Ive had this happen to me since I was 15.
17 years.
The last time it happened last night, there was this thing, more resembled a fire Demon a Djinn.
Pale dead like face with scary eyes growling and screaming at me, I laughed at it and tried to punch it but it ran away.
It seemed scared of me.
The time before there was like this lady next to my bed, but when I started laughing at her she got angry.
And her face changed into a million faces per second and she started screaming horrible demonic screams like I could see billions of souls through her
Once again I laughed at it and it just shut up basically.
That's when this creature that had like knife hands, with big Freddy Kruger like knives.
Started stabbing me in the stomach and saying "right that's it your gonna get it now".
It was angry that I laughed at the other thing.
And I could actually feel the stabbing pain when it was doing it.
But it didn't bother me to much even though it mildly hurt.
And I laughed at it told it to go away.
But then it stabbed me so much, which kept waking me up, which annoyed me, so I kicked it in the head and it flew through my wall.
And I think it came back but it was kind of injured and didn't come to near me again and then I woke up anyway.
I think that we go to some other place.
Its not actually in our room its like our room goes somewhere else, another dimension.
And these things get inter mingled with out own dimension.
It can be rather scary, but to be honest I think we have more power than them.
Don't be scared of them, fight them and they go away.
Q: Are djinn afraid of humans?
A: The djinn and men feared each other mutually, but the djinn were able to instil fear more intensely than men. The djinns are more fearful beings by
nature, but they can also feel such human emotions as anger or sadness. In fact, the djinn benefit from these states, being better able to cause fear
in the heart of man. Like bad dogs, when they sense your fear, they will attack.