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Never watch the news EVER again. The 9/11 taboo/NoPlanes video

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posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by finemanm

It doesn't matter to the no-planers how many thousands actually saw the planes. Nor does it matter how many videos of the planes there are, whether they be from media, or homemade. There was absolutely no planes that hit the towers according the the disinfo these guys keep peddling.

They also don't understand that thousands of people would be coming forward in every news outlet imagineable everywhere in the world saying that the tv showed planes hitting the towers while they all saw nothing. I don't know what universe the no-planers live in, but it surely ain't ours.

Originally posted by CallMeBlu
Not one notable truth website supports your BS and not only that, some of them even bar the topic from discussion.

I've said the same exact thing several times in this thread, but they don't care. I showed them the videos debunking their disinfo and even have it in my signature so they can look at it every day.

Not one single no-planer has tried to counter what me and others have debunked of theirs, nor can they attempt to debunk the videos in my signature. The only thing they've been able to do for the past couple years is attack and demean you. Call you names, tell you you're stupid and have no common sense.

I have real 9/11 truth things to do with my time, so I'm finished conversing with these people. It's like talking to walls with them.

[edit on 10-2-2009 by _BoneZ_]

[edit on 10-2-2009 by _BoneZ_]

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 05:52 PM
Well your right it seems more than a bit bizzare but they do believe themselves

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 03:11 AM
Wtf is up with you lot??

You showed me an image that you can't explain!!
You are a joke BoneZ....very silly move putting an unexplainable image up as your evidence...
What is it with people who get told what to see and what to think..(sheeple) they call you!!

This makes me very show me a picture and insult my intelligence by telling me its a normal image....WTF??...Your blind/dumb/stupid/controlled/brainwashed....what is it with you lot??.........It took 5 years!! and you show me a picture that knocks your 5 years down the drain...

WTF is up with you lot when you have to make up stories about a "Group" of people who don't trust the media that day, Its called not getting fooled by poor video fakery!!
You lot attack them as if they were the perps!
Your a joke!
Debunk the image and you've got a point!
I don't care what ae911truth has said to its "followers" as I don't follow no one (I'm Not A Sheeple)....I can think for myself thanks!

So! can someone explain the image for us who see it as a dubious picture?

If I got a reasonable answer/explanation for the image I'm questioning I would let it go.....But it ain't gonna happen is it?

So 5 years of work??...Explain the image then...surely 5 years is enough time to explain it?

I think as long as the masses believe what they are told to believe ,then the government/perps win!

I never profess to know what happened that day, only that I was shown a lot of poor imagery and some poor witnesses telling me it was "757" passenger jets!
and the "NPT" is not the issue!......Its the imagery that was shown to be live events was a contrived effort of deception....Missile or radio controlled military plane maybe!...But why show us fake images if they didn't need too??

I'm intrigued!

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 06:54 AM
I've shown my wife this picture, which amazed me really because she won't give this subject the time of day (9/11 that is)....also she knows nothing about any theory or even about WTC7...anyway....
Her response to the picture was that it looked like it was a piece of art from the Tate gallery or somewhere....her instinct tells her that it is an illusion or half a plane was stuck onto the side of the building....
When I told her that this is a still from the MSM of that fateful morning she looked at me funny and walked away and refused to talk to me about it shouting that I should leave it alone and forget about 9/11....
She has a BSc in construction management (not that that matters at all) and is a very straight thinking person with no time for conspiracies....but her reaction to the image and then reaction to the source of the image tells me that.........

Ignorance Is Bliss!!

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by zerozero00
This makes me very show me a picture and insult my intelligence by telling me its a normal image

It only makes you angry because of your comprehension skills. You can't comprehend the physics behind it. You don't know or can't comprehend how the WTC towers were built and how the exterior columns failed at the connectors that day to allow the picture that you see.

You can keep being angry and keep screaming for people to give you an explanation for that picture. But until you can grasp the physics behind it or understand how the WTC towers were built and how the exterior columns failed at the connectors that day, or stop denying the thousands of witnesses to the planes, or the dozens of videos by both media and private, then you will continue to be angry and continue to believe the false things that you do and think that those false things are true and real.

[edit on 11-2-2009 by _BoneZ_]

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 06:43 PM
I'm quite surprised that after making statements like this and others above..


..that this guy is still on the thread slinging insults and obviously making a discussion that can't logically be discussed because of variable parameters.

the WARNING on the bottom of the page says "any inappropriate comments, insults, topic derailment or trolling...."

He stated in his last post that the person he was referring to is in NEED of insulting.

How much longer must we put up with it?

Mod edit - removed quoted material, deleted by staff.

[edit on 11-2-2009 by elevatedone]

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 06:46 PM
On topic please.

Let the Staff deal with this thread.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
On topic please.
Let the Staff deal with this thread.

Agreed, thank you.

Originally posted by zerozero00
I think as long as the masses believe what they are told to believe ,then the government/perps win!

But zero, isn't this what you're doing with the no-plane/tv fakery "theory"? You're believing what you're told by the people that concocted these "theories" without so much as a residue of research?

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 07:54 PM
And isn't that what any 'truther' is doing, too?

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by SuperViking

Absolutely not. I speak about 9/11 truth because I've used the past 3 years of my life researching and teaching others. When I found out about 9/11 truth several years ago, I spent several months researching to see if what was being said about 9/11 was really true or not.

See, most of us do our own research before believing others. I've manually researched most aspects of 9/11 to see what's truthful and what's not. Any real researcher or person seeking the truth about something will do their own manual research and verify the claims of others.

I have a little bit of a law enforcement background and evidence is key to any investigation. All available evidence on 9/11 points to inside job.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by SuperViking

Me neither. I was a little naive and a little late to the 9/11 truth movement, but I spent six months researching every aspect of the attacks before arriving at the inescapable conclusion that 9/11 was an inside job.

I felt sick for months, but I credit 9/11 with shocking me into researching how the world really works.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:23 PM
Ok I watched the first video link, but will not be watching the other ones because I fail to see any merit to the arguments in the first video.

In one cut specifically, there were 2 shots being compared, one in which a plane can be seen, the other in which there is no plane. ITS BECAUSE THEY WERE SHOT FROM DIFFERENT ANGLES... Not too hard to figure out especially when you use the surrounding building as a reference.

Also, the other ones where it overlaps footage from two different t.v. stations, what is that supposed to prove? That the footage was the exact same? Of course its going to be the same, since that day a lot of stations were broadcasting the same feed. It's not like every single t.v. station out there had their own camera guy at the scene...

Again, when it shows the hole of the first plane strike and the caption says "boeing sized hole?" and then shows how small the other boeing is coming in towards the second tower...Yes it is a boeing. When things are far off in the distance, they appear smaller. As the plane approaches the buildings, you can easily see it grows in size relative to its distance.

Finally, the last part of the video where it is raising question marks about the hole in comparison to the shape of the plane is ridiculous. This isn't a Wile E. Coyote cartoon where he runs through a wall and creates a hole of his exact shape. Keep in mind these buildings are not pieces of paper.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 11:00 PM
A couple more things i forgot to include...

The picture of the plane being halfway into the building is legit. Yes it is a very intriguing picture to say the least. But think about everything that is going on in that one captured frame... It's basically a version of the "unstoppable force meeting an immovable object". There are so many forces going on in that ONE SINGLE instance of that one frame of video, its just so overwhelming.

The fact is, there has never been an event exactly like the events of 9/11 (and hopefully there never will be again). Us as human beings with rational minds always tend to think that things NEED to be understood, and if we can't explain every detail of an event, then something must be awry. 9/11 set a precedent because it was unique.

Also, in almost all 9/11 "inside job" videos I have seen, there is always a huge emphasis on the civilian eye-witnesses claiming to have heard a bomb. of course they are going to say that. How many of them do you think have actually heard a real bomb in their lives EVER? Personally, if I heard a loud noise I would say the same thing, "it sounded like a bomb went off". Just because I have no basis as to what a bomb really sounds like.

I'm not dissing anybody or saying you are wrong, I'm just trying to give my two cents!

[edit on 11-2-2009 by Rams9]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by zerozero00

Hey Zero

Here's something for you to watch... something new.. shows tower one reacting to the plane hitting tower two.

This to me clearly shows that the planes were not real and that the explosions were covered up with graphics. This clip also shows explosions happening at the TOP of tower one at the initial impact in the Nadeau film.... At the time of impact and about twenty floors up. This plane must have been loaded to the hilt with fuel. I mean the whole aircraft must have been filled and I'm talking the passenger cabin too, if we are to believe that these explosions were caused by fuel. At least that's what the pros tell us the squibs are...


[edit on 12-2-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 01:14 AM
AllTiedTogether... Have you ever heard of a shockwave? it's obvious that the first tower is affected by the shockwave of the second plane impact... Please research before you come up with any "theories"

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Rams9]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by Rams9

Shockwaves don't send out blasts of projectiles like "Squibs"....

You are a very condescending sounding person.... Please do your own research and maybe leave responding to me out of your future. I'm trying to have a intelligent conversation about this without constantly derailed by those that seem to think they are such experts.

I believe the last was directed to Zero as he seems willing to view the evidence with OPEN eyes.


posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether
Here's something for you to watch... something new.. shows tower one reacting to the plane hitting tower two.
This to me clearly shows that the planes were not real and that the explosions were covered up with graphics.

It's not new, it's 2 years old. It clearly shows the perps detonating explosives in the north tower during both plane impacts, just as the video description says. These detonations were key in the demolition of the towers.

Originally posted by Rams9
Have you ever heard of a shockwave?

The ignition of fuel doesn't cause shockwaves. Fuel is not a bomb or explosive. The video describes clearly what the explosions are.

In the documentary 9/11 Eyewitness, there are explosions in the exact area of the plane impact in the north tower just seconds before it collapses. And you can even see the smoke being disturbed. The above video showed detonations to weaken the structure.

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether
You are a very condescending sounding person

Looked in the mirror lately?

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether
I'm trying to have a intelligent conversation about this without constantly derailed

If you want to talk about this subject without being debunked, then I suggest you go to a no-plane/tv fakery forum (there's one or two) and discuss it there. Here at ATS, everyone is allowed to discuss all sides of every story without the likes of you causing grief to others for speaking their opinions.

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