posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 05:10 AM
It looks like marketing for the
2012: The Movie.
I stumbled upon the website as I logged into MySpace, its advertisement spoke of surviving the cataclysm(s) of 2012 and mentioned a Survival
I invite you to check it out with me!
The IHC: The Institute for Human Continuity.
It appears to cover three disaster scenarios: Planet X, Solar Activity, and Crustal Displacement.
The Planet X simulations show what might happen if an extra-solar body swept through our solar system and passes Earth. It mentions meteors trailing
it from the Kuiper Belt, as well as a disruption of the solar winds that could cause disastrous geomagnetic storms.
Solar Activity simulations shows variations on solar flare activity, and what that bombardment could do to the ecosystem, radiation levels, and
Crustal Displacement simulations show the possibile outcomes of the effects of the Galactic Alignment and super volcanoes. This one seems to be the
least destructive. Only earth-shattering earthquakes and volcanic eruptions bringing about another Ice Age.