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Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Wins 2008 Rubber Dodo Award

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posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:48 PM

[edit on 2-2-2009 by amazed]

[edit on 2-2-2009 by amazed]

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by donwhite

I noted that Todd Palin claims some Inuit accessory. He does not look much like the Inuits I have seen on tv. I wonder if his claim is really a calculated subterfuge to get him into a special or privileged position to allow him or his “partners” to catch sockeye salmon?


Todd Palin being eskimo is news to me as I'm socially illiterate. I googled it and he is in fact part Yupik which is Inuit or Eskimo. But being part minority doesn't entitle you to anything up here. No extra salmon or anything. You have to be a member of one of the Native Associations and qualify for a dividend. Probably an early settler came up and took a native wife. I've known a few like that. Up here, BTW, native is an accepted terminology.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by plumranch

When I lived in Alaska everyone got a dividend, though the Alaskan Natives did receive a bigger dividend, if I remember correctly. The smallest dividend I remember getting was just under one thousand dollars. Most of the time they were much bigger than that.

Now, it is coming out that Palin supports hunting wolves from helicopters, though we already know she supports this in moose hunting, so I guess I am not surprised.

Personally, I only advocate hunting when it is necessary, either for food, or protection, and hunting by helicopter would be neither, to me it is just killing for the you know what of it.

When I lived in Alaska the Exxon Valdez accident took place, it was horrible. To this date Exxon has not paid punitive damages. At least Palin disagrees with the Supreme Court ruling that decreased the punitive damages that Exxon owes Alaska residents.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by amazed

When I lived in Alaska the Exxon Valdez accident took place, it was horrible. To this date Exxon has not paid punitive damages. At least Palin disagrees with the Supreme Court ruling that decreased the punitive damages that Exxon owes Alaska residents.

I read recently that the case is closed. The (Republican) courts reduced the punitive damages to $700 m. I think the story said there were 14,000 claimants. Of course, oil remains in the Prince William Sound and will for 10s of 1000s of years. About 15 inches below the surface.

Now it is unrealistic to require that any company doing legal business fix that. It is a hazard we have to accept to fill our insatiable appetite for crude oil. Dividing 22 mbd by 304 m people equals 3 gallons of crude per day, per person! But we need to have a preset schedule of damages payable and avoid the long court battle over how much to pay. 1989 to 2009. Twenty years. Like workers compensation, the cost of doing business can be calculated ahead of time.

When I lived in Alaska everyone got a dividend, though the Alaskan Natives did receive a bigger dividend, if I remember correctly. The smallest dividend I remember getting was just under one thousand dollars. Most of the time they were much bigger than that.

I was alive and well during the Congressional negotiations over the Prudhoe Bay oil and the pipeline, but I am somewhat hazy over the details. Mostly because the Alaskan delegation had by long terms of service in Congress - irrespective of local politics - had gained control over committees that dealt with the terms of the final arrangement. Much like the “bridge to nowhere” so also the well placed Alaskans got the US government to forego some of its royalties to “compensate” the inhabitants of Alaskans for what I do not know unless it is just for living there.

States Rights. As usual, when wrong doing is afoot, the old issue of states rights is raised, so Congress went further and gave the Alaskan legislature the power to distribute the US taxpayers money. Perhaps the more rational Congressmen thought Alaska might use it for roads, schools and airports.

Wrong! Make it like a lottery, you do nothing constructive and you get paid! That creates 600 000 short sighted gimme now pro oil devotees and anti environmentalists! And at no cost to the oil companies. Wow!

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:21 AM
I think the globe warming up is a natural cycle, if it happens every few thousand years then, obviously, nobody has any records of it from before. Just because we put cities on the shoreline doesn't mean the Earth is going to change it's routine and not rise the tides like it's probaly done many times before. Maybe they figured this out and it's another handy fear to pass "green" laws or tax us for our carbon foot print thus keeping the squeeze on us.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:25 AM
I think Nancy pelosi is dumber than Sarah Palin , she says 500 million americans are losing their jobs. I can see why will need $4 billion in the "stimulus" package for a census so that they can finally inform Nancy we don't.

Nancy Pelosi wins award

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by korath

I think the globe warming up is a natural cycle, if it happens every few thousand years then, obviously, nobody has any records of it from before.

Wrong! We have beaucoup core samples taken from the Greenland and Antarctic glaciers. Over 100,000 years old. We have vast number of even older core samples taken from the ocean floor around the planet. Over 1,000,000 years old. We have geologic evidence going back many hundreds of million years ago. It is not correct to say we have scant records of past climates.

Just because we put cities on the shoreline doesn't mean the Earth is going to change it's routine and not rise the tides like it's probably done many times before.

Correct. But we need to be less permanent in our thinking when we build in areas likely to be flooded. I live in Florida. Jacksonville says its elevation is “20 feet above sea level.” That may be true in some places in the city but some of the city borders on the Atlantic Ocean and I know that is not correct there. Melting of ice already floating in the oceans will not cause any additional sea level rise. But ice now on land will add to the sea level if it melts.

You might find this website of interest.

[edit on 2/4/2009 by donwhite]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
I think Nancy pelosi is dumber than Sarah Palin , she says 500 million americans are losing their jobs. I can see why will need $4 billion in the "stimulus" package for a census so that they can finally inform Nancy we don't.

Nancy Pelosi wins award

reply to post by Mynaeris


2008 total job losses 2.6 million the highest level in more than six decades.
the economy lost 524,000 jobs in December and 1.9 million in the year's final four months.

Were you saying American's are not losing jobs?

ahhh, I rewatched it, she said 500 million jobs lost per month, I wonder if she meant the 500 thousand? Being that is approx the number of jobs lost per month? If you look around she pretty much states 500 thousand, and in this one interview says 500 million. I would gather it was just a mistake of wording? I don't know, maybe (conspiracy here) she was trying to instill fear? I kinda doubt that though, and I take a guess that it was just a mistake in this one interview.

You might find this website of interest.

? lol a flat earth? So, when I am flying, and I can see the curvature of the earth? What's that?

This site explains the raising sea levels and glaciers.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 06:54 PM

When I lived in Alaska everyone got a dividend, though the Alaskan Natives did receive a bigger dividend, if I remember correctly.
reply to post by amazed

All Alaskans receive an equal share of the Perm Fund dividends. Natives same as everyone else. That is one of the principles of the fund.

Now, it is coming out that Palin supports hunting wolves from helicopters,

You mean aerial hunting of wolves, meaning fixed wing aircraft. Most Alaskans support this as aerial hunting is the only way to effectively hunt a wolf in order to do wolf/ preditor control.

In the area that I have a cabin 3 out of 4 moose calves are eaten by wolves (or bear). Wolves hunt them down ruthlessly. As a result there are few moose. Wolf control is therefore considered very necessary.

though we already know she supports this in moose hunting, so I guess I am not surprised.

Wrong. NOONE (including Palin) supports hunting moose from helicopters or any other form of aircraft. It never has been a legal way to hunt moose.

When I lived in Alaska the Exxon Valdez accident took place, it was horrible. To this date Exxon has not paid punitive damages.

I worked as a vet on the spill and was involved with it for 3 years afterward. Exxon has settled and paid most of the damage claims.

Are they all settled? Of course not because there are lawyers they will probably never all be settled as long as Exxon has money to sue for.

I will say that if you go to the Sound where it happened, you will not find evidence of the spill. You'd have to lood very closely.I've been there and looked several times and never seen damages. The Sea Otters that I worked with have returned in numbers.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by korath

Maybe they figured this out and it's another handy fear to pass "green" laws or tax us for our carbon foot print thus keeping the squeeze on us.

We surely do not know everything. In fact, we might not ever know everything. But that is no excuse not to use what knowledge we do have. We do know that since around 1700 when England began its industrial revolution based on coal fired steam engines, we have added 10s of 1000000s of tons on CO2 to the atmosphere. Most of that greenhouse gas ends being absorbed by the oceans - sequestered - and out of sight for us is out of mind.

What thoughtful people are thinking now is that we can learn enough to know WHERE the tipping point is and how to AVOID crossing it. Others may have a suicidal impulse or think GOD will take care of it, but most people know we are shooting ourselves in the foot!

Naturally, the R&Fs - rich and famous - hope to profit by every form of energy they can conjure and the devil take the hindmost. Responsible people OTOH, say “slow down” until we get a better handle on this potentially disastrous global warming.

ABOARD RESEARCH VESSEL POINT LOBOS, Off the California Coast (AP) A crane on a ship deck hoisted a 502-pound video camera and plopped it into the ocean for a 3,000-foot descent to the world of neon-glowing jellyfish, bug-eyed red rock cod and other still unknown slithery critters.

The so-called Eye-in-the-Sea camera would be added to the first observatory operating in deep sea water and become part of a new kind of scientific exploration to assess the impacts of climate change on marine life. The camera is one of many instruments powered by the Monterey Accelerated Research Station or MARS, an underwater observatory that began operating in November off the California coast.

The observatory looks like a giant metal pyramid at the bottom of the ocean and is connected to shore by 32 miles of cable. It serves as an electrical outlet for equipment such as the camera. Other instruments measure currents and seismic activity, while another part studies how higher acidity would affect marine life. Previous deep sea exploration relied on battery-powered instruments that had to be fished from the water.

The $600,000 Web camera offers scientists, students and others the opportunity to watch life at 500 fathoms. The camera captures images illuminated with "far-red" lights, a spectrum of luminescence invisible to undersea animals. After about four painstaking hours of maneuvering the submersible, the researches used its robotic arm to plug the camera into the observatory.

"With rising sea levels as a result of ocean warming and ice caps melting,
we need better observations recorded regularly and openly to better quantify what's happening to the oceans and the planet," said John Orcutt, a professor of geophysics at University of California, San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

The ocean is absorbing most of the carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels, which has resulting in increased acidity
according to published studies. Greenhouse gas pollution is also blamed for warming the ocean, a trend that, if allowed to continue, could kill a wide array of marine life, according to climate change studies.

Canadian scientists plan to launch five similar observatories this summer, some even deeper, said Mairi Best, associate director of science for the Northeast Pacific Time-Series Undersea Networked Experiments.

Such fossil fuel polluters as ExxonMobil, TexacoChevron, ConocoPhillps and BP have a new genre of ad running on tv. They now portray themselsve as ENERGY companies and claim to be as interested in the FUTURE of our planet as you and I are.

GE is now running a similar ad showing a row of windmills turning as the soft spoken ad man entices us to watch GE invest in OUR future! Sugar will not melt in their mouths.

Herr Josef Goebbels (1897-1945) said it first, “A big lie told often enough becomes the truth.” Such blatant propaganda ought not to be an allowable tax deduction! It is NOT a legitimate business expense. IMO. The polluters control the media. We must stop acting dumb and begin to act smart.

[edit on 2/4/2009 by donwhite]

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:05 PM
Say what you all want.

Palin still has more experience in government than obama - and it's starting to show already.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

Palin still has more experience in government than obama

Well, being mayor of Wasilla is like being the designated flunky. It’s who gets the coffee at the monthly gab-fest. A picture showed the Wasilla City Hall to be a small part of a Laundromat building. To be mayor of that size city is really to be the city’s chief gossip!

As for being governor of Alaska. I’ve already compared Alaska population wise to Baltimore. Then I realized being mayor of Baltimore really is a full time job! I’m sure without knowing that Baltimore has more city employees that Alaska, for one example.

Finally, if being a governor meant anything, how was it that Clinton was so GOOD and Bush43 was so BAD?

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by donwhite
reply to post by centurion1211

Palin still has more experience in government than obama

Well, being mayor of Wasilla is like being the designated flunky. It’s who gets the coffee at the monthly gab-fest. A picture showed the Wasilla City Hall to be a small part of a Laundromat building. To be mayor of that size city is really to be the city’s chief gossip!

Running a community (of any size) is still more experience than being a so-called "community organizer".

As for being governor of Alaska. I’ve already compared Alaska population wise to Baltimore. Then I realized being mayor of Baltimore really is a full time job! I’m sure without knowing that Baltimore has more city employees that Alaska, for one example.

Baltimore? Like most large, liberal cities, it is probably staffed by a large number of (political patronage) people basically collecting welfare at their desks while actually doing little or no work.

And being a governor (of any state) is still more experience that just voting "present" because you don't have the cojones to take a stand on any issue. As for being a senator, that time was mostly spent on the campaign trail ...

Finally, if being a governor meant anything, how was it that Clinton was so GOOD and Bush43 was so BAD?

Thanks for helping me make my point.

All of the Palin experience you mentioned is still more than obama, and his inexperience is showing.

Beating a dead horse ...


You are beating a dead horse when you insist on talking about something that cannot be changed. Example: "I'd like to talk with you again about what happened." Reply: "Oh, come on. Let's not beat a dead horse."

Beating a dead horse is an action that has no purpose, because no matter how hard or how long you beat a dead horse, it is not going to get up and run. Example: "Let's not talk about it any more. Okay?" Reply: "You're right. We're just beating a dead horse."

To repeatedly bring up a particular topic with no chance of affecting the outcome is beating a dead horse. Example: "Dad, are you sure we can't get a new computer for the upstairs?" Reply: "Son, we talked about this and the decision was 'no'. You are beating a dead horse."

Any of this starting to sound familiar to any of you "Palin-o-phobes"?

Didn't she lose the election and go back to Alaska?

So, why are you all still sooooo afraid of her that you have to keep posting drivel such as this?

Wait, I get it now. You're all actually afraid that the "messiah" is going to screw up sooooo badly that Palin will be back in 4 years - like Reagan after Carter!

[edit on 2/5/2009 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:04 AM

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:29 AM
A cursory glance through this thread gave me an interesting perspective to the current political scene. Has anyone called Sarah Palin the conservative's "savior" yet? How about their "Messiah"? I missed it if it was posted, but MAN! If Obama is the left's savior, then the right needs to man up and admit that this chick is theirs... Jeez!

Anyway, I didn't realize how much trouble the GOP was in until it occurs to me that the new "leaders" of the party are Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Joe the (non) Plumber. That is SAD!

And Sarah even pulled a "McCain" ditching a GOP Retreat, telling them she had important business in Alaska, only to attend the Alfalfa Dinner for Washington super elite. Seems even the GOP doesn't care if she lies to them...

"Oh, Sarah! I think she winked at me"!

Palin Blows Off the GOP

They still love her, though and are loyal to her. I don't get it. Maybe it's 'cause she's so damn cute.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic


Why are you soooo afraid of Palin?

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic


Why are you soooo afraid of Palin?

Since you seem to love my opinion and my grammar so much I shall give my opinion.

Frankly Palin is not that bright a bulb.

Also take into consideration that we just had that dim fellow in... ( I should know considering the nice words you sent my way, you kind, upright person you:up

I understand that you believe Bush's pen was out of ink for eight years, which made it impossible to stop those putrid DEMS from spending like crazy.

[edit on 5-2-2009 by The Bald Champion]

[edit on 5-2-2009 by The Bald Champion]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

I'm not afraid of Palin. I don't know why you'd think that. I think she's comical.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by eldard

Global warming certainly is real.... but the causes for it are not clear IMO.
the whole solar system is heating up.... can't all be our fault??

We've know this how ?
We know the Earths historical temperatures from exceedingly complicated analysis of samples taken from ice, radio active decay and various other methods.....have we been flying back samples from venus ?

before you start crapping on about ice on Mars or some such malarky, this has only been discovered and proven in the last 3 years -

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

BTW BH... she was winking at me!

She is soooooo dreamy,

when she is silent

and its very dark.

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