posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 12:13 PM
For everone else here, is the data that I have gathered.
1. Power output is 600 watt 120 VDC
2. Cut in speed is 8 mph
3. Average yearly wind speed is 19 mph
4. Cost is minimal since it is a small system designed for a relatively light load. Not powering a whole house here.
5. Fail speed is around 111 MPH
6. Dont need permission from anyone but the property owner since it is not connected to a residence.
7. Blades are 36", hub is 8" for a total arc of 76"
8. Blade configuation is styled after Chispito System, tapered and twisted.
BTW, Europe, after I got out of the USAF, I went to school for M.E. got a B.S.(ha,ha). Research is what I do.