posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:42 AM
That's really cool! I've read about some species of turtle/tortoise that exhibit what is called 'negligible senescence', where the cells
basically stop aging, but even in those animals, they don't reverse the aging process.
Just to answer a point some have brought up, this jellyfish, and the turtle/tortoise mentioned above, and other animals like this, are not immortal in
the sense that they are invincible. They simply don't die of old age. They can still die by massive trauma, starvation, disease, and all the usual
suspects. The 'immortal' part comes along in that if they don't run into any sort of trouble, they can just keep on living. Contrast that to a
person, for instance, who after a certain point is pretty much doomed to die of cancer or organ failure or something. It's why people just don't
live much past 100, no matter how well they live, how many skilled doctors they have, or how lucky they are in avoiding accidents.