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If you're getting behind NH, MO, OK, and WA in their stand against the Federal gov't, Arizona is n

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+34 more 
posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:12 AM

If you're getting behind NH, MO, OK, and WA in their stand against the Federal gov't, Arizona is now on board, too!

See it for yourself:
If you believe in "State Sovereignty", make sure that you bug the hell out of your representatives to pass legislation like this. Also in your letters make sure that you call attention to the efforts of these states. Make them feel that their is a strong movement towards enforcing sovereignty outside of your individual state. That will give your representatives the feeling that their not totally leaving the herd. We need to make a firm push to get these bills actually passed- I'm not talking passive action...I saying assert your own personal authority as a citizen of your state. The power of your state derives from you, just as the Federal government's power derives from the states. It is long since past time that we reassert this authority. State Sovereignty will give us back our greatest line of defense against oppressive Federal government! From there we really can reverse all the harm that has been done to this Republic!!!!!!

(visit the link for the full news article)

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New Hampshire Defining Actions by which...

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[edit on 2/4/2009 by maria_stardust]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:12 AM
I know there is another thread that started with the NH. I'm just trying to update and get this out for as many people to see. The List is growing. Hopefully more to follow. Oklahoma's claim is dated from June 14, 2008. Spread the news. The time is now. It's not black or white, left or right, dem or rep; it's right and wrong. And what our government is taking from us is plain wrong people. Our federal government is stopping at nothing to support their b.s. agenda. We all know it, and its time to tell others.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 2/4/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:29 AM

The post about NH wanting to claim back their state's rights was pretty amazing.... But there's a few others?

EVERYONE keep contacting your state reps, and passing this information to EVERYONE.

Maybe this is a Revolution?

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:32 AM

Representatives Burges, Ash, Biggs, Boone, Gowan, Mason, Montenegro, Pancrazi, Seel, Williams: Barto, Campbell CL, Court, Crandall, Crump, Driggs, Fleming, Goodale, Hendrix, Kavanagh, Lesko, McComish, McGuire, Miranda B, Murphy, Nichols, Pratt, Quelland, Stevens, Tobin, Weiers JP, Senator Harper

Wonder if Kucinich is in support of such an idea? We need to find out who is on our side, and get rid of the rest.

Star and Flag, of course.

Anyone not in support of state's rights is a Neocon.

[edit on 4-2-2009 by LostNemesis]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:06 AM
WOW! S&F and Has anyone heard about Utah doing anything along these lines? I am going to contact my state reps today and see what I can find out.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:18 AM
You guys are way wrong. The States the comprise the Union do not have sovereignty over their lands. It falls underneath the Supremacy Clause in the orginal Constitution. Its not an amendement. If the states passed this bill it would be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Civil War was about State sovereignty and the states lost. Sorry but this will not work.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:21 AM
LedBetter20 has been kind enough to post a list here:

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:25 AM
You know the last time we tried this the nation fell into civil war.

The issue of state sovereignty not only divided the nation but it was also the primary cause of why the CSA lost the war. If the CSA had a strong federal union they would of easily won the war.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:44 AM
The recent war of northern agression was OVER states rights, not slavery, as children are taught in school. As I was taught throughout my grade school, junior high school, high school, and even some college courses. But when you start digging around in thiese books, and really reading, you find that slavery was a side issue. THe real issue was the right of the states to chart their destinys.
The issue now is not just states rights, but how much power do we give the federal government. We allowed the SCOTUS to remove prayer from schools, then we allowed SCOTUS to rule in favor of abortion, which evolved into a method of birth control, not something hat allowed a woman to abort a baby(not a fetus) that had resulted from rape or incest.
Anyone with any common sense can see where this country is headed if we, as citizens, as states, do not stand up to the Federal Government and say "ENOUGH!"
we are all sick and tired of lies, and empty promises, and threats to induce fear into the citizenry of this Great Country.
It is time to get rid of the IRS, the Fed, and the tremendous beuacracy that has built up over the last 200 plus years.
It is time for all men and women who disagree with the Federal Government to adopt New Hampshire's state motto.
"Live free or die!"

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:27 AM

If this movement really starts to take off, let's see how "H & R Barack" deals with that. It would be like a hard right to the jaw from way out in left field. A sucker punch that no one in his administration could foresee.

[edit on 2/4/2009 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:05 PM
Yes because the first civil war wasn't bad enough. Let's start up a new civil war.
GREAT idea!

You know how Obama got elected? He did it by uniting people towards a goal. To change our government we must collectively do the same, not threaten to secede from the union. We as Americans must stand united against our government and say "STOP ROBING OUR TREASURY!"

letter writing, phone calls, emails, YouTube videos. A collective effort on the part of the majority of Americans that voted for change and are seeing more and more of the same. We the people hold the power, We the people are the United States, it's damn time for us to remember that.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:15 PM
My interpretation of it is slightly different than most here. This seems more in the way of a gentle reminder to the new admin. that there's a point past which they can not go. Not without some repercussions. I live in Washington state, southeastern corner to be precise. A bit concervative, and very pro small gov't. This is finding wide spread support.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Yes because the first civil war wasn't bad enough. Let's start up a new civil war.
GREAT idea!

Who says there would have to be a "new civil war"? Besides, we all know dems hate the idea of wars and fighting. They'll go down easy.

You know how Obama got elected? He did it by uniting people towards a goal. To change our government we must collectively do the same, not threaten to secede from the union. We as Americans must stand united against our government and say "STOP ROBING OUR TREASURY!"

Then reality took over only 3 weeks into obama's administration and people are seeing the results of choosing a grossly inexperienced (less experience than Palin) president. And this movement IS Americans standing up and telling the federal government to stop doing a lot of things we don't like.

letter writing, phone calls, emails, YouTube videos. A collective effort on the part of the majority of Americans that voted for change and are seeing more and more of the same. We the people hold the power, We the people are the United States, it's damn time for us to remember that.

OK. So, why aren't you on board with this movement then?

[edit on 2/4/2009 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by whatukno

I'd read about the OK legislation last summer, but NH is news to me! Good news!
Somehow I find myself wanting to pick up roots and move away from the socialist "Commonwealth" that I live in and move to one of these states. I, like many, many others in this once-great country are totally sick of the way things have gone sour in less than 100 years.
What ever happened to our US Constitution? Our Bill of Rights?

Obama wasn't elected because he "united" people. He's a snake-oil salesman. The majority of people that voted for him are people that never would have voted were it not for the unabashed backing of the MSM for Obama. People like pothead college kids, barely literate (english) immigrants and migrant workers, and of course the minorities.
Look at past elections and tell me the demographics lie... This "man" was voted in by the media's constant barrage of praise for him.

Meanwhile, the thinking man has 4 LONG years ahead of him.

Civil war? Revolution? I welcome it with open arms. I'm ready to FIGHT.

Are you?

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:49 PM
Don't get me wrong; I'm all for states rights but....
Do you know how much "states" rely on tax$$$ from the Feds for their infrastructure? Federal grants, loans, approiations....A lot!

Most states couldn't generate enough income to repair the roads without federal monies. School systems, Univ. roads, communications, research,
Military bases, all pretty much federally funded in conjunction with state taxes.

New Mexico where I live would revert back to desert in a heartbeat without federal $$$.

If the states tell the feds to piss off, the money would also dry up.

Sorry just being realistic. The feds got the "states" by the short hairs.

It's a brave new world, welcome to the monkey house!

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:02 PM
I support the states rights

The south shall rise again,

Long Live Dixie

+6 more 
posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
You know how Obama got elected? He did it by uniting people towards a goal. To change our government we must collectively do the same, not threaten to secede from the union. We as Americans must stand united against our government and say "STOP ROBING OUR TREASURY!"

This is such a bold-faced lie. Obama got elected by spending vastly more money than any candidate in history, getting his surrogates in the MSM to smear his competition while praising him so he looks like a golden boy, scratching the backs of the unions, locking his records so he could escape being vetted and promising unrealistic things which he immediately withdrew from the moment he got elected. Even with all this help, he still barely squeaked by in the popular vote. 52%? That's hardly anything. He ran quite possibly the dirtiest, underhanded, most vague campaign in US history. He's the first US president we know absolutely nothing about. We don't even know where he was truly born.

New Hampshire's state slogan of "Live Free or Die?" Thank God that's not literal or mostly everyone in New Hampshire would be dead. New Hampshire votes again and again for the most liberal, big-government, anti-states rights, anti-individual rights, anti-Constitution people out there. If New Hampshire gave a damn about states rights, individual liberties and the Constitution, they'd start voting in Libertarians. You need to find some economically right-winged individuals to clean things up. That doesn't mean you have to become socially right-winged and embrace religion and all that. The fact is, voting in a right-winged politician is NOT going to make abortion go away and bring prayer back into schools and force religion onto your kids. That's political suicide. What it WILL do, if you pick a TRUE CONSERVATIVE (not moderate turncoats like GWB, Cheney, McCain, Powell, Spectre and all those party hacks), you will slowly get your freedoms back. Start voting for "Ron Paul"-types and you will get your country back. Many of you don't know how suicidal you're being.

There were far too many Obama supporters on ATS. People that are paranoid about government intervention and high taxes, yet vote for the biggest left-wingers out there. Until you get rid of the Obamas, the Clintons, the Pelosis, the Kennedys, the Murthas, the Feinsteins, the Boxers and all those radical, left-winged pieces of garbage that have never had a real job in their lives, you'll continue to dig your own grave.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:01 PM
To everyone saying that these measures will only result in civil war...why? Is it not the state's right (and duty to it's residents) under the 1st and 10th amendment to be allowed to propose a measure like this?

THIS IS the way to unite against the money laundering, hatred creating, bi-partisan machine that the federal government has become!

These propositions and bills aren't declarations of war, they are instruments of peace and prosperity put down on paper as a voice of the people shouting out "We aren't going to let our liberties be trampled upon and our money stolen any longer!" I think those who penned the Constitution built certain safeguards into it for a reason. They foresaw this kind of rampant corruption coming and the 10th amendment was enacted for that very reason.

Don't let fear control your rational response to this situation.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by whatukno

You know how Obama got elected? He did it by uniting people towards a goal.

I wouldn't call 53% of the votes as uniting people towards a goal. About 47% of the people didn't share his goal.

We as Americans must stand united against our government and say "STOP ROBING OUR TREASURY!"

I think we were pretty United when we told them not to pass that 700 Billion bailout. Still didn't do no goods. Maybe what these states and hopefully others are doing will help send a clearer message.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:33 PM
This brings a tear to my eye! I hope it's being sincerely done and succeeds in every case. I wouldn't be surprised if ATS has been a factor with some of the illuminations presented about the 10th amendment. Well, I'd like to think that's the case, anyway.

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