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Worst Possible Disaster to Befall Earth

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posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 08:21 PM
i never said that I knew what would happen i was just commenting and telling the poster the worst that could happen. The whole sine wave of our solar system IMHO is nothing to worry about as we are constantly traveling on a wave aorund our galaxy.

The only two things I am aware of that will happen are a polar shift(yes, it happens over a thousand years or so) and the colldiing of our galaxy with our nearest galaxy sometime in a billion years!

The rest IMHO is fodder.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 08:24 PM
We aren't due to pass through the galactic plane for some 30 million years or so. The astronomical significance of 2012 is due to perspective, and the Suns perceived crossing of the galactic plane.
But there is stellar dust entering into the solar system at an increased rate, and is predicted to increase up until the next solar max 2012.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by twistedworld
i never said that I knew what would happen i was just commenting and telling the poster the worst that could happen. The whole sine wave of our solar system IMHO is nothing to worry about as we are constantly traveling on a wave aorund our galaxy.

But he isn't talking about that. Have you still not taken the time to read his original post? If you have, why in the world are you deflecting his discussion away from his whole original premise? If you think his point is "fodder", then why did you post on an off-topic issue concerning his original post?

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 08:38 PM
Thanks Valhall. You're right. I am very interested in what you all think about how people, as a whole, will react. In the film we follow three groups. One tries to hide in an old fallout shelter, one group denies it is happening and just goes about life as usual (trying to work through the sociopolitical changes going on around them and maintain normality), and the third family gives up and there's a murder/suicide.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Valhall


he asked a question in relation to our galaxy. His post is somehwat correct, but still has flaws and anyways its a movie he is making and no movie I am aware of tells facts, but tells of entertainment.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Avarus
Thanks Valhall. You're right. I am very interested in what you all think about how people, as a whole, will react. In the film we follow three groups. One tries to hide in an old fallout shelter, one group denies it is happening and just goes about life as usual (trying to work through the sociopolitical changes going on around them and maintain normality), and the third family gives up and there's a murder/suicide.


I've come to realize there will always be a good mix of all. I don't particularly think that the portion (or portions) of the general populace that don't react as you would think they should (because "think they should" is dependent on your own particular type) is necessarily a bad thing. I learned this when I was about 15 or 16 years old. My niece, who is just the polar opposite of me, had been working with severely deformed and retarded children on her summer vacations and she asked me to come up and stay with her and work with her. I lasted less than 2 weeks. I would go home and cry all evening and finally just had to go home. She could do this day in and day out and just have the wonderful feeling of the help she was giving them...I, on the other hand, was consumed with their misery...and they WERE in misery.

About a year later we were talking about it and something came up about if there was a nuclear war (because back then that was what you were scared of). I said that if there was a full-scale nuclear exchange I wanted to be at ground zero. She said she did not...that she wanted to make it through it and help restore humanity.

It's differences in people. You can't say the worst threat to human kind is that some (or most) of us will not react in a certain way, or even that if we do it will result in most of us not surviving. You just have to accept how it will be.

In the belief is that it will all be alright to those who carry on. Even if I'm not there, or you're not there.

[edit on 2-2-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by twistedworld
reply to post by Valhall


he asked a question in relation to our galaxy.

No he didn't. Read his post.

His post is somehwat correct, but still has flaws and anyways its a movie he is making and no movie I am aware of tells facts, but tells of entertainment.

No it isn' his post.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 08:49 PM
I can tell that you are upset about your original post, If you do not want responses then don't post! sign off and siogn back on

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 09:05 PM
My question was pretty open. It was more of a "what do you all think of this scenario". In relation to disaster and the masses response. So you are both correct, in a way. I am very interested in hearing all of your views.

Please allow me to pose a more directed question: If you absolutely KNEW the world was going to end in a month (but not how.. it could either be quick and painless or horribly prolonged and agonizing) what would you do?

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Avarus

Well with the end of the world scenario I would personally say I would tidy my life up... It's kind of odd, but I would throuw out al the crap I have accumulated over the years but don't need. I would organise everything, I would re-approach all the relationships I have had with other people (they ones it is possible to do of course) and I would just generally spend more time with more people.

I suppose one important thing would be other peoples reactions to this sort of news... I would hate to spend my last day hid and barricaded because the general populous have lost the plot and gone on a homicidal riot.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 09:43 PM
There are far more complex mechanisms at work here than merely the colossal cosmic clock from Mayan and Aztec legend. That is but one aspect to the shift mankind will experience in late 2012. There are 3 factors linking 2012 intimately with humanity. Those factors are technology, time (our perception of it), and consciousness.

The major events of 2012 won't be entirely physical (like a pole shift, cosmic bombardment, etc.). They will encompass massive changes in human nature, both what it means to be human mentally and physically.

Technological progress will give time new meaning. We will have more knowledge and more experiences than we can comfortably deal with in the very near future. Things will speed up -- time will seem to speed up, as it does for many already. Many won't be able to cope. For others, coping will mean taking on non-human characteristics to not only extend their time on earth, but to get more done in that learn be more.

What we face is the fall of Mankind, but not in the way many believe. We will cease to be the man-animals we've been throughout our history, and will become a new Man...perhaps man-machine.

The event I'm referring to is a Technological Singularity.

I expand on this in my thread Timewave Zero - a closer look. The following posts within that thread in particular delve much further into what I mentioned above:

Whatever happens in 2012, Terence McKenna's Timewave Zero & Novelty Theory are worth researching.

[edit on 2/2/09 by Evasius]

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Avarus
If you absolutely KNEW the world was going to end in a month (but not how.. it could either be quick and painless or horribly prolonged and agonizing) what would you do?

Rather than booze it up, sex it up & party hard, I would actually keep family and friends close and prepare myself mentally and spiritually for the end.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 09:51 PM
Ahhh, the old technological singularity and the point of infinite novelty theory. They are interesting but I feel unlikely. At least by 2012. I read some great articles on their likelihood of happening in our lifetime, but not as soon as 2012. More like 2050. Also, I think you may give humanity too much credit. People are generally stubborn, angry, and violent. If you think our societies can peacefully converge with technology, you are mistaken. Many may accept it, but many will fight it because, we are always comfortable with stability and the present. The mentality is "Why change our lifestyle if it already works".

Plus, can you picture an elderly person becoming one with technology?! What a disaster... they already have great difficulty working anything that has over two buttons on it.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Avarus

Nowhere did I mention this transition would be peaceful. Many will die. Many will kill themselves rather than become one with their creation. A few will live on -- many will be affluent and selfish unfortunately. You assume too much of my post.

As for the timeframe, 2012 is not too soon.

When it comes to AI, all it takes is one simple flick of the dominos, and a new consiousness could spread over this planet and claim our dominant position. The physical neural net already exists as the web of information surrounding our planet.

Below is a graph illustrating the approaching transition we face. We can see how the time between major evolutionary and technological advancements is diminishing as we approach a point in time where growth and change will become infinite.

This graph represents Moore’s Law – the driving force behind the accelerating change in computational processing. It states that the number of transistors placed in integrated circuits has been increasing exponentially and as a result doubles every 18-24 months. Once the downsizing of silicon chips reaches it’s limits (at atomic levels), then a new paradigm will inevitably emerge:

Description of the graph below:

Over the last few years, GPUs (green) and CPUs (blue) have increased exponentially in speed, but the doubling time for GPUs has been about 8 months, while it has taken 16 months for CPUs.

The evolution of supercomputing power has increase steadily over the years, and according to current trends, is scheduled to reach the ‘required level for human brain functional simulation’ by 2013. Perhaps this very graph signals the event that will lead to the approaching flatline at the end of 2012:

This last graph illustrates the stages of evolution from simple biology to advanced technology, and eventually where biology merges with technology – we appear to be on the threshold leaving Epoch 4 and entering Epoch 5. Given he length of each epoch decreases dramatically, Epoch 5 should be fairly brief considering the resulting intelligence will be able to enhance itself as it sees fit. The rate of development will then exceed its previous exponential pace.

Epoch 6 will more than likely occur this century and will be the culmination of the 3.9-4.1 billion year history of life on this planet.

The cosmic clock clicks in time with each step humanity takes, and has done so since our arrival. It marks the progress of all conscious beings in the universe, and therefore the Mayans knew this era in our future history would be of great importance.

[edit on 2/2/09 by Evasius]

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 10:45 PM
I'm still not sure I'm convinced.

Whenever technology approaches a barrier, Kurzweil writes, new technologies will cross it. He predicts paradigm shifts will become increasingly common, leading to "technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history" (Kurzweil 2001). Kurzweil believes that the singularity will occur before the end of the 21st century, setting the date at 2045 (Kurzweil 2005). His predictions differ from Vinge’s in that he predicts a gradual ascent to the singularity, rather than Vinge’s rapidly self-improving superhuman intelligence.

But do you think that our societies can really continue its advancements in technology until 2045? There's still a great leap to be made in producing a computer capable of superhuman intelligence. Sure, after that's done things will progress quite quickly, but we still are reliant on that one human to create this breakthrough technology. If our countries collapse, or major war breaks out, or anything like that, it pushs that date further away. Even in extreme cases, we may need to go back to the drawing board.

We've seen something similar to this happen to Roman art. When the Roman empire fell and the Christian influence on Europe became more powerful, there was a tremendous blow on the realism of sculptures and paintings. Almost as if the techniques and progress had been lost due to the changes in society.

Lastly, in an article on, Gordon Moore stated that Moore's law is dead and is inapplicable these days.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 11:22 PM
In the article you're refering to Moore's Law is dead, says Gordon Moore, he's talking about 'transistor density on integrated circuits' and the fact that we're now approaching the atomic levels. This aspect of the law focuses on transistor size on silicon chips, which is one specific paradigm within computing technology.

Kurzweil states that this paradigm will be superceded as all previous computing technologies have been.

And according to Kurzweil, this will continue until the universe itself is saturated in information.

Intelligence will be more powerful than these impersonal forces (physics and cosmology). Once a planet yields a technology creating species and that species creates computation (as has happened here on Earth), it is only a matter of a few centuries before its intelligence saturates the matter and energy in its vicinity, and it begins to expand outward at the speed of light or greater. It will then overcome gravity (through exquisite and vast technology) and other cosmological forces (or, to be fully accurate, will maneuver and control these forces) and create the Universe it wants. This is the goal of the Singularity.

~from The Law of Accelerating Returns

(My personal opinion is that the universe already is - and that once a civilization reaches a certain level of technological prowess, they don't keep getting bigger and consuming more, like Michio Kaku's Types 1-3 civilizations. Rather they find the means by which to escape the physical universe and exist in the higher dimensions, or even another parallel universe).

Mind you, I'm not placing all my chips on The Singularity actually taking place on or before 2012 (but anything's possible, including your proposed scenario), but I believe the point-of-no-return on our timeline will occur around that time. And yes, judging by the weather and oddities with the Sun, you can bet there will be strange and deadly natural events in the future, but I don't think it will be the end of all things as some people put it.

[edit on 2/2/09 by Evasius]

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
I don't think the Earth just rolls over when there is a pole shift. My understanding of a pole shift is that it is gradual. I would like to see proof of quick physical pole shift.

I'm not a huge fan of 2012 hysteria but by all means you should investigate scientifically and determine the truth for yourselves.
[edit on 2/2/09 by stikkinikki]

It is not a physical flip, it is a magnetic one.

If you have time the details are all explained below in the film.

It is also possible we will see multiple poles prior to the flip,
so I think we got awhile as it has not happened yet.

Also the Earth's magnetic field will continue to fall prior to flip.

Their are already huge anomalies in the field visible from satellites.

Magnetic Storm - by Nova - The Earth's Invisible Shield

This documentary provides all the details on Polar Shift.

The many scientists might have it wrong, but based on the evidence
they have dug up from ancient lava flows I'd say they are spot on.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Now_Then
reply to post by peacejet

Gravity sucks!

Wouldn't more material be drawn into our gravity well??

Compared to other massive giant stars nearby, our sun is jsut a dot.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by peacejet
reply to post by stikkinikki

In my understanding, I would say during the pole shift, only the magnetic poles of earth would swap positions, and not the geographic poles itself.

and molten lava filled with iron and other metals doesn't follow magnetic forces the size of planets now does it....


posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by Avarus

All ancient research points directly at the galactic alignment crossing of the 'dark rift', as being the cause and effect of a cyclic catastrophe to Earth.

There is obviously something that we are yet to discover, or is looking us in the face right now, but not recognized as a potential threat.

In my personal observation it appears to be a cascading domino effect, that is initiated by at least two major aligning destructive events.

*Note: The Fulcanelli interpretation of the 'Great Holy (Divine) Cross of Hendaye' located in France, seems to be the central key to deciphering this ancient message system. This separate 'key' has been purposely placed in order to 'unlock' the larger megalithic stone empires of Egypt, Maya, Aztec, . . . etc.

The codex messages that have been handed down from ancient civilizations, were based originally upon encoded Astronomical and Astrological observations combined.

To select one is to deny the other, which is only half of any given message, and that becomes a truly 'half-baked' lame view!

There are many current events that clearly reflect beyond a ’shadow of a doubt’:

We have already entered a major convergence, a confluence of external and internal forces in nature, causing us to progress through the initial transition, thus becoming manifest upon the entire material realm.

Mankind is directly within the cross-hairs of this ultimate change, which shall accelerate as we move forward!


Consciousness and Spirituality arise from within this material matrix, going forth among all beings great and small.

Make a difference now, while there is still a ‘now’ to make that difference!

Please Visit: The Chronicles of Doom:

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