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Bill would require paid Confederate holiday in SC

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posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:33 AM

Bill would require paid Confederate holiday in SC

A black state senator is pushing a bill that would require South Carolina cities and counties to give their workers a paid day off for Confederate Memorial Day or lose millions in state funds.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:33 AM
It's nice to see that there are some people out there who are proud of the south, the Confederacy, and the history of our nation. The Confederacy is usually tied to only slavery and racism so to see some take pride in their heritage is refreshing. Not all southerners are racists, and the Civil War was not primarily about slavery regardless of what the popular historical myth of the day is.
The people who fought for the Confederacy were American Patriots just as much as the Union Soldiers were. These were patriots sho stood up against a government they did not agree with.
Its time these patriots get the recognition they deserve!
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:48 AM

"Every municipality and every citizen of South Carolina, should be, well, forced to respect these two days and learn what they can about those two particular parts of our history," Ford said Tuesday.

From the Source Article; My Emphasis

Forced? Who the hell is a politician (and I would indeed question the motivations of all politicians) to determine who needs to respect what memory of whom?

Most soldiers in any given war fight based on the propaganda they are given. While I have a cursory appreciation for the armed forces, I have a difficult time believing that I need to respect the memory of centuries dead people who likely had no idea what the real motivations were for the war.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:58 AM
South Carolina isn't the first state to do this. Alabama and Mississippi have paid holidays for state and local government employees to commemorate this holiday, as well.


A black state senator is pushing a bill that would require South Carolina cities and counties to give their workers a paid day off for Confederate Memorial Day or lose millions in state funds.

Democratic Sen. Robert Ford's bill won initial approval from a Senate subcommittee Tuesday. It would force county and municipal governments to follow the schedule of holidays used by the state, which gives workers 12 paid days off, including May 10 to honor Confederate war dead. Mississippi and Alabama also recognize Confederate Memorial Day.

Years ago, Ford said, he pushed a bill to make both that day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day paid holidays. He considered it an effort to help people understand the history of both the civil rights movement and the Confederacy in a state where the Orders of Secession are engraved in marble in the Statehouse lobby, portraits of Confederate generals look down on legislators in their chambers and the Confederate flag flies outside.

As for the threat of forced respect.....I doubt it. You can't force respect. Most people will probably appreciate the paid holiday without paying much attention to the reason....just like all the other holidays.

The South is proud of its past.....not all aspects of it, but proud as a whole and proud to have stood for State's Rights. And, a lot of us would like to have the "whole" history of the Confederacy known and recognized....not just the demonized parts.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:10 PM
I think by forced, I'm assuming he means that it will be a legal holiday that must be followed such as MLK, Veterans Day, Memorial and other "forced" holidays.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:13 PM
As a politician...he should be more careful with his words.

Part of the problem with our power structure is any moron with a 100 point IQ can gain authority...not because they are the best person for the job but because heir campaign (designed by others) worked better than someone else's.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

These people have an IQ of 100??? Isn't that suppose to be smart???

....I think it may be a quarter of that.....maybe half in some extreme cases....

And, re-reading the articles, I think he meant "forced" as in forcing state employees to observe the holiday like they do in other states.

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