reply to post by ModernDystopia
Hey, while you're busy declaring that the right to bare arms should be taxed, licensed, and regulated nearly into non-existence (and make no mistake,
that's the purpose of this bill,) why don't you make the same arguments for our other rights?
Maybe we can pass laws that state we need a special permit to be safe from unlawful searches and seizures. After all, there should be no reason a
law-abiding citizen can't apply for, and be granted, such a permit, right? All they would have to do when facing a police search is present their
permit. "Sorry, officer, I have obtained permission to be protected by the Constitution!" Without such a licensing system, the cops might have a
hard time knowing who they can get away with harassing!
We should probably have similar laws for freedom of speech. After all, talking without a license is dangerous to society. Without proper monitoring by
the police, you can say all kinds of things that can stir up trouble. Without a strict "Free Speech Registration," anybody could express any opinion
they wanted to - there would be no way of stopping bad people from disagreeing with the government!
Let's get religion into this, also. You never know when some "religion" might actually be a crazy cult, teaching its members that the word of the
religion's founder supersedes that of the government. So let's make sure that you can't be caught anywhere near a church unless that church is
approved and licensed by the government to preach its beliefs to others. And just to make sure nobody is supporting an evil terrorist church, we'll
make everyone report to the government annually on what religion they practice.
How about abolition of slavery? That's a dangerous thing there. Thanks to abolition, there's all kinds of black people running around, possibly
doing horrible things, just like gun owners! We better round up every American, and make sure they obtain a special photo ID exempting them from
slavery. Anyone with a criminal record gets turned down! Without such an ID, criminals can be removed from the streets by anyone seeking workers -
employers will be capturing bad guys and putting them to work! Free cheap labor, and violent people off the streets! Where can we go wrong?!
I'm sure, your almighty huge penisness, that you don't believe my comparisons are legitimate. I'm sure you think the Second Amendment is a special
case, because of the "danger" of guns. However, all the things we have the right to bear can be dangerous. Speech can incite rebellion. Religion can
preach intolerance. Privacy can hide ill-intent. Even freeing the slaves had its backlash. Should we then limit all of these rights only to
pre-approved license holders?
And I'm sure, as you sit in your special little chair in your avant garde little home, marveling at the incredibly humorous humor that you've
humored us with (AKA, sitting in mom's basement making penis jokes,) you will remain unconvinced that a Right is important if it's not one that you
personally exercise. How incredibly self-righteous of you.
No, we should not submit to such blatantly inhumane laws - our license and registration to practice our rights is inherent with U.S. Citizenship.
One more time, in bold, just in case you were too busy Googling more Viagra jokes to read it the first time:
Our license and registration to
practice our rights is inherent with U.S. Citizenship.