posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 12:49 PM
Lately, I just seem to spend more and more time in the twilight zone. Mebbe I need to look for a rental...... And so, here I am in the gray Area ( I
hope). Again.
A friend of mine described a dream of my ex g/f ( she described her) being with some guy in a quite intimate way, and she NEVER dreams stuff like
that... And then, this guy morphs into me, And when that happens, I backed away, and left, with my ex following me and crying.
What's happened here is this person, who has NEVER met my ex- has seen her, described her to me, and felt EVERYTHING I do when I have a dream about
my ex. She also told me she felt 'very threatened' by my ex's appearance, and was literally afraid of POing her. I asked as non leading a set of
questions as I could. I got height, weight, hair, hair color- she said she couldn't see her eyes for an eye color. She described what my reaction
would be if she ever came back to me to a T. I would refuse this woman completely.
The conditions this dream happened: this person was put under unusual stress that day, and more right before bed. These are sometimes the conditions I
end up with an 'ex' dream.
So, the following theories come to mind: a) my ex is a practicing witch. b) My ex is still a witch, but she wants me back with her. c) or just lonely
and miserable- which is why this other person got put thru the wringer. d) It's a demon/ weird inter dimensional being having a good laugh. e) add
your own.
Now, also with a good theory, I will need a way to combat it, especially if she's doing witchcraft. Prayer doesn't, and has not helped me rid myself
of this for 2 decades. I am not one to try or perform counter witchcraft.