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‘Alien Donuts’ In Space! Too Much Of A Coincidence To Be Debunked?

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posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
The Lolladoff Stone or plate... found in Nepal claims to be 12,000 years old..

The stone itself claims to be 12,000 years old!!!!

That is a very interesting stone.

Or it's just an invented stone, created by David Gammon for his book "Sungods in exile"...

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Hmmm, it is interesting that this "craft" was filmed very close to some very interesting places..

Let me list them and let me get your opinions on the matter.

#1 Dale Mabry Army Air Field

#2 Pensacola has always been a strategic naval post.

#3 Camp Gordon Johnston used as an amphibious warfare training base at Carabelle

#4 Eglin Army Air Field

Also, much nasa activity is conducted in Florida. So, can we agree that this MAY be a man-made craft that was either training or being transported from location a to location b?

Also, where is the best place to hide something you don't want anyone else finding?

The answer is in

Food for thought perhaps??

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

Can we agree that this tablet may have been a depiction of what "god" may have "looked" like to the ancients.

just as modern man identifies with christ on the cross, ancients may have used those drawings as a symbol for their "god"..

However, i feel as though the tablet and it's drawings/carvings is very interesting and should be looked into thoroughly.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by zorgonThe Lolladoff Stone or plate... found in Nepal claims to be 12,000 years old..

.It is claimed to be several thousands of years old, found in Nepal. Clearly showing a disk shaped UFO, there is also a figure on the disc looking remarkably similar to what we would today call a Grey. It is supposedly housed in a museum in Berlin.

Explanation: This plate was first shown in a book from the 1970s entitled 'Sungods in Exile' by Karyl Robin-Evans. The book was actually written by a chap named David Agamon whose real name was Gamon who admitted to magazine Fortean Times that this was his hoax.

It would look good in the den but is unlikely to a 12, 000 plate from Nepal. 12, 000 years ago they were hunting with stone tools and hadn't developed that level of craftwork. There's an ATS thread on it somewhere. I'll link it if I find it

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by mrjenka
Can we agree that this tablet may have been a depiction of what "god" may have "looked" like to the ancients.
Sure we can, if we get any supporting evidence about it.

just as modern man identifies with christ on the cross, ancients may have used those drawings as a symbol for their "god"..
Some modern man identify with Christ on the cross, but just because some sites show what is supposed to be a stone disk with some carvings 12,000 years old (other sites say 4,000 years old), that does not mean that this is true.

However, i feel as though the tablet and it's drawings/carvings is very interesting and should be looked into thoroughly.
Sure, if it exists.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

We do not need that particular tablet to do our research The Greeks, Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Persians, Romans & the Scandinavian Vikings, Inca, Myan(among many others) all have art work, pottery, and texts depicting what popular belief has lead us to believe of "greys"....

however, if there was any type of visitation from out of world beings than why has it stopped?

Did these beings visits Earth to jump start civilization?

If ancient cultures had contact with these beings than why haven't they came to visit us?

I also want to point out that todays phenomena can and has been debunked. todays science is capable of telling us exactly if it is a natural weather/earth phenomena or something "else".

Also, with the leaps and bounds man-kind has made with technology over the past 100-125 years than I would think it is safe to say that what man-kind has in its arsenal now is only the tip of the iceberg on what is behind closed doors.

Can we agree on that

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by mrjenka
We do not need that particular tablet to do our research The Greeks, Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Persians, Romans & the Scandinavian Vikings, Inca, Myan(among many others) all have art work, pottery, and texts depicting what popular belief has lead us to believe of "greys"....
I thought that you were talking about that particular tablet, but even if we ignore it, then we have all other popular beliefs, true, but they have too many differences, that is why I think that the "Gods as aliens" theory is not that good.

Also, with the leaps and bounds man-kind has made with technology over the past 100-125 years than I would think it is safe to say that what man-kind has in its arsenal now is only the tip of the iceberg on what is behind closed doors.

Can we agree on that?
I guess so, but I do not see the relevance.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by zorgon
The Lolladoff Stone or plate... found in Nepal claims to be 12,000 years old..

The stone itself claims to be 12,000 years old!!!!

That is a very interesting stone.

Or it's just an invented stone, created by David Gammon for his book "Sungods in exile"...

That indeed would be one incredible stone to claim itself being 12k yrs old.

As to the stone just being invented for a book, well I am sure that carbon dating could tell if it is in fact 12k yrs old or not.


posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by RFBurns

That is the problem with carved stones, sometimes there is no way of using Carbon dating with them, because they do not have any Carbon.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by mrjenka
The visits have probably not stopped. I've seen loads of the ufo orbs, ok I'm not sure yet if they are alien or an earthly species (as Majorian claims with his Jinn) but they are so real and so well documented throughout the ages. Something is visiting us for sure right now.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by RFBurns


What would be so incredible about it?

A depiction by an ancient civilization.....

Lets say that society was never introduced to the "grey" theory. So, when we would see depictions of what we identify as "alien" or "ufo" than what would we think it would be if society didn't have the images of "greys" & "ufos" etched into their minds by media and hollywood.

All we would see is art done by ancient people.

Furthermore, there are hundreds of species of animals that go extinct every year just as there are hundreds of species that are identified.

how do we know for certain that these depictions of "greys" is nothing more than lets say an extinct specie of under-developed homo sapian? Or an over/under developed animal whom resembled man?

Could it be a specie of monkey that went extinct ?

This is silly assumptions and speculations.

Why not go through the millions of artifacts that have been found throughout the millenia's depicting other things?

Just because we are able to identify something we see from artifacts we deem it "normal". yet things we see on artifacts that we can not explain we deem them "extra-terrestrial", "alien" or some silly proof of "alien" visitation to ancient man...

what if an archaeologist found a genuine authentic piece of artifact from 12k years ago(regardless of origin) & decided he/she wanted to profit from it.

So, they take this artifact and take it to a very talented artist. This artist uses tools of modern origin to depict images that are accepted by society as "alien" in turn the archaeologist pays the artist & than releases pictures of this "proof" of alien visitation.

The carbon dating of the artifact comes out 12k years old and the images?? are they `12k years old too??

is this such a far fetched idea??

And if these beings really did visit us than should there even be ONE being that suffered a medical emergency or a homicide by an overly violate human?

yet there has never been any evidence found of anything. Not by government(which if they did find something wouldnt release) or by the millions upoon millions of archaeologist who worked in different areas of the worlds since the beginning of time.

and yet even back when there was no dia, dod, un, homeland security etc.. etc.., way before there was a us government, way before modern democratic structure, way before national security reason, there has NEVER been even one report or even ONE grain of proof of any visitation.

so, are we reaching and hoping to find something that may very well not even be there?!?!?!!?

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

You have scientific "proof" to verify your claims?

You mention a "scientists" who has admitted to being a bit over zealous when researching the "fleet" of "ufos", in turn admitting than in reality it was fire from an off-shore drilling rig.

Your "sure" of nothing my dear friend. Your assuming and speculating.

You cannot tell me anything I haven't already heard. Again 70-85% of "ufos" are in reality identified. Furthermore, they are man-made.

Also, I would like to point out that more than 85% of all "ufo" reports are very easily explained by modern science. Weather phenomena, chemicals mixing with earths atmosphere etc.. etc.. are usually what people see..

Furthermore, if man-kind can only see a tiny little spec of the prism of color than how can you be "sure" of anything.

how can you really be "sure" of anything when you don't even know what your looking at.

Your brain may be registering "red", "glowing", "orbs" but that is only what you see on the prism scale.

How do you really know what your looking at without the proper scientific tools to verify?

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

This is not always necessary to do.

Seldom ever do archaeologist find just one piece of artifact(whatever it may be) rather they find a plethora of artifacts, objects in a certain area of study.

So, when they do excavate a site they tend to find many different things and are able to carbon date at least one piece of what they found making every artifact in the area from a certain time period..

Also, soil tells us a lot of the times on the earth, just as the chemical compounds of the dirt around the artifact.

So, in reality it is really not that necessary to be able to carbon date an artifact because it is very much possible for archeologist's and scientists to be able to use modern science to use different things available to them to date something.

Also, carbon dating is not 100% accurate.. It is a general idea of the time the artifact came from.

[edit on 22-2-2009 by mrjenka]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by mrjenkaand yet even back when there was no dia, dod, un, homeland security etc.. etc.., way before there was a us government, way before modern democratic structure, way before national security reason, there has NEVER been even one report or even ONE grain of proof of any visitation.

so, are we reaching and hoping to find something that may very well not even be there?!?!?!!?

You raise some good points about the validity of any artifacts that are suggested to be alien in origin or indicating an historical alien presence. Most people with an interest in the subject share these concerns. We want provenance, evidence and details. If we were close-minded we would have dismissed the idea already.

"..there has NEVER been even one report or even ONE grain of proof..." There are hundreds of reports and some of those reports 'on balance of evidence' certainly offer grains of truth about 'visitations'. Many people are intelligent, objective eye-witnesses to proof of something, at the very least , extraordinary.

I recommend that you read Diana Palmer Hoyt's thesis on UFOs and Government. She is no 'believer' and the thesis went to a board of NASA professors. It's a great example of objective research. The PDF is available here.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by mrjenka
Your name was familiar, you're the guy running a very successful thread about being a finance manager for Lockheed with access to the balances of money going through secret operations. By the end of this year we're in for a surprise?

I think I posted on there. You wrote in your OP...

So, instead of looking for proof of whatever you guys may think is out there YOU WONT FIND IT..... Especially in todays day in age. Maybe back in the 40; and early-mid 50's you may have found a paper-trail, today there are internet's that are themselves classified and are only accessible by maybe two-three people, everything important is very well protected and in no way possible to access..

Where exactly do you stand here? You say that there's no real evidence and yet say that there was a paper trail in mid-20th Century. Please elaborate. Please don't give too many details because the recession demands job cuts and a Lockheed accounts manager job is probably too well paid to lose.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by mrjenka
I am sure about these things not being chemicals and weather phenomenon. They are intelligent, they will flash back at you the same signal as you flash at them using your communicator. They travel in same coloured pairs, when you see a whole lot of them they will organise themselves into a mass group above you in a perfect circle, they all have partners of the same colour. Weather does not have a laser type beam of light scanning the ground like the red type of ufo orb does if i'm not mistaken. The ufo orbs are also connected to massive white rhombus shaped motherships. The angle grinder sparking type that turns into a Jesus/Angel light is no weather thing it is really incredible and of a nature one can only relate as something of the Gods. These ufo orbs are real and I even captured some films of them on my mobile phone if you still want evidence. This is for real, the only question in my mind is are they from out there, from down there, or inter dimensional?

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:54 PM
The upcoming release on the net of the NASA Archives, over 8 hrs.. is one of the threads today at ATS,... and once released it will change a lot of the debunking as it will be overwhelming! There are lots of donuts without "notches' to boot.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by mrjenka

Your missing the point of the post, which was more of a "funny" that a stone would make a ArMap also was pointing out as a funny to Zorgon's post that the stone made a claim.

ArMap, perhaps there might be another way to find out how old it is. There should be other methods to at the very least determine if its of recent construction.


posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by mrjenka
Also, carbon dating is not 100% accurate.. It is a general idea of the time the artifact came from.

If there is even a 10 percent error margin in dating an object suspected to be 12,000 years old, 10 percent would only be 1,200 years, thus the stone would be 11,800 yrs old.

I think that would certianly rule out any recent construction...dont you????


posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by mrjenka

A depiction by an ancient civilization.....

Lets say that society was never introduced to the "grey" theory. So, when we would see depictions of what we identify as "alien" or "ufo" than what would we think it would be if society didn't have the images of "greys" & "ufos" etched into their minds by media and hollywood.

What you got then is ancients who documented what they seen, experienced and lived through, which if you examine all their other texts and paintings, that is exactly what they were doing...documenting their world around them. It is no different from us today recording an experience on a video camera or audio tape recorder or typing word on a pc, they used what they had on we do today.

Originally posted by mrjenka
All we would see is art done by ancient people.

Art of their world they experienced, lived, seen.

Originally posted by mrjenka
Furthermore, there are hundreds of species of animals that go extinct every year just as there are hundreds of species that are identified.

And what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? IE..what does that have to do with ancients documenting what they experience? Are you saying that during their time there were animals or humanoids running around in spacesuits and flying around in spacecraft that went extinct yet mankind managed to survive?

Originally posted by mrjenka
how do we know for certain that these depictions of "greys" is nothing more than lets say an extinct specie of under-developed homo sapian? Or an over/under developed animal whom resembled man?

I would hardly consider a spiecies that flew around in hovering craft "under-developed".

Originally posted by mrjenka
Could it be a specie of monkey that went extinct ? monkeys...we sent one up before the first American went up. But then again that was very recent history. I doubt monkeys of ancient times or the ancients far as we know...had any space flight capabilities.

Originally posted by mrjenka
This is silly assumptions and speculations.

Which ones...ours or yours or both?

Originally posted by mrjenka
Why not go through the millions of artifacts that have been found throughout the millenia's depicting other things?

Just because we are able to identify something we see from artifacts we deem it "normal". yet things we see on artifacts that we can not explain we deem them "extra-terrestrial", "alien" or some silly proof of "alien" visitation to ancient man...

So we just dismiss it because it doesnt fit the paradyme of modern man vs ancient man. Yet right there in our faces are ancient man's documents, paintings and glyphs telling us of their world, their experiences. Remember these folks never seen aliens or UFO's in the manner we describe them and recognize them of today. So how is it that they were able to document anything? Its simple, they put down on paper, painting, carving, art work exactly what they experienced.

Originally posted by mrjenka
what if an archaeologist found a genuine authentic piece of artifact from 12k years ago(regardless of origin) & decided he/she wanted to profit from it.

What is the point of that question? But lets play along here. What kind of profit do you think has been made from the finding of, and displaying of King Tut's burial mask?

Originally posted by mrjenka
So, they take this artifact and take it to a very talented artist. This artist uses tools of modern origin to depict images that are accepted by society as "alien" in turn the archaeologist pays the artist & than releases pictures of this "proof" of alien visitation.

Sorry, but those ancient paintings and carvings and art work clearly are not of modern creation. Copies of them may have been made, but that isnt what we are discussing, we are discussing the actual ancinet stuff, not the replications of such.

Originally posted by mrjenka
The carbon dating of the artifact comes out 12k years old and the images?? are they `12k years old too??

Acutal paintings and artwork such as the artifcat itself would be. Again copies of it would not be.

Originally posted by mrjenka
is this such a far fetched idea??

No, but only if you apply the blanket excuse that all ancient artwork, paintings, glyphs, texts are mere modern creations. Obviously the originals are not of modern making.

Originally posted by mrjenka
And if these beings really did visit us than should there even be ONE being that suffered a medical emergency or a homicide by an overly violate human?

Your forgetting that ancient humans were far more in touch with nature and their surroudings than modern man is. They most likely looked upon these visitors as a part of nature, a part of the world around them, and treated them as such. You are trying to apply modern man's way of thinking to ancient culture...a very flawed train of logic.

Originally posted by mrjenka
yet there has never been any evidence found of anything. Not by government(which if they did find something wouldnt release) or by the millions upoon millions of archaeologist who worked in different areas of the worlds since the beginning of time.

There has been plenty of evidence both government archeologists and independants...all over the world. Surely you are not blind to that fact.

Originally posted by mrjenka
and yet even back when there was no dia, dod, un, homeland security etc.. etc.., way before there was a us government, way before modern democratic structure, way before national security reason, there has NEVER been even one report or even ONE grain of proof of any visitation.

You are either simply ignoring the artifacts and paintings and texts found, or are just trying to start another back and forth useless conjecture fiasco like that of the other thread that got pulled. The evidence is right there for you to discover. Simply google for it. Thousands of articles, peer reviewed papers, books, documentaries, and of the actual original paintings and artifacts.

Originally posted by mrjenka
so, are we reaching and hoping to find something that may very well not even be there?!?!?!!?

It is there, you just have to open your eyes to see it.


[edit on 22-2-2009 by RFBurns]

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