posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:48 PM
Eggs and bottles definitely equal White Phosphorous and aerial and sea bombardment of a civilian population. congrats to the OP for pointing it
There are some great pics on the web for those interested to find out what effects WP has on the likes of ordinary men women and children of a
beseiged population. Be prepared to vomit with disgust when you see the evidence.
And the BBC talks of IMPARTIALITY as an excuse to not show an appeal ? - LOL ! How any NORMAL human being can remain impartial after seeing those
images is beyond comprehension.
The current Holocaust is in the making - this time it is being perpetrated by the so called holocaust survivors on the neighbours whose home and land
they happily stole from and wilfully committed terror to gain - but as they are Jews it's allowed, Isn't it ???
Why prevent journalists from documenting the events of the current conflict if everything was within the law ... it's easy to ascertain that what the
Israelis have done is highly condemnable under all and every 'convention' and therefore they have done their utmost to prevent the truth from being
heard and seen in 'the west'. Luckily there are arab and other news media that has shown the truth. And luckily still alive, as it is customary to
'exterminate' journalists that are too graphic in their reportage, given past occurrences.
I have some part of jewish blood in my veins and if I could eradicate it I would in a second. The Israeli actions in Gaza are a stain on the whole
nation and tribe of Jews. SHAMAS ON YOU ISRAEL !