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"Dawn of the Dead" in real life?

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posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 02:04 AM
I believe it could happen, and is probably already being or have been studied on by the govt.
Soldiers who feel no pain, who don't have a conscience anymore, no fear of dying, an unstoppable killing machine, need to special equipment, no luxuries, no food, cost the govt nothing, it's the gift that keeps on giving.
Yes, zombies would be something to look into.

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 02:26 AM
I may sound sick but i have always asked my friend s whaty thye would do if the dead came back to life.
Many of my friends jusy "RUN FOR MY LIFE."

Me, i would just let them eat me after shooting myself in the head.

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 05:11 PM
Depends on your interpretation of a zombie; a mindless killing machine engineered by the military , or a re-animated dead body? I think both are far fetched, although I'd have to go with the military option...there's no way a corpse is climbing out of a grave, I'm afraid (and I LOVE zombies! don't get me wrong! please!).

You have to admit that whilst it conjures up some good survival theories, it will never be.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 03:30 PM
Well now through genetic modification its all possible. First of all you simply need to change the skin to be similer to a rhinos for example. If you modify the person then in theory anything is possible. Plus perhaps zombies seem invicible simply because they are slowly dieing but can completly ignore the pain. And if you look at Red Faction II towards the end the one dude sends these zombie things after you by using nanotechnology. It's elementary my dear Watson.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by cyberdude78
Well now through genetic modification its all possible.

Dude you have any links to back this up? i'd like to know.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 09:56 AM
regarding live soldiers who feel no pain/no conscious. If you worked it right, you could completely engineer people from the time of birth to do this via psychology/hypnosis. We already know what it is that makes people morally/emotionally retarded (aka serial killers). With hypnosis, it's been more than proven that you can put people into a trance, and even do things like open heart surgery with NO anesthesia (sp?).

Also, when you get your nor-adrenaline (fight response) going - people have been known to put holes in concrete walls with their bare fists (8" thick walls) and come out of it without even a scratch on their knuckles.
true story here about catatonic schizophrenics (CS): Now, 99% of the time people with CS are veggies. Every once in a while though (like, maybe once in 5 years type deal) they can go into noradrenal override modes for no apparent or definable reason (not saying they all will, but its well documented they can). In a ward a prof of mine worked with, 2 guys were escorting a CS down a hallway somewhere, when he went into override.

Some info on the parties involved:
CS: 125 lbs, ~6ft tall. Basically a stick figure.
escort one: 6'4, 325 lbs, former offensive lineman/bouncer.
escort two: 225 lbs, 6'2, martial artist of 15+ years. Specializes in self defense/non-lethal submission moves.

They're escorting him down a hallway, one on each arm basically (E1 left arm, E2 right). He goes into overdrive. Swings right arm across the front of his chest, connects with E1 in the sternum. Force from blow knocks E1 literally 20 ft back backwards into a wall knocking him out, with every bone in his rib cage shattered. The centrifugal force of the swing lifted E2 completely off his feet and swung him into the opposite wall aprox 8 ft away. CS then walks up to wall, punches 3 holes in 5" thick concrete wall, and goes back into state of catatonia.

100% true story
Another pretty well known fact is that when running high on adren, or noradren your body can withstand amazing amounts of punishment.

It's been pretty well documented that people all hyped up on certain amphetemines (or maybe something like PCP, which is a hallucinagen - but can trigger noradrenal modes) have taken multiple gunshots to the chest and kept coming. Ask a cop about dangerous encounters with people on PCP some time.

Luckly, your body really doesn't have that large of a supply of noradrenaline. usually you get one big surge, that can last from seconds to maybe a half hour, depending on how focused/intense it is. If however you could find a way for a person to 'trigger' the outburst deliberately, and keep a constant supply they could be 'unstoppable' for long amounts of time.

Martial artists are thought to be able to more or less turn their nor adrenaline on or off - which is why you see some of them break 700lbs of ice without a flinch. So, feasibly it is possible.

As long as you're not talkin about raising the dead, military-type zombies aren't THAT far fetched.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 10:13 AM
They already have a program that turns people into killers. It's called BOOT CAMP.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 10:20 AM
In order to create a real zombie, IE: Dead person who walks around.
you would need a fresh body, one who's brain hasnt deteriorated,and I suppose you could make some sort of helmet with a car battery on it or something simular to that IE:a power cell of some sort, and then stimulate the brain with electricity to cause the impulses of movement. If the electricity was put into the proper places in the brain, you could make it move around. Make legs move etc, make it breath to supply oxigen, which would keep the body "alive"
You would also have to have a complete map of the brain proccess and then the "zombie" would have to be remote controlled or somehow programmed by a computer chip.
I guess its a possibility once we get the entire brain all mapped out and understood.
Just my thoughts on the subject.

As I was reading this, a thought occured to me, what would happen if you turned on the juice and the person actually came back to life after being dead for a few days and kept in a cooler....they would be brain damaged for sure...but...what if they were still them? eeeeeeee....brings up a moral issue....spiritual one too.

Might just be better to remove the brain and insert a computer brain attached to the spinal cord...that might work better. Yeah yeah!!
thats the ticket!! You could probibly stimulate the heart to beat and lungs to function, so that they dont drop thier arms and stuff off after a few days. Otherwise they would become rather stinky...and who wants a stinky zombie running around?!
BLAH!! little gobs of flesh falling off and stuff.....

[Edited on 22-5-2004 by Darkblade71]

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 06:34 PM
About noradrenaline, my 6th grade science teacher said he heard of people with lots adrenaline flipping over cars. I also heard of a drug addict taking 9 .40 S&W shots to his chest. What i don't get, is how can their muscles do work after their energy supply being cut off? Is it like shocking a dead frog, and it jerks, using up nutrients that were there at the time of death maybe?

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by DanD9
About noradrenaline, my 6th grade science teacher said he heard of people with lots adrenaline flipping over cars. I also heard of a drug addict taking 9 .40 S&W shots to his chest. What i don't get, is how can their muscles do work after their energy supply being cut off? Is it like shocking a dead frog, and it jerks, using up nutrients that were there at the time of death maybe?

yes flipping over/lifting up cars has been seen/done before.

as for being shot, the reason your muscles don't work in general is because of the pain. Having a big hole in your muscles hurts. A lot. When in noradrenaline mode, your pain receptors kinda get overridden by the surge of energy. thats not to say that taking 10 shots to the chest won't eventually kill you from bleeding out, but the initial pain of the bullets may not stop you.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Trance
maybe theres some chem in the brain that the virus makes the zombies need an crave an they have instinct to eat brains.

Seeing the brain and surrounding area is a hotspot in the human body where all kinds of steering function chemicals are made(dunno the english name for it)(stuff like adrenaline and such) it could be that in zombies these chemicals are lacking(like in those people that need to drink blood because their blood lacks something) and they need to eat brains, organs and blood to sustain the needed levels of those chemicals.

A virus could cause the brain to loose all intelectial capacity and revert to 100% instinctual functions, causing the zombie thats left to do what every animal on earth does, feed to sustain needed levels of food/chemicals and procreate.

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by imtheism
As long as you're not talkin about raising the dead, military-type zombies aren't THAT far fetched.
Nowhere near farfetched.

Animating the dead isn't all that farfetched either. Man has already achieved the animation of paralyzed limbs. This has been achieved by transmitters and electric impulses. Here's more...

FDA Approves New Bionic Ear Technology: Advanced Bionics Introduces

Australian inventors create bionic eye.

Bionic hands for kids.(Prodigit artificial hand )(International
Pages)(Brief Article)(Product Announcement)

Bionic arm with skin is being tested in Scotland

Heart Transplant Patient Learned of Bionic Heart Reading Newsweek's
'Next Frontiers: Health & Technology' Issue.

'Fuzzy' polymers for the bionic age.

FDA Approves New Bionic Ear Electrode Technology for Use in Deaf
Children As Young as 18 Months.

The Bionic Searcher


World's Smallest Battery-Powered Implantable Bionic Device for Urinary
Incontinence in Clinical Trial; Advanced Bionics' bion(R) System
Enters Clinical Trials in Europe, Powered By Quallion's Miniature
Implantable Lithium Ion Battery Technology.

Moleculars "motor" between cells.

THE BIONIC RAT.(research with rats and robotic arms may have future
implications for paralyzed humans)(Brief Article)

Cyberkinetics Closes $5 Million in Initial Funding to Advance
Development of Novel Brain-Computer Interface Technology.

Porous silicon may be biocompatible.

Bionic leg a step up, amputee says

Bionic man: Parkinson's patient enjoying life following 'brain
pacemaker' surgery

Researchers Combine Electronics With Living Cell To Create Potential
Toxicity Sensor

Nano-nose sniffs out smallest scents

UCSB Postdoctoral Researcher Wins Fellowship

Nanotechnology study launched


In Situ Click Chemistry

Nanotechnology, a Hard Pill to Swallow

Computer control is all in the mind

Neil Squire Foundation

Letting Silicon-Chip Implants Do the Talking

'Soul Catcher' Computer Chip Due...

Cyborgs and Biochips

Merging man and machine

Artificial Liver

Bioengineering Blood Vessels

Implantable Insulin Pumps

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 05:03 AM
nice links. very cool, some of the stuff they're doing.

as for animating the dead the problem doesn't lie withing making the physical body work again. As long as there isn't any decay, you can mostly always just start pumping blood into the person. The problem more lies in the brain.

I'm not 100% on this, but as far as I know when the brain stops getting blood, it starts to decay and you start losing neural connections. This in turn tells the heart to shut down. This is why strokes can be fatal. The brain needs oxygen and blood to keep it working at all times. you could reanimate a body, but the brain would be shot. This is why you can't get things like a 'brain transplant'- but you can with every other major organ. Once a brain dies once, it ain't comin back.

However, if they could figure out how to make a zombie think (cyborgish implants?), then they could very much be in business. With that, you wouldn't have any pain receptors to slow you down either (well, you would, but it wouldn't ever hit a nerve center in the brain to register.)

All that being said, it'd be a lot easier to just make robots, physical movement restrictions not withstanding.

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 06:03 PM
I agree that they might not become "mindless" zombies but regressing back into a primitive state, de-evolved in a sense where rage and anger become motivating factors and have lost their ability to repress those emotions. Just a thought.
Of course in some religions Zombies are just people risen from the dead.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 07:20 AM
Mmmmmm... Brains!

-Great, and Funny movies!

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by glitch314
I think it would be more like it was in the movie 28 days, it wouldent kill people, but turn them into blood thirsty canibals.

They weren't zombies. They where infected with the rage virus, meaning just pissed off, crazy and infectious.

[edit on 23-7-2004 by DaturaTB]

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by DaturaTB

Originally posted by glitch314
I think it would be more like it was in the movie 28 days, it wouldent kill people, but turn them into blood thirsty canibals.

They weren't zombies. They where infected with the rage virus, meaning just pissed off, crazy and infectious.

[edit on 23-7-2004 by DaturaTB]

Although technically classed as a zombie movie, with lots of nods to that particular genre, Danny Boyle, who made the film was very quick to point this out. That's what made the film that much closer to possibility and therefore more disturbing.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by imtheism
regarding live soldiers who feel no pain/no conscious. If you worked it right, you could completely engineer people from the time of birth to do this via psychology/hypnosis. We already know what it is that makes people morally/emotionally retarded (aka serial killers). With hypnosis, it's been more than proven that you can put people into a trance, and even do things like open heart surgery with NO anesthesia (sp?).

I 100% agree with you, I've triyed it (hypnosis) myself, and it does make you a lot more violent plus you can withstand alot more more pain then you were able to before. Also, when you get in a dengerous situation (a fight of some kind/when you get pumped with adrenaline) you just go crazy, you get into this "trance/mode" that some people call "beast", and you forget pretty much everything, including who you are... anyway, you just have this one goal/mission: kill whoever attacked and/or triyed to hurt you.

have a good one.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 07:34 AM
Kinda off topic...but at the same time not...Last night...for the third time this month...I've had a dream that I was in a Dawn of the Dead/ 28 Days Later type scenario...pretty realistic dream...and damn scary...

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Agent47
Well first you would have to develop a virus that shut down most life functions, I guess you could call it the T Virus, then you would make a multinational corporation that you could call Hat or maybe Umbrella, then slowly work on the formula for years while creating convenient accidents to test it. In all seriousness though, this is a good question

HAHAHA I love resident evil, I was just watching that with my girl last night... its great in 7.1 surround sound....

They do however have a good take on how to create zombies... Interesting thought however...... by the time technology comes into play where we can create zombies, if ever... it will be useless i believe... by then we will have 5x better droids to do the dirty work...
although... now that I think about it... just think how good jurassic parks scientists way of creating dinosaurs sounded.... and how fake it actually was and could never be done that way in real life... oh well

[edit on 23-7-2004 by porschedrifter]

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