posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by TheBandit795
Thanks for the response, Bandit. You know I'm deeply sceptical about claims like these. Of course, I believe without question the factual details of
what you've just told me: the layoff, the dearth of jobs to be had, the ritual adopted (perhaps with some initial resistance) and persisted in for
several weeks or months, finally the job offer. I do not doubt for an instance that it all happened exactly as you describe it.
But what evidence do you have that the job offer came about as a result of doing the ritual (or tape, or course, or whatever it's called in this
case)? Where is there a causal connection indicated? Why could it not have been a coincidence - or even, for that matter, an inevitability - that your
relative found another job? Most people that get laid off do tend to get re-hired, after all.
How long did you say your relative was out of work? Five months and three weeks, was it? I make that 24 weeks. Well, look at this graph of the
average duration of unemployment in the US
published by the American Institute of Economic Research. Historically, it has been increasing: the average for the period 2000-2008 is about 18
weeks. By that measure, your relative was actually overdue to find a job, even without any resort to the Law of Attraction.
Or - hey - if a single example indicates anything at all, what about the example of Yours Sceptically and Truly? I've been out of work no less than
four times in my life. Once I was fired; every other time I walked. Except for one occasion when I chose to freelance for some years, I always found a
new job within a few days (never more than a fortnight) of leaving the old one. No prayers, no rituals, no Law of Attraction - just hard graft and
I'd be interested to see some evidence (a double-blind study would be good) that a resort to the Law of Attraction actually makes a difference in
terms of achieving a desired object. Anecdotal evidence just doesn't cut the mustard.