posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 09:00 PM
George W. Bush and his entire administration. Richard Nixon and his entire administration. John F. Kennedy assassination, and then Bobby Kennedy, and
all these people were killed by crazed "militants" or "delusional fans"(in the case of John Lennon). Anyone who has ever preached peace has been
shot and killed, anyone with a resonating message of hope has been removed in one way or another...There are SO many ways to kill someone and make it
look like something else. And a fall guy can always be found. Disinformation is a proven conspiratorial tactic used by many covert operations
throughout the world.
Trillions, that’s right, trillions of dollars just dissolve into thin air all the time, and you don’t hear a word of it. The last time anyone ever
complained about trillions missing was the Pentagon 1 day before 9/11, which now has us locked in a needless war for the sole purpose of turning a
profit, and the only good this is doing is for the rich assholes on top of you and me. They are so separated from the rest of the world that calling
them alien, whether or not they’re human, is appropriate. These people do not suffer or struggle like you and I do. These people do not have to
worry about loss, their only concern is control and wealth to keep the control machine oiled. Tell me that’s not a conspiracy, the real owners of
this country don’t give a rats ass about you. They are sitting atop corporate towers surveying all that they own, and all that they seek to own, and
all that they seek to crush, and whatever agenda fits their profit margin. Does that not sound like conspiracy?
Because to do this they have to buy our government, and there IS proof of that. It’s all around you, every senator, president, and administrator and
CEO is more corrupt than a windows system file with few exceptions, but they get shot when they get too loud. There is conspiracy, life has turned out
to be a well documented but not easily swallowed conspiratorial reality and they will do their best to make sure you know nothing. Their is always
another piece of the puzzle, another stone to turn over, another i to dot and t to cross, because it is a convoluted game of cat and mouse, except in
this game, unlike in nature, the mouse is a well funded fascist, and wholly corporate entity. They will tell you that people like me are nuts, or
misinformed, or that something is fake, or call it swamp gas. This is not to say that everything that happens is conspiratorial. But history
throughout time has proven otherwise in many cases.
We have to ask these questions, because many times they are true. Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade. And to assume that an entity so well
funded and so well equipped and so brilliantly staffed in many cases, could not be capable of conspiracy on a vast scale is pretty naive at best. We
have to ask ourselves what drives us to to ask these questions. You have to wonder because if you don’t you may not figure out until it’s too
late, who is playing the cards...And what is at hand. Figuring out that everything you thought you knew is false is not nearly as bad as being fooled
into working for a cause you know nothing of and may very well disagree with. They may be playing with things they know nothing of and hurt alot of
people in the process. This is why these questions must be raised.
Here’s something that is recent you should mull over thoroughly:
Bush Administration Outing of CIA Agent