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FEMA Camps on Google Earth

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posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 01:11 AM
I did it my self and found that a lot of them just lead to no where. For example, the Columbus Ohio one. It is on the campus of OSU. I doubt that and FEMA camp would be put up there. There are way too many people as it is. Or maybe John Titor has another "prophecy" come true about living by big universities as safe havens.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by 31337

As you pointed out, the costs to maintain a facility to house hundreds of thousands of people per location is byond economic reason. Why would they round up citizens just to have them somewhere, when already the citizens have their own places and paying their own bills to begin with?

The facilities are for any emergency situation, up to and including those who want to act like blooming idiots and show their asses off by causing riots and chaos, and for those who want to be totally stupid and try to invade this country, and for those who are even more stupid to mass across the boarder.

The authorities will know who the numbnutz are and who the do no wrong, cause no harm, innocent people are and round up those who deserve to be put into a prison camp, and those who deserve to go about their daily lives in freedom.

Basically it all comes down to prospective and priority. If anyone wants to make it their priority to be a dumbass, well by all means go be one and expect to find yourself in these camps, surrounded by security guards and treated like a prisoner. For those who use their head and take things into prospective and not be a blooming idiot, then you can expect to NOT be rounded up and spend time in those prison camps.

If you have to evacuate because of a huge hurricane heading your way or a major earthquake just wiped out every building in your city and now you have no where to go to live, eat, have clean clothing and a clean shower and pot to p.. in, then you will have a place to go where all the convinience of home will be found, at the disaster aid camps.

I just hope that all these folks who are touting about death camp this and death camp that, that when the time does come when the SHTF, that you use your head, keep your cool and come to realize that there is no fate for what you make but for yourself.


posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

... but in the course of WWIII, a virus, or complete econmic collapse or any other type of event that will bring about complete Martial Law... They will place people in these camps... and they propbably won't let you leave until you get chipped.

That's my take on the camp thing... They will announce madatory RFID chips, and if you don't have one... you are sent to the camp.

Thats your take huh...well just so you know, that is exactly all that it is...your take and nothing more. It is NOT fact, it is NOT what will happen, and is only "your" take on it...based on inuendo and rumor.

If there is some major virus outbreak, they will quarantine a city or a town or a county or even an entire state if necessary. That is much easier to contain an outbreak than it is to run the risk of spreading infection by hauling off the infected to a central location where it can be spread along the way.

Again, these facilites are clearly defined as to what they are, what they are for, and why.

I would suggest some read the facts and stop listening to these fear mongers like AJ who just loves to induce fear into the gullable and make you buy his BS videos and books so he can have a fat bank account courtesy of your fear and gullability.

Im sure his nice and secure bunker below his condo out in the country could use improvements so his fat arse is more comfy...all courtesy of your fear and pocketbook.


posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 01:36 AM
As gullible as I am, and as distasteful as I find it to be in agreement with RF Burns, I still gotta call BS on this one. FEMA camps? Sure. At these blue dots? not a chance.

First, suppose the government IS up to no good (not really a stretch, is it?) Do you REALLY think they'd drop it into Google Earth, and slap a sign on it saying "look HERE"? No, really, they're going to say "we're coming for YOU, and here's your new address"? Nope.

Fort Bragg, in NC, is the home of Special Forces. Camp Dawson, in Kingwood, WV, is also a Special forces camp (19th SFG, WV National Guard). Both are on the "FEMA Camp" map. I'm having trouble getting behind this, because I'm pretty sure if that were the case, the SFU would have already infiltrated, and be all over this. Folks going to those two camps at least (and probably bunches more), would be armed and mobilized against whoever put them there to begin with, post haste. SF at Ft Bragg LIVES for that sort of thing, and practices it constantly in central NC. I'm not at all sure that's what FEMA would have in mind.

It looks like a disinformation campaign to me. Draw attention from the real dangers by getting folks up in arms against imaginary ones. Kind of like "the war on terror", and the hunt for Bin Laden. One man, trapped in an 8 mile square area, and all the resources of the US can't get him? after 7 years? Gimme a break. Only reason they don't already have Bin Laden is because if they get him, there goes their boogey man to scare the children with. Same goes for this bogus FEMA camp map.

nenothtu out

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 02:11 AM
Google Earth isn't necessary for this. You can view them on Google Maps as well...

This list is not sanctioned by Google. It is simply hosted by them, and created by Here is a link connected to the list which has more information about FEMA camps...


For my state (Arizona), most of the markers are not even properly mapped - some fall on residential streets, or farms, or in the middle of the desert. Also, for Phoenix, it lists a "Federal Prison Satellite Camp". It's located downtown, so I can't imagine it holding any significant number of people.

I'm not saying there is nothing to be concerned about, but I think this list is blown out of proportion, and so is the issue, for the most part.

[edit on 1-2-2009 by walman]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by RFBurns

None of these two types of camps, are intended for, or will ever be for the purpose of killing off people. That rumor is just that, a pure outlandish rumor started by some nitwit on youtube and their mypiddlyspace blog site for the purpose of sensationalism and page hits.

No one has yet to provide any document, order, memo, wadded up piece of paper, intercepted communication, or any other type of proof from FEMA or any other legitimate source that states these camps are for rounding up citizens for the purpose of re-living the death camps of Nazi Germany and WWII.

thank you for maintaining your cool and thinking clearly, in this veritable sea of sensationalistic nonsense, and hopped up mob mentality....its people like you that reaffirm my faith in this website. Its the other type of people that start rumors and further this doomsday, conspiratorial type thinking. All this type of stuff does is make those who are impressionable and prone to histrionics, scared and hyped up. Most people, sadly, don't take the time to think, or look objectionably at the facts before running screaming to the boards and forums crying about the sky falling and furthering all this nonsense. I mean think about it, does it make sense that the government would be planning on interning all its citizens? Especially this president who got almost all his funding and draws most of his support and power base from the masses of citizens.... unfortunately most people are prone to influence and hear stuff like "FEMA death camps" and the questioning part of their brains shut off and suddenly, to them, it becomes the gospel truth....

please keep posting the truth, keep using logic and things like facts and evidence, and common sense, and maybe we can turn the tide of hype-based hysterical chicken little-esq baseless nonsense that pervades these forums.

the truth will set us free, and ignorance and rumors will enslave us all.

[edit on 2/1/2009 by smokecrops]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by RFBurns

You are the kind of person who perfectly fit in the nice times, where no one has to worry about the future, because the government is just and the motives of the people are honest and true. The kind of person who easily and successfully fit into the box, created by your culture and your philosophy.

The kind of person NOT suspicious, even if his neighbour disappears, who was just by coincidence a jew. And the gay shopkeeper is on a long holiday and his store is sealed by yellow strips of plastic.

You know, this has happened. And people of your kind call the suspicious and paranoid people "mongos" and you really think this kind of peoples only goal in life is some f*ing star or flag??

Sure, the government's your best friend, sure, you only need to fit in, do your job, use the system and if you are the one lucky guy out of one thousand, the sun shines on all the slums, hungry children and injustice done by your precious government

You really deserve your fat bank account, don't you?!

edit: Maybe there is no real intent to use the FEMA camps as killing grounds, maybe people are hasty believing undgrounded speculations. But for sure you are not the one to prove it.

(before you make fun of my grammar - look to the left)

[edit on 1-2-2009 by Wachstum]

[edit on 1-2-2009 by Wachstum]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by smokecrops

please keep posting the truth, keep using logic and things like facts and logic, evidence, and common sense, and maybe we can turn the tide of hype-based hysterical chicken little-esq baseless nonsense that pervades these forums.

the truth will set us free, and ignorance and rumors will enslave us all.

Yeah, the truth and your big fat bank account

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 03:18 AM
It appears a conspiracy theorist with a little too much time on his/her hands put markers for all of the locations where camps ALLEGEDLY exist. I pulled up Camp Grayling and clicked on the link like the person in the video to bring up all of the ALLEGED locations. Then, at the time still believing there might be something to this, went to GA (my home state) and looked at the marker for Madison, GA. In the info it describes the so-called FEMA coffins, which have been proven to be nothing but septic tank pipes. I'm not saying FEMA camps don't exist, i believe they do, but i seriously doubt anyone outside of FEMA knows of their locations. This is either well-intentioned conjecture or an outright farce.


posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 03:21 AM
ok come on guys, how can anyone watch that video and think any of it is real or based in any way in reality?......

its clear to me and I hope to anyone with half a brain that its all made by other idiots trying to spread fear and disseminate mis-information and un-truths....all those dots, are just places thought to be camps, by retards most likely, and most of them are just old army bases or other similar installations....that video means nothing, how can you not see that? I don't get it....

come on people, think for yourselves for once, and stop buying into all this sensational hyped up 1984, big bad scary government BS....

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:06 AM
Man, I have been SO on the fence about this. I agree with someone who wrote that, they could just shoot you need for a death camp. And that's true. They can save time and energy and take you down in your own house.

I look at history though, and I'm pretty damn sure those who weren't expecting to find themselves in a concentration camp, probably didn't think it could or would happen to them.

I have been on the fence clear up until reading this post, getting on google earth, and finding one right near me. I had NO clue this existed in my area. We took a little drive, and there it was... I didn't see a railroad, but it was near an old weigh station.

I would probably still be on the fence about this entire subject if I hadn't seen barbed wire pointing inward. Really, what am I to think after seeing fencing that keeps a person IN?


posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by Asherah
I agree with someone who wrote that, they could just shoot you need for a death camp. And that's true. They can save time and energy and take you down in your own house.

That's only true to a certain extent.

If you are talking, 10,000 people, across the country that are raising hell, you could probably manage to suppress that.

If you are talking 100,000, then you're starting to push it.

If we are talking over 1,000,000 "terrorist" citizens, you have a real civil war on your hands. I realize that's less than 1% of the population, but it wouldn't take many bombings, raids, etc. for people to realize how much damage a million angry people can cause.

These concentration camps, some of them can hold a million people by themselves (one in Alaska, I believe). From what I've read, the rest could hold a few thousand to a few hundred thousand. Each.

Sure they could shoot you down at your own house. But that is a real pain in the ass when it's a million people or more that are behaving as terrorists.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by 2Faced

I say, where there's smoke, there's fire....

Absolutely, I couldn't agree more. However -

I just checked out Camp Perry, like the gentleman in the explainer clip did. I was looking for an example of blurred out perimeters.

At least in the case of the Camp Perry marker, when I zoomed in, I found myself looking at about 50 square miles of farmland ...

Who put all these FEMA markers on Google Earth and wrote the descriptions ? Secondly, I'm sure it's possible to tamper ( technologically, after the fact, by some hacker, maybe ) with whatever they started out being ...

Consider this: Would the US military be very content with the fact that somebody has identified the location of 188 state-side military bases on Google Earth ?

Anyway, until somebody can say something about the source of the location data, like who compiled it, I'm definately taking this with a grain of salt.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by walman

This list is not sanctioned by Google. It is simply hosted by them, and created by Here is a link connected to the list which has more information about FEMA camps...

I just saw this post. Thanks for the link.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:05 AM
haha why would they need Fema DEATH camps for that's so absurd.
If they wanted to kill people they wouldn't need camps.
I wonder what kind of dumbo thought up this term?

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:56 AM
You ignorant amricans, get real, accept your stupidity, everyone else in the world has, no wonder you lot cant tell if this stuff is real or not cause u eat so much genetically modified crap, your brains are fried, come to europe and eat some half decent food, maybee your brain will work in order for you to accept reality, your stuffed boys.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by RFBurns

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

The FEMA camps are real...

None of these two types of camps, are intended for, or will ever be for the purpose of killing off people. That rumor is just that, a pure outlandish rumor started by some nitwit on youtube and their mypiddlyspace blog site for the purpose of sensationalism and page hits.

I love this, and you are so right. There are too many peeps on piddlyspace etc spreading rumours and complete unproven speculative cr%p for their own gain. One of the reasons I don't do such social networking, too many crack pots.

Your response gets a star from me.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by KainRich

Getting everyone rounded up and put into this camps seems pretty impossible for me to imagine though. The civilians greatly outnumber the troops. We would swarm over them.

You could have said the same with regards to Auschwitz, the people outnumber the troops, but nah, the troops won.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 07:25 AM
The government probably have certain knowledge of a coming event that will displace huge numbers of people who will need to be rehoused. I can think of asteroids, Yellowstone erupting, pandemic (deliberate or otherwise), massive financial collapse (deliberate or otherwise), San Andreas fault shift and so on. If they had knowledge about any of these they could not afford to make it known as that would cause panic.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 08:02 AM

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