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Dick Cheney predicts catastrophic terrorist attack!

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posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:31 AM
Dick Cheney predicts a catastrophic terrorist attack in the coming years if Obama continues to loosen the belt on terrorists. This is the same man that is Obama’s cousin, are you kidding me? This is just too fishy. I think there will be an attack and they are setting the stage for it. Thus far we have been warned by Biden, Powell and now Cheney? I guess we need to start preparing for the final act guys this is getting down right creepy.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:11 AM
Now come on...

Obama and McCain are 22nd cousins. Their common descendant lived in the late 1200s.

Any story that makes mention of them being in cahoots based on a family tree that diverged almost 800 years ago is immediately filed under "bunk" in my book.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:23 AM
FYI...I also found two news clips of this, you may want to watch these too.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle
Now come on...

Obama and McCain are 22nd cousins. Their common descendant lived in the late 1200s.

Any story that makes mention of them being in cahoots based on a family tree that diverged almost 800 years ago is immediately filed under "bunk" in my book.

I did not know about that McCain thing. No I seen a clip when Obama was speaking and he made light of being Chesey's cousin, I will look up and post it for ya.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:27 AM
Darth Cheney just needs to go home and mind his own businesses and count all that billions he stole from the people and leave Obama and us alone. He had his time, he made his money, now he needs to just shut up and go park himself at some rest home or in one of his fancy mansions.

His day of reign is over.


posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by Melissa101

I'm confused, Cheney is Obama's cousin? Also this seems more like Obama being criticized on his defense policy, rather than an open hint at a coming conspiratorial terrorist attack. IF in fact they are some how planning an attack together, why even drop us a hint.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by BlueTriangle

Hey Blue here ya go this isn't the clip I mentioned above but this will suffice. If you study the Illuminati you would understand the significance of this in light if them being 8th cousins. Anyway the whole point of the post is to warn people of an up comming attack.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by Winsor

I know it is far fetched, I am not saying that Obama and Cheney are cooking anything up so to speak. Um, you have heard of the PTB right? Well they once said "It doesn't matter which canidate you vote for you always vote for us". See through my research it has come apparent that all political figures are "in on it". The whole NWO thing. Like I stated above; research the Illuminati and this will make better since.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:46 AM
Seems like this isn't the first time that Cheney has threatened the US.


Im sorry, I am so sick of this constant fear mongering. This is control, this is how the government ensures that we the people are complacent and compliant with everything they want to do to take away our rights.

The way a government keeps control of the population is through controlling education, and making sure there is a outside enemy to hate and fear. This way people are too dumb to know better and aren't looking inwards to their country to find problems.

This is exactly how for the last 8 years our rights were able to be systematically removed one by one, because of the fear we had of an outside enemy. Even if that enemy is largely organized by our own government, they have been the boogeyman at our doorstep always ready to strike yet never doing so.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:49 AM
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