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The "You Lost, Get Over It" Line...

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posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 09:56 PM
I hear said line over and over again by democrats, I'm honestly pretty sick and tired of hearing it. The "You Lost, Get Over It" line is a product of collectivism, a product of separatism, it is exactly what the controllers want, to separate us, to make us weak, so that they can control us, down to the very most crucial part of our lives.

If I say I don't agree with Obama, that I think he's just a government puppet, I hear "You Lost, Get Over It".

I'm not a republican, I do not root for any of these stupid parties, I believe Obama is just as awesome, great and wonderful as Bush, they're both puppets, ones speaks well (when he has words in front of him), the other is strung out on drugs so often that I don't think he would ever be able to speak well even if he's off the drugs.

People literally worship Obama, like he is a savior or Messiah, he's not, he's just another sly politician, a scum bag, just like the last one. Only time will tell how horrible this one will be.

So die hard Obama supporters, give it a rest, quit this stupid crap, just because people aren't in love with the guy like you guys are does'nt mean they are republican, Bush lovers or anything, they just are susceptible to as much brainwashing as you guys have been, also, to the die hard Bush supporters, I'm not defending you, you guys are no different than the Obama supporters.

You see for many, many years, there has been a massive brainwashing going on, it's what I call the "football team mentality", keep people fighting against each other, get them involved in on the action, keep people fighting so that they can't see what's really going on.

So instead of keeping this long tradition of ignorance, let's deny it, let's deny this "two party", collectivist, separatist, ideology, seriously, lets cut the crap guys, I've had it with this bs.

If you agree, and will do your part to stop this tom foolery, then you are what it truly means to deny ignorance, take a stand against the NWO and don't fall into there trappings.


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:04 PM
Personally, I don't really care what someone says about Obama, only time will tell the good or bad he will do.

I agree he is just another scumbag politician, but IMHO he was better than the other option. I have used the "you lost, get over it" line, but not in the context you speak of. Only when someone is trying to argue that Obama should not be in office ("he's Osama/he wasn't born here/presidents should only be white/etc...").

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:06 PM
So he said it, Get over it.
Second line.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by anonymouse876
Personally, I don't really care what someone says about Obama, only time will tell the good or bad he will do.

I agree he is just another scumbag politician, but IMHO he was better than the other option. I have used the "you lost, get over it" line, but not in the context you speak of. Only when someone is trying to argue that Obama should not be in office ("he's Osama/he wasn't born here/presidents should only be white/etc...").

Same with me. I have had to face a lot of "out-of-office" bitterness with people in real life.

Being in a democracy does mean that people of one party will sometimes loose, and get over it, at least until the next election.

On the flip side, OP, you should not assume that everyone criticising Obama actually has a legitimate gripe with him... I have heard some people come up with the stupidest resons for thinking he is unfit for offic.e

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:14 PM
It hurts to see you ideology discredited, to see your beliefs in unregulated free markets hurt the economy to terribly, I understand your frustration and how you would get ticked when reminded. Next time be on the right side and you won't have this problem.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by anonymouse876

Ah, but you see, it's either one scum bag politician that will further carry out the NWO plans, or it will be the other scum bag politician that will further carry out the NWO plans.

Also YOUR VOTE DOES'NT COUNT! The voting system is rigged and no matter how many votes this person or that person gets, "THEY" will always get who they want in, that's why certain candidates will NEVER be able to become president.

Obama is no better than McCain, we all new McCain wouldn't win (at least those of us who already know it's all a big, rigged, football game), he made fun of himself and threw the election, he wanted Obama to win, he did a good job at playing the game, I'll give him that.

It's good to have objectivity, but let's not just brush off all conspiracy theories involving Obama though, let's test them, see if there is any real substantial evidence for said conspiracy theories.

If you look at all this from an "alien" viewpoint, a viewpoint of someone who doesn't care about who's team is playing, the players and the game it's self, you will see that it's all crap, all of this is just as I have said before over and over again, something to get us to fight amongst ourselves, to "devide and conquer".


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Pappie54
It hurts to see you ideology discredited, to see your beliefs in unregulated free markets hurt the economy to terribly, I understand your frustration and how you would get ticked when reminded. Next time be on the right side and you won't have this problem.

Listen Pappie54, I'm not a football fan like you, I'm someone who is'nt rooting for a side, next time read my post before posting such bologna, seriously, I already stated I wasn't a republican or a Bush supporter, never have been never will, I think they're both scum, but you, you obviously like to read the first line or two of a post then make an assumption.


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:26 PM
Great post...S&F!

Here's my take on all this. Yes, the PTB will continue with their agenda but what they haven't realized (and I hope they don't until it's too damn late for them) is that the division they're going to accomplish is: us against them.

We MUST remember who the enemy really is. It's not your neighbor. It's The Agenda that we're seeing unfold before our eyes all powered and funded by the elite (via our $$$).

I hope I live long enough to see a viable resistance coalesce and put these criminals out of office. All of them.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Pappie54
It hurts to see you ideology discredited, to see your beliefs in unregulated free markets hurt the economy to terribly, I understand your frustration and how you would get ticked when reminded. Next time be on the right side and you won't have this problem.

Pappie......don't you know.....

You won....get over it.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Oh, I thought that line was aimed directly AT the American people.
I was impressed by his honesty.

But now that you explain it. It sounds a little uni-partisan, if you will?

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Oh, I thought that line was aimed directly AT the American people.
I was impressed by his honesty.

But now that you explain it. It sounds a little uni-partisan, if you will?

Hmm... Some neuron receptors aren't firing right, could you define what you mean a little better?

In other words, I don't understand what you are saying/talking about, could you please explain?


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:09 PM

It was sarcasm.

To the American people: "You lost, get over it." To me, that is honesty.


It was actually to GOP...Gloating about owning the legislature, and the Presidential office. After bragging about working together, and reaching out across the aisle, he says "Get over it, you lost". poor sportsmanship.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Pappie54
It hurts to see you ideology discredited, to see your beliefs in unregulated free markets hurt the economy to terribly, I understand your frustration and how you would get ticked when reminded. Next time be on the right side and you won't have this problem.

Here, poopie54, let me put your big win in perspective for you,


There now, see how simple that was for your side to win. I mean really, when you think about it, all anyone had to do is vote for someone, anyone, as long as it wasn't a republican. Doesn't that sum it up.

I mean after all, the country was so fed up and so bush fatigued that they could have put any retard up as the Democratic alternative and YOU'D have voted for him.

How do I know?

Well lets see, what were the chances a Black guy with a past so controversial, virtually everything about the history is a mystery and any documents, from his birth place to his congressional record is sealed.

Someone whose entire range of advisors, friends and colleagues are either known terrorists, white hating bigots, radical leftists, and Chicago Mob members now serving time, what are the odds someone like that would get elected? Wait! Not only that but someone who quite frankly was virtually unknown, unqualified having no experience at all, un-tested in any capacity of Government serving only as a freshman Senator.

Even his senate seat, he strong armed using legal lag time inundating his opponent someone he stabbed in the back, a friend who got him his start this same man just threw those who have helped him along the way right under the bus. Someone doing such dirty politics he ran un-opposed, having the most extreme left voting record on record.

Just what are the odds someone like that could have won? 9 years ago, If I told you someone with that kind of controversial resume would win, we would have all said that's nuts.

ENTER George W Bush!

Before GWB, Obama had about as much chance to get elected as a snowball in hell. GWB real tough act to follow but who ever tries has one helluva mess to fix.

So what did YOUR side do?

ENTER: Barack "Hollywood" Hussein Obama and his mantra for "Change!"

They all heard that word and went all Gah Gah for the first one to say it.

So desperate for change were they, that the first person to say it, would put a nation in the ether and follow the sound of that word and the rookie saying it, like he was Ghandi, the Messiah, "The One" they have all been waiting for.

Now as it seems, many of the so called lies the McCain Campaign was accused of in the "negative ads" are true after all but it wouldn't have mattered what Obama had done in the past or the thugs he hung out with.

None of that matters to them because like the Obamagirls, they be "Hypmotyzed" and are too infatuated, too taken by the fact he represented the antithesis of everything we had just become so sick of.

Even down to his race where the color symbolized the blow back of voter rage and not voting for another old white guy seems to be just the ticket.

Hell his being black wasn't even a handicap for the man like it would have been just nine years ago.

Then we have the media's love affair with their man as they too, seemed to be under the spell of the "Obama Phenomena" the result of the "Kenyan voodoo he do, to dem der, democrat".

You want to know who to credit for this historical transformational figure on the world stage?

Thank George W Bush

but since I don't like a thing about Obama, it is just one of the great aggregation of the many reasons I hate George Bush even more.


And just when you thought things

couldnt get any worse.

Just watch

[edit on 30-1-2009 by Aermacchi]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by spacedoubt

Ah, Ok, I see, thanks for the clarification.

I wonder how many here consumed by partisanship?

I believe that this separatism is one of the key thing that TPTB have going for them, I've seen it used as a ploy to have people accept vitriol legislation.


posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:25 PM
Politics is beginning to be more of a spectator sport than Football.

It's so bad I can't even stand to turn on the news anymore.

Bad form, all around, from both sides, both parties, and the people who subscibe to the whole us -vs- them mentality with gusto and glee.

There's already enough drama out there without that pettiness.

Count me out.
*edit = "this to that", so as not to imply I was refering to the thread or opinions expressed herein. Sorry about that guys, I think you're spot on here.

[edit on 1/29/09 by GENERAL EYES]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by TheRandom1

I agree with you 100 percent.
The divisive nature of this modern democracy is separating people due to perceived differences, rather than uniting them through common ground issues, and common sense solutions. So we yell at each other, while the treasury is looted over and over again.

apparently, I agree with you too, General. Check it out, 3 people agreeing. We're off to a good start.

[edit on 29-1-2009 by spacedoubt]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by TheRandom1
I hear said line over and over again by democrats, I'm honestly pretty sick and tired of hearing it.

Folks are getting pritty sick an tired of the tin foil conspiracy that "all politicians are this and that accept myyy candidate" or that "Obama is part of the NWO" or what not. When this is coming from somebody on the opposite line, who has made it clear they have great dislike for the man, I think its highly likely its nothing more than election bitterness.

Im going to give the man his term in office before I rattle on, just like I did with dubya and Clinton. I wont label the man this and that because more candidate lost or because I dont agree with his ideologies. Id rather spend my time debating the real issues and why I disagree with his policies.

The "You Lost, Get Over It" line is a product of collectivism,

This boner over Ron Paul or the hype for sarah Palin is collectivism... Obama? Well his a democrat who won the election after 8years of conservative heck. Not exactly a surprise.. dont blame fellow libs for being so happy about that fact.

a product of separatism, it is exactly what the controllers want, to separate us, to make us weak, so that they can control us, down to the very most crucial part of our lives.

My aint that hypocritical? As other members have stated above, the vast majority of Obama supporters only use that line when the "his muslim,arab,foreign,commie" line comes up. The only "product of separatism" is coming from the mouths of you fellas, and you will be called out for it.

If I say I don't agree with Obama, that I think he's just a government puppet, I hear "You Lost, Get Over It".

If I were to say Ronny P was a government puppet I would get a mouthfull because many folks here agree with his policies and look up to him in "awe". The "government puppet" gig is used on every politician besides ronny and it is really getting old and outdated. If the last 8years got you negative about everything government, thats your deal... I prefer
to give each administration a chance before crying foul, even when its not my candidate.

I'm not a republican, I do not root for any of these stupid parties, I believe Obama is just as awesome, great and wonderful as Bush, they're both puppets, ones speaks well (when he has words in front of him), the other is strung out on drugs so often that I don't think he would ever be able to speak well even if he's off the drugs.

One mans conspiracy is another mans junk... ya know? How about I go telling everybody that Ron Paul or Bush are reptiles and cry foul when they dont believe me. Its a matter of personal belief.

People literally worship Obama, like he is a savior or Messiah,

Labelling every single individual who voted for Obama as this and that is not very objective on your side. I may disagree with alot of McCain supporters here but Im not going to label every one of them as racist bigots now am I? The truth of the matter is that any Democrat, whether it be Obama or Hillary, would have had a pritty good chance of winning the elections, because the last 8years under conservative governing didnt go so well. In addition Obama was a candidate who happened to be black, its true that there were some that voted for him for that reason, but not everybody did.

I voted for him for his policies and because I agree with the liberal ideology, does this label me as a messiah sheep follower? And besides those same folks would have voted for the man because his a democrat. If it was Gore for the last 8years, we would have seen McCain in office by now. Republicans got what they should have expected electing the lying oil man to office.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

You make good points, it could all be construed as collectivism.
MY guy, your guy, etc.

However, you might also notice that the only candidate from the past race that is still avidly supported here, and in many other places, is Ron Paul.
He seems to have started a fire in a lot of people, just by practicing what he preaches. And it's not a "mania", not a bright flame that burns out quickly.
It's more a smoldering flame, slowly spreading as people see that the nasty things he predicted, slowly come to fruition.

So, I'll take a candidate that doesn't want give the Government more power, and that has a grasp of the constitution. That goes for local, state, national candidates.

Paul's organization, Campaign For Liberty, is helping everyone identify, and throw support towards these types of candidates. It's not all about him anymore.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by TheRandom1

Google Video Link

Its sad to see the Americans having to picked the better of two evils.

Has it ever been different? I haven no clue, right now. Will it change?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by southern_Guardian

i don't think there's any hope for you. People use the get over it line for the simple pleasure of cutting someone down. that's it. It's just another smart-ass comment. You think folks are getting tired of the tin-foil hat guys? lol. Let me put it this way; there is a direction the world is going to go, under the guise of another direction, and some people have figured out how they do "the switch". I thought it was funny how you proclaimed the OP was "on the opposite line", when i can extract the direct quote," I'm not a republican", from it. You think we'd deny ron paul being a puppet because we agree with his policies? You obviously know nothing of his voting hisotry........thanks for making this easy!!! (same smartassness, just dressed up differently)

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