mistake on big $$$$$$$$$$'s behalf.

Was a disaster on HOOVERs behalf, who - stopped spending.

In this case, at this juncture,we stop kicking, thats it - what happens next???

Or like in a circulatory system - what happens when the blood stops flowing?

When the heart stops -

A vein gets blocked - or an artery???

This is no different.

Fiscal responsibility is for normal times... Should of been practiced well back pre crisis

If Obama is being honest about circumstance, spending is the logical thing to do, provided ECONOMIC THEORY has not had some QUATUM change.

Is this a POWER GRAB? Could be -

[edit on 6-2-2009 by mental modulator]

[edit on 6-2-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

read the bill, it creates no new jobs, however it creates many new entitlements.
All of the bills the leftists have tried to pass in the last 15 years are in there and will not go away.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by David9176

Oh and D, you may be right on, I am just going off what I know based on a few classes in school.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by marg6043

And to fix it we will have to replace the government, we did already in November but still in Washington you just can not get rid of the trash after a new president gets elected because they get to get recycle again by the new administration.

We clean house on Capitol Hill the way my niece cleans her room by just moving the trash around.

If something is too big to move but she wants to keep it she just shoves it under the bed.

Makes for a tidier picture but all the garbage is still there all the same,

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

I agree, dumping too much money in the economy creates inflation.

But spending in an economy in crisis is outrage irresponsible, you don't fix the economy while spending that creates more deficits.

We are nothing more than borrowers and spenders from the government down.

Right now the credit card business is booming the same problems that created the crisis is still been profitable and as such is been exploited.

The stimulus is nothing more than a temp cure to a whopping wound that will only keeps getting bigger not smaller.

Our nation trillion dollar spending will become just that for years too come until the point that nobody will be able to afford Americans debt anymore and neither the consumers debt.

The biggest ponzi scheme is now been run by our own government

[edit on 6-2-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

I hear you, no wonder we can not get out of the mess we are right now, because the recycle trash love it the way it is.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

Oh and D, you may be right on, I am just going off what I know based on a few classes in school.

I'm not pretending to understand all of what is going on although I do understand what you are stating in the post prior.

I'm just angry. We've been sold out for far too long. It's not me that i'm worried the most about, it's my kids...and their kids.

Why can't they offset the spending with cuts elsewhere? Why can't they pull back the American Empire across the world? Why am i paying social security that i'll never get back?

Americans have been cheated. The ones who payed their bills and were responsible are all going to pay for mistakes they did not make.

Mistakes forced upon them by government. I believe the system can work, but the system as it stands now is corrupt. Honestly there isn't much trust I can put into our government anymore.

I did not vote for either McCain or Obama as i thought neither were a good choice, but i was hoping against hope that Obama would go a different route...he's just not.

I hope that I'm wrong. I do hope that things turn for the better but all signs point the opposite direction.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by mental modulator

Oh and D, you may be right on, I am just going off what I know based on a few classes in school.

I'm not pretending to understand all of what is going on although I do understand what you are stating in the post prior.

I'm just angry. We've been sold out for far too long. It's not me that i'm worried the most about, it's my kids...and their kids.

Why can't they offset the spending with cuts elsewhere? Why can't they pull back the American Empire across the world? Why am i paying social security that i'll never get back?

Americans have been cheated. The ones who payed their bills and were responsible are all going to pay for mistakes they did not make.

Mistakes forced upon them by government. I believe the system can work, but the system as it stands now is corrupt. Honestly there isn't much trust I can put into our government anymore.

I did not vote for either McCain or Obama as i thought neither were a good choice, but i was hoping against hope that Obama would go a different route...he's just not.

I hope that I'm wrong. I do hope that things turn for the better but all signs point the opposite direction.

Amen - Don't worry yourself to death bud.

Don't forget what our grandparents went through in the 40's and what their parents went through before that. My Grandparents met on the property of a cannery in Monterey Ca. and literally lived in a tent and worked for a daily food ration. They survived and we will too...

At this point we must CHOOSE 2 act or wait.

If we wait things will either improve or they will not.

BUT if we act I fear the bitter devisions we suffer from will mean death and destruction on a scale we cannot imagine right now.

Half of us blame the other half and the other way around.

IF ATS represents a microcosm of America, which I believe it does and this goes to the streets.... OH boy

The "LIBERALS AND CONSERVATIVES" will tear this place down faster than any $$$$$$$$$$$$$ ever could. First with blame, then with blood.

I suffer from this hate myself, although I try my hardest to be rational, it is not a constant in such a crazy world.

But who am I to say it is not what is needed...

Regardless, I do believe one day you will look back and feel good about the times you live in.

Take heart

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by mental modulator

read the bill, it creates no new jobs, however it creates many new entitlements.
All of the bills the leftists have tried to pass in the last 15 years are in there and will not go away.

YA bud a Piece of paper is not a job. However the funds in the bill will be spent, which will then be earned, which will then be spent again, earned again and pooled at the top like all money ALWAYS is...

BTW it's called STIMULUS - And sorry to semi quote president SATAN , but WTF do you think stimulus is you can?

Should we artificially STIMULATE the economy with rocks???

Should we STIMULATE the economy by placing money under a rug?

STIMULUS is SPENDING - it is a way to get money moving - NOT IN A TRUCK-


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:32 AM

[edit on 7-2-2009 by mental modulator]

[edit on 7-2-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by David9176
"Why can't people see through this crap? It's what Bush did and he's doing the same exact thing!!"

To put it simply people can't see it because it's from "The Savior" obama, who seems to love pounding the fear drum. And it also helps when the press doesn't ask the tough questions of who's getting the biggest payout of this over inflated package.
Now, this is just my opinion, but I felt bailing out Wallstreet was a mistake, it should've been allowed to crash. I mean, sometimes you just have to let it crash to week out the garbage, what would've come back would've been a stronger leaner Wallstreet.
The Auto industry? Yes, bail them out. With them your talking about saving thousands + of jobs and thousands of jobs to the industries suppilers, jobs where people would in turn be spending money on food, rent, homes, cars, ect. Which would've put money into those jobs. That would've done far more for this country then bailing out wallstreet/banks.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by Chance321]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by David9176
He's going trying to scare the public into supporting this garbage.

Yep. Sure something needs to be done. But his non-stimulus package sure isn't it. It's just burying America into more debt to create a nanny state that his bildeberger handlers will looooooooooove.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 01:25 PM
C´mon, guys.

We at ATS know where we are heading...

We know of the need of the dollar to be killed for the NWO guys to save us with the Amero and the NAU...

Stop kidding yourselves! This is just a distraction so that the sheep has a sense that they are trying.

Defend your country´s sovereignty. I´ll fight soldiers from any other nation that step on my soil. Will you?

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by RubberBaron

Sounds like he's just using the same tactics as were used by his predecessors, scare tactics.

Well said, absolutely. He is a robber politician/tool as good as any we have ever had in this country. I love the photos of Biden looking on as big brother as Bama signs some form or something. Like "don't worry folks I am watching the boy".

Its all drama. Did anyone believe the powers that be would actually let a free thinking black idealist come to power in this country, one not in the club?

The american treasury lays before them like a woman on a micky! This is political date rape!

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