posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 03:10 AM
Went in the army in 90 to learn how to fight when the time comes, bought plenty of guns to shoot perps in the shtf futurama. I still have a job, but
the feeling is there that we will lose it all one piece at a time. I actually have felt like turning the barrel to my own head and saying to hell with
it, is it worth it anymore. we know its the end dont we? imagine if only twenty percent of us work the other eighty percent will kill us, or the
people we work for will work us to death and shove so much crap down our throats knowing without doubt we will not quit for any reason.
Its true folks end time watchman , the one thats typing doesn't get it anymore, see some people that are into survival lust for the day when they can
wear that shotgun on a three point sling and have their shootouts like at the ok corral. but listen here, people are just going to be souless without
all that shopping, its going to grind to a stop any damn day, the world is writing pink slips for all of us, use to be our biggest worry was whether
or not someone would steal our pensions away or screw us out of our due social security when we are old and crapping our pants, now its about everyone
losing there jobs and no jobs being there to take, even crappy ones. I can tell you one thing, kick those bastard illegals out once and for all, we
americans are going to need those ditch digging jobs now. The good times are gone, its crashing folks, guns aint gonna help, question now is how do we
pay the bills and whos moving into our house when the foreclosure is final. I could kick the past leaders of our usa in the ass for this, but its our
own fault, we like laser sites from china, and clothes from malaysia. No one knows how to even make clothing here anymore, what is a sewing machine do
anyway? Yea im taking a zanex or two just to be able to sleep so when i wake up i can puke from a nervous stomache cause everytime i see my five year
old call me daddy, im worried about what we all did to there freaking future by shopping at walmart and shopping on ebay. I guess once the money is
gone, no one will buy from china anymore, this will be part of its annex.
anyone else out there freaked out of there mind, and by the way it wont be a civil war retards, it will be absolute chaos and anarchy, it takes
organization to fight wars, and provisions that are all just going to fade away as we become a fourth world country in the next two months.
look in a mirror, we did it, now what do we do about it, is there anything to do besides wait like the condemned on death row in texas?
Well i have been staying up way to late because i know that this pretty much seems like the end , not much left for us,
chaos it is, full of delusion and desperation. Keeping my gun next to me, its my new security blanket.