posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:35 AM
Poetic licence:
Our souls are nothing but god's dreams,
As are all living and inanimate things,
Our life is but a leaf on the tree,
Of everything that could possibly be.
[/crap poetry]
Souls could be just an autonomous consciousness unit, processing information as they evolve, eventually rejoining the god mind, as is stated by some
of the older eastern philosophies (and possibly some of the lost western tribes thought the same way). At a certain level we are all one mind,
experiencing itself subjectively?
I think the reality of how this works is simultaneously simpler and more complex than we, who live in 5 sense reality space, can experience without
major phase changes in our personal fractals.
Just relax, open your mind, enjoy the ride
[edit on 26-1-2009 by Zepherian]