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Is the NWO a philosophy or a group?

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posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 04:14 PM
I'm interested to know who the most powerful known people are in the NWO if it is an organization of actual people as opposed to just a philosophy. Bush Sr. seems to be a member if it is an actual organization, as does Henry Kissenger. But my knowledge of it does not go too far beyond that.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 04:29 PM
The following is my take, I could be wrong but here it goes.

I think it is definitely a philosophy of the globalist banksters and many others who are running amuck and want a New World Order.

I don't think there is one group that would be known as NWO, it is more like different factions of elites pushing toward this one goal of elitist run NWO.

But you have the banksters, the Bushies, the Vatican, the zionists, the masons, etc. Some or all of which may or MAY NOT be part of NWO depending on what theories you believe.

So, I do see it as more of a philosophy that is shared by different groups of elites, rather than it being one cohesive group. Although I'm equally as sure, these different groups are working together on some things, just not sure they are all together.

Hope this helps. Or if not, sorry. This is a decent question though and I'm sure you'll get many different responses.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Aakron

Well, where to well some believe the NWO is one group or seperate groups all trying to attain power. The names are those from Rothchild to Rockefeller to many high class names. Bush Snr and Bush Jr. The Clintons, people of "Royal" bloodlines. The Bilderburg group. Things of that nature.

Personally to me:
The NWO is an organization of a group of people trying to attain power and once they have power, they will want to secure it. By following, the Georgia guidestones laws or simply issueing there own laws. The NWO does follow a philospohy and that philosophy is a way of death. Every person or group that attempted to control the masses killed many people, in there rise to power. The philosophy of death is what they follow, in simple terms the NWO is very evil and when the have control the elite will usher in the days of darkness, when every man, women and child will need to unite with eachother to survive.

Nice Question..

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Aakron

its a group with a certain philosophy

thats how i would classify it

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