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Shameful NBC interview with Obama this morning.

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posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:24 PM
If you saw this interview this morning, you probably had to turn the channel half way through. It was the cheesiest excuse for a media interview I've ever seen. It was nothing but softballs and looked more like an Obama strategy session, than hard hitting journalism.


On Gitmo:

LAUER: Some of these people may be released.

OBAMA: Yeah.

LAUER: The ones that seem to be less of a threat. But if one of those people that's released goes back and takes part in the planning of, or carrying out of, an attack against U.S. interests, you're gonna have a Willie Horton times 100 situation, on your hands. How are you gonna deal with that?

OBAMA: Of course I'm worried about it. Look the, the, you know I have to make the very best judgments I can make in terms of what's gonna keep the American people safe. And is what, what's gonna uphold our Constitution and our traditions of due process. If we don't uphold our Constitution and our values, that over time, that will make us less safe. And that will be a recruitment tool for organizations like al-Qaeda. That's what I've got do keep my eye on.

Notice that the propagandist know as Matt Lauwer isn't worried about people who may be killed. Hes worried about the political ads Republicans will make! While also giving the impression hat Republicans are racist, one of the media's favorite smear tactics against them.

Newsbuster's Bret Backer had some choice things to say about a portion of the interview that dealt with the Presidents briefings. Its obvious they are setting Obama up to get away scott free, executing the same policies Bush did. Otherwise, they would have to admit they were unfair to Bush.

Matt Lauer started his live interview with President Barack Obama, from the White House during NBC's Super Bowl pre-game show, on a light note,“So let me ask you the question that's on everyone's mind right now: How's it going living with your mother-in-law?” And he wondered if Obama now gets to read a story to his daughters “at night, tuck them in bed?”

But the member of a press corps which usually showed more concern for the Bush administration's tactics than the terrorist threat they were meant to avert, empathized with the burden of the “pretty sobering stuff” the new President now learns about: “There are millions, tens of millions of people watching this broadcast right now Mr. President, and if they were to have access to the same information you have now on a daily basis, how much less sleep would we all be getting?” Lauer next pressed Obama as to whether “a substantial number” of service men and women in Iraq “will be home in time for next Super Bowl Sunday?”

Lauer asserted that the House passage of the stimulus bill without one Republican vote “disappointed a lot of people” and he painted a dire picture of the economy, treating the President as an expert economist and giving him an excuse for lack of a recovery. Lauer contended that after watching the Super Bowl, for many people “tomorrow morning...the worry's going to start again and they're going to worry about losing their jobs and their homes and putting their kids through school and making ends meet. How much worse is the economy going to get, Mr. President, before it gets better?”

Get ready for lots more of this sort of puff propaganda piece by the adoring Obama media.

[edit on 2-2-2009 by Cio88]

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:40 PM
Classic hard hitting NBC interview. I love the casual look of Obama on SuperBowl Sunday. I'm surprised that he didn't have just a little Wild Wing sauce on his shirt to make him appear normal.

In another gut wrenching interview with Lauer Obama made this odd statement about Jessica Simpson. I am by no means one who follows Hollywood or cares much about Hollywood but, I thought this comment was in extremely poor taste. The POTUS should not be speaking so casually and off the cuff like this about anyone.

Apparently, President Barack Obama thought that Jessica Simpson's weight was something he needed to make fun of during his pre-Super Bowl interview with Matt Lauer on NBC Sunday

Lauer: But I wanna show you the cover. Look what they did. They -- they took you off the cover.
Obama: Yeah.
Lauer: They took you out of it.
Obama: It -- it’s -- it’s a little hurtful.
Lauer: You got replaced by Jessica Simpson.
Obama: Yeah, who’s in a weight battle apparently. (LAUGHTER) Yeah. Oh, well.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:43 PM

What a joke.

I almost died when he brought up Willie Horton!

One of the biggest liberal blunders of all time, and yet they continue to discuss it as though people still don't know the truth, and try to bring up the racism card against Republicans.

The media doesn't exist anymore.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:45 PM
Awww, Obama is a human being! I never knew until today.

For Christs Sake people, he's just a guy in an unbelievably hard job.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:48 PM
NBC is the official Obama-Junkie network. If anyone there dared to actually interview Obama, both Mika and Chris Matthews would probably take them down. Chris is addicted to that 'tingle up his leg' and Mika wouldn't want to tick off her daddy.

NBC is a sham.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:48 PM
Oh please. They showed Barack a family photo inside of a popular magazine, which on the cover had the exact same photo but Barack's face was excluded (the title was something about the women of the family). Barack laughed about it and Lauer showed him Jessica Simpson in a bathing suite was put over his face, and the big bold letters said something about her being in a weight battle. So Barack made a joke about it. Lighten up.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by nyk537

What a joke.

I almost died when he brought up Willie Horton!

One of the biggest liberal blunders of all time, and yet they continue to discuss it as though people still don't know the truth, and try to bring up the racism card against Republicans.

The media doesn't exist anymore.

I don't know whats worse, that or the fact Matt seems to care more about Obama's political popularity than the lives of Americans.

The media has been going down hill for a while, but I think its gone over the cliff. Its no longer news, its propaganda from the white house.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Tentickles
For Christs Sake people, he's just a guy in an unbelievably hard job.

And your point?

Shouldn't an unbelievably hard job come with some unbelievably hard scrutiny? At least some hard questions to find out what he's really doing in that job?

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Cio88
Its no longer news, its propaganda from the white house.


You mean major news outlets are no longer reporting news, but reading press releases from the White House? You mean they aren't doing their jobs?

Isn't that what FOX news was accused of the whole time Bush was in office?

Guess what, now we have about 5 major FOX news outlets for the left.

Time for a taste of their own medicine!

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by nyk537

Originally posted by Tentickles
For Christs Sake people, he's just a guy in an unbelievably hard job.

And your point?

Translation - give the guy with no experience a free ticket. Let him put his foot in his mouth and stumble all over the place because he offers us 'hope, change, unity, rainbows, and unicorns.

How hard his job is doesn't matter. He wanted it. He's got it. Part of that job is to be able to speak as a grown up. What is amazing is that Obamaphiles want to give Obama a free pass on things like this, and yet Bush got crucified for it.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Cio88

What about the 'adoring Bush media', AKA Fox "News"?

Look....the Today Show is designed as 'soft' "News"....always has been. It's a bunch of fluff, and that's because of its demographic.

Cio88....could you be more specific about what, exactly, was 'shameful', given the parameters of an early morning 'entertainment' program aimed primarily at the homemakers of the US?

Just for the record, I've seen many, many 'softballs' lobbed at the Bushies over the last eight years. Guess THAT isn't 'shameful' at all?

Lighten up, Man!!!

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
What about the 'adoring Bush media', AKA Fox "News"?

As compared to the adoring Obama media, AKA....


And one more thing, just in case you forgot, Bush is no longer in office. So FOX news is hardly the adoring Bush media now.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:19 PM
“So let me ask you the question that's on everyone's mind right now: How's it going living with your mother-in-law?” And he wondered if Obama now gets to read a story to his daughters “at night, tuck them in bed?”

LOL Lauer's getting a bit crazy now! Talk about in your face journalism Obama must have been sweating bullets by the end of that interview. I got an idea lets ask Obama about the millions of dollars of pork laced throughout his stimulus package.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Wethesheeple
I got an idea lets ask Obama about the millions of dollars of pork laced throughout his stimulus package.

How dare you!

You must be a racist Republican to dare ask our new president that question!

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
NBC is the official Obama-Junkie network. If anyone there dared to actually interview Obama, both Mika and Chris Matthews would probably take them down. Chris is addicted to that 'tingle up his leg' and Mika wouldn't want to tick off her daddy.

NBC is a sham.

When viewers get fed up enough, and ad revenues drop even more, NBC will be first in line, hat in hand, for the "media bailout."

They'll voluntarily re-adopt the "Fairness Doctrine" (not that they have to) to further grease the wheels (but it won't apply to 'wingnut' opinion/commentators).


posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Wethesheeple
I got an idea lets ask Obama about the millions of dollars of pork laced throughout his stimulus package.

He was asked that in this interview.

Get used to it folks. This guy is a media magnet and he doesn't shy away from it. I wouldn't be surprised if he brought back "fireside chats".

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Cio88....could you be more specific about what, exactly, was 'shameful', given the parameters of an early morning 'entertainment' program aimed primarily at the homemakers of the US?

I've pointed it out twice already, but Matt's faux concern about the repercussions of a released detainee coming back for an attack. Except instead of being concerned about American lives, his focus is on what sort of ads Republicans would put out to attack Obama. Adding insult to injury, he suggests they would be racially motivated by invoking Willie Horton.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Oh I'm sorry I must have missed that interview. Could you please point me in the direction of where I could find someone asking him about spending $25 mil to improve ATV trails, or $34 mil to renovate a government building, or how about $600 mil for new vehicles for various government workers? I haven't heard anyone asking him the questions that really matter. How will be things listed above (which are just a few) create the badly needed jobs right now?

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
I almost died when he brought up Willie Horton!

One of the biggest liberal blunders of all time, and yet they continue to discuss it as though people still don't know the truth, and try to bring up the racism card against Republicans.

I don't look to Matt Lauer for hard hitting interviews...
Maybe you do and that is where the suprise originates? Though I suspect it is simply more desperate spin in an attempt to attack the President whenever possible.

Speaking of Spin...

As far as "Willie Horton" you seem grossly uneducated on the issue.

It WAS a racist ad campaign, at least according to the man that created it!

The man who created the Willie Horton ad died of cancer and apologized personally to Michael Dukakis for the ad campaign before he died.

He was also Karl Rove's mentor - No kidding - the family tree of gross politics....Lee Atwater..

He also pioneered "push polling"

In the end Atwater "got it" Rove didn't. Apparently either did you.

Great movie:

Also see...

In 1991, Atwater was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Shortly before his death he (....) issued a number of public and written apologies to individuals he had unfairly attacked during his political career, including Dukakis.

In a February 1991 article for Life Magazine, Atwater declared:

My illness helped me to see that what was missing in society is what was missing in me: a little heart, a lot of brotherhood.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 04:50 PM
So let's attack this from the other direction - has there been an interview with Obama since his election where someone asked the hard questions and Obama made time to answer those questions (and didn't get mad at the reporter)? Got a link?

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