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The Law of Attraction for Hardheads

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posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 07:51 PM
I tried the LOA and it didn't work. What's plan B?

I watched The Secret, bought two Abraham's books, and traced-out the words, "The Law!" in my own blood on my living room walls,
, j/k... and nothing, zip, zilch, zero.


[edit on 26-1-2009 by TheSingularity]

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:33 PM
You need to reprogram your core beliefs, which does not get mentioned often.

Check out Skyfloating's thread about the LOA here, which gives some great suggestions. It's long though:

And read this thread about reprogramming your subconscious mind during sleep:

Or check out these products which are also about sleep programming:

I can vouch for thinkrightnow. I've had some experience with it and it works.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:52 PM
there are no doubts in my mind that you are more experienced in LOA.
However allow me asking you this - was reducing level of expectancy
to minimal that caused you to start believing in that it indeed "works"?
Or did you indeed manage LOA to the heights of truly amazing events.
I hope you don't mind me asking this; I had similar to OP's experiences so far.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 08:58 PM
I was on, and opening This Page

I see this:

The Secret
The 7 Secrets to Using The Law of Attraction

At that moment I was drawn back to ATS Recent Post Page

I brought up the page, refreshed, and this thread was on top.

I find it strange, this type of coincident.

Or, is it?

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 09:00 PM
I wish I knew how it works, but it does. I lost hours at work, but knew that I would be OK. Turns out, I have a big chunk of change coming my way in two weeks. Plus, I got a job offer in the same week. Something about this works.

I have changed the way I think overall in the past few years, I am more positive thinking now. I use a lot of visualization, too. You cannot think about getting or wanting something, in my opinion, you have to think of yourself as possessing already that which you desire.

I have been using this technique for over a year now, and just recently learned about this LOA. I am researching it now, hoping to find some tips on honing this amazing skill!

I will be watching this thread for others great replies.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by imd12c4funn

I believe that is called synchronicity. I was researching LOA two days ago, maybe that is why i found this thread. It happens to me daily.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 09:03 PM
Let me put it this way. It's much easier to manifest things that you either don't really care about or that are compatible with your core beliefs. Beyond that you have to either change those beliefs or accept that you already have that which you are seeking to have and let it go (which is one of the most difficult things ever for the average western society minded human like me).

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 09:19 PM
Didn't Oprah have to do a disclaimer on that after some woman wrote in saying that she'd quit her job, and was relying on the secret to bring her wealth? Oprah response was something along the lines of "Okay everybody make believe is fun, but don't go quiting your jobs!"

Good she did too, or the woman might conceivably have had a civil case against Lady O - on the basis of the lack of disclaimer. Since Oprah includes a lot of genuine lifestyle advice on her show, it could be argued that in such a context the woman couldn't be expected to know that Oprah didn't intend to take it seriously. In this age of hyper litigation, anything is possible. Oddly though had she followed through, and then sued Oprah - the resulting case award might have fulfilled her 'sense of expectancy'.

Meanwhile I'm still trying to manifest Wonder Woman!


[edit on 26-1-2009 by GrandCourtJester]

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by imd12c4funn
I was on, and opening This Page

I see this:

The Secret
The 7 Secrets to Using The Law of Attraction

At that moment I was drawn back to ATS Recent Post Page

I brought up the page, refreshed, and this thread was on top.

I find it strange, this type of coincident.

Or, is it?

Coincidence? Listen to this. My original Subject for this thread before I changed it was "The Law of Attraction in 7 Easy Steps." I'm not kidding. Hmmm.

Thanks for everyone's replies.

There is one thing that I most definitely believe in, and that's the power of visualization.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by imd12c4funn

@imd, do you have a link for that 7 Secrets...? It doesn't show up when I go to liveleak. Thx!

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:18 PM
Bandit, that's the hardest part for me to accept... believing you already have it and letting it go. I don't know how to do that while also taking practical steps to achieving my goal. Where is my motivation and passion and drive supposed to come from if I already believe I have it?

Let me venture a guess and please tell me if this falls in line with what you've learned. In the 80's I read an old book about the creative process. It was a collection of personal notes from various inventors and thinkers in history about their own personal creative process. It included Einstein and Edision among others.

The common thread in all of their stories was how they would work hard at getting to know the problem that they were trying to solve. Then, after they had a firm grasp of the problem, they would then just let the problem go... and forget about it. Then, sometime later, the solution would come to them in a flash.

Then, I read a Rosicrucian study guide about the process of getting or discovering what one wants and they basically said the same thing... work hard on understanding what you want fully, and then let it go into the subconscious, or collective unconscious and it will work on the problem. They said that it was real important to not continue to dwell on it at this point for a while because the more you hold it in your mind, the more you keep it out of the hands of the subconscious. It can't work on it while you have it in mind.

Now, I think this makes sense and I can say that I've experienced results doing this in the past. But, none of these descriptions ever said to actually believe that you currently have that which you desire or the solution.

So, practically speaking, I can see how it might make sense to work a problem for a while in your mind, then release it for a while and come back to it later to work it again, then release, so on and so on.

How does this sound?

Thanks for your response(s).

[edit on 26-1-2009 by TheSingularity]

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Bandit, I'm going to try what Merlin recommended at the xtrememind website. His explanation made perfect sense! Thank you!

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by TheBandit795

I've had some experience with it and it works.

Hmm... just like the people who believe in homeopathy, crystal healing, spirit guides, angels, ley lines, Wiccanism, Scientology, the Atkins Diet, orgone boxes, astrology, palmistry, chakras, the Tarot, 'quantum physics', Theosophy, veganism, fruitarianism and baptism.

Yet when we meet these gods in human shape, we often find them to be ordinary mortals like ourselves.

Odd that.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

So you want some details? I had a relative of mine listen to one of the audio's after he wasn't getting his pension anymore (they were screwing him up, because of mistakes the government made), and the company that he was working for went bankrupt. So he didn't have an income for at least 5 months. he listened to the tape , day in day out. After about three weeks, he was offered a job out of the blue, without having to apply for it. Much better pay than what he had at the previous job, got his pension back which became more than he was previously receiving, and got financial windfalls every month for at least 6 months after. In those 6 months he was receiving the equivalent of 3 paychecks.

And yes, he's a mere mortal like ourselves. But who got concrete results.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by TheSingularity

I'm getting ready for work right now. I will reply to you later today on this. Thanks.


posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 05:33 AM
alienating yourself from your perception results in cognitive dissonance. this is basically self-brainwashing and just as deadly. the attraction meme is a placebo at best and people who feel improved by embracing it won't care, obviously.

at least until it 'fails' them and i dare say that much like in the 'economy's case, those who were boasting the loudest will also complain the most.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by TheSingularity

I don't think that there's no difference between what the inventors did and what the rest of LOA practictioners do. They are absolutely sure that the solution exists, and just have to surrender and let the subconscious bring it to them.

Same with your desires, they already exist. It's just you who has to let go and allow your subconscious to "synchronize" yourself with them.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
reply to post by imd12c4funn

I believe that is called synchronicity. I was researching LOA two days ago, maybe that is why i found this thread. It happens to me daily.

Aren't LOA and synchronicity the same thing?

They both involve turning thought into reality.

Synchronicity appears coincidental when first considered, however when you look at the thought patterns and the mind state at the time, you can see subliminal programming going on.

Theres always an unfocusing of the conscious mind (day dreaming) after thinking of someone or something, at that point you could say the event is planted in the subconscious mind.

And not long after symbolism turns up or you walk around the corner into the person you've just been thinking about or they phone you up.

[edit on 27-1-2009 by nuisance value]

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by TheSingularity

As a LOA-Teacher myself I would advise you to quit pondering on things that do not work and start looking at things that do work.

For that you have to look at what you already believe works, and do that, instead of trying to make something work that you think does not.

Good luck.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by TheBandit795

Thanks for the response, Bandit. You know I'm deeply sceptical about claims like these. Of course, I believe without question the factual details of what you've just told me: the layoff, the dearth of jobs to be had, the ritual adopted (perhaps with some initial resistance) and persisted in for several weeks or months, finally the job offer. I do not doubt for an instance that it all happened exactly as you describe it.

But what evidence do you have that the job offer came about as a result of doing the ritual (or tape, or course, or whatever it's called in this case)? Where is there a causal connection indicated? Why could it not have been a coincidence - or even, for that matter, an inevitability - that your relative found another job? Most people that get laid off do tend to get re-hired, after all.

How long did you say your relative was out of work? Five months and three weeks, was it? I make that 24 weeks. Well, look at this graph of the average duration of unemployment in the US published by the American Institute of Economic Research. Historically, it has been increasing: the average for the period 2000-2008 is about 18 weeks. By that measure, your relative was actually overdue to find a job, even without any resort to the Law of Attraction.

Or - hey - if a single example indicates anything at all, what about the example of Yours Sceptically and Truly? I've been out of work no less than four times in my life. Once I was fired; every other time I walked. Except for one occasion when I chose to freelance for some years, I always found a new job within a few days (never more than a fortnight) of leaving the old one. No prayers, no rituals, no Law of Attraction - just hard graft and happenstance.

I'd be interested to see some evidence (a double-blind study would be good) that a resort to the Law of Attraction actually makes a difference in terms of achieving a desired object. Anecdotal evidence just doesn't cut the mustard.

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