posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 11:31 AM
Interesting story, who knows maybe the Virgin Mary, is into surfing now.
I believe the mind is capable of conjuring up anything that it needs to fulfil its belief-systems agenda.
Putting this phenomenon into a Spiritual context, what�s the message or benefit to mankind? What is Mary supposed to be saying? What is her
expected response from us to be? Those questions aren�t answered by a phenomenological apparition.
Anyone with a need to find evidence to support their theories about anything would naturally grab onto anything that appears to accomplish that.
People have seen Jesus� face in tortillas and flocked to worship that latest miracle. At the end of the day, what are the clear messages and what
responses are expected from true believers?
If the Holy Mother of God were bothering to �appear� to multitudes, then why not complete the puzzle by clearly communicating what her message is and
what she wants from us human beings? Why does mystery surround so many of these supposed miracles?
Just more questions from a questioning mind,