posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:55 AM
This looks like a fantastic way to deal with all the toxic waste and garbage piling up all around the world. The system has many incredible
- Almost anything can go in to it, including mild radioactive waste.
- It produces energy as it runs, which can run the facility itself, while excess is sold into the energy grid.
- No sorting of waste products is necessary. No recycling separation. ALL material can go in at the same time.
- It produces a gas containing CO and H2 gas, which can be processed and turned into fuels. The other product is a molten slag, which can be formed
into glass, tiles, insulation, or used as a source of materials for further processing.
- Byproducts of the reactor can be sold for profit.
This seems like a fantastic process which would turn our huge, disgusting, polluted landfills into a source of revenue while it makes the world clean.
Oil spills can be scooped up from shorelines and processed back into clean materials the beach is naturally formed from, and returned to pristine
condition. Streets can be cleaned up, including all the garbage, grease, and toxic junk that accumulates from automobiles, and fed into this machine
to dispose of it all cleanly, and permanently, while the machine returns usable raw materials and energy back to those who do the cleaning. The
number of uses of this kind of machine boggles the mind. Ugly, poisonous, polluted areas can be restored simply and easily with this process.
(visit the link for the full news article)
[edit on 5-2-2009 by username371]