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TV program confirms Islam belief of Jesus...

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posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 11:16 PM
Since this is a forum on conspiracies in religion, let's talk about one.

I'm sure some of you saw the History Channel's program called Banned from the Bible on Saturday or Sunday.

Well as you can see, I missed the show but a friend of mine who saw it told me about and he said it was very interesting.

The show talked about many things, but one thing was very interesting.

Here's a summary of the show if you missed it.

Hebrews 5:7-8 confirm Islam's claim about Jesus never got crucified and contradicts the Bible! According to the documentary film, "Banned from the Bible", which I watched on the History Channel, some of Saint Peter's apocalypse were banned from the current Bible, and these Epistles contain what Islam claims - that Jesus didn't get crucified on the cross and it only appeared that he was. This banned part also says that Jesus was standing next to the cross laughing. These are the parts of the Bible that only few people in the world know about.

According to the documentary film, the apocalypse was very popular among Christians during the 2nd century. They believed "it was spiritually inspired" by GOD Almighty to Saint Peter. They actually had doubts about "John's apocalypse", which is known today as "the Book of Revelation". Interestingly also, this apocalypse says that after GOD Almighty fills both Heaven and Hell with inhabitants from Mankind, and the people of Hell get tortured for a long period of time, the People of Heaven will ask and Pray to GOD Almighty to Forgive the people of Hell. GOD Almighty will then eventually listen to their Prayers, and will order the "Gates and the Steel Bars of Hell" to be opened and allow the people of Hell to enter Heaven for Good. This apocalypse of Peter seems to also perfectly fit Noble Verse 7:40 in the Noble Quran where Allah Almighty Promised that He will eventually open the Gates of Heaven to all disbelievers and empty Hell. Please visit: Hell will eventually be empty according to Islam.


[Edited on 4-12-2004 by Illmatic67]

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:15 AM
When will people realize the truth is universal. That is why there are so many similarities with Islam, Judaism and Christianity in particular. It is man Kind that has warped the message. To get back on the subject how can anyone take the King James Version of the bible seriously. Any one can see that is was politically inspired. If it wasn't then all the Gospels of all of those close to Jesus would of been included in the King James Version( Version his version not the truth). Just goes to show you. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by DaTruth
When will people realize the truth is universal. That is why there are so many similarities with Islam, Judaism and Christianity in particular. It is man Kind that has warped the message. To get back on the subject how can anyone take the King James Version of the bible seriously. Any one can see that is was politically inspired. If it wasn't then all the Gospels of all of those close to Jesus would of been included in the King James Version( Version his version not the truth). Just goes to show you. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely

Im curious, what do you mean about all of the gospels of those close to Jesus?

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:36 AM
if there is a God, this makes sense. The Bible. IMHO, should not be taken as fact, but more an insperational message. The work of Jesus, in and of it's self, is amazing - something all of humanity should try to follow, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack there of. But no one can tell me that the bible, which was written years after his life, is 100% accurate. Simply put, human error would not allow this.

If there is a god as portrayed in major religions, He is both almighty and, more to the point, forgiving. Thus, I believe that as long as once you die, and go to hell, you would most likely be able to pray to god for your salvation and it would be granted. This is assuming that you except him as your God. I believe he will have no mercy on those who do nont believe.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:40 AM
perhaps, mary mother of jesus, and mary madgelene. I think the rest of the disciples have their books published, not really sure, so if someone could correct me.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:49 AM
Here's the crux of your stance Illmatic.....your using, as did the man who wrote up the argument on the link/site you provided, one translation to "confirm" this theory.

Try digging into older versions.....
The NIV, that this person uses to make his argument is from a version or abridged translation:

New International Version (NIV)
The New International Version translation of the Bible was made by over a hundred scholars using the currently available Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts. The goal was the production of an accurate translation that would have clarity and literary quality. The work on the NIV was started in 1965, the New Testament was published in 1973, the Old Testament was published in 1978.

Older versions or translations would be (not the New King James but the original King James)....:

King James Version (KJV)
The King James Version was authorized in 1604 by King James I of England as a new English translation of the Bible, it was to be a comprehensive revision of "the Bishops' Bible", incorporating comparing the Greek text of Erasmus and the Hebrew Masoretic texts and earlier English translations. In 1607 a group of 47 translators began, and in 1611 the translation was completed. Also called The Authorized Version (AV), it became the standard Bible translation among English-speaking Protestants and has been widely used even until now, and was the most popular English Bible until 1987.

English Bible Translations & Versions

Here's what the original version of King James says:

[7] Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;
[8] Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;

Bible, King James Version

This site may be of interest to you, if indeed, you are seeking the truth of this matter, instead of taking verbatim what the link to the site you provided says or mentions.
The link below tkaes you to the Jewish, Greek, and Latin versions, as well as having the original King James.
The Bible is considered a sacred text by three major world religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

May this will aid or hinder your discussion and topic.


[Edited on 13-4-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 09:44 AM
Has anyone even read the Bible in here? I mean have you even read what Hebrews 5:7-8 says? Let me clarify that with this: 5:7 Who in the days of his flesh, having offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and having been heard for his godly fear, 5:8 though he was a Son, yet learned obedience by the things which he suffered;

1) The Bible cannot confirm what Islam says and then contradict itself. You will never find in the Bible any place were it will contradict itself. God is a god of order and doesn't do that.

2) The Bible says that He(being Jesus) is the way the truth and the light and no one goes to the Father except through him.

This means that if this statement is true then the Bible can't contradict itself and that all other religions are false and do not lead to heaven.

You have to believe all of it or none of it. There can be no straddling the fence. God even said you are for me, or against me. There is no gray areas with God.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 10:36 AM
I�m don�t see any of this being a contradiction.

Hebrews 5: 7-9 �Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;�

I don't see anything in that passage that states Jesus does not get crucified.

In the Apocalypse of Peter he sees the spirit of Jesus standing next to the Cross laughing while a body of Jesus is dying and/or dead on the cross. This can be taken literally or symbolically�meaning that Jesus cannot die. Even though Christ was crucified and his flesh (body) is dying his spirit is that of God. God cannot be defeated or killed.

This is just like saying, �For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.� Romans 6:23

God obviously has a more important meaning for death and life.

The big reason that Peter�s version is not used is because of �God�s Secret� as Jesus called it. Too many Church officials thought that if people believed that there was a way out of Heaven at the end of time that they would do whatever they wanted here on Earth because they knew their time in Hell would not be eternal. Of course you might want to look at it like this: One day in Hell is one day too many.

It is too bad that there is not more information like this about the people around Jesus. It really portrays a more human side to the story. Many people today have the same question, �why a judgment at the end of time from a loving God.� It is a valid spiritual question, which Peter shared. According to the text he was very upset over the judgment and constantly nagged at Jesus until Jesus told him. However, it seems this information was a private conversation meant only to be shared between two friends and not be to given to the rest of the world, at least not in the Bible.

Side Note: I have not seen the banned books program but I will say that if this program is on TV then people need to take it with a grain of salt. Too many people believe everything they see on TV that is portrayed in a documentary form. Shows on television are almost always slanted one way with someone�s personal agenda. I�m running into too many people these days who�s entire argument for everything is �I saw it on TV or I read it on a website�.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 12:54 PM
The reason there is going to be a judgement at the the end of time is that same reason that Jesus even came to live an earthly life. Man is sinful and needs redemption. God is so holy and pure that he cannot have any unholiness in his presence. Jesus came to earth and lived the perfect life and was the ultimate sacrifice for us. He (Jesus) paid the ultimate price so that we would not have to. Now that Jesus died and rose again, we too can take part in everlasting life. But on the flip side, not everyone will want to accept the fact that Jesus is Lord and is the only way into heaven. This why we have judgement day. Some will choose to either accept God or deny Him. Those who deny him will not spend eternity in heaven.

And as far as far as Peter being upset about the judgement and nagged Jesus until He told him. Where are you pulling that information? Give me some Bible verses that back that up. Also give me verses about "God's Secret", not to mention verses on where Jesus stood next to the cross laughing. If you want us to believe what you say, you need scripture( the Bible for those who don't know) to back it up.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 05:37 PM
DareDevil: The conversation is about The Apocalypse of Peter book. It was excluded from the final canon beginning around 400 AD for the reason that I mentioned above. The books that contented for placement in the Bible once consisted of over 100 books until those numbers were cut down and the Roman Catholic Church decreed the final version of the Bible between 1545 and 1563 during the Council of Trent.

Various books once considered Holy Scripture by early Christians were left out for a number of reasons. Each excluded book had it�s own reason, which the Councils debated over at the time. Some books were accepted by some Christian communities and but not other communities. Some books were just not popular enough to make the cut. Some books were written too late (usually after 150 AD). Some books had parts that were lost or destroyed. The Roman Catholic Church saw some books as heretical. And some books displayed what the churched considered secret knowledge.

The Apocalypse of Peter is the earliest Christian reference to the afterlife, describing in vivid detail the paradise of Heaven and the torments of Hell. Early Christians considered it to be one of the best books and many early Christians were very disappointed when the Revelation by John was used instead of Peters.

To be fair there were many scholars and many theories that The Apocalypse of Peter is an ancient forgery. That may be entirely true. Most people today do not care what was taken out of the early canon because it was "God�s will" to remove those books and people do not look back because the Bible says, �I testify to everyone who bears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to then; God shall add to him the plagues which are written in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book (Rev. 22.18-19).�

I�m also not trying to suggest these books that were left out should be in the Bible, but they are out there and can be read.

The Apocalypse of Peter
The Book in English:

The Council of Trent

Early Jewish Writings

Early Christian Writings


[Edited on 13-4-2004 by zerotime]

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by zerotime

In the Apocalypse of Peter he sees the spirit of Jesus standing next to the Cross laughing while a body of Jesus is dying and/or dead on the cross.

Not really.

The Savior said to me, "He whom you saw on the tree, glad and laughing, this is the living Jesus. But thisone into whose hands and feet they drive the nails is his fleshly part, which is the substitute being put toshame, the one who came into being in his likeness. But look at him and me."
But I, when I had looked, said "Lord, no one is looking at you. Let us flee this place."
But he said to me, "I have told you, "Leave the blind alone!". And you, see how they do not know what theyare saying. For the son of their glory instead of my servant, they have put to shame."

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:27 PM
Thats total B.S. , do you know why it is a fact that a man named Jesus walked the earth , because of other people. Other people such as a famous historian "I forget his name and I will come abck with " recorded his death, he wasn't even a believer of God ot any religion and he wrote in his book that Jesus died on the crosss and that he was a amazing man that performed many great works.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67

Originally posted by zerotime

In the Apocalypse of Peter he sees the spirit of Jesus standing next to the Cross laughing while a body of Jesus is dying and/or dead on the cross.

Not really.

I'm sure you can interpret the passage any way you want but I�ll include it and give some reference.

- Quote from The Apocalypse of Peter -
�When he said those things, I saw him seemingly being seized by them. And I said "What do I see, O Lord, that it is you yourself whom they take, and that you are grasping me? Or who is this one, glad and laughing on the tree? And is it another one whose feet and hands they are striking?" The Savior said to me, "He whom you saw on the tree, glad and laughing, this is the living Jesus. But this one into whose hands and feet they drive the nails is his fleshly part, which is the substitute being put to shame, the one who came into being in his likeness. But look at him and me."

�But I, when I had looked, said "Lord, no one is looking at you. Let us flee this place."
But he said to me, "I have told you, "Leave the blind alone!". And you, see how they do not know what theyare saying. For the son of their glory instead of my servant, they have put to shame."

�And I saw someone about to approach us resembling him, even him who was laughing on the tree. And he was filled with a Holy Spirit, and he is the Savior. And there was a great, ineffable light around them, and the multitude of ineffable and invisible angels blessing them. And when I looked at him, the one who gives praise was revealed.�
- End Quote From The Apocalypse of Peter-

I think it is obvious just from the text itself that the person that Peter sees is not alive. No one else can see Jesus walking around and laughing besides Peter (Peter Says: "Lord, no one is looking at you. Let us flee this place.�) and there was, �a great, ineffable light around them� because �the multitude of ineffable and invisible angels blessing them.�

In Christianity there are two Jesus' - The living Jesus who taught us, lived a perfect life, cast out Satan, performed miracles, and went to the cross to die. Then there is a resurrected Jesus - The Jesus who has sacrificed himself, defeated death and has taken away the world�s sin. In every one of the Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John) when Jesus appears before his disciples after the crucifixion no one can quite recognize Jesus until he shows himself to them. They see the Godly spirit of Jesus, which is quite different from the man they knew when Jesus was alive. Exactly, the same as Peter�s vision.

It is really the following line that causes the problems and mostly it is just a false interruption derived from focusing on one word in an entire book. Peter Writes, �But this one into whose hands and feet they drive the nails is his fleshly part, which is the substitute being put to shame, the one who came into being in his likeness.� People read the word substitute and immediately jump to the conclusion that there are two different Jesus. One fake Jesus on the cross and the real Jesus who somehow escapes the crucifixion. This idea could not be more wrong. Christianity proclaims that Jesus IS THE SUBSTITUTE � for our sins. Jesus Christ Death = A substitute. The death we deserve has already been suffered.

[Edited on 13-4-2004 by zerotime]

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 08:27 AM
I do not believe that things were left out of the Bible. I believe that the Bible is God-breathed. This would mean that nothing was left out, and nothing else needs to be added. God is the Almighty and he would not allow his Word to changed in any way. The Bible is the way it should be and has all the information that we need to know. No more, no less.

I do know what Revelation is and who wrote it. What the Catholic church did way back when is none of my concern. Who are they to decide what should be put in the Bible? God decides that. And as far as the final version? Well what difference does it make. Jesus and the other people of the Bible spoke the language of their time. So I believe that you should a read a Bible that best communicates to you what needs to be said, and that may include NIV (New International Version), NAS (New American Standard, or the NKJ (New King James version).

And of course there are the scholars that say that Revelation was a forgery. That is bunk. People who deny any part of the Bible are trying to avoid responsibility for their actions. They don't want to accept it because it means that have to be responsible for their actions and be accountable. And about the people that don't care about what's taken out or the popularity of the book. Who cares. It's not up to them, it's up to God. The popular vote does not determine the authinticity of the Bible, nor does it permit them to pick and choose what should and should not be in the Bible. They just end up perverting the truth for their own benifit.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 12:56 PM
Well, here I am again pointing out to you, Illmatic, that Islam didn't come along for another 600 years..

yeah, Jesus was a follower of Islam...


posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
Well, here I am again pointing out to you, Illmatic, that Islam didn't come along for another 600 years..

yeah, Jesus was a follower of Islam...


Islam means submission ( somebody who translated qur'an long time ago, and those wrong tranlations are surprisingly still used today, forgot to translate a few very important words like Islam, Allah, etc,etc, probably to alienate islam from christiantiy). In quran all monotheistic religions are considered submission to one God, so Jesus was submitter to one God, a follower of Submission.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 02:38 PM

that Jesus didn't get crucified on the cross and it only appeared that he was. This banned part also says that Jesus was standing next to the cross laughing. These are the parts of the Bible that only few people in the world know about.

Bull$hit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats Bull$hit!!!

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 02:40 PM

confirm Islam's claim about Jesus never got crucified and contradicts the Bible!

This is bull$hit too. Meet any muslim and ask him if the Islam religion balives that there is a Misiah and if there is is he Jesus.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
Since this is a forum on conspiracies in religion, let's talk about one.

I'm sure some of you saw the History Channel's program called Banned from the Bible on Saturday or Sunday.

Well as you can see, I missed the show but a friend of mine who saw it told me about and he said it was very interesting.

The show talked about many things, but one thing was very interesting.

Here's a summary of the show if you missed it.

Hebrews 5:7-8 confirm Islam's claim about Jesus never got crucified and contradicts the Bible! According to the documentary film, "Banned from the Bible", which I watched on the History Channel, some of Saint Peter's apocalypse were banned from the current Bible, and these Epistles contain what Islam claims - that Jesus didn't get crucified on the cross and it only appeared that he was. This banned part also says that Jesus was standing next to the cross laughing. These are the parts of the Bible that only few people in the world know about.

According to the documentary film, the apocalypse was very popular among Christians during the 2nd century. They believed "it was spiritually inspired" by GOD Almighty to Saint Peter. They actually had doubts about "John's apocalypse", which is known today as "the Book of Revelation". Interestingly also, this apocalypse says that after GOD Almighty fills both Heaven and Hell with inhabitants from Mankind, and the people of Hell get tortured for a long period of time, the People of Heaven will ask and Pray to GOD Almighty to Forgive the people of Hell. GOD Almighty will then eventually listen to their Prayers, and will order the "Gates and the Steel Bars of Hell" to be opened and allow the people of Hell to enter Heaven for Good. This apocalypse of Peter seems to also perfectly fit Noble Verse 7:40 in the Noble Quran where Allah Almighty Promised that He will eventually open the Gates of Heaven to all disbelievers and empty Hell. Please visit: Hell will eventually be empty according to Islam.


[Edited on 4-12-2004 by Illmatic67]

Thsi hole thing is BULL$HIT!!!
Yes i belive that there were things banned from the Bible by the catholic churches, but muslims beliveing in Jesus? Sinners being let out of hell? Revalations not true? THATS BULL$HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your a true Christian you wouldnt belive it

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
Since this is a forum on conspiracies in religion, let's talk about one.

I'm sure some of you saw the History Channel's program called Banned from the Bible on Saturday or Sunday.

Well as you can see, I missed the show but a friend of mine who saw it told me about and he said it was very interesting.

The show talked about many things, but one thing was very interesting.

Here's a summary of the show if you missed it.

Hebrews 5:7-8 confirm Islam's claim about Jesus never got crucified and contradicts the Bible! According to the documentary film, "Banned from the Bible", which I watched on the History Channel, some of Saint Peter's apocalypse were banned from the current Bible, and these Epistles contain what Islam claims - that Jesus didn't get crucified on the cross and it only appeared that he was. This banned part also says that Jesus was standing next to the cross laughing. These are the parts of the Bible that only few people in the world know about.

According to the documentary film, the apocalypse was very popular among Christians during the 2nd century. They believed "it was spiritually inspired" by GOD Almighty to Saint Peter. They actually had doubts about "John's apocalypse", which is known today as "the Book of Revelation". Interestingly also, this apocalypse says that after GOD Almighty fills both Heaven and Hell with inhabitants from Mankind, and the people of Hell get tortured for a long period of time, the People of Heaven will ask and Pray to GOD Almighty to Forgive the people of Hell. GOD Almighty will then eventually listen to their Prayers, and will order the "Gates and the Steel Bars of Hell" to be opened and allow the people of Hell to enter Heaven for Good. This apocalypse of Peter seems to also perfectly fit Noble Verse 7:40 in the Noble Quran where Allah Almighty Promised that He will eventually open the Gates of Heaven to all disbelievers and empty Hell. Please visit: Hell will eventually be empty according to Islam.


[Edited on 4-12-2004 by Illmatic67]

Thsi hole thing is BULL$HIT!!!
Yes i belive that there were things banned from the Bible by the catholic churches, but muslims beliveing in Jesus? Sinners being let out of hell? Revalations not true? THATS BULL$HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your a true Christian you wouldnt belive it

[Edited on 14-4-2004 by AD5673]

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