posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 10:22 PM
It might have something to do with the fact that the people currently in high profile positions of power are fighting the unification agenda.
Most people think the NWO is something those Power Elites dreamed up on their own, but it's not. It's something philsophers, sociologists and
psychologists have been working on since the Civilized Age first began.
(Think Greece and Plato/Socrates as an example)
But the reason it's not working out as fast or as effectively is that the Men Behind the Curtain (i.e. the thinkers) aren't willing to go along with
the current power base and it's selfish materialistic agendas.
Sure, those particular Elities may have money, their business buddies and their little political heirachy, but they can only IMPLEMENT ideas with that
sort of network. They can't nessecarily ENVISION it, or the next logical step.
So maybe, just maybe these guys we never hear about trying to make a NWO that will work for the betterment of the enitre World and it's peoples are
either on strike, or caught up in trying to resolve the petty details of petty people with impure interests while still adhereing to the pure ideal of
the One Human World.
Anyway, that's how I see it.
In a nutshell, anyway.
[edit on 1/29/09 by GENERAL EYES]