reply to post by Dragonfly79
This is what I get for forgetting to put "I feel" in front of my statement. It might come off as an absolute and get an absolute response.
I'm not going to try and convince you one way or the other and the issue of this thread really isn't about the deffinition of sentience, that's a
whole other can of worms. The spiritual path is a wrestle with the ego, our biggest fear outside of base survival seems to me, "the fear of feeling
crazy". I knew once I took that step to find wisdom that I would be dealing with this.
I'll say this, if your giving me an absolute statement, it has as much value as an absolute counter statement. Freedom from absolutes. We think we
can get away with saying something is THIS way and no other because an "expert" has declared it fact. That expert could be a government
"official", a scientist, the pope, some tibetan guru, or a homeless guy on the street.
I try not to get stuck to what the "facts" are because I know how things can change. Science is only as good as the practising it.
We limit ourselves once we accept someone else's belief system. It's our belief system that science is accurate, or its our belief system that we
can trust religion, etc. In the end it all comes down to how we ourselves process the information given.
So though your opinion may differ, (totally fine, I don't doubt your reasons in the SLIGHTEST, I used to be way different), I just ask that you
respect my right to voice mine. But is your counter-opinion yours or someone else's? Do you mean to say "I FEEL, its another way"? or "it IS this
I am so careful not to try and throw in absolute statements but if I did my whole post would be full of "I feels". At the top I mentioned it would
make more sense if one had a background knowledge of meditation or Qi Gong.
What I feel, works for me. I don't care if I'm wrong one day, I take a fall and get back up, humility. I don't care if what I do seems futile to
some who believe we die and that's the extent of our existence. Again that's a whole other can of worms that would take me 10 pages. 3 years of
daily meditations anywhere from 30 minutes to 5 hours in the making of my sense of self.
If you consider science a trusted source of information. A simple google search on the subject might change your mind.
"The Secret Life of Plants" touches on a sense of boundless awareness down to the cellular level. It's about scientific experiments in the
60's. It seems to be where the whole "you gotta talk to your plants" comes from.
And a good youtube video:
Bruce Liption - Biology of Perception - He has a very interesting perspective and talks about the new scientific thoughts on DNA, which is
interesting how I never learned about it in school. Why do they teach us outdated things and tell us its the way it is and no other?
I feel there is a universal language we can communicate, the idea that your cells understand english isn't quite in my belief system.
As with many spiritualists, I believe intent is this language, its sort of like a wave. Everythings a frequency to me. A frequency makes sense to me,
its just 1 or 0, like binary. And whats 1 and 0? Duality, simplicity. I've been mulling over that one for years.
Anyways, at the end of the day its up to us how to interpret things is what I think I'm trying to convey. I know this is not what this thread is
about but I make an effort to explain myself because 3 years ago I'd see myself in your position, and I was not to long ago seeing my friends in the
same position, who have now happily accepted meditation and the idea of formulating their own sense of self/reality. I think because I used to be on
the other side so to speak, it helps me to bridge these different worlds of ours. I'm not one for giving lofty answers, I try to give people straight
business, just concepts to mull over.
Thanks for posting and calling out my absolute statement.