There isn't massive uprising because the majority just have not seen any evidence of a NWO planning to wipe out a large percentage of the population,
including me!
I see a lot of talk, a lot of people referencing other people who reference them for evidence! It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It certainly
seems to me to be a lot of people believing something that doesn't exist and using the fact that someone else believes it as a form of evidence that
it must exist.
People will make a survival plan for themselves when they need to. Neither you nor I can tell them how to live, or that they MUST believe in something
to prevent it from happening.
When soldiers start rounding people up, then worry.
When the government bans all weapons and militias, then worry.
When you start to see these FEMA camps in use, then worry.
When you start to see the lists of "missing" people rise thousands beyond the norm, then worry.
In this day and age, it would not be possible to keep such a thing quiet. It simply wouldn't work. Any NWO elite would be daft to think they have
complete control of all internet access, media, phone networks...
There are priorities, and the main thing to worry about is protecting yourself and your family and friends when the riots start. That is the only
thing to be prepared for right now.
If there were ever to be a NWO scenario, industrial genocide etc, it's every man for himself. History shows that people would not accept it as true
until they see the evidence for themselves.
If it does happen, at least a few will see it coming and escape.
Personally, I think it's a load of BS created by a lot of sick people with money to make from scaring others.
But hey, that's just my opinion.