posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:26 PM
Hopefully, that won't be the case - but every day it seems we are coming closer and closer to that scenario
. I have, however, mentally gone over
this topic and am prepared for virtually anything short of this part of the Wisconsin being flattened by a massive nuclear blast.
First priority would be to board up and defend my house. In my area, quite a few people are used to just hopping in their warm cars, driving to the
store, and using their magic money cards to buy $200 pairs of shoes. If they can't get what they want, let alone what they need, they'll start to
loose it and think they deserve all the food and supplies a 'low life' like myself actually has. Next priority would be to make the house able to
exist without any outside power. Just in the department of heat I'd be able to convert my gas fireplace into a wood one with bolt cutters and ten
minutes. With half an hour and a toolbox I can get my gas furnace to run off just about anything that is liquid and burns. Also, a string trimmer
motor strapped to a magnet setup would be a way to generate power for lights and such. Not very efficient but when you need it it's available.
Then comes the consumables. I am the sixteen year old son in a family of three, one of my parents is physically handicapped and both require
medication. I would see to it that the needed drugs would be available. We have quite a bit of food - both in the pantry and stored away for such an
occasion - so that won't be an issue. The same can be said for water.
Lastly, there is the issue of long-term survival. Getting resources is a breeze for me (skilled at hunting, fishing, etc...) and as long as someone
leaves me alone, I will leave them alone. When things start to get uglier, bugging out will also remain a possibility, as these skills can be used in
the wild.
Yes, I know, long post. But hey, being prepared is necessary in times like these.