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Serious Question: Americans, Guns, NWO

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posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 06:12 AM
This is a serious question, I don't understand as I'm Australian not American. Why are there so many nationalists, hillbillies, concerned citizens, whatever you want to call them, in the USA who freak out about defending themselves against doomsday or their government?

Y2k - A friend told me about the people he saw bunkered down in Arizona awaiting the end.
Now - On ATS - People promoting stocking up on ammo and food in preperation to fight off their governments NWO.

What is it with the paranoia, promoting the need to go Rambo style on everyone and expecting to be interred in concentration camps?

I dont remember these topics coming up amongst my countrymen, ever. I want to know the history behind it.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 06:40 AM
maybe a lot of Americans are fear mongers

maybe we know the possibilities of our government; they do feed us more lies by the day and make it so apparent their doing so. Why not expect the worst?

i don't fear it, but i will try to be prepared for anything.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by believer81
I dont remember these topics coming up amongst my countrymen, ever. I want to know the history behind it.

Our government is misleading and corrupt. Of course normal people won't realize what's going to happen. Although, we're not abnormal, we just know more than most people would.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:06 AM
Because they saw what happened when Katrina hit.

Humans turned into monsters, raping and looting to their hearts content, couple that with the governments ill preparedness for such a situation and people fear it will happen again.

Ironically, the government has made moves to prepare themselves for such an event reoccurring by stepping up the creation of facilities catering to such emergencies. This is where we get all the "FEMA camp" rubbish from.

I have faith in my fellow countryman, a good example was a bush fire very close to a small town nearby. Several houses were lost, but no lives were lost because the whole town pulled together and helped each other out.

This is a great example of SHTF, yet no one needed a gun to defend their homes from looters and everyone looked out for their neighbours.

Just my 2c

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:17 AM
i belive americans got this way because their government has grown larger and more powerful then it was ever supposed to be. America was founded by revolutionists that were trying to escape from a tryanical regime and know the American goverment has become the very thing that the founding fathers were fighting against, the government is burning the constitution and its scaring many of its citizens

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by believer81
I want to know the history behind it.

It's better to have a firearm and not need it, than to need a firearm and not have it!


posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:25 AM
Y2k, old news...Many people believed that when computer systems switched from the year 1999 to 2000, many would crash because to get the extra 2 digits of space, there was a lot of code written using only two digits, not 4 1999 was written as 99 etc.

Many people thought that might crash basic systems like Banking and Electric grids etc. causing panic and mayhem.


The concept of NWO, is that some people believe a few of the richest families/groups of people in the world want to control the worlds resources. Google is your friend. Look up:
The Bilderberg Group

The thinking is that these super elite will want to be able to govern the entire world by condensing nations together so they're easier to control.... The many controlled by the few.
North American Union
European Union
African Union etc...

With the ultimate goal being a one world government that these super rich, super elite can control centrally.


As far as the gun thing, we here in America have what's called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Our forefathers had the foresight to make sure that "We the People" always had the power of Redress and the power of the 2nd Amendment to be able to take back control of any government that got out of control.

The second Amendment reads as follows.:
U.S. Constitution: - Second Amendment - Bearing Arms

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

While some may view our stance as "clinging to guns" etc, the reality is that it's our RIGHTS that we are defending.

We currently have the right to keep and bear arms, and to defend our families and property against any threats, be that foreign or domestic.

As you may know, in the US we now have a government in which the Democratic party now has control of the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.

Some fear that the new administration may try to turn our RIGHT to keep and bear Arms into a PRIVILEGE, and then restrict that privilege to the point that it's illegal to own a gun.

History, as well as the actions of some of our politicians, has already demonstrated that those in power can and do become corrupt.

"We the people" are supposed to be in control of our government, not the other way around. The first thing any dictatorship, such as Hitler, would do is disarm the people it desired to have complete and total control over. History has been known to repeat itself..

That's really all there is to it.

The right to keep and bear arms is a battle that has raged for a long time, and many people feel that law abiding citizens shouldn't be able to have them.

One of the main arguments is that criminals will end up with guns whether we're allowed to have them or not. There's nothing a criminal likes more than an unarmed victim.

It really isn't the wild wild west out here. Just like anywhere on earth you go, there are people that don't value human life.

Not being able to protect your family and property to me, is unacceptable.

Hope that help some.


edit for cheesy typo:

[edit on 31-1-2009 by lernmore]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:53 AM
As lernmore said:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So, many Americans, myself included, feel that it is their right to maintain and extend their ability of personal protection, to the security of society as a whole, in such manner as can be considered "well-regulated".

This, of course, can lead to pathological cases, but it is seen as a philosophical necessity that such must exist, to the extent that the State does not impose its homogeneous image of 'acceptable conformity' upon the ideology of the citizenry.

In fact, one of the truest patriotic duties, is to possess and control such means of social disturbance, and take upon one's own shoulders the responsibility of properly regulating the violent and anti-conformity urges presented by base human nature.

Look at it this way, consider this as a possible hypothetical idea: if a bunch of well-armed, sober, and rationally-enlightened killers, respecting within themselves the Dignity of Man, give you the nod, you can know you're doing something right. Upon such assumption is America founded.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by believer81

You do know you're on a conspiracy theory site, yes?

Seriously, I don't see that many going all paranoid. I see more people debunking the NWO scenario and concentration camps idea more than those believing it.

America has a history.
And right now, America really is in serious economic trouble. And with such a high population, this is why there are now so many on here talking about survival and what to do when the SHTF.

It is becoming more likely that events will occur over the next year or two to warrant such concern.

We are already seeing protests in several European nations, and this is before any of us REALLY feel the financial crisis affecting our lives. Governments are trying to gradually ease us into economic decline, rather than allowing it to happen so suddenly, causing even more chaos and anger. This is why they bailed out so many corporations that actually have no market left. There is no reason to support all three major car manufacturers in the US, other than to prevent the massive unemployment it would create if any of them were allowed to collapse. The money is just buying the government time.

The US specifically is in a bad way because they are not reporting the truth to their public, and because the public there have been less inclined to protest over anything.
This has built up over the last 8 years.
California and NY are in serious trouble right now.
If people do protest, the state authorities and government in general do not allow peaceful progress and venting of frustration. The American Policing tactic in recent years has been to "control and conquer", which inevitably leads to confrontation where there otherwise would be none or little.
Once this happens, there is further perceived injustice against the people, which causes more protests. And so on and so on.

This will come about as tax is increased, wages are frozen, unemployment rockets, an unstable oil market increases and lowers prices from day to day, state welfare funds are increasingly limited...

You don't need to be an economist to know that there is a lot more to come.
Banks are still not lending, despite being given tax payers money.
Smaller businesses which rely on those funds are having to lay people off.
Less tax is going to state funds while the number of those needing it increases.
There is still no market for new vehicles. What are the big three car manufacturers going to do in a couple of months when their bail out money dries up?
They will be forced to lay off staff.

You don't need to be an economist to know that all of this is now inevitable.

What happens after this is open to the public.
If they protest in massive numbers, as is likely as seen in Europe again and again, it is very likely to spin out of control.
Can you imagine what would have happened in Greece if the population had been armed when they rioted in the streets?

Even if they don't protest, crime rates will soar, unemployment will continue, taxes will rise, standards of living will fall, opportunities for youth will vanish, local funding for the support of infrastructure is already gone.

Those planning to protect themselves, move to a safer area out of the cities, planning ways to survive without state help, they are all just being sensible and seeing things for how they might be in a few months to a year.

And on the specific subject of the FEMA camps.

They do exist. It is a practical measure to have these sites which can assist in almost any large emergency.
Evac of citizens.
Treatment of citizens in an outbreak.
Detention of dissidents in unrest.
Operations base in an emergency.
Store area during any disaster...

There are many uses for these multipurpose sites.
And in a nation where the prison population is already at maximum, these places will be used to hold those detained in any massive civil unrest scenario.

It all seems quite logical to me.

I'm in the UK. I wouldn't say I'm worried, we have protests every other week about one thing or another. They rarely become violent.
I have a stable job, no solid expenses to speak of, life is OK.
But I am paying attention, especially to what happens in America.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by believer81

Because our country was founded on being oppressed by a tyranical government that made inhumane laws such as troops taking over private property to use as barracks for their soilders. Taxation without representation. Basically no rights to any freedoms unless the king says so.

Why do arm our selves? Because it is our right and our duty to protect our selves from tyranical governments, we have the right to rise up and overthrow any government that tries to oppress our rights as citizens.

Citizens without a way to protect their rights will soon find that their rights are gone. Look at the UK, they banned all guns, crime is sky rocketing, knifings are now the way to kill someone. Ban knives, people will use bats or clubs, ban those and they will use rakes and pitchforks.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by believer81
Well hears how i see it. We have a constitution that we fought and died for that garranted that all americans have rights. but are great goverment that swears to protect that constitution is doing every thing in its power to change it to meet there agendas. i am just a ordinary guy but i own guns and thats because we have a constitution that garrantes that right. and it should be that way because are founding fathers knew all to well what would happen to people who couldnt defend themself agiant a tranacal goverment who could just walk all over its people. witch if you are from australia you should know how that feels sence your goverment has limited your right to own firearms and they got away with it. i dont think that would happen in america. i cant speak for all americans but i know for one that would make me mad as hell enough to fight.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:40 PM
we can not let everybody get armed, it will be uncontrolable, populations
could shoot at eachothers and it will be chaos, defend our self yes but...

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by believer81
This is a serious question, I don't understand as I'm Australian not American. Why are there so many nationalists, hillbillies, concerned citizens, whatever you want to call them, in the USA who freak out about defending themselves against doomsday or their government?

Im sure a lot of it comes down to the pretty constant propaganda campaigns since WW2. Two generations of war would have a detrimental effect on peoples mindsets.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by We the People
we can not let everybody get armed, it will be uncontrollable, populations
could shoot at each others and it will be chaos, defend our self yes but...

I disagree!

Will anyone start something if there is a real possibility the the one you are trying to start something with is armed?

An armed society is a polite society.


posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by believer81
This is a serious question, I don't understand as I'm Australian not American. Why are there so many nationalists, hillbillies, concerned citizens, whatever you want to call them, in the USA who freak out about defending themselves against doomsday or their government?

Y2k - A friend told me about the people he saw bunkered down in Arizona awaiting the end.
Now - On ATS - People promoting stocking up on ammo and food in preperation to fight off their governments NWO.

What is it with the paranoia, promoting the need to go Rambo style on everyone and expecting to be interred in concentration camps?

I dont remember these topics coming up amongst my countrymen, ever. I want to know the history behind it.

There is no history behind it. It's just that we tend to catch on a little quicker than other countries, such as Australia..sabre11004

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 10:25 AM
Personally for me growing up it was watching the feds snipe Viki Weaver while she was holding her baby. Shooting Sam in the back as he ran home upset his dog had just been shot buy a fed. Seeing the Davidians "compound" burn to the ground because it wasn't a government approved religion. The ban on "assault weapons", the myth of "armor-piercing ammunition and magic undetectable synthetic guns and other lies for the sake of fear and control.

Later it was the Browns, Katrina, land confiscation through eminent domain, etc...

The government hasnt given me any time off to forget they are the enemy.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by We the People
we can not let everybody get armed, it will be uncontrolable, populations
could shoot at eachothers and it will be chaos, defend our self yes but...

But what????

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