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The IHC: Institute for Human Continuity?

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posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 09:46 PM
This is the first I've heard of such a movie. The initial impression that struck me when I saw "Sign Up For a Lottery"... Scam. They want personal information so they can get your money. The OP on another thread which was closed but linked here mentioned that the project wasn't being funded by the Government - but from a private financier. (Or something like that) However, considering how polished and professional the site looked though, I don't see how this was probable. I like to consider myself an optimist when it comes to humanity, but I'm also a bit of a realist. Philanthropy on such a scale as this just doesn't exist, at least without drawing some sort of conventional media attention seeking to make a buck by exploiting the eccentricity known to exist within the realms of the rich.

However, a scam didn't feel quite right either. Most scammers know their ruse will be up once the initial victims report the crime, so they tend to stick with "hit & run" scams which are harder to trace until after the crime is finished. This is why Email based scams (Lottos, lost princes of Algeria, forged IRS notifications, etc) are so prevalent. They're quick, easy to do, takes no money, and even the most obvious scam is guaranteed to sucker in at least a few hapless morons if propagated far enough (viruses and spyware help, but the beguiled victims themselves often do the work for the scammer by forwarding it to all their friends).

So one on this scale doesn't seem likely, as it would require investment from the scammer, provide increased risk of traceability, and offer no guarantee that the returns would justify the expenditure and risk.

So my next thought... Viral Marketing for some sort of product. While not a scam - again, it is an effort to get your money by selling you a product.

That was my thought process at least.

Sony is behind it eh? No surprise, as they tend to fail at viral marketing. At least, the last major one I recall was their horrible PSP viral Youtube adverts.

PSP Viral Fail

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 11:32 PM
Ugh. this pisses me off.
Think of the people who have no idea this is a movie, I sure didn't.
What really bothers me is that this site is .org... makes it seem even more legit.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by Tentickles

None the less do I think we have the technology to build all these space stations nor the resources. all nations would have to be working together to get these things started. It' not possible what they portray. not in 3 years at least. ya know?

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 02:02 AM
Yeah as much as it is viral, it also ended the preview with *GOOGLE SEARCH 2012*

So they're not just trying to market of 2012, they're trying to make people aware.

Good premisis IMHO. I'll go see the movie, just because I love massive destruction.

Big tsunamis on big screen = win for everybody.

It's just going to suck royally if it happens IRL.

[edit on 3-2-2009 by Revolution-2012]

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by TwiTcHomatic
reply to post by ChemBreather

If you take any of the links on the bottom of the page, it takes you to SONY websites. Sony is behind the movie.

Yes, the lottery chances are to see the hype of the movie and to win a chance to go to the premiere.

Not to mention the "agency" that is the whole purpose of the website (IHC) only exists in the movie world of "2012". It is NOT a real institution.

-edit- Of course there are real world events linked to it... other movies have done the same thing in the past. But if you choose to go on believing this is legit, more power to you.

[edit on 2-2-2009 by TwiTcHomatic]

Here is an IHC page and not related to Sony or the movie, yet the same people are named here. I find it tasteless to have this kind of PR stunts when the public is so involved in this scenario. Even a link to the U.s. congress man Dana Rohrabacher is there..

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 01:26 PM
wow i saw this add on my space. and i'm not going to lie i was worried for a min. i even registered for the lottery. well i feel like a fool. well if the movie industry are going to such extreme tactics to promote a movies then thats pathetic. just for that reason i'm not even going to watch that movie

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:20 PM
The crazy part about all of this and why it got me mad was that , its almost like the movie is a mockery or atleast the website for IHC is a mockery of real sht that may happen . For those on here that never knew about the events that will happen on Dec 2012 , shame on you . These are REAL things that are going to happen = LIKE The allignment of our sun with the Galaxy , The switching between the North and Southpoles due to magnetic abnomalys , The end of the Mayan Calendar , Nostradamus predicted this - as far as catastrophes and so forth and thats not even taken into account this whole Nibiru crap about planet X or the asteroids that will be close to our ORBIT at that time according to Nasa , so there are people like me that have been studying scenarios like this since the early 2000's and then there people just learning that will look at this like a Joke - because of some fake website and movie.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:03 PM

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:02 PM
Does anyone know where to get some good liposuction, I wanna look good for the end of the world?

Not that cheap stuff either that leaves unbalanced dips in the stomach area.

THanks guys.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

There is a TON of info out there pertaining to what may happen during the winter solstice of 2012 that has nothing to do with sony or this movie. I am glad people found out that the IHC is just a viral marketing ploy by sony but this shouldn't deter people from seeking true and factual information about this time period. They mayans were dead on in all their predictions including that in the demise of their own civilization.

The biggest problem I see is that by proving the IHC a marketing ploy for sony's movie people will just write off the whole scenario as bull when there actually is a ton of very reliable information on the winter solstice of 2012. Do your own research and follow your instincts.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 03:46 PM
I see a lot of people complaining that sony souldn't create websites like this because it scares people into believing that the world is going to end, that is exactly why the goverment wont let us know if anithing is going to happen, we would freak out (as society). there is no reason to blame the website if you got really scared and stared to freak out or your sister started to cry, its you OWN fault for believing everithing you see, next time stop and think, do some research on the subject and do your own conclution on the subject, by the way this is another reason why the goverment wont do anithing for the masses, we are simply too stupit as a hole to organize, we believe anithing they tell us and we dont thing.

final thoughts: dont blame the site or sony for your own stupidity! next time REASON first

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Tentickles

Look, I got an email from IHC, and again they talk about Surviving 2012 and NOTHING about any movie AT ALL. Why do they do that ???

a very Sick movie promotion... Look :


Thank you for registering for the lottery and for your interest in survival and the Institute for Human Continuity. As a holder of a lottery number, I wanted to inform you of the launch of the comprehensive website for the Institute for Human Continuity where you can find out more information regarding the IHC lottery and what to do concerning survival.

The information contained on the site represents the culmination of years of thinking by the world’s most prominent people and outlines the ambitious initiatives the institute is developing in its efforts to preserve mankind beyond 2012.

In the weeks ahead, we will continue to update the site with new findings and valuable information. So please be sure to visit the site regularly to stay informed.

We need your help to insure a future beyond 2012.


Dr. Sorën Ulfert, PhD
Communications Director
The Institute for Human Continuity
Twitter: sorenulfert
Email: [email protected]

I have not checked the site update yet, but my first impression when I saw I had mail from them, was, Yea I won premier tickets for the movie..
but instead another reminder of 2012..

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by LaBella
I just saw the same thing on myspace...
So if it isnt real, I filled out the lottery ticket for nothing!! Only Kidding...

i signed up and got an mial back saying this :

I write this post for the purpose of gather your opinions on this topic in one post.
I am not going to say much about this yet, I want to see what you smart fine people here can conclude about the website in question.

Here is the link to that site:

Ok, I entered the lottery to see what it is all about and I have read about the IHC at the AboveTopSecret forum site, and they all conclude it is an movie stunt.
I accepted that pretty fast since that sounds more reasonable and did not expect to hear any thing more about this.
But than a few days ago, I got an E-mail..
An E-mail from IHC, and again they talk about Surviving 2012 and NOTHING about any movie AT ALL. Why do they do that ???
A very Sick movie promotion... Look :


Thank you for registering for the lottery and for your interest in survival and the Institute for Human Continuity. As a holder of a lottery number, I wanted to inform you of the launch of the comprehensive website for the Institute for Human Continuity where you can find out more information regarding the IHC lottery and what to do concerning survival.

The information contained on the site represents the culmination of years of thinking by the world’s most prominent people and outlines the ambitious initiatives the institute is developing in its efforts to preserve mankind beyond 2012.

In the weeks ahead, we will continue to update the site with new findings and valuable information. So please be sure to visit the site regularly to stay informed.

We need your help to insure a future beyond 2012.


Dr. Sorën Ulfert, PhD
Communications Director
The Institute for Human Continuity
Twitter: sorenulfert
Email: [email protected]

One should think this would be the apropriate time to tell me that I am in a movie ticket lottery, and please check website for your winner number.
I have not checked the site update yet, but my first impression when I saw I had mail from them, was, Yea I won premiere tickets for the movie..
But instead another reminder of 2012.. Do any of you have any insight into this topic I would be glad !!!
Thank you all...


posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 10:46 PM
Hmm, well I was just watching Teletoon, and they seem to have commercials for it on TV now.
Needless to say, it affected my anxiety a bit. So, just to be on the safe side, why not take the lottery? I mean, if it IS real, then I could possibly be saved. And if it's not, well I only wasted about a minute of my time.

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