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I Assure You The Orca (The Orcus), the Son of Orca Are Real

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posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 02:47 PM
After getting involved in another thread here I decided to take this subject to a thread of it's own as this subject in not related to Nibiru but to it's self.. I was in two minds whether to put this on the space exploration forum but decided here as the subject deals mainly with NASA an aledged cover-up of two new celestial objects to our solar system.

I have an article and pictures of this object from a few years back... Not my article but some eminent scientists who were following the Hale-Bopp saga. and the story of a few new members to our solar system from that period in 1996..

the first article appeared when Orca was first spotted on soho..

Gary Goodwin, Ray Ward Alexey Dmitriev, Hal Blondell

There is an increasing probability that one or more never before reported significant celestial bodies have joined our Solar System in the last one to two years. We further believe that the comet Hale-Bopp, and the more recent Comet SOHO J1 have directly contributed to the appearance of these new bodies, and/or are still closely involved with the celestial dynamics of the inner Solar System. In retrospect, our very first clue that something new had established a permanent Solar System residence appeared on January 14, 1998 03:40:07 Universal Time (UT):

So dear readers what are we to make of this jumble of now-you-see-it and now-you-don't, doors opening and closing (?) being selectively reported and unreported, "over exposures" that aren't, and how about a C3 door opening at 11/23/98 21:15 UT and producing and transmitting an image with a normal exposure time of 19 seconds in what must be a record 4 seconds on 11/23/98 21:19 UT? And how about the seeming coincidence of the appearance of "Orca #1" resulting in a 90 day SOHO/LASCO shut down, and the appearance of "Orca #2" turning the public cameras black for 68 hours. How are we to connect the dots here, and make sense of this whole affair? We are also very curious as to why there has been no official recognition of a least one major celestial body in addition to the "Orca" that appears to have a 30 day or so orbit seemingly between Mercury and the Sun. Our first view of this body came in some extraordinary high resolution frames of the enormous CME that followed the now famous "Twin Comet" impact into the Sun in May 1998.

follow the story at the following link.. Some fantastic pictures and science concerning the paintbucket NASA touch up jobs and their apparent role in bringing down the Lasco and Soho feeds just as these objects were about to come into view.. they have saved what seem to me genuine Soho and Lasco pictures of a couple of objects in and around our own sun..

The Orca (Initial Observations, and Soho , Lasco Pictures)

Part two of the article takes a closer look at the nasa photos in the first article and comes to two Hypothesis.

Hypothesis ONE:

All material from the satellite is first downloaded from the spacecraft to a 100% NASA controlled site. NASA then sends only what they want to send to the SOHO/LASCO team for data analysis. The SOHO/LASCO scientist have never seen the unaltered raw data from the satellite, and they won't see it for years to come; if ever. The presence of the probable objects is known to NASA, and they have simply sabotaged the spacecraft's normal operations in order to conceal information. The spacecraft has never been in any trouble except for that purposely created by NASA's dark side. The Emergency Sun Requisition (ESR) events have been occurring on a regular 30 day (plus or minus) basis with the recent new twist of leaving the EIT cameras on while they simulate an ESR by spinning the satellite. (See this IMAGE.) It is most probable that NASA has no clear idea what these new objects are, and that they are attempting to hide the data until they can come up with a typical NASA PR "explanation". This also leads to a reasonable conclusion that NASA is seeing a potential threat to Earth from these new objects. And in case you haven't heard, anything that poses a threat to Earth and life is "justification" for NASA dropping the "National Security" secrecy curtain. Lastly we assert that these new probable objects became known to NASA shortly after the arrival of comet SOHO J1, and that some or all of the objects Are Vacuum Domain in nature as clearly explained by our Russian (Siberian) colleague, Alexey Dmitriev.

Hypothesis TWO:

The probable object is orbiting the sun every 28-30 days with the orbit being dynamic while in the process of becoming static. The SOHO satellite is a large tin can that is being thrown into a periodic spin (ESR) due to the electrical nature of this new small object (comet). The SOHO satellite has navigational and positioning equipment aboard which is highly susceptible to magnetic/electrical forces that sweep over the satellite when the probable object (comet) passes close by at the Lagrange point. Since NASA only accepts Chapman's theory of an electrically neutral vacuum in space they are baffled by what is happening. Anyway you look, we have a new planet. Let's hope it stays in its current orbit. There was once another comet that drifted through this part of our system that caused great destruction to our planet - We now call her Venus. If either of these hypothesis are accurate it's likely that the severe weather patterns and increasingly severe earthquakes will continue, and likely get worse. Everybody --- DUCK!

The Orca (part 2)

and part 3 they make their final conclusions with the data they see..

So is it there? Is the ORCA a real thing? We think so. And we think it's only a matter of time before it becomes apparent to the naked eye of everyone. Oh yeah. There's one other little piece of evidence...

The Orca (part 3)

I wonder whether these articles will get your imagination running as they did mine.. The site has not had any updates for quite a while now but it's still on-line and is riddled with in my humble opinion lots of good relevent science.. Am curious about the thoughts of you the ATS community. Is this site for real..



[edit on 28/1/2009 by daz__]

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by daz__

Do you think it is material that the data, and commentary on it, is ten years old? Would there not have been some kind of significant change by now that Earth based astronomers, etc. would be able to evidence if indeed these/this enourmous body/bodies were orbiting our sun?

And would there not have been a more significant impact to the Earth's surface by now due to solar disruptions based on what it was they were putting forth back then?

If not, how does one account for it?

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Do you think it is material that the data, and commentary on it, is ten years old? Would there not have been some kind of significant change by now that Earth based astronomers, etc. would be able to evidence if indeed these/this enourmous body/bodies were orbiting our sun?

I put it up to the forum here to see if anyone else has anything to add..
I have enough of my own questions.. Me first.. Sorry I have no quesses on what size these objects may be.. To me they look large but size in this case is relative.

And would there not have been a more significant impact to the Earth's surface by now due to solar disruptions based on what it was they were putting forth back then?

If not, how does one account for it?

As above.. I have enough of my own questions. Sorry not to be short with you but I wouldn't care to speculate about things I know nothing about.. Although there have been a lot of earth changes now that you mention it.. And lately the volcanic activity has been high but whether one could speculate that The Orca were causing this change in weather and volcunism and the so called greenhouse effect were one and the same thing; I think this would be unrealistic task to undertake.. But you have to admit that science is being turned up-side down over and over again.. Who knows, maybe The Ocra could account for Some of the earth changes we are experiencing now..



[edit on 28/1/2009 by daz__]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 11:17 AM

As above.. I have enough of my own questions. Sorry not to be short with you but I wouldn't care to speculate about things I know nothing about..

I see. If I may, perhaps you should have considered all of that when you titled your thread:

I Assure You The Orca (The Orcus), the Son of Orca Are Real

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by TheWayISeeIt

As above.. I have enough of my own questions. Sorry not to be short with you but I wouldn't care to speculate about things I know nothing about..

I see. If I may, perhaps you should have considered all of that when you titled your thread:

I Assure You The Orca (The Orcus), the Son of Orca Are Real

nice.. I posted some information of importance on a subject that is not even referenced once on ATS.. I was hoping to maybe bump into someone else with a link or two of their own, or perhaps joe blogs, ha he was debunked yonks ago..

what do i get.. eh why didn't you paint the title pink and maybe a pretty blue ribbon around it.. title me whatchmecallit..

Ok interestedalways i'll tell you a story about being on a thread and this user i wont name was comment on how there is no such thing as the orca.. now i usually just lurk but sometimes i post and I decided to post with links to show that this orca body is not a dream.. anyway to cut a long story short I got no meaningful responses, which is fairly usual here on ATS so ye pass no remarks.. after a few days and no response I ran a search on ATS and there was not one reference to The Orca or the Millennium Group so I quickly create a thread with The Orca and whatever other name it is called and I went to the bottom and added a couple of those handy tag thing and guess what terms I used.. I am sorry if the title is not very pleasing well thats the story of my life..

thanks for taking an interest all the same



posted on May, 25 2009 @ 10:00 PM
Right not allowed to put the pictures in the space forum so they must go here.

Any ats picture experts got any meaningful explainations for these pictures because I would sure like to hear them..


[edit on 25/5/2009 by daz__]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 01:49 PM
I have no idea about this stuff, but the way this thread has went is shameful.

You posted the misleading title.

You then refuse to even acknowledge a question. A question which was actually a pretty good question and completely relevant. Saying you have your own questions. I mean, if the scientists were saying it would be known soon, and then it's 10 years later and nothing. That in itself speaks volumes.

And then you have the nerve to get upset because the person then points out the misleading title.

Are you kidding me? I was expecting some kind of real proof based on the title.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
I have no idea about this stuff, but the way this thread has went is shameful.

You posted the misleading title.

Care to point out why it is misleading.

You then refuse to even acknowledge a question. A question which was actually a pretty good question and completely relevant. Saying you have your own questions. I mean, if the scientists were saying it would be known soon, and then it's 10 years later and nothing. That in itself speaks volumes.

I answered all questions as best I could with my limited knowledge and pointed out that I had an awful lot of my own questions too.. 10 years is not a long time in celestial mechanics. an orbit of jupiter takes aprox 11 years.

And then you have the nerve to get upset because the person then points out the misleading title.

I got upset for all of one sentence because the title of my thread seemed to be more important than the information therin. As I explained in my first post of what happened in the nibiru thread when the subject of the Orca came up and got a total blank to the pictures and the information.

Are you kidding me? I was expecting some kind of real proof based on the title.

Why would I be bothered to kid anyone. Have you looked at the pictures and read the articles.. Would you care to tell me what is bunk about them because I would really like to know. If it turns out to be bunk well all the better because this will be one object less I will have to worry about.

You are right of coarse it is shameful how this thread has gone.
Any-one else who posts pictures gets an answer or some attempted answers but so far all I have got is the title is misleading. As far as I can see there is nothing misleading about it.. I have posted information from eminent scientists with pictures and you tell me there is no proof. Show me why these pictures are not proof. What is wrong with them. Have they been photo-shopped.

I am sorry if I got upset for all of one sentence but this is ATS and it can be a tough place to hang out sometimes. I am sorry I had no answers to thewayiseeit but I was straight up about it. I pointed out I was no expert and as good as her question may have been I had no answers for her.

as always



posted on May, 26 2009 @ 04:35 PM
The misleading part is that you say "I assure you it is real". But then when asked a question it turns out you don't actually know that it is real.

It was just disappointing because the person asked a good question IMO. I would also like to know the answer to it. 10 years and nothing. And if you could assure someone it is real, then it should be an answerable question.

So the title is misleading etc. I'm just going to drop it here, don't want to hi-jack the thread or anything. It's not like it's something that has to do with proving or disproving the topic. It's just disappointing is all.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 04:54 PM
I would be interested to know how many telescopes if any are functioning privately?

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by badmedia

I do realize the title is very disappointing. I twigged that just a little too late to be able to change it. And yes thewayiseeit did ask some good questions to which I had no answers.

In a way the main reason I threw this thread together was in the hope of finding some one who might have some more information to add to it. The pictures to me seem very real and it would seem these objects were in orbit at the time. What ever the size is hard to know. They seem to have come quit close to Lasco so perhaps they weren't that big but the scientist seemed pretty sure they were large. An even bigger question is where did they go and how come if they were in orbit at the time they were able to leave their orbit. The only thing I can surmise is that with all the electrical activity going on in some of the pictures is that some how this electrical activity moved them or perhaps they interacted with Mercury or Venus somehow and got moved that way. So hopefully you can understand my need to find people who have a better understanding of celestial mechanics to help try and figure out what might have happened to these objects.

It is a good point that was made about the 10 years and nothing but in the movements of the planet and comets 10 years is not that long really. Thanks for your input all the same.



posted on May, 26 2009 @ 07:48 PM
Ok the story seems to be progressing a bit thanks to a refined google search technique. For anyone who still discounts the existance of an orca in the solar system here is this article from

A newly discovered object in the outer Solar System moves like an anti-Pluto. 90482 Orcus was first discovered in 2004 and is slightly smaller than Pluto, although still one of the largest Kuiper belt objects known. Orcus may one day have the same IAU designation as Pluto: a dwarf planet. Orcus and Pluto have similar orbits: each achieves nearly the same maximum and minimum distances from the Sun, each orbits on a similarly shaped ellipse, and each orbital ellipse is tilted toward the other planets' orbital ellipse by roughly the same angle. The great mass of Neptune causes each to circle the Sun twice for every three Neptune orbits. Orcus is like an anti-Pluto, however, because the two objects always remain across the Solar System from each other. Orcus can be found as the spot near the center of these discovery frames moving slightly down from the top. Until the end of next week, the discoverers of Orcus ask for your help in naming its newly discovered moon.

For a picture although not a good one follow this link.

Thanks all for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

Now that said and done one burning question is are one of the objects pictured next to the sun the same object they say is out near Pluto now.
Could an object actually move so far in just a few years? The object dubbed the Orca in 1999 by the tmgnow scientists and the nasa article which states The Orcus was discovered in 2004. Who do we believe..

I have a little more searching to do so I will leave it there for now..



posted on May, 26 2009 @ 08:03 PM
Right more info to add to collection.

Here we have a page from

They have an animation of the orbit but I'm not sure what they are on about. The bit I do get though is the conversation about who and what they are going to name it's sattelite.

I find that interesting.

So this is not just one object but a duo just as the tmgnow scientists suggest in their work..

Let us spurn "stars" of a lesser sort, and retunr to to what we are here for. The APOD links to the site of the astronomer who has discovered the moon of Orcus, and who is seeking a name for that body.

edit to fix link



[edit on 26/5/2009 by daz__]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 09:39 PM
You have to remember that the earth is going around the sun. So just because it may have been spotted around the sun doesn't mean it was near the sun. Just lines up that way every once in awhile.

But these are object that are smaller than pluto and way out there. The pictures given before made it look much bigger.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:28 PM
hello again badmedia,
nice to see someone still following.

the distance from the sun at this stage is still a minor issue I'm afraid.

A more pressing issue is if The Orca and The Orcus are one and the same object. If you notice in the first set of earlier pictures there are two objects. one is definatly The Orca. Is the second object The Orcus the son of Orca.

If you notice from the picture on the nasa site they talk about The Orcus. Later in the next post I find that with the Orcus is another orbiting sattelite. Is the orbiting satelite The Orca.

Do you see my problem.

At least I have shown beyond a doubt that there is such a thing as the Orcus. The Orca I have not proved it's existence yet although I trust the millenium Groups information I have no corobaration yet.

I understand what you are trying to say about the size of the object but if you look at the lasco pictures above; the picture of the object dubbed the Orca is definatly very close to lasco and most probably between lasco and the sun. Lasco you have to understand orbits between us and the sun so the object is between Lasco and the sun and not out on the far reaches of the solar system as in the NASA picture.

This is a work in progress and I am researching some information at the moment which I am not sure whether or not to post in case I get laughed off the forum but if I find a way to present it in a not so nutcase fashion I will put it up soon.

Again thanks for you'r interest.

peace to you


[edit on 26/5/2009 by daz__]

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 12:44 AM
Whoops was about to post information already in here

[edit on 30-5-2009 by Echotebarknwhale]

But here is some info on plutino's (those planetoid objects smaller than pluto that share a 2:3 resonance with neptune). The satellite for 90482 Orcus has been named Vanth I believe recently. Theres a few more plutino's that they list, and I'm sure there are a lot more out there that we dont know, maybe even "Nibiru"

And if there was an object that big in our inner solar system we would have noticed it, im sure a few planetary orbits would be skewed by the add gravity

Also if that animation of the orbits posted earlier in this thread is confusing, the loops that you see are when the plutino's go into retrograde orbit

[edit on 30-5-2009 by Echotebarknwhale]

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by daz__

Here’s an article from 1999 about the malfunctioning SOHO.
I think the Orca images are just camera glitches as SOHO was shutting down and the Millennium Group blew it out of proportion.

But that’s just me and my opinion.

posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Echotebarknwhale

[edit on 30-5-2009 by Echotebarknwhale]

But here is some info on plutino's (those planetoid objects smaller than pluto that share a 2:3 resonance with neptune). The satellite for 90482 Orcus has been named Vanth I believe recently.

And if there was an object that big in our inner solar system we would have noticed it, im sure a few planetary orbits would be skewed by the add gravity

[edit on 30-5-2009 by Echotebarknwhale]

thank you for that. especially for explaining the retrograde orbit stuff..
I have no doubt also that if there were something really big in our inner solar system we would notice it too. but at the same time once we get out as far as neptune it is not so easy to spot these objects. Neptune is supposed to be really hard to find and Neptune is quite a big planet.


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Pauligirl
reply to post by daz__

Here’s an article from 1999 about the malfunctioning SOHO.
I think the Orca images are just camera glitches as SOHO was shutting down and the Millennium Group blew it out of proportion.

But that’s just me and my opinion.

and your opinion is very much welcome here. I believe the soho shutdowns are quite routine as it seems to have to re-orient itself on a regular basis. I cant quite remember why but said and done maybe the millenium group blew it out of proportion maybe not but with all the threads you find on ATS about NASA and cover ups this picture the Millenium Group painted certainly seem's like a smoking gun to me and warrents a little more scrutiny. Perhaps some of the resident ATS picture experts might see these pictures some time and give their opinions. I for one would love to hear them.


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 09:02 PM
can someone fill me in what those pictures are?

totally have no idea what they are

seen them around before but clueless

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