reply to post by Jkd Up
I'm a pharmacist who also studies homeopathy. Although there is no antivenin for a brown recluse spider, and although you should seek medical help,
you can also treat it with first aid with homeopathic remedies if 911 isn't available, or before they get there.
There is a great first aid book called "Help! and Homeopathy: What to do in an emergency before 911 arrives" by Eileen Nauman.
This is what you should do if bitten by a Brown Recluse spider (from her book):
1. Wash off the area of the bite with soap and water.
2. Put a cool cloth or ice over the area (place a towel between the skin and the ice).
3. Call Poison Control in your state.
For emergency homeopathic treatment (if 911 not available).
1. Lachesis 30c, 1 dose. If symptoms return, give again. You can take up to 3 doses in the first 24 hour period. If it does not halt symptoms
completely, consult a homeopath.
2. Pyrogenerium 30c, give one dose if there is a red "stripe" moving upward away from the bite area; this is sepsis or blood poisoning. Get to the
emergency room quickly. If symptoms still persist, give every 15 minutes, up to 6 doses. Consult a homeopath afterwards for follow up treatment.
3. Ledum 30c, one doses every 15 minutes, if the bite is "cold feeling" up to six doses.
For a black widow bite:
1. Place ice on the bite area.
2. Treat for shock
3. Antivenin shot on doctor's approval.
Homeopathic first aid, or if 911 not available:
1. Lachesis 30c, one dose every 15 minutes.
2. Latrodectus mactans 30c, one dose if lachesis doesn't work. This is potentized black widow and acts like an antivenin; without the side effects.
Once every 15 minutes up to six dose.
3. Ledum 30c, one dose every 15 minutes, if the bite site is COLD to the touch and the pain and swelling feels better from ice. May repeat up to six
As I said earlier, it's important to get medical treatment if you can get to it.
But if you can't, or if you're not around an emergency room, it's good to have a homeopathic first aid kit and a homeopathic first aid book like
this one on hand.
You can buy homeopathic first aid kits (and homeopathic bite and sting kits) and books online. You can also get most of these remedies in any health
food store, or you can ask them to order them for you. Potencies of 30c or less do not require a prescription.
Hope that helps.
There are different symptoms of both spider bites. I thought I'd also list them here. (This is also from Nauman's book.)
Black widow spider symptoms:
1. injured area becomes numb after the bite
2. pain at the bite site
3. severe cramping; very painful and agonizing.
4. board like rigidity of the abdominal muscles
5. Tightness in the chest
6. Difficulty breathing; this occurs over a 24 hour period
7. Dizziness
8. Sweating
9. Vomiting
10. Nausea
11. Skin rashes
Symptoms of brown recluse spider bites:
1. bite is not painful until several hours afterward
2. skin becomes red, swollen and tender around the bite site
3. skin then develops a pale, mottled, cyanotic (bluish) center
4. Over the next few days, a large cap of dead skin, fat, and debris will develop over the bite site.
5. And ulcer or crater of dead tissue will form.
***(Now you know why it's really important to seek medical help if you do think you've been bitten by one of these things! Ick!)
[edit on 30-1-2009 by nikiano]