reply to post by kissy princess
There are very few informed people in the USA. If you watch news like Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck then you are one pissed off American. They have been
telling us for years of what would happen. The only time that they were full of BS is during the election. They were trying to pick the lesser of two
evils and they both know it does not really matter.
Soooo, what's that make, maybe 3 to 5 million at the most. Against 300 million, we are called crack pots, etc. I get this attitude with my only wife
and kids. The wife finally sees it, but would rather stick her head in the sand. My kids are late 20's and early 30's and run from it like they
might have to shut off there games to listen.
There are only a small handful of our congress that are not corupt and really stand for the people. Some are a little to socialist for my flavor, but
at least they understand the important item and agree.
When it happened, 1913, what long term affect it has had, driving the middle class out, and the dangers of the future, no middle class.
Any type of Govt can work like the sales ad says. But, no matter what you have, the very few, 12 families, that control most of the world enconomic
power will always find a way to make the big spread and control. They had to try several times in the USA to make it finally stick. We told them to
stuff it twice and paid off the debt and went back to the gold standard and silver.
The biggest problem we have now, is that there are too many people in the world to go back to the standard and they know it. So, there is no easy
answer. I know that somehow, someway, there will be a big enough war pretty soon to help keep us occupied, and de-populate the world.
There is only one way out of this that is the right way. Our Govt. can print out the money and not borrow it from the FEDERAL RESERVE. It will not be
easy, but it stops the insane way they do it now. Our govt actually prints the money and sell it to the FED RES for the cost of printing. I think that
is like .02 cents per bill. Then they borrow it back to the Govt. at full value plus interest. What a scam. There is no way to ever pay off any of the
I say, take all the Debt and make our own settlement with them taking into consideration of the 96 years they have been screwing us. I think that we
can tell them to piss off. No Debt.
If they have borrowed to other countries then they can have the debt to pay them back.
If we owe another country, we can set a fair term and slowly pay them back. Rein in the Govt spending, drop taxes, bring back manufacturing to the
states. They try to make it so complicated so we do not understand.
It's not that hard to undo. It just takes people that represent us to not be connected to us.
Our country is always suppose to be a constant fight to keep it in check. We have had 96 years of only self interest in our daly lives. These wars and
such are complete BS. If we take care of ourselves and just keep an eye out. If they raise oil too much, cut off the food and other items.
If we do go to war, first bomb the crap out of them. If that does not work, take their land. We f'd up in WWII with Japan. We should have taken
In Europe it was different, we where there help friends keep thiers.
Like in the case of Japan, we could eventually let them have it back, but only to our advantage. We did this somewhat, but if you remember years back
they were starting to own everything we had.
We should own by now half of the mid-east. If we are not going to take it and all it's resources, then leave it alone and let them defend for
Sorry, went from money to war. But it's all connected by the same sick group of world bankers. If one does not believe this, one is a complete fool
that has not studied the facts of history thoughout time.
[edit on 1-2-2009 by j2000]
[edit on 1-2-2009 by j2000]