reply to post by tmk81
Hi tmk
Here are ur answers
1. Can you share some of your personal experience?
A) My personal experience has been knowledge of this system through people talking to me in my head and also communicating telepathically. The US govt
uses this technology to read the minds of terrorists and I have some knowledge about it
2. Do you have any suggestions on how to stop this system outside of technology (for example: politics, raising awareness)?
A) Since this is an invasive technology, it will never be made public. Only people who experience it can share it with each other. I believe though
that the mind reading helmets that the US military is working on would become common communication channels in a few hundred years from now
3. "a second wave of a different frequency is mixed that somehow amplifies the original wave"
Does this imply a high-powered radar jammer?
A) I am not a technical expert in that but I can say that the second wave results in some distortion of the first one as a result of which the
original wave is not recognized by the brain of the person, although it reaches the brain, that is it, is of a frequency that is not reconized by the
4. Could one of these be built from off-the-shelf parts? If so, how?
A) I dont think it can be built that way, plus it is a very expensive technology
5. How would you account for evasion techniques such as frequency hopping and masking with noise?
A) I am not sure about these technical terms
6. Could an electromagnetic receiver be built from off-the-shelf parts which could detect these signals and prove their existence? If so, how?
A)I believe technically it is possible to build such a reciever and then place it just above the person's head to measure the signals
7. "Frequencies in the range of 8-10 are used" Why?
A) That is the frequency which is most ideal for human brain
8. Does the computer remotely detect brain states with ELF (or pseudo-ELF) frequencies through radar? If so, what is the physical mechanism?
A)The people I talk to would not reveal much on this to me except that the ELF are detected by a satellite. The satellite does what an EEG would do on
the ground
9. Could the ELF waves be transmitted from a ground based transmitter and bounced off the atmosphere like over-the-horizon radar excluding the need
for satellites?
A) Yes they could but then very complex calculations will have to performed. Remember the reason they are doing it through the satellite is that the
satelite can lock in to a person's position even when the person is in motion. Since ELF tend to bounce off the stratosshpere, when they leave the
satellite they are of a higher frequency and then they eventually reach ELF by the time they reach the peroson's brain. This is the little secret
behind this, but honestly I do not know much about this technically
10. If so, how do you account for the bandwidth constraints of ELF?
A) Would like to know more about this from you!