posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Blogstalker
I'm a girl so my addictions are girly.
I am addicted to very expensive shampoos, makeup, and facial creams. I refuse to use the cheap stuff.
I am also addicted to antique stores, flea markets and garage sales.
Jewelry amazes me, and I particularly love old antique jewelry to collect. Oddly, I rarely wear any of it.
I love brass and collect a lot of brass from antique stores and such. I get it for really cheap and clean it up. I especially am addicted to
collecting brass cricket boxes of all shapes and sizes.
I also collect books, and my dream one day is to have a whole room that consists of nothing but books. Nothing makes me happier than a trip to the
book store and a bag full of books.
I am also addicted to crocheting. If I am not typing, I am crocheting. Everyone I know gets something hand made from me for Christmas. No, I don't
do goofy things like tissue box covers. I am talking full size afghans for beds at the least. I just feel a need to always have my hands busy.
I am also addicted to cooking and I make fantastic meals out of ordinary ingrediants.
edit to add:
Oh yeah, my biggest addiction is black olives. I eat them all the time!
[edit on 1-2-2009 by Enthralled Fan]