posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 08:47 AM
We often throw the term paranoia around in a blanket statement type of way.
Her actions do seem a bit paranoid, but, she is old as you stated, lives alone?...perhaps she is just in a heightened state of awareness commonly seen
as paranoia.
I think with all the news of doom and gloom, we have been put into a state of Hypervigilance:
Commonly mistaken for Paranoia, but not all together the same.
Paranoids(clinical) haven't a clue they are paranoid, they just know everyone is out to get them. So often when you sit back and think "why is that
person watching me, Bah, I must be paranoid", chances are your not paranoid. Just a bit more vigilant, and cautious.
Folks who are Hypervigilant, will often think they are being paranoid, but are in a heigtened state of awareness. they don't always think someone is
out to get them, but they are aware that the possibility exists that they are.
Anyway, thought I would add my .02