posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 12:08 AM
Ok, ok, calm down now. I didn't expect such a response. Let me gather my thoughts... ok, gottem.
Now, first off, I have won awards for excellence in things other than sports... if you must know. But, I don't even have much of a chance to when
people are so damn stubborn all the time. Nowadays, people don't even listen. They're too busy running their mouths about how great they are.
That's not me. But, it's just that these people, upon closer scrutiny, you see that they are simply lying bastards.
Secondly, just because you are having a bad day, it is illogical to spread your bad vibes out on to the innocent. That isn't just a whimsical
platitude. I'm sure even Mr. Spock would agree with that statement. Personally, I believe that all negativity received should be redirected back to
it's source whenever possible. I think it would have a natural justice to it and is even more honest. Everyone today is so damn passive aggressive
that you never know who to trust anymore.
Anyway, regarding the "how do we kill them" question, look, the way everyone is so asleep, when whatever event comes that causes our herd to thin,
be it work-related competition, sexual competition, or some great evil NWO machinery, everyone is going to started running for places to hide,
figuratively, and grabbing the last scraps before it's all gone... i.e. survival time, then you are going to have to make a choice. Every small
choice you make leads in one direction or the other. Towards the peak of the pyramid, or the bottom. The more you participate in the game, the
machinery that the NWO has setup for us, the more you support it. I know you all can understand that.
If I think there is one thing we can say for certain is that the Luciferian NWO-types will have to include the principle of survival of the fittest
into their overall plan. So, you won't have to be a total evil NWO supporter to save yourself. Remember the grey area??? You will compete and some
will lose and some will fail. And, as you know, mortality rates for the poor are not too good.
Noone will be able to resist the NWO 100%. This is just nature evolving. Yes, the peak of the pyramid is bad. But, it pulls us towards some form of
order, albeit, still primitive and barbaric.
Rest assured, the peak is an immature peak and it will be chopped off as it always has in the past when humanity has strayed. Then, we'll have a new
beginning. Although, personally, I'm kind of betting against my own team at the moment.
MAIN POINT: Instead of jumping on me (but I don't mind a spirited debate) I think we can at least all agree that, if anyone is going to have to get
voted off the boat, it would have to be the A$$holes first. Right???!!! So, let's just hope that whatever it is that starts doing the punishing, or
whatever evil holy war we get caught up in, let's just remember who was cool and laid back and who were the scamming back-stabbing little brats.
Addendum: And, let's not forget, no one wants to be at the absolute bottom of the pyramid either. I would like to take a vote on who would volunteer
to be at the bottom of the pyramid so that they can be 100% free of any NWO influence.
[edit on 28-1-2009 by TheSingularity]