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Three Hundred Year Old Alien Spaceship?

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posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 06:53 AM
If i'm not mistaken, that would be Patomsky crater (патомский кратер),
i remember to have seen a picture in which the central peak looked the same, but even the angulation of the photo was the same, maybe it was even the same photo: but i'm not sure, honestly.

A good solution would be to bring this to some russian speaking fellow member's attention, here are those who applied to The UFO-Alien Applied Linguistics Registry:
Arthx Send U2U
(^_^) Send U2U
InSanE1 Send U2U
rixhell Send U2U
pause4thought Send U2U

[edit on 3/2/2009 by internos]

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
If we're to accept the photo, most likely candidate would be an impact crater from a large meteor...would certainly account for the shape of it...

find us an impact crater that looks like us so we can compare as an example? Don't just make the statement, add some evidence . Not saying it isn't but you can't just say it is. The shape to me seems different from an impact crater as the IC are usually more indented into the ground, and this seems to be more of a hill shape.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by internos

That seems to be it ! What is the bump in the middle though, doesn't look like any crater I've ever seen. Can somebody find any impact craters that resemble this?

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85

Originally posted by Gazrok
If we're to accept the photo, most likely candidate would be an impact crater from a large meteor...would certainly account for the shape of it...

find us an impact crater that looks like us so we can compare as an example? Don't just make the statement, add some evidence . Not saying it isn't but you can't just say it is. The shape to me seems different from an impact crater as the IC are usually more indented into the ground, and this seems to be more of a hill shape.

This has all the features of a COMPLEX crater, which central peak makes it look strange, but it's not so strange to those who see craters every day.
Basically, whenever we see that shape we ask to ourselves why something that should be convex is concave, and what caused the central peak:
here you go

the central peak is not very different from what you get whenever you throw some stone into the water. Depending on the composition of the soil, and on a LONG series of variables, the crater gets its appearance. This is why one needs to study geology for years before being called geologist, otherwise we all would be geologist and no one would really know how craters are formed.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by internos

Hiya Internos, you're posts are always to the point, accurate and shine a light onto a mystery. Basically, I trust your judgment. This one is a bit different and leaves more questions for me than answers. Why does the first image look 'unreal?' Impacts seem to conform to a pattern of leaving a crater 'below' ground level. The impactor is either inside or beneath the crater.

On Earth, a meteorite crater, also known as an impact crater, forms when a meteorite greater than 3 feet (0.9 meter) in diameter hits the surface. The size and depth of the crater depend upon the size and incoming speed of the meteorite. In general, a meteorite that hits Earth's surface creates a crater twelve to twenty times its size. When a meteorite slams into Earth, it forms one of two types of craters: simple or complex. A relatively small meteorite forms a simple impact crater. Measuring typically less than 3 miles (5 kilometers) in diameter, this type of impact crater is relatively smooth, bowl-shaped, and nearly circular.

The rim or upper edge of the crater is well-defined and raised above the surrounding landscape. The interior of the crater is steepest near the rim. The slope gradually decreases toward the center of the crater. Partially lining the interior of the crater is a layer of breccia (pronounced BREH-chee-ah; a coarse-grained rock composed of angular, broken rock fragments held together by a mineral cement).

The energy of the impact typically causes some rocks to melt. In simple craters, this impact melt is often found as small blobs of material within the breccia layer. Surrounding the rim of the crater is a circular layer of rock and dust thrown out of the crater during its formation. Known as an ejecta blanket, this layer is deepest close to the rim. It becomes increasingly shallow outward from the crater.
Source (a lot of text but it seems relevant)

Sometimes the impactor leaves evidence in the bowl of the crater (either you or Phage explained it in a recent 'bases on moon' type thread). I've looked for similar impact craters and can't find anything that shares the scale and features of 'Patomsky crater' on Earth. There's a kind of similar image I found on Venus.

Such a distinct site should have attracted interest from geologists across the world as indicated here on this Lunar impact site with images. I've scoured the Web for references to Patomsky with little luck. I did find this guy's website offering tours to Tunguska and Patomsky, but his photo doesn't look like the OPs

A lot of asteroids are basically loose rubble. If one struck Earth, without breaking up, I can imagine it leaving a huge pile of shale/debris like Patomsky/ Patomskogo. The rule tends to be that they do break up and rarely leave an impact like this.

I'm curious. Why aren't scientists excavating the site to analyze composition, trajectory of impact, date of impact etc? Why so few images? Why so little information? I guess I'm asking is this thing real? Why is one esoteric/ufo/new age website and one man with a single prop airplane the only folks to know about it?

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 03:30 PM
Google translation, while we wait for the translators.

Famous Patom crater, discovered in 1951 by geologist Vladimir Kolpakov, is still one of the most mysterious objects in the natural world. First, it is unclear how he appeared on the surface of the earth, and secondly, why over fifty years, no one has studied it. Only in 1971 was made a few pictures from the helicopter. In size and appearance it is similar to a lunar crater. Height of about 40 meters, diameter of the ridge - 86 meters. Approximate weight of the Makhin of crushed limestone blocks - about a million tons. At the crater rising several 200-year-old larch. Irkutsk scientists brought from a summer expedition cut one of these trees. There are several dozen versions of the appearance of the crater. Two basic: its volcanic origin, but no signs of lava. The second version - that it should not drop to the ground a huge meteorite. It insists its discoverer crater Vladimir Kolpakov. - That is, initially all the same meteorite origins, but a specific meteorite. What no one has ever seen - the director of the astronomical observatory ISU Sergei Yazev. During the expedition Irkutsk scientists measured the size of the crater, took samples of soil. Now they are studying at the Irkutsk Institute of Geochemistry. A Research Center held a discussion meeting of the club. Showed video captured during the summer, and then everyone can make their case. There were, and sensational statements: for example, geologists have argued that only a few years ago just west of the crater Patom were found a few more similar sites. There is documentary evidence. And if one considers that roughly the same area in 2002 was recorded drop Vitim bolide, it may be assumed that Bodaybinsky area as a magnet attracts various phenomena of outer scale. - Either we have here the polar night long, all day. Either we have here is a zone, the bands, where the fall of space aliens, clots of energy, and the like, - said geologist Valery Andreyev.

Sou rce

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Thank you for your nice words, i just share what i know, and dont forget that i could always be wrong.
I do think that this specific crater has a very odd appearance, but not so odd to make me think that it's something else but a crater origonated by some impact. Now the construction is simple: the area was visited by hundred thousands of people, and no one carried back some evidence of any impact originated by some artificial body, i mean possible metals, alloys etcetera, like this for example. But at the same time, someting in the conformation of the soil around the impact area seems that was difficult to explain, dont know the details though, we need some RUSSIAN here. Dont forget that even some alien spacecraft impacting with earth would leave some crater, who would be so stupid to claim the contrary?
To claim that it's an impact crater does not mean that automatically it's the result of some celestial body impacting with earth. Anyway, a very close up of the area shows layered rocks: basically, after such an impact, you have a layer of very similar (each other) rocks, that from far away suggest to be something very regularly shaped. But get closer, and this is what you'd see:
Now, what we'd have to know is, more or less, the melting temperature of the rocks composing the impact area, mass of the impacting body, angle, strenght, composition of the meteor, plus many other things, but lets say that to know that would enlighten you enough. Basically, i think it's likely a complex crater, but this does not mean that everything of it can be explained, just saying that the impact explanation makes sense

[edit on 3/2/2009 by internos]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by internos
Thanks for the reply, Armap too. The information helps a great deal. It looks so unique and (I thought) lacking information that I struggled to comprehend what was in the images. Would it be fair to say that it's much older than 300 years? The Tunguska forest area is still recovering 100 years (anniversary!) later. So many unanswered questions

I've found two more craters that seem to fall in a similar category, again from Venus. The first is Crater Dickinson...

This one is Golubkna Crater and you can see more of them here.

It's conceivable that under Earth conditions Golubkna would look similar to Patom crater after many years of weather erosion and vegetation creeping up it's flanks??

The thread you linked 'Height 611' looks likely to leave even more questions.


posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:43 AM
WHy hasn't anyone mentioned a meteoroid as the probable cause???

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by andre18
WHy hasn't anyone mentioned a meteoroid as the probable cause???

Most posts seem to agree with you that it's some form of unusual crater caused by asteroid or meteor. The continued interest is in trying to get more information. Most of the available evidence is in untranslated Russian. It's very distinctive and will have attracted the attention of Russian scientists. Composition, date of impact etc should all be available somewhere...just in Russian
At least two members are working at it right now.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 12:52 PM
Google Earth Coordinates:


posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:42 PM
All..All of the pics look fake.....f-a-k-e.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 01:52 PM
I've been trying to find some studies or reports about this mysterious crater. As Armap posted, it was discovered by V.V. Kolpakov, a blood specialist with a secondary interest in geology. Specifically, geochronology, the accurate dating of rocks and sediments etc. The Patom Crater is named after the Patom Plateau where it's located rather taking Kolpakov's name.

The story gets more interesting here. Many ATSers will be familiar with the Tunguska explosion, but here's a brief outline...

In 1908 a meteor or possibly a NEO (Near Earth Object) exploded in mid-air above the Tunguska forest area of Siberia. The blast zone levelled an estimated 800 square miles and would have devastated any population center. The light from the explosion was visible for hundreds of miles. An eyewitness from 40 miles away described how...

The split in the sky grew larger, and the entire Northern side was covered with fire. At that moment I became so hot that I couldn't bear it, as if my shirt was on fire; from the northern side, where the fire was, came strong heat. I wanted to tear off my shirt and throw it down, but then the sky shut closed, and a strong thump sounded, and I was thrown a few yards. I lost my senses for a moment, but then my wife ran out and led me to the house. After that such noise came, as if rocks were falling or cannons were firing, the earth shook, and when I was on the ground, I pressed my head down, fearing rocks would smash it. When the sky opened up, hot wind raced between the houses, like from cannons, which left traces in the ground like pathways, and it damaged some crops. Later we saw that many windows were shattered, and in the barn a part of the iron lock snapped."

The devastation that the Tunguska impact caused can be compared on this map of London...

Until recently, it was thought that the Tunguska meteor was obliterated in mid-air and didn't create a crater. The epicenter of the flattened forest doesn't feature a crater. An unusual lake near the blast is possibly a crater. Tunguska still shows the damage from a hundred years ago...

This brings us back to Patom Crater. It has no comparisons to other craters on Earth and only shares similarities with some on Venus (see previous posts) and the Moon. It's anomalous.

The Patom crater, in contrast to similar forms of relief known to science, is strikingly peculiar because it looks very much like a volcano but contains no trace of erupted in-depth rock. It all consists of fragments and boulders (sometimes several meters thick) of local sedimentary rocks, i.e. Precambrian limestone. The entire mountain is composed of the same limestone, and both inside and outside the crater the limestone contains no trace of a change induced by hydrothermal or any other processes. Nor does the shape of that relief feature look like a classic blast-made meteorite crater. It does not resemble a crater from which the rock was ejected by force of explosion.

The lack of forestation and established plant life on the Patom crater implies a date much earlier than 300 years. The article suggests that it may be a secondary impactor from the Tunguska event. The date would be 1908.

Instead of one object exploding above Earth and leaving the flattened forest, it may be an object that broke up and made several impacts. The Patom Crater is so extraordinary it needs an extraordinary explanation.

The writers speculate that it was a multiple body impact or a single body that broke up in the atmosphere on a low trajectory...

...the celestial body in question was made the mounted boulders of solid methane rather than solid hard iron or olivinite and they scattered loose when it passed through the dense layers of the atmosphere flying 30 km high and some fragments dispensed as flying cassette elements fell out upon the ground within the “zone” extended in the northern direction. If a meteorite flying at a space velocity penetrates the earth, thus creating a rock grinding zone around itself (without a blast discharge) of about one million cubic meters, and if we apply the soil loosening factor for normal explosion processes (1, 2), an increase in the volume of rock mass will amount to 200,000 cubic meters. Calculations have indicated that the depth of such a zone should be over 200 m.
Source (as above)

Instead of a material body colliding, it could be a more gaseous conglomeration traveling at vast speed (15-20 km.p.s) and striking the limestone plateau. The result is the anomalous Patom Crater, distinct from all other meteor craters worldwide.. The gaseous body explodes beneath the limestone and leaves the indicative signs of a volcanic eruption without any of the evidence. The limestone is shattered and displaced upwards. Lake Cheko and the Patom Plateau should be explored further to gain a better understanding of what happened at Tunguska and how the intriguingly formed Patom Crater came to be.

It's certainly mysterious and if it was located anywhere other than the middle of Russia (beyond my means), I'd be looking to travel there just to see it

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 05:57 AM
Just thought I'd add this link to another photo of the Patom Crater..


That is truely weird.


posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 06:36 AM
Ahhhhh the good ATS old days! This thread stays in my Top 20 favourite ATS threads. I've reactivated my photobucket account so these old threads keep their illustrations and images. Patom Crater remains fascinating and looks just great! Hopefully this'll get a new lease of life. Super Slovak used to be less grumpy too

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 07:55 AM
From the 2008 expedition.

In the "nest of fire eagle" is a huge egg
Under Patom crater at a depth of 100 meters, scientists discovered a strange three-dimensional object.

Now I'm one hundred per cent I can say that under the crater, we have identified three-dimensional object that has increased electrical conductivity. Its shape resembles an ellipsoid or a cylinder, the tip of which is located at a depth of approximately 100 meters. Down it goes to 600 - 700 meters.
But, judging by the results, it is not made of iron, not from any other metal known to mankind. But the fact that there is something - a fact!

Google translation of

Whatever it is, it's very interesting...

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by internos
If i'm not mistaken, that would be Patomsky crater (патомский кратер),
i remember to have seen a picture in which the central peak looked the same, but even the angulation of the photo was the same, maybe it was even the same photo: but i'm not sure, honestly." border=0>

Very interesting post internos, thanks for that.

When I saw that crater, it immediately reminded me of these ones on Mars, which I find so amazing and intrigued me from the first moment I saw them, especially the one below.



[edit on 18/2/10 by spacevisitor]

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

I think a similar crater (althought on a much bigger scale) can be found in northern Quebec. The Manicouagan impact crater is now a hydroelectric reservoir. We can clearly see the uplift forming what is now known as Rene-Levaseur island.

Manicouagan Reservoir lies within the remnant of an ancient eroded impact crater (astrobleme). The crater was formed following the impact of a 5 kilometres (3 miles) diameter asteroid which excavated a crater originally about 100 km (62 mi) wide although erosion and deposition of sediments have since reduced the visible diameter to about 72 km (45 mi). It is the fifth largest confirmed impact crater known on earth[1]. Mount Babel is interpreted as the central peak of the crater, formed by post-impact uplift.

From wiki
and wiki

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:37 PM
Sorry about this thread guys... I thought it would be cool to join UFO area to see what news they have to offer... most of it seems bogus now.

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:48 PM
Its an entrance for extraterrestrial vehicles... Or it could be dirt moved for an underground base... just throwing it out there.


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