posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 03:03 PM
Super thread necro powers activate!
In regards to the OP I've been in Missoula several times and never noticed anything odd, beyond the normal "Montana has some weird folk" vibe.
Then again, they feel the same way about me, there aren't many asians there, let alone ones are adopted and live in Alaska. My grandmother, and my
late and amazing grandfather, live in Havre Montana. I've been in just about every town and city there over the years.
Missoula didn't spark me as anything odd, though I will admit at night in a family friend's house I did have that effect of the wind seeming louder
than it was. They only had one tree in their yard but it sure seemed like they had a copse of them in heavy wind.
Big Sandy always felt weird to me... But I've never stayed in it long, and I probably shouldn't give it a hard time since my grandpa was born
edit on 4-6-2014 by UnmitigatedDisaster because: (no reason given)