posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:41 PM
Originally posted by LeTan
Ehh. I personally believe we will evolve past such politics by 2012, and even if we don't, if Rush gets elected somehow, there will be true secession
of states. Beginning with yes, Texas.
I think a lot of us will not see 2012.
I think that the US as we have known it is about to end.
They are setting up for the NAU transistion and it has been covered
on mainstream news on CNN.
Codex Alimentarus becomes law world wide via the WTO Dec. 2009.
Ppl have spoken out against Codex, but it is not getting any mainstream
coverage whatsoever, like it is black listed.
No one will talk about it except a few angry Phds on youtube, but
the docs are out there for all to read and its old source via germany
is no joke either.
Any single piece of all the things going on is not that big of a deal,
but when you combined it all and look at the big picure it becomes
very worrisome.
Both parties are rife with corruption, and both parties are different sides
of the same coin being played and manipulated by the true power
brokers that have a plan for us and it is moving forward every day.
Wait til ppl see the bailout and stimulus are a joke compared to
the size of the coming derivatives mess, 100's or trillions gone.
Prepare accordingly.
Good Luck to you all !