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The Murder trial of Casey Anthony: Timeline and Evidence - Updated 10/19/09

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posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:14 PM
This thread is the work of ATS Member Valhall, due to its size it needed to be posted in a "working forum" prior to being presented here which caused it to be associated with the "ATS Information" account.

This thread is intended as a dynamic repository for timeline updates and discovery produced in the murder trial of Casey Marie Anthony, accused of murdering her 2 year old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony. The timeline and evidence will be updated through the end of the murder trial.


Persons involved in investigation:

Caylee - Caylee Marie Anthony, born 8/9/05, date of death undetermined at this time. Victim of murder. Her life was abbreviated, but her name won't be.
AD - Annie Downing, friend of KC - AD lived with DS in apartment 218 of Sawgrass Apartments. KC claims she left Caylee with Zani in apartment 210 of Sawgrass Apartments.
AL - Andrea Lyons, DP qualified attorney for KC.
Alicia - a girl DS says lived in "the top left apartment" of the same building as apartment 210 Sawgrass Apartment.
AH - Amy Huizenga, friend of KC
AP - Alexander Plesea, CA's father
AR - Anthony Rusciano, OCSO deputy, one of KC's lays. Eventually terminated for lying about his relationship with KC.
BB - Brian Burner, neighbor to Anthonys from whom KC borrowed shovel
BC - Brad Conway, attorney for CA and GA
BL - Brian Lufkin, housemate of LA
BS - Brittany Schieber, friend of KC
BSn - Brandon Snow, one of KC's lays, possible Caylee father
CA - Cindy Anthony, mother of KC
CC - Cameron Campina, roomate of TL
CCr - Charles Crittenden, coworker of CA
CH - Clint (Roy) House, roommate of TL
CS - Christopher Stutz, one of KC's lays
DB - Debbie Bennett, coworker of CA
DC - Dominic Casey, PI for first JB then the Anthonys
DCo - Danny Colomarino, owns Cast Iron Tattoos parlor KC frequented
DRF - Don Reid Ford, at one time DS, RM and LC all worked at this dealership.
DP - Debbie Polisano, CA's direct supervisor
Dr.G - Dr. Jan Garavaglia, Orange County Medical Examiner
DS - Dante Salati, friend of KC, lives at Sawgrass apartments
GA - George Anthony, father of KC
GR - Gary Ridgeway, tow truck driver for Johnson's Wrecker, the company that towed and stored KC's car
HL - Dr. Henry Lee, on KC's defense team
Hoover-Jim Hoover, P.I. working with DC
ID - Iassen Donov, friend of KC
JA - John Azzilonna, photographer at Fusion night club
JB - Jose Baez, lead defense attorney for KC
JC - Jean Couty, neighbor who lives directly across street from Anthonys
JD - Jonathan Daly, friend of KC
JG - Jesse Grund, one of KC's lays
JH - Jeffery Hopkins, friend of KC
JHo - Jeffery Hopskins Sr, father of JH
JT - James Thompson, owner of Techbay computer store
FDLE - Florida Department of Law Enforcement
JL - Juliet Lewis, KC's claimed coworker - never proven to exist
JM - John Morgan, lawyer representing ZG in civil suit against KC
JR - Jamie Realander, worked as shot girl at Fusion
JRo - Jennifer Rosa, KC claims she was a room mate of the imaginary Zani
KA - Karen Angel, works at AP's nursing home
KB - Sheriff Kevin Beary, OCSO
KC - Casey Anthony
KCh - Kristina Chester, friend of KC
KK - Kyle Kirkland, contact in KC's cell phone
KR - Katie Sue Robinson, lives at Sawgrass, only met KC once
KTC - KioMarie Torres Cruz, friend of KC
KW - Keith Williams, searched for Caylee at location where remains were ultimately found.
LA - Lee Anthony, brother of KC
LC - Lauren Coppel, friend of KC
LE - Law Enforcement
LG - Lauren Gibbs, friend of KC
LGa - Larry Garrison, foremer spokesman for CA and GA
LKB - Linda Kenney-Baden, defense attorney for KC
LP - Leonard Padilla, California bondsman and bounty hunter who puts up KC's first bond, self-confess media whore
MBI - Metropolitan Bureau of Investigations
MC - Matthew Crisp, friend of KC
MCa - Melina Calabrese, friend and former coworker of KC
MCo - Mike Cozak, KC's boss when she worked for Kodak at Universal in 2005
ME - Melissa England, TB's girlfriend
MF - Mark Furhman, yeah, the same Mark Furhman from the OJ Simpson trial
MH - Mark Hawkins, possible KC lay, possible Caylee father
MHo - Melissa Hopkins, wife of JHo
MK - Mike Kozak, KC's boss when she worked for Kodak at Universal
MKi - Maria Kissh, CH's girlfriend
MH - Mark NeJame, served as attorney to CA and GA until 11/20/08 when he resigned
MM - Michelle Murphy, friend of KC
MP - Mallory Parker, LA's girlfriend
NL - Nicole Lett, works for Johnson's Wrecker, the company that towed and stored KC's car
NLe - Nathan Lezniewicz, roommate of TL
OCSO - Orange County Sheriff's Office
RC - Richard Cain, OCSO deputy who responds to RK's 3rd call on 8/13/08
RD - Robert Dick, bounty hunter that works with Leonard Padilla
RF - Raquel Farrell, KC claims she was a room mate of the imaginary Zani
RG - Richard Grund, father of JG
RK - Roy Kronk, meter reader who found Caylee's remains.
RM - Ricardo Morales, one of KC's lays
RP - Ryan Pasley, friend of KC
RPl - Rick Plesea, CA's brother
SB - Simon Burch, Operations Manager of Johnson's Wrecker, the company that towed and stored KC's car
SD - Sean Daly, friend of KC
SK - Sean Krause, blogger on a site "The Daily BS"
SP - Shirley Plesea, CA's mother
SS - Judge Stan Strickland
TB - Troy Brown
TF - Thomas Franck, an imaginary supervisor at Universal (KC fabricated an email from him)
TL - Tony (Anthony) Lazaro, KC's last lay
TM - Tom Manley, KC's imaginary boss at Universal
TMa - Tom Mattson, head of the events department at Universal
TMac - Todd Macaluso, defense attorney for KC
TMc - Tracy McLaughlin, colleague of LP, stayed in house with KC during her first home bond period
TMi - Tim Miller, head of Texas Equusearch
TP - Teddy Pieper, photographer at Fusian night club
TPa - Tony Padilla, nephew of Leonard Padilla, provided $500k bond to get KC out of jail first time
VA - Vicky Aleman, friend of KC
WW - Will (William) Waters, KC's attempted lay
YM - Yuri Melich, lead detective on case at OCSO
Zani - the imaginary "Zanny the Nanny", the Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez KC claimed kidnapped Caylee
ZG - the real Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, has civil suit again KC for defamation and intentionally causing pain and suffering
ZGo - Zenaida Gonzalez, blogger in Brevard County robbed on 06/09/08
ZG22 - 22 year old Zenaida Gonzalez who was arrested for driving without a valid driver's license on 05/24/08.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Valhall]

[edit on 10-19-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:15 PM
Timeline for period from January through May 2008

Beginning of January KC and AR have sex. KC tells AR she has just got a new job as a party planner.

23 - KC and RM start dating. KC starts spending 4-5 nights a week at RM's apartment.

6 - 2:49 pm google search performed on Anthony desktop for "hide + myspace"
2:52 pm google search performed on Anthony desktop for "hide + blog"
CA worked 8:00 am to 5:30 pm

11 - 11:11 am three google searches performed on Anthony desktop for "casey + anthony"
11:12 am three google searches performed on "casey + anthony" and one google search performed on "casey + marie + anthony"
11:13 am google search performed on "casey + marie + anthony" and google search performed on "colonial + high + school"
CA worked 8am to 5pm

13 - 10:44 am google search performed on Anthony desktop for "lost + numbers"
11:17 am google search performed for "bustdown"
CA worked 8:30 am to 5:30 pm

17 - 1:43 to 1:55 pm Google searches are made on the Anthony desktop computer for "chloraform", "chloroform", "alcohol", "acetone", and "peroxide".
2:16 to 2:28 pm Wikipedia searches are done on the word "shovel".
CA worked 8am to 6pm. GA not working on this day.

18 - AD presents her driver's license and insurance card and citation of March 30 for these issues is cleared. AD would enter two online requests for extensions on the speeding ticket and push it to 07/01/08.

19 - 10:30 to 10:41 am Google searches are made on the Anthony desktop computer for "one tree hill" and "one tree hill 100th episode". This episode was about a nanny kidnapping a child.
CA worked 8:30 am to 5:45 pm. GA worked 9:00 am to 6:50 pm.

21 - 2:16 to 2:28 pm Google searches are made on the Anthony desktop computer for "how to make chloraform", "how to make chloroform", "self defense", "household weapons", "neck breaking", and "shovel". During these searches some one goes to page 79 of this online Google book: Self Defense for Women. Page 79 begins a chapter on "personal and household articles as weapons".
Searches are performed on,, and for the words "making weapons out of household products", "chloroformhabit", "chloroform", "how to make chloroform", and "chloro2".
CA worked 8:30 am to 6:00 pm. GA worked 7:00 am to 5 pm.

14 - KC and RM break up.

End of April/Beginning of May KC starts talking to AR again.

Beginning of May KC stops by AR's place.

3 - KC and AR have IM conversation in which KC refers to nanny.

4 - KC and AR have IM conversation

5 - KC visits CS's parents and then later goes out with CS.

6 - KC and AR have multiple IM conversations. During these IM's KC says nanny is headed to Orlando from Tampa. Calls Caylee "the little snot head". Calls Zani "Zani" in IM.

8 - KC and AR have IM conversation.

11 - Spends day with CS at his parents' home. Caylee is with her.

12 - KC and AR have IM conversation.

14 - KC and AR have IM conversation. KC creates fake email that appears to come from TF (imaginary boss at Universal) stating there is an event to host. KC goes out clubbing for night. KC blows two tires on passenger side of car at 2 a.m.

Mid-May - KC tells AH that she's looking for a house to move into because her parents are going to sell their house and move to Mt. Dora to be closer to CA's parents.

Middle of May - KC and TL begin to have phone conversations.

Middle to end of May - KC stops by AR's place and they have sex.

17 - KC spends the night with CS at his parents' home.

19 - KC and AR have IM conversation.

20 - KC creates account with username "case035".

23 - KC and AR have IM conversation

24 - KC at party at Buffalo Wild Wings. Meets TL for first time.
AD receives a traffic citation for 2 people not wearing seatbelts in her car.
ZG22, receives two traffic citations: one for running an intersection, and one for not having a valid driver's license. Note that Operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license is a [url= erence-when-trying-to-seal-your-criminal-record/]Criminal Offense[/url in Florida.

25 - KC at "No Clothes Party" at UCF. Some type of "run-in" with a "Brandon". KC claimed she had miscarried his baby. KC becomes very upset over the Brandon encounter. When Brandon showed up KC went missing from the party for about an hour and half. Came back crying and very upset. KC left Caylee with CA and told her she was working. Later CA finds a picture of KC from the party and confronts her about lying.

27 - KC logs into account for last time.

29 - KC and Caylee spend the night at RM's.

30 - KC visits JG. KC spends the night with RM and Caylee is there when they go to sleep. But when RM wakes up early in the morning, KC is there, but no Caylee. KC says she took Caylee to her mother.
AD receives two traffic citations: one for speeding, one for not having a valid driver's license and insurance card.

31 - CA and GA went to Cocoa Beach for the day. KC's first date with TL. Went to a hip-hop showcase at Arden Villas. KC disappeared for about 30 minutes, saying she was going to see a friend who lived at the AV apartments, and returned with JG. TL and KC went in KC's car. TL wanted KC to spend the night with him but she received a certain ring tone on her cell phone and said that was her mother and she needed to get home. She left in the "early morning hours".

[edit on 2-12-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:17 PM
Timeline for June 1 to June 15 2008

First week of June: CA takes vacation and has Caylee most of the week.

1 - KC text messages a friend and says she won't be going to Voyage with them. KC and TL go to a party at Pegasus Connection apartments. They traveled in KC's car. KC and TL have sex for first time. KC goes to parents' home to be with Caylee.

2 - KC tells RM she made out with TL. KC also tells AH she is with TL now in a text. KC goes to TL's apartment with Caylee. TL takes a picture of Caylee on his cell phone at 4:52 pm. KC spends the night with RM and AH.
Summons is filed for the 22 year old "Zenaida Gonzalez" for failure to yield on 05/24/08.

3 - Summons is filed for the 22 year old "Zenaida Gonzalez" for operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license. Arraignment is set for 06/11/08, 8:00 am.

4 - KC goes to TB's party at Voyage. Has TL with her. Goes back to parents' home to be with Caylee.

5 - KC talks to AH on phone about the house situation. CA's birthday. Last time LA says he ever saw Caylee. KC was not at Anthony house when LA saw Caylee. TB's birthday. KC does not show for TB's birthday. AH believes she was with TL.
SP sends an email to her sister in which she describes CA as sounding depressed and not wanting to talk "about anything". Talks about financial situation at Anthony home and how KC is just creating more financial burden for CA. Second email sent by SP talks about extreme debt of Anthony family. Says CA went to see a counselor and they advise her not to support KC and Caylee, but CA said she couldn't let them be out on the street. Talks about how CA had talked to a lawyer about a divorce and had learned GA could take half the home so she didn't go through with it. Talks about how CA has said there is "sickness" that runs on GA's side of family, his sister is bi-polar. "Casey has it too." Says CA thought of "doing away with herself" but because of Caylee, SP and AP she didn't.

6 - KC goes to Fusion for first time. Had previous plans with RM (he made dinner for her and she never showed up). KC told him she had to work. AH totals her car. Later RM finds photos of KC at Fusion on this night. When confronted KC admits she was at Fusion, but says she was spying on her boss's daughter for him and that she went back to work after being at Fusion. KC is photographed by JA and TP at Fusion.
SP's sister emails her back and talks about CA "paying KC's credit card" bills.
Summons is issued for AD's traffic citation for not wearing seatbelts.

7 - AH moves in with RM. KC spends night with RM and AH. KC has Caylee. KC tells AH and RM that the night before her boss sent her to Fusion to check on his daughter. Says she went back to work after going to Fusion.

9 - Up until this point TL had been riding in KCs car because his jeep was broke down. TL has Jeep towed to shop. TL picks jeep up in afternoon. KC picked him up from school and took him to shop to get jeep. Caylee was with KC. KC sends a myspace message to BS asking if she knows any female singers for TL's business. BS started receiving emails from KC asking her to come to Fusion.
A "Zenaida Gonzalez", an online journalist/bloggist, (ZGo) in Brevard County, Fl, has her office robbed. The thief takes her computer, which includes her personal information, phone numbers, etc.

Week of 9th - JT states KC and Caylee come into his computer store, Techbay in Maitland, FL.week before Father's day JT states KC and Caylee came into his computer store. KC was looking at new monitors. When they got ready to leave JT let Caylee pick a beanie baby from a bucket he keeps there for kids. KC seemed to get upset that Caylee was getting a toy.

9/10 - KC spends one night with RM and AH, has Caylee. AH sees Caylee when KC leaves on the morning of the 10th. Last time AH sees Caylee. AH does not see KC again until the 30th. The 9th is the original date given by Casey, CA and GA as being the last day they saw Caylee. However, it is believed that CA convinced KC of this date because when KC spoke to the 911 operator she originally stated it has been "31 days" since I saw my daughter. The call was made on the 15th of July, which would make KC's original statement more correct as the 16th of June is the last time GA saw Caylee alive. It is believed that after the 911 calls ended the family started looking at the calendar and CA got confused and convinced everyone else the 9th of June was the last day. It wasn't until after the Father's day video was found by LE that the family realized the 16th was the last time they saw Caylee.

10 - ZG22 []"elects to pay"[/url] civil penalty associated with citation for not yielding at intersection on 05/24/08. "No please" entered. The fine of $118.50 is paid in full and the case closed.

11 - KC goes on date with TL. Texts RM and says she can't meet up with them at Voyage because she's working.
The 22 year old "Zenaida Gonzalez" who received 2 traffic citations on 05/24/08 appears in court. Arra ignment for ZG22's criminal traffic citation is held. ZG22 appears in person at traffic court. While the docket shows "Defendant was represented by counsel" it has an asterick in the field, and no counsel is listed, which is required. ZG22 please nolo contendre. The court rules "adjudicated withheld" which means the court withheld a "conviction", but the accused is ruled "guilty" as charged. Please note that ZG22 being found "guilty" (i.e. adjudication withheld) means that she was unable to produce a valid Florida driver's license on June 11th during the arraignment. If she had produced one, the citation would have been dismissed (see Florida Statute 322.03(6)) The case is reassigned to the "Collection Court" for payment arrangements of the fine.

12-14 - KCh states that KC and Caylee came to her house on one of these days and they all took a walk. Friends of the Anthony family later report seeing Caylee in a shopping center near the Orange/Seminole county line. She was wearing a pink and blue outfit and white-rimmed sunglasses. (NOTE: This description matches that of GA's of Caylee on the 16th when GA last saw her. Questions are: Did the people actually see Caylee on the 16th? Did the people provide this description after hearing GA's description on the news?)

11/12 - KC is with TL. Either on 11th or 12th TL is at the Anthony home and Caylee is there. All 3 of them went to the mall. Trip to mall was in KC's car. This would be the last time TL saw Caylee. On the 11th or 12th of June MKi believes she saw Caylee at TL's apartment. KC sends BS a myspace message about going to Fusion.

12 - KC search for "Zenaida Gonzalez" age 25.
KC search for "Zenaida Fernandez", Jacksonville, FL

13 - KC is supposed to go with AH to Jacksonville so that AH can look at a car. KC calls AH and begs out of trip to Jacksonville saying her dad had a stroke.
11:10-11:43 am KC has IM conversation with ID about going to Fusion
Also talks to RM asking him to go to Fusion, and repeats stroke story. But even though she was telling people her dad had had a stroke (he had not), she invites RM to Fusion. KC goes to Fusion with TL. KC is photographed by JA and TP at Fusion. AH believes she heard Caylee in background during phone conversation. First night KC stays over night at TL's.
The 22 year old "Zenaida Gonzalez" is fined $328.00 for failure to produce valid driver's license. The Collections Court establishes a $50/month payment plan for ZG22 on the $328 fine (including court costs) she receives for the 05/24/08 driving without a valid license citation.

14 - 8:05 am KC puts a comment on TL's myspace saying "You're absolutely my favorite."

NOTE: We are now entering the week in which Caylee is seen alive for the last time by anyone other than KC. At this point we include KC's cell phone activity. For any phone call with a minute charge of "1 minute" I am listing them as "attempted to call" since they could be one of 3 things: 1. call made but disconnected before answered, 2. call made and voicemail picks up and then disconnected, or 3. call made, voicemail picks up and message left. Anything over one minute duration is considered to have contained communication either person to person or via a voice message. In addition, in KC's cell phone contact list there is an entry "Casa de Anthony". This was originally thought to be the Anthony home. However, the phone records for the Anthony home phone show NO incoming calls from KC for the period from 06/15/08 to 07/17/08. Since there is no entry in KC's cell phone for Lee Anthony, it is assumed "Casa de Anthony" is Lee's number. If this is proven to be an error, the timeline will be corrected.

For the period from June 15 to June 27, a critical time when Caylee is believed to have died and her body disposed of, I am including links and commentary on ping maps created by the fine folks at

15 -12:13 am TL calls KC, has 11 minute phone call
8:56 am KC attempts to call AH.
9:15 am KC attempts to call TL.
12:51pm KC calls AH, 9 minute phone call.
1:01 pm KC calls her own phone
2:44 pm KC calls her own phone
3:35 pm Anthony home attempts to call KC
3:35 pm KC calls voicemail
3:45 pm KK attempts to call KC
3:45 pm KC calls voicemail
5:06 pm KC calls Anthony home, 3 minute phone call
7:10 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home
8:38 pm KC texts TL
8:48 pm KC calls her own phone
9:08 pm KC texts TL
10:06 KC calls TL, 10 minute conversation.
10:38 KC calls TL, 4 minute conversation
10:45 TL calls KC, 3 minute conversation
11:44 KC calls TL, 1 hour, 20 minute conversation

Father's Day. CA takes Caylee with her to Mt. Dora to visit her parents. Video of Caylee is taken in nursing home where CA's father, AP, lives. CA's mother talks to her about KC stealing over $400 from their account. CA and Caylee go swimming in the Anthonys' pool. Afterward, CA takes the ladder out of the pool and stores it. CA allegedly confronts KC when she gets home and a heated argument is overheard by a neighbor. CA allegedly chokes KC during this argument. GA states KC's car was in driveway some time after 11 pm when he arrived home from work.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/15/08, KC appears to have been at the Anthony home until around 9:00 am (Pings 1-7). Then she went to TL's apartment until around 7:10 pm (Pings 8-14). She then returns to the Anthony home/LA home area for the rest of the day (Pings 15-54).

Early to Mid-June - KC tells AH her parents are signing the house over to her.

Mid-June: CS sees KC at Scoops.

Some time after the 15th: RP states CA called him and told him that KC was lying about things and had stolen from her grandmother. CA advised RP to stay away from KC to avoid being hurt. Unknown how many of KC's friends CA called in this similar fashion.

15/16 - CA and KC have a big argument. [NOTE: CA does not share this information with LE but later tells this to MF.]

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:20 PM
Timeline for June 16 to June 20 2008

16 - Midnight to 1:00 am high user activity on desktop
Midnight to 11:00 am no activity on laptop
1:00-7:00 am no user activity on desktop
3:08 am TL calls KC, 14 minutes conversation
7:00-9:00 am high user activity on desktop
7:45 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell
7:45 am KC calls voicemail
9:00-10:00 am no activity on HP desktop
10:00-noon high user activity on desktop
11:00 am to noon - one file accessed on laptop, most likely system activity
JT states that around noon he saw KC and Caylee at the Casselberry Walmart.
11:27 am KC uploads one picture to her photobucket account (IP ties to Anthony home). NOTE: Since there is no activity on the desktop between 9 and 10 a.m., this photo had to have been uploaded from KC's laptop.
11:47 am TL calls KC, 18 minute phone call
12:00 noon-1:00 pm no activity on HP desktop. No activity on laptop.
12:50 pm GA states KC and Caylee leave house. KC says she is going to work. They both had backpacks on and KC was wearing charcoal gray pinstriped dress slacks and a beige dress shirt. Caylee's backpack was white with monkeys on it. Caylee was wearing a blue jean skirt, a pinkish colored top, and white tennis shoes. She had white-rimmed sunglasses on and her hair was in a ponytail. This is the last time Caylee is seen alive by anyone other than KC. KC tells GA she is going to work and will be working late, Caylee is going to the nanny's and they are both going to spend the night at the nanny's. KC tells GA she has already spoken with CA about it.
1:00-3:00 pm high user activity on desktop. 6 files accessed on laptop, most likely system activity, but could be very low user activity.
1:00 pm TL calls KC, 13 minute phone call
1:44 pm KC calls AH, 36 minute phone call
2:52 pm JG calls KC, 11 minute phone call. This is the phone call in which JG may have heard Caylee in background. He originally thought that call was on the 24th of June, but since has stated he made have gotten the phone calls messed up. In this phone call KC told JG her parents were getting a divorce and she had to move out and find her own place.
3:00-4:00 pm no activity on laptop.
3:00-11:00 pm no activity on HP desktop. GA works 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
3:04 pm GA attempts to call KC.
3:35 pm KC attempts to call TL.
4:00-5:00 pm 5 files accessed on laptop, most likely system activity, but could be low level user activity.
4:10 pm KC attempts to call Gentiva
4:11 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell.
4:11 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell. (24 seconds after last call)
4:13 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell.
4:13 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell. (25 seconds after last call)
4:14 pm KC calls Gentiva, 1.6 minute phone call.
KC's cell phone pings showed her at or near the Anthony home until 4:18. At 4:18 she tracked northward.
4:19 pm KC calls TL, 1 minute duration.
4:21 pm KC attempts to call JG.
4:21 pm KC calls JG, 1.25 minute duration. (24 seconds after last call)
4:25 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell.
4:25 pm KC cell phone pings show her tracking westward.
No activity on phone for 2 hours and 7 minutes. [NOTE: Up until this point KC has gone no more than about 30 minutes at a time not texting or calling some one.]
BB returns home at approximately 6 p.m. from a family vacation.
5:00 pm to midnight no activity on laptop.
5:57 pm KC's cell phone pings show her tracking northwestward.
6:31 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell.
6:32 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell.
6:32 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home. (44 seconds after last call)
6:33 pm KC checks voicemail.
6:53 pm KC checks voicemail.
7:06 pm KC calls Anthony home, 1.38 minute duration.
7:20 pm KC attempts to call AH
7:21 pm KC attempts to call AH.
7:58 pm TL and KC go to Blockbuster and rent a movie. TL states they stayed up late watching the movie.
8:03 pm MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
8:03 pm KC calls voicemail
11:00-midnight high user activity on desktop
From this point on KC is spending every night at TL's (without Caylee). Only time she does not is when TL takes his trip to New York.
SP's sister emails and talks about how she is glad AP got to see CA and Caylee on Father's Day. Verifies that GA and KC were not there.
Some time during the day some one creates a myspace account for "zenaida" with a picture of Dora the Explorer dancing doll, location Miami, FL, and sign Pisces with birthdate 2/19 (KC is a Pisces with DOB 3/19).

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/16/08, it appears KC remained in the area of the Anthony home/LA home/location where remains would be found until approximately 4:15 pm (Pings 1-21). She then appears to have spent the rest of the day at TL's apartment (Pings 22-28).

17/18/19 - KC stops by to see CS at his parents' home. KC is driving TL's jeep. KC tells CS her parents are getting a divorce. KC tells CS her car is broke down and she was borrowing the jeep from a friend.

17 - TL states he skipped school this day and that KC sleeps in late.
Midnight-1:00 am 8 files accessed on desktop, most likely system activity but could be low level user activity. Also, 8 files accessed on desktop, most likely system activity as well.
1:00-2:00 low level user activity on desktop.
1:00 am-2:00 pm no activity on laptop.
2:00-3:00 am No activity on HP desktop
3:00-5:00 am moderate level of user activity on desktop
5:00-8:00 am No activity on HP desktop
8:00-9:00 am low level user activity on desktop
9:00-noon No activity on HP desktop
10:59 am KC checks voicemail.
11:05 am KC calls AH, 7 minute conversation.
No activity on phone for 3 hours and 7 minutes.
Noon-2:00 pm moderate level of user activity on desktop
2:00-4:00 pm extremely high level of user activity on desktop
2:00-5:00 pm extremely high level of user activity on laptop
2:12 pm KC calls Gentiva, 2.5 minute conversation.
2:18 pm KC's cell phone pings show her tracking southward. KC's cell phone pings then show her at or near the Anthony home until 2:45 pm.
2:18 pm KC calls AH, 9 minute conversation.
2:29 pm KC calls RM, 1 minute duration.
2:30 pm KC receives call from DRF, 7.6 minute conversation. (This is most likely RM calling KC back.)
2:44 pm KC attempts to call TL.
2:44 pm KC attempts to call TL. (37 seconds after last call)
2:45 pm KC attempts to call CH.
2:45 pm KC attempts to call CH. (35 seconds after last call)
KC's cell phone pings show her in the area of Lee Vista Blvd and T.P.C. drive to the west of the Anthony home.
2:49 pm TL calls KC, 50 second phone call.
No activity on phone for 1 hour and 15 minutes.
4:00-5:00 pm User activity on KC's laptop.
4:00-11:00 pm no activity on desktop (GA at work from 3:00 to 11:00 pm)
4:04 pm KC attempts to call TL.
4:05 pm KC attempts to call TL. KC's cell phone pings show her at or near the Anthony home.
LE analysis of ping records show KC was at or near the Anthony home at 4:05 pm and between 4:36 pm and 5:23 pm shows KC is traveling west.
No activity on phone for 6 hours and 18 minutes.
4:36 pm KC's cell phone pings show her in the area bordered by Alafaya Trail, Research Parkway and E. Colonial Drive until 5:20 pm.
5:00-7:00 pm no activity on laptop
5:20 pm KC attempts to call 954-478-9899
5:20-5:23 pm KC's cell phone pings show her near E. Colonial Drive and Culver Road (Downey park area). She then tracks westward.
6:31 pm TL or KC makes debit purchase at Hess.
7:00-midnight High level of user activity on laptop.
8:23 pm KC's cell phone pings show her at TL's apartment.
10:23 pm KC checks voicemail. (Last cell phone activity on 6/17).
11:00 pm to midnight - moderate level of user activity on desktop
At some point during the day KC leaves AH a message on her myspace or Facebook page saying "Cheer up me lady! I love you and can't wait to finally get you moved in."
BB sees KC back her car into the garage. This was something KC normally did not do. She normally pulled in forward and parked in the driveway.
CA, upon arriving home from work, finds back gate open and ladder in pool. Calls GA to confirm he had not left the ladder in the pool because they always put the ladder away so that Caylee cannot climb it and fall in pool. Also finds pool supply box moved next to pool. [NOTE: While GA did share the ladder incident with LE in one of his interviews, he is unable to nail down the date with any certainty (or even close). However, GA and CA are quite firm on the date when they are interviewed by Greta at their home. They also convey this date with certainty to MF during a meeting they have with him.]

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/17/08, KC appears to have stayed at TL's apartment until around 2:20 pm (Pings 1-3). She then is in the Anthony home/LA home/location where remains would be found area until as late as 4:30 pm (Pings 4-9). She is then very near AR's home and Jay Blanchard Park area from 4:36 pm (Ping 9A, 10) to at least 6:31 pm (Hess gas station receipt provided by TL). There are no cell phone pings from 5:23 pm to 8:23 pm. From 8:23 pm on she is at TL's apartment (Pings 11-12).

18 - 12:10 am KC calls PaPa Johns Pizza, 2 minute duration.
12:11 am KC calls PaPa Johns Pizza
12:17 am KC calls Broadway Ristorante, 2 minute duration
12:19 am KC calls Broadway Ristorante, 2 minute duration
No activity on phone for 12 hours and 14 minutes
12:33 pm KC calls Gentiva, 1 minute duration.
12:34 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell phone.
12:35 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home.
12:36 pm KC attempts to call GA's cell phone.
12:36 pm KC attempts to call GA's cell phone. (23 seconds after last call)
1:09 pm KC calls CA's cell phone, 1.5 minute duration.
1:11 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home.
3:05 pm KC texts TL.
3:16 pm KC attempts to call TL.
3:16 pm KC attempts to call TL. (35 seconds after last call)
3:42 pm KC calls TL, 1.9 minute conversation.
4:10 pm KC calls AH.
4:11 pm KC calls AH, 1.5 minute duration.
4:13 pm KC calls Gentiva, 1.3 minute duration.
4:27 pm Maria Kishh calls KC, 1.2 minute duration.
No activity on phone for 2 hours and 12 minutes.
6:39 pm KC calls CA's cell phone, 7.6 minute conversation.
6:55 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
6:55 pm KC calls voicemail.
6:57 pm KC calls Anthony home, 2.6 minute conversation. (Last cell phone activity on 6/18).
No activity on phone for 17 hours and 14 minutes.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/18/08, it appears KC was in the area of the Anthony home/LA home/location where remains would be found between 2:42 pm and 4:10 pm (Pings 10-12).

18/19 - BB cannot be sure which of these two days it was that KC returned to the Anthony home and borrowed the shovel. Stated she needed it to dig up a bamboo shoot she was tripping over. Borrowed shovel at approximately 1:30 p.m. Car was once again backed into garage. KC returns the shovel at about 2:30 p.m. (NOTE: In reviewing KC's cell phone activity it appears this happened on the 18th as there is an almost 2 hours gap during the time BB states she borrowed the shovel.)

19 - 12:11 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home.
12:12 pm KC calls AH, 33 minute conversation.
1:20 pm KC attempts to call AH.
1:20 pm KC attempts to call AH.
1:20 pm KC calls AH, 4.6 minute conversation. (23 seconds after last call)
1:42-1:46 pm KC has IM conversation with ID about going to Fusion on the 20th
2:09 pm KC attempts to call Andy France.
2:10 pm KC calls MC, 1.4 minute duration.
2:27 pm KC's cell phone pings show her tracking eastward from TL's apartment. She then remained in the area bordered by Vincent Road, East Colonial Drive, Rouse road and Damsite Road until 3:07 pm. Included in this area are Blanchard Park, Little Econlockhatchee Park and Downey Park.
2:58 pm KC calls her own phone.
No activity for 1 hour and 22 minutes.
3:20 pm KC's cell phone pings show her tracking to the west near E. Colonial Drive and Forsyth Road.
4:20 pm KC calls Gentiva, 2 minute conversation.
4:23 pm KC calls AH, 3.6 minute conversation. KC's cell phone pings show her tracking northwest to the area of Semoran Boulevard and Aloma Avenue. She remained in this area until 4:54 pm.
No activity on phone for 1 hour and 29 minutes.
5:45 pm KC's cell phone pings show her to the east in the area bordered by Alafaya Trail, Research Parkway, and Avalon Park Boulevard (Waterford Lakes Area). She remained in this area until 9:02 pm. She then is back at TL's apartment until 1:04 pm 07/20/08.
5:52 pm KC text Sean Hickey.
No activity on phone for 3 hours and 21 minutes.
9:13 pm KC calls Anthony home, 5.5 minute conversation.
9:18 pm KC calls her own phone.
9:35 pm MH leave voicemail on KC's cell.
9:35 pm KC calls voicemail. (Last cell phone activity for 6/19).

TB says KC texts TB about going to Fusion. (This text does not show up on KC's records for 6/19.) KC calls MC and makes an appointment to bring TL buy to look at apartments. (This call does not show up on KC's records of 6/19, could have been made on TL's phone.) KC tells MC that TL is looking to break his lease and find a new apartment. KC and TL show up at MC's office and MC shows an apartment to TL.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/19/08, it appears KC stayed in the area of TL's apartment until about 2:30 pm (Pings 1-11). She may have briefly gone to an area around Jay Blanchard Park (some time between 2:30 pm to 3:07 pm) (Pings 12, 13). She then appears to have stayed at TL's apartment until sometime around 5:00 pm (Pings 14-16) and briefly went to the area around Fusion Ultra Lounge (5:00 pm-5:45 pm) (Ping 17); then back to TL's apartment (Pings 18-19).

20 - 11:27-11:40 am KC has IM conversation with ID about coming to Fusion.
11:38 am KC texts JH.
1:04 pm KC calls Andy France, 3 minute conversation.
1:16 pm KC attempts to call Alex Ryan Green.
1:17 pm KC attempts to calls TB.
1:19 pm TB calls KC, 4 minute conversation. (This is most likely the call TB mistakenly remembers was on the 19th and in which KC asked him to come to Fusion.)
1:23 pm KC calls Stephanie Kostakis, 1 minute duration
1:26 pm KC calls JG, 1 minute duration
1:28 pm KC calls Robert Westenbarger, 2 minute duration
1:29 pm KC attempts to call Robert Westenbarger
1:30 pm KC calls TL, 1.8 minute conversation.
1:53 pm KC attempts to call Gentiva.
2:54 pm KC calls Gentiva, 5 minute conversation.
3:00 pm KC calls her own phone.
No phone activity for 3 hours and 53 minutes.
6:53 pm MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
6:53 pm KC calls voicemail.
7:22-7:27 pm KC sends IM to ID about coming to Fusion and logs off
7:34 pm KC attempts to call CS
8:01 pm CS calls KC, 1 minute duration
8:03 pm Robert Westenbarger calls KC, 3 minute conversation
8:33 pm Anthony home attempts to call KC.
9:29 pm Robert Westenbarger attempts to call KC
9:32 pm KC texts Maria
10:15 pm KC attempts to call ID
10:17 pm KC calls Jenna Prentice, 1 minute duration
11:23 pm KC calls ID, 4 minute conversation

BB sees KC backing into the Anthony driveway again. KC sends BS a myspace message about coming to Fusion. Hot body contest at Fusion. KC is photographed by JA and TP at Fusion (pictures of her in blue dress and boots).

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/20/08, KC appears to have stayed at TL's apartment until about 1:30 pm (Pings 1-4). She then went to the Anthony home/LA home/location where remains would be found area until sometime between 1:53 pm and 2:18 pm (Pings 5-6). She then returned to TL's apartment until about 8:00 pm (Pings 6A-12). She then was at the Fusion Ultra Lounge (Pings 13-16).

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:20 PM
Timeline for June 21 to June 30 2008

21/22 - KC is at TL's apartment all weekend. MKi asks where Caylee is and KC tells her she is at the beach. KC adds 23 photos of her at Fusion to her myspace page.

21 - 9:30 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
9:30 am KC calls voicemail.
10:23 am KC calls TL, 20 minute conversation.
10:56 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
10:56 am KC calls voicemail.
11:11 am KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
12:40 pm KC calls AH, 7 minute duration.
4:52 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
4:52 pm KC calls voicemail.
4:53 pm KC calls AH, 2 minute duration.
4:57 pm KC calls Anthony home, 4 minute duration.
5:01 pm KC calls AH, 4 minute duration.
8:19 pm KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
8:57 pm KC calls TL, 1 minute duration.
10:15 pm TL calls KC, 6 minute duration.
11:32 pm JG calls KC, 3 minute duration.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/21/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL's apartment.

22 - 9:35 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
9:35 am KC calls voicemail.
9:37 am Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
9:37 am KC calls voicemail.
12:06 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
12:06 pm KC calls voicemail.
12:23 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home.
12:27 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home.
2:37 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
2:37 pm KC calls voicemail.
2:40 pm KC calls Anthony home, 1 minute duration.
3:20 pm KC attempts to call "Enjoli"
3:21 pm KC attempts to call "Enjoli"
3:21 pm "Enjoli" attempts to call KC
6:27 pm MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell phone.
6:27 pm KC calls voicemail.
6:31 pm KC calls MH, 4 minute duration.
8:38 pm MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
8:38 pm KC calls voicemail.
9:57 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
9:57 pm KC calls voicemail.
10:11 pm KC calls Anthony home, 6 minute duration.
10:18 pm KC attempts to call MH.
10:20 pm MH calls KC, 4 minute duration.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/22/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL's apartment.

23 - 1:11 a.m. MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
1:11 a.m. KC calls voicemail.
12:30 pm KC calls MH, 51 second duration.
12:31 pm KC attempts to call JG.
12:32 pm KC attempts to call JG.
1:32 pm "Zombie debt collector" leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
1:32 pm KC calls voicemail.
1:41 pm AH attempts to call KC
2:44 pm KC calls TL, 2 minute duration.
2:51 pm KC attempts to call JG
2:51 pm KC calls AH, 10 minute duration. (22 seconds after last call)
3:02 pm TL calls KC, 1 minute duration
3:04 pm KC calls AH, 9 minute duration
3:19 pm MH calls KC, 5 minute duration
4:01 pm TL attempts to call KC
4:08 pm KC attempts to call TL
5:32 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell
5:35 pm KC calls CA's cell, 10 minute duration
5:54 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell
5:54 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell (3 seconds after last call)
5:54 pm KC calls Anthony home, 3 minute duration (35 seconds after last call)
7:18 pm KC calls Anthony home, 5 minute duration
7:23 pm KC attempts to call TL
7:24 pm KC attempts to call TL
8:07 pm TL calls KC, 4 minute duration
8:30 pm KC calls Anthony home, 3 minute duration
8:52 pm KC attempts to call TL

BB thinks he sees a green pick up at the Anthony house and remembers hearing KC's voice. He believes a male was with her. KC runs out of gas in the near vicinity of the Anthony home. Calls TL and asks him to drive toward her parents' home. He meets KC walking down the street (not by her car) and they drive to the Anthony home. TL uses a tire iron and breaks in storage shed in backyard and KC takes two gas cans. TL sees BB while at the Anthony house. When they arrive at the car KC will not let TL put gas in car. She puts gas from cans in car herself and TL just hands her the cans.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/23/08, KC appears to have stayed at TL's apartment until sometime after 1:41 pm (Pings 1-7). She then appears to have been in the Anthony home/LA home/location where remains would be found area until possibly as late as 4:00 pm. (Pings 8-9) This would have been when she ran out of gas, called TL, broke into GA's shed and stole the gas cans. This would be the period of time when BB saw TL's jeep at the Anthony home. She spent the rest of the day at TL's apartment (Pings 11-25).

Week of 23-27: GA claims he sees KC leaving the Anthony house in his wife's vehicle and chases her down the 408. GA also states this could have been the week of the 16th.

24 - 9:56 am TL calls KC, 11 minute duration
10:30 am GA finds shed broken into, gas cans gone. He files a report with the OCSO. Warns BB's son to let his family know that some one broke into his shed.
11:20 am KC calls Gentiva, 6 minute duration
12:40 pm KC sends a Facebook message to TB stating she has not been living at her parents' home in 9 days and references "drama".
1:19 pm JG calls KC, 12 minute duration. This is the phone call JG originally stated he thought he heard Caylee in the background, but has since told LE he thinks he mixed this phone call up with the 16th phone call.
2:15 pm KC calls AH, 23 minute duration.
2:48 pm KC attempts to call Gentiva.
2:49 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell
2:49 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell (25 seconds after last call)
2:49 pm KC attempts to call CA's cell (16 seconds after last call)
2:50 pm KC calls CA's cell, 1 minute duration
2:55 pm KC attempts to call TL
2:59 pm KC calls AH, 13 minute duration
3:12 pm KC calls JG, 2 minute duration
3:15 pm CA calls KC, 4 minute duration
3:20 pm KC attempts to call TL
5:25 pm KC calls CA's cell, 10 minute duration
5:36 pm KC attempts to call MH
7:05 pm Anthony home attempts to call KC
7:06 pm KC calls Anthony home, 12 minute duration
11:00 pm TL calls KC, 3 minute duration
11:05 pm TL calls KC, 16 minute duration
11:52 pm TL calls KC, 9 minute duration

KC tells CA that Zani's sister (Samantha?) and mother (Gloria) drive to Tampa to visit Zani in the hospital. KC tells CA that she drove to Orlando to get insurance papers for Zani.

GA states that at 2:25 pm KC shows up at Anthony house. (This is not possible, see phone records above.) Claims she only has 10 minutes to get clothes and get back to work for an event. GA asks about Caylee. KC says she is with Zani. Gas can encounter occurs.

KC adds 6 photos of her at Fusion to her myspace page.
AD requests extension on her citation on 5/24/08 for no seatbelts.
CA would later claim in a Greta interview conducted at the Anthony home around August 5th that she talked to KC this day (prior to her showing up at the Anthony home) and told her about the shed being broken into. There are no phone records to support this claim.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/24/08, KC appears to have stayed at TL's apartment until about 2:15 pm (Pings 1-5). She is then in the area of the Antony home/LA home/location where remains would be found from around 2:42 to 2:55 pm (Pings 6-8). She then appears to have spent the rest of the day at TL's apartment (Pings 9-22).

25 - 12:42 am - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
12:42 am - KC calls voicemail.
12:52 pm - KC attempts to call Gentiva.
12:54 pm - KC attempts to call MH.
12:57 pm - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell.
12:57 pm - KC calls voicemail.
12:57 pm - KC calls MH, 13 minute duration.
1:36 pm - 407-629-5765 leaves voicemail on KC's cell
1:36 pm - KC calls voicemail.
1:36 pm - KC attempts to call Gentiva
1:38 pm - KC calls AH, 20 minute duration.
2:12 pm - KC attempts to call CA's cell
2:13 pm - KC calls Gentiva, 4 minute duration
2:18 pm - KC attempts to call Gentiva
2:18 pm - KC calls AH, 5 minute duration
KC has phone call with AH and talks about horrible smell in her car. Talks about smell more than one day. Says she doesn't know what it is but speculates her dad may have ran over something when he borrowed it. Says "it smells like something died in my car". Says the engine is the source of the smell.
6:26 pm - KC calls 866-361-4999, 2 minute duration
6:36 pm - KC calls CA's cell, 45 minute duration
9:11 pm - KC calls Anthony home, 4 minute duration
9:54 pm - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
9:54 pm - KC calls voicemail.

KC sends BS a myspace message about coming to Fusion on Friday night - hot body contest. BS also receives an email from KC about coming to Fusion. KC tells CA she is at a hospital Tampa sitting with Zani who has been in a car accident.
KC makes an online payment for her cell phone bill of $377.33
FDLE receives list of contacts from KC's cell phone records and initiates background checks on KC, TL, JG, Katelyn France and Savannah Carter.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/25/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL's apartment.

26 - 8:56 am - KC attempts to call MH
10:14 am - TL calls KC, 10 minute duration
11:36 am - CA calls KC, 9 minute duration
2:00 pm - KC calls JG, 1 minute duration
2:43 pm - KC attempts to call MH
3:17 pm - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
3:17 pm - KC calls voicemail.
3:34 pm - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
3:34 pm - KC calls voicemail.
4:57 pm - RP calls KC, 12 minute duration
6:50 pm - MH calls KC, 4 minute duration
7:26 pm - KC calls CA's cell, 3 minute duration
7:29 pm - KC attempts to call AH
7:30 pm - KC attempts to call AH
9:35 pm - AH calls KC, 19 minute duration
9:55 pm - KC calls AH, 2 minute duration
11:28 pm - MH calls KC, 18 minute duration
11:41 pm - TL calls KC, 4 minute duration
11:47 pm - KC calls MH, 9 minute duration

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/26/08, KC appears to have spent the entire day at TL's apartment.

27 - 9:37 am - KC calls CA's cell, 2 minute duration
10:22 am - KC calls AH, 9 minute duration
10:35 am - KC calls JH, 3 minute duration
11:09 am - KC calls JC Penney's, 1 minute duration
11:28 am KC calls TL, 2 minute duration, and asks him to pick her up in parking lot of Amscot. Says she has ran out of gas.
11:34 am KC texts AH and tells her "there was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car". KC tells AH Caylee is at the beach with nanny and CA. KC goes to Fusion.
11:47 am KC calls TL, 1.9 minute duration
11:51 am KC calls JG, 5 minute duration
1:47 pm - KC attempts to call JG
1:47 pm - KC calls 407-312-9587, 2 minute duration
1:51 pm - KC attempts to call 954-478-9899
1:51 pm - KC attempts to call 954-478-9899 (30 seconds after last call)
2:27 to 3:51 pm KC's cell phone pings show her in the same area (near Blanchard park area).
2:03 pm - KC attempts to call JG
2:07 pm - JG calls KC, 3 minute duration
2:11 pm - KC attempts to call JC Penney's
2:27 pm - MH leaves voicemail on KC's cell
2:27 pm - KC calls voicemail.
3:51 pm - KC calls CA's cell, 51 second duration
5:00 pm - AH calls KC, 3 minute duration
5:39 pm KC IM's ID asking if he has plans tonight.
6:43 pm - KC calls CA's cell, 4 minute duration
6:49 pm - KC attempts to call MH
6:51 pm - MH calls KC, 7 minute duration
8:32 pm KC makes a call to BoA Weather
8:33 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell
8:33 pm - KC calls voicemail.
9:01 pm - Anthony home calls KC, 2 minute duration.
9:06 pm - Anthony home calls KC, 6 minute duration.
9:12 pm - KC attempts to call TL
9:13 pm - KC attempts to call TL
9:13 pm - KC attempts to call AH
9:14 pm - KC attempts to call AH
9:27 pm - MH attempts to call KC
10:21 pm - KC attempts to call JG
10:38 pm - KC calls "Enjoli", 1 minute duration
11:30 pm - KC attempts to call "Enjoli"
11:55 pm - "Enjoli" attempts to call KC

KC texts AH and tells her that for the second Friday in a row she has ran out of gas. (NOTE: As far as can be discerned, KC is wrong in this statement. There is no evidence KC ran out of gas on the 20th. Both TL and BB's interviews later confirm the first date she ran out of gas (and took the gas cans) was Monday the 23rd, not Friday the 20th.) Later tells detectives it ran out of gas and that 2 men helped push it into the parking lot. Those two men have not come forward if they ever existed. When TL arrives at Amscot Casey is out of her car with grocery bags and clothes in her hands. KC tells TL she will take care of the car later. She leaves her purse in the abandoned car. (KC later tells CA she left a note on the car saying she would be right back to get the car.) KC texts Ah and says she got rid of the dead animal that was stinking up her car. From this point on KC is staying every night at TL's. KC calls JG and asks him to come to Fusion. Tells JG Caylee is with nanny. JR confirms KC was at Fusion this night. KC texts RM and asked what is going on for the next night. KC tells CA that JRo brought Zani home to Orlando from the Tampa hospital. KC tells CA that JH arrives in Orlando.

From ping map produced by Websleuths here for KC's cell phone activity on 06/27/08, KD appears to have stayed at TL's apartment until about 10:30 am (Pings 1-3). She is then in the area of the Anthony home/LA home/location where remains would be found from around 11:09 am to 11:30 am (Pings 4-7). She then appears to be in the Jay Blanchard Park/AR home area for a few minutes (possibly until around noon) (Pings 8-12). She then returns to TL's apartment until about 2:10 pm (Pings 13-23). She then goes to the area near AH/RM's apartment (possibly the JC Penney because she had called that store at around 11:00 am (Ping 24). She returns to TL's apartment until about 8:30 pm (Pings 25-37). And then appears to go to Fusion Ultra Lounge (Pings 38-40).

27-30 - KC later tells CA she spent these days with JH.

28 - 8:56 am KC attempts to call RM at work
7:15-9:05 pm KC buys two tickets to "Wanted" at Waterford cinema
KC texts AH asking if she has gas cans. KC calls JG asking if he has a gas can and tells him about running out of gas and where her car is. TL or KC rents a movie at Blockbusters at 9:43 pm. KC later tells CA she spent this day with Zani and JH at JH's hotel room at the Hard Rock. KC is with TL all of this day.

29 - KC spends all of this day with TL.
4:21 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell
4:21 pm KC calls voicemail.
5:02 pm Anthony home leaves voicemail on KC's cell
5:02 pm KC calls voicemail.
5:08 pm - KC calls Anthony home, 3 minute duration.

30 - 12:36 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
2:51 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
5:32 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
5:33 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
6:10 pm KC makes $73.40 purchase at JC Penny (Fashion Square Mall) on CA's credit card
8:36 pm KC makes $7.49 purchase at Target
Manager of Amscot has KC's car towed to impound lot after the third day it set abandoned. KC doesn't know her car has been towed. KC takes TL to airport for trip to New York. KC shows up at RM's apartment at 9 a.m. and asks AH to take her to buy a gas can so that she can put gas in her car. When they arrive at the Amscot the car has already been towed. KC sends text message to TB stating she is planning to fly out to Puerto Rico at the same time as AH. KC later tells CA that JRo watched Caylee while she worked because Zani still couldn't watch Caylee due to the concussion from the accident. KC tells CA JRo took Caylee to Universal.

[edit on 6-13-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:22 PM
Timeline for July 1 to July 13 2008

First week of July: CA claims she was texting KC everyday because CA was on vacation and wanted to keep Caylee. CA claims that everyday KC was telling her she was at work and Caylee was with JRo at various parks. CA states that around the first of June through July KC started texting more and not talking to her directly on the phone. CA stated she felt it was because KC was having a harder time responding to CA's questions concerning Caylee. CA claims KC was telling her she was in Jacksonville all this week with JH and they were talking about becoming a family and when he moved back to Orlando they would probably be moving in together.

1 - 1:43 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
1:51 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
1:52 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
2:02 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
4:47 pm KC makes $31.93 purchase at JC Penny (Fashion Square Mall) on CA's credit card
6:56 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
7:33 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
7:50 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
9:33 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
11:52 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
12:45 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
7:51 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
10:51 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
KC shows up at JG's around 9 to 10 a.m. to take a shower. KC has her nails done. SD saw KC. KC spends night with RM and AH. DS and BSn see KC at Miller's Ale House.
AD pays speeding ticket.

2 - 12:13 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
12:15 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
12:17 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
12:18 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
12:20 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
12:24 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
12:31 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
12:37 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
7:14 am call to KC from Anthony home, 3 minute duration.
1:34 pm call to LA from Anthony home, 3 minute duration.
8:06 pm KC makes $37.23 purchase at Ross
8:52 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
KC spends night with RM and AH. Tells AH Caylee is with nanny. Meets ME for first time and says they should go get a tattoo together. SD and JD state they saw KC at tattoo shop making an appointment. Later that night SD saw her at Buffalo Wild Wings. AH finds that $400 she had saved for her Puerto Rico trip was missing. KC tells AH that KC saw her sleep walking with the money. Woman later claims to have seen and talked to Caylee in Orlando airport and that Caylee got on Air Tran Airways Flight 862 to Atlanta.

3 - LA leaves a comment on AD's myspace asking if she has heard from KC or seen Caylee. AD texts KC and asked about it, and KC responds that LA is crazy and everything is fine.
8:16 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
9:07 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
9:52 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
10:09 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
10:50 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
10:51 am KC creates "diary of days" on laptop.
11:51 am attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
12:11 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
12:32 pm CA makes call (unknown to whom).
2:39 pm GA attempts to call KC.
3:21 pm KC calls CA, 17 minute conversation.
5:15 pm GA attempts to call KC.
6:09 pm KC makes $10.64 purchase at Team Choice (Florida Mall)
6:43 pm KC makes $21.28 purchase at Anchor Blue (Florida Mall)
6:57 pm CA calls KC, 11 minute conversation.
7:15 pm KC makes $15.98 purchase at Target (Florida Mall)
8:07 pm attempt to call Fusion Ultra Lounge from Anthony home.
8:08 pm attempt to call Fusion Japanese Restaurant from Anthony home.
8:10 pm call to LA from Anthony home, 3 minute duration.
8:37 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
8:38 pm call to KC from Anthony home, 2 minute duration.
8:44 pm CA makes entry "my caylee is missing" on her myspace.
9:09 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
KC texts JG and says there's something on with her family right now and if her mom tries to contact him not to say anything, to stay out of it. KC gets tattoo "Bella Vita" on her right shoulder. KC says Caylee is with nanny.
KC spends about 5 hours with ME while TB is at work, never mentions Caylee. ME tells TB that at one point KC is arguing on the phone with her mom while they are at Target. ME states she heard KC talking about financial issues and telling her mother Caylee was with the nanny. CA claims she went to Universal on this day in an attempt to pick up Caylee. (NOTE: This claim by CA begs the question - did she not learn definitively at that point that KC did NOT work for Universal? It seems she would have immediately learned this when she went to the security guard and said "I'm here to see Casey Anthony an employee.") KC calls MKi and tells her she will meet her at the Dragon Room that night, but never shows up. KC goes out clubbing with TB and ME at The Lodge.
LA learns that KC is going to be at The Dragon Room. BL calls MM and tells her that LA and Danny Alvarez are headed to out to find KC. BL states LA learned KC was in Orlando because of comments she left on Jonathan Lorentz's Facebook.
At some point KC gets a phone call (appears to be from CA) that LA is coming to talk to her. She is upset and tells TB they have to leave. KC leaves before LA reaches the establishment.

4 - 8:21 am CA attempts phone call to KC
9:42 am CA calls KC, 30 minutes conversation. KC tells CA she's still in Jacksonville.
12:19 pm KC makes $12.71 purchase at Target (Fashion Square Mall)
6:39 pm attempt to call Waterford Lakes from Anthony home.
6:44 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
KC at party at WW house. Calls JG asks him what he's doing for the 4th. KC says Caylee is with nanny at Sea World. KC spends night with RM and AH.
SP's sister emails and asks if SP has heard from CA. Also asks "What is going on with Casey??? Is she giving her folks problems???"

5 - 5:13 pm KC makes $14.90 purchase at Best buy (Fashion Square Mall)
5:41 pm KC makes $4.00 purchase Citro car wash
KC with WW earlier in day. TL returns from New York. KC picks TL from airport in his jeep. KC and TL meet up with SD at Buffalo Wild Wings. After this date is when KC starts waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares and sweats.

Second week of July: CA states KC and JH were supposed to return to Orlando on the weekend, but KC told her they were staying in Jacksonville. KC told CA JH had taken her car to be fixed on the weekend. KC told CA it took longer to get the car back from the shop because her gas sensor needed to be replaced. KC told CA that she and JH would be returning to Orlando on the 12th. KC tells CA that Caylee is being watched by JH's mother along with Zach (JH's imaginary son).
SP's sister emails and says she hopes SP hears from CA today. Says "That deal Casey tells about sounds fishy to me too. At least she does have the baby with her and not expecting Cindy to care for Caylee. Is Casey working for Disney or Kodak???"

6 - 12:00 noon KC attempts to call CA's cell phone.
12:07 pm KC calls CA, 11 minute conversation.
5:32 KC makes a $59.14 purchase at Publix (Chickasaw and Lake Underhill)
5:54 pm KC makes $11.61 purchase at Winn Dixie (7580 University)
KC texts TB and says she is with TL. KC texts TB and leads him to believe she is coming to meet up with him and ME, but never shows.
SP's sister emails and talks about a 'guy' involved in KC's life. Talks about how CA must be worried about who is taking care of Caylee and if Caylee is being taken care of properly.
Second email references that CA and GA came to see SP. Says "I can't believe 'that Casey'. I wonder what she is up to??? Why would she be anywhere other than Orlando??? Does Universal have theme parks in those other cities??? Or is she just out 'gadding about' and is she taking the baby with her or is 'a sitter' taking care of Caylee???"

Around the second week of July: In a phone conversation between RP and KC, KC admits she is doing drugs. She mentions pot and "whatever else is around".

7 - Jeffery Carter (a subsequent tipster) sees a woman at approximately 12:30 a.m. walking the sidewalk outside his first floor hotel room at the AmeriSuites Hotel in Orlando. Carter describes the womans mannerisms and dress as being that of a prostitute. After the story of Caylee being missing breaks on July 16th, he sees a picture of KC and believes the woman he saw may have been her.
8:24 am GA attempts to call KC.
5:16 pm KC makes $4.18 purchase at Target (University and Goldenrod)
8:00-9:42 pm KC buys one ticket to "Hancock" at Waterford cinema
KC texts WW and tells him he's the sweetest guy she ever met. MC sees KC at Subway during lunch. MC asks how Caylee is and KC says she is at a play date with one of KC's friends who also has children. MC states KC was driving a dark SUV and she stated it was her boyfriend's and he was out of town. KC makes blog entry on her myspace titled "diary of days". Entry reads "On the worst of worst days, Remember the words spoken. Trust no one, Only yourself. With great power, Comes great consequence. What is given, Can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies. Life will never be easy." KC runs into CS at Buffalo Wild Wings. CS says she was with Iassen and SD. Johnson's Wrecker mails out certified letter to Anthonys informing them their car is in impound.
SP's sister emails and refers to "quite a 'tale'" that KC has told or is telling.

8 - 9:05 am GA calls KC, 5 minute conversation.
11:59 am KC makes $111.01 purchase at Target using AH's checkbook
3:42 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home.
AH leaves for Puerto Rico and leaves her car with KC. JH says he saw KC out drinking with a bunch of guys. One was SD.
9:44 pm KC calls CA, 25 minute conversation.
SP's sister emails and says "I am with you in thinking something might be amiss with Caylee. I can't believe she would be that upset to speak to and hear her grandmother on the phone??? I just hope that little girl is ok. I wonder how much of caylee's clothes and toys Casey took when she left??? How much of her own things did she take??? Seems to me, they would be running out of things to wear etc."
Surveillance video captures KC at Target:
Video Part 1
Video Part 2
KC goes grocery shopping with AH's stolen check book.

9 - KC adds a pic to her myspace page taken of her while out partying.
SP's sister emails her and talks about the CA being between "a rock and a hard place" over KC. Talks about how KC is an ingrate for all her parents have done for her. Talks about how she'll come crawling back when she figures out no one wants to be bothered with her and her toddler.
Second email talks about the possibility that KC is "directing friends to go in the house and get things".
8:12 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.

10 - 10:33 am KC makes $137.77 purchase at Target using AH's checkbook (University and Goldenrod) goes shopping with AH's stolen check book at Target.
12:00 pm KC goes grocery shopping and makes $155.47 purchase at Target using AH's checkbook .
7:40 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
7:42 pm KC calls Anthony home, 19 minute conversation. KC claims she got her car back from the shop in Jacksonville. She tells CA her and JH will be returning the 12th.
8:46 pm KC takes call from MH, 25 minute conversation.
KC had told WW she would hang out with him on this date but then tells him she has to cancel because she's spending time with her grandmother.
Surveillance video captures KC at Target:
Video Part 1
Video Part 2
Mrs. Chase (mother of MH) sees KC at Target on this date. Later describes KC as being "normal and happy as usual".

11 - 12:56 am MH attempts to call KC.
KC sends text saying she is at work. Notice of certified letter is attached to front door of Anthony home, but goes unnoticed until the 13th. KC and TB have phone conversation about whether she is going to Puerto Rico. She says she cannot because she is looking for a place to live and looking for a new car. JR confirms KC was at Fusion this night.
8:49 pm KC calls Anthony home, 3 minute conversation. KC asks CA why she hasn't called her all day.
SP's sister emails her and says "I am glad you heard from Cindy. That Casey sure does know how 'to tell a story' doesn't she??? I don't think Cindy believes half of what she says. What does George think about all this??? Too bad Cindy doesn't know some of Casey's co-workers. Maybe she could get some 'news' from them???"
Sends second email to SP talks about thinking it is funny that CA says she doesn't think KC is pregnant. Mentions how last time KC was pregnant CA didn't think she was either. Says "Something is keeping Casey from facing her mother???"

12 - 1:47 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
3:42 pm CA sends KC a text message that reads "R u coming home 2day?"
4:45 pm CA sends KC a text message that reads "???"
9:38 pm KC makes $92.62 purchase at Winn Dixie using AH's checkbook (7580 University)

13 - 12:57 am CA leaves message on KC's myspace.
1:02 am CA sends KC a text message that reads "Ok"
9:58 am CA attempts to call KC.
10:33 am CA sends KC a text message that reads "Last minute?"
11:19 am CA attempts to call KC.
11:24 am to 12:05 pm KC has IM conversation with ID. KC tells ID she is about to get her own apartment, just her and "the kid".
5:10-7:10 pm KC buys one ticket to "Hellboy 2" at Waterford cinema
Anthony's discover notice of certified letter. KC was supposed to return from Jacksonville with JH following her on this date but tells CA JH's mother was getting married and that's why they didn't come home. (NOTE: CA is really starting to show her gullibility here. It leads one to assume the CA text message to KC reading "Last Minute?" is about this latest lie.)
7:35 pm CA attempts to call KC.

13/14 - KC texts CS and asks what he has planned for his birthday.

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:23 PM
Timeline for July 14 to July 15 2008

14 - GA starts a new job.
7:35 am CA sends KC a text message that reads "Remember me?"
8:21 am GA attempts to call KC.
2:43 pm to 4:32 pm KC has IM conversation with ID. KC tells ID she is going to get a puppy when she gets her own place.
3:33 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home.
5:30 pm KC makes $15.40 purchase at Blockbuster (7702 University)
5:49 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
8:30 pm CA sends KC a text message that reads "Can u call me soon? i ll b going 2 bed soon."
CA speaks with KC on phone, doesn't recall conversation or what KC's excuse was for not being back in Orlando yet.
10:57 to 11:01 pm KC has IM conversation with ID.
11:33 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.

15 - 12:12 am CA leaves a message on KC's myspace.
GA picks up certified letter at post office and discovers KC's car is in an Orlando impound lot (which should be in Jacksonville according to what they have been told by KC). Calls CA and tells her she needs to find KC.
11:35 a.m. KC has phone conversation with JR, who made the call, that lasts 23 minutes.
(Noon: KC later claims she got a call from a "private number" on her cell phone and got to talk to Caylee for the first time in a month. While no incoming call was found on her cell phone records at this time, cell phone activity shows that around noon she made a phone call to a New York State number, then dialed 411, then made a second call to a New York state number followed by a call to a local 321 number. Cell phone records did not show any "private number" calls to KC's phone on the 15th.)
12:48 pm CA attempts to call KC.
12:52 pm KC receives a call from TL (93 seconds long).
12:58 pm KC calls CA, 3 minute conversation.
1:11 pm KC receives a call from CA (90 seconds long).
KC goes to the tattoo parlor sometime between 2 and 4 pm to schedule an appointment for Saturday to have another tattoo, speaks with DCo while there.
KC goes to a downtown Orlando Bank of America branch and withdraws $250 from AH's bank account. This BoA branch is less than one block from the Orange County Clerk's Office. KC also attempts to pay a $574 AT&T cell phone bill, but there is not anough money left in AH's account for the payment to go through.
ZG22 makes a $50.00 payment to the Collection Court on the 05/24/08 driving without a valid license citation.
AH and RM return from Puerto Rico and KC picks them up at airport. During drive from airport KC tells AH she received a phone call from Caylee on her cell phone. AH drops KC at TL's apartment.
CA and GA recover car from impound lot. GA smells decomposition at the impound lot and hesitantly opens trunk of car. Finds a white trash bag. Impound lot owner pitches white trash bag over fence into dumpster. Once they get the car to their house, CA tells GA to go back to work. CA claims she went back to work until 5:30 to 6:00 pm. However her supervisor states that the manager at Gentiva made CA go home early. While at Gentiva, after recovering the car, CA told coworkers that the car "smelled like a dead body", and that Caylee's carseat and favorite doll, along with some clothes were in it. At some point, CA removes a pair of KC's slacks (that match the same description GA gives of the slacks he saw KC wearing on the 16th when she and Caylee left the house). CA washes the pants.
4:27 pm CA sends KC a text message that reads "Call me asap major prob"
4:45 pm CA sends KC a text message that reads "Call me"
CA finds a piece of paper in the car, under KC's purse, with AH's name and number.
5:00 pm CA calls AH trying to find KC. CA tells AH that KC has stolen from her and lied to her and that she hasn't seen Caylee in a month. AH agrees to take CA to KC. CA picks AH up at the mall. CA tells AH about the car being impounded and that it smells like "something had died." CA tells AH smell was coming from trunk. AH directs CA to TL's apartment.
5:06 pm KC takes call from MH, 8 minute conversation.
5:31 pm CA attempts to call KC.
5:33 pm MH attempts to call KC.
6:04 pm KC makes $88.45 purchase at Winn Dixie (7580 University)
KC makes an online payment for her cell phone bill of $574.60.
6:30 to 7:30 pm CA and AH arrive at TL's apartment. CA forces KC to leave with her. They take AH home and CA continues to press KC to take her to Caylee. KC continues to say Caylee is with the nanny. CA pulls up at a Orlando police station but it is closed.
CA makes first 911 call wanting to have KC arrested for stealing the car (in an attempt to make KC tell where Caylee is). The 911 operator is confused about what jurisdiction the complaint should go to (OPD or OSCO). CA states she will go home and call 911 again to get the right LE agency involved.
Before 8 p.m. CA calls GA and gets his voicemail. She asks him to call her back.
8:15 pm GA attempts to call CA back, but gets her voicemail.
GA calls LA and tells him to get over to the house to be with his mother.
5 minutes later LA arrives at Anthony home. KC's car is in garage with trunk open. Lee describes smell as horrible.
CA and KC arrive home.
8:45 pm GA calls LA and asks if everything is okay. LA says CA and KC just got there. GA asks if Caylee is there and LA responds with - just get home as quick as you can.
CA calls GA and asks when he is getting home and tells him they will talk when he gets home.
CA makes second 911 call. This time adding that her granddaughter has been missing for a month. Audio of 911 call
While waiting for LE to arrive, LA speaks with KC and KC states the nanny took Caylee. CA hears this and makes 3rd call - this time stating that they just recovered the car and it smells like a dead body has been in it. Audio of 911 call
CA calls GA at work and tells him to get home (unsure exactly when this call is made). KC speaks to operator and states she has not seen her daughter in 31 days. When LE arrive KC, CA and GA all state the last time they saw Caylee was the 9th of June. This is later corrected to the 16th of June when the Father's Day video tape is discovered.
At some point during the evening, (after the 31 days changes to June 9th being the last time KC saw Caylee) KC and LA are in garage and LA broaches the subject of the "atrocious" smell of the car. KC states it started on the 5th when two squirrels got up in the engine compartment. KC states she did stake outs in the car over a period of days trying to catch the nanny returning. LA later states he doubted she could have stayed in the car for that long because of the smell.
Just before 10 pm GA arrives home. Just after this LE arrive.
11:00 p.m. CA calls AH and tells her Caylee has been kidnapped by the nanny.

[edit on 5-30-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:25 PM
Timeline for July 16

16 - 12:19 am someone calls TL from KC's cell phone, 5 minute conversation. It is assumed this is LA. Approximately midnight LA goes to TL's apartment to retrieve KC's belongings.
2:25 a.m. (LA has been gone for more than 2 hours) LA arrives at Anthony house with KC's belongings and dumps contents of bag on living room floor. Detective actually leaves room while Anthony family goes through contents.
2:58 a.m. SD misses a call on his cell phone from KC. LA later tells him it was probably the cops and to ignore it.
4:11 am OCSO interviews KC.
Audio of KC's interview Part 1
Audio of KC's interview Part 2
6:48 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "Im so sorry for not telling you what happened..weobviously need to talk. I need you..and i love you more than you know"
6:50 am TL sends KC a text message that reads "Where is caylee?"
6:50 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "I honestly dont know.."
6:53 am TL sends KC a text message that reads "I don't know.... R u serious?.. When did u find out?"
6:53 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "Ive been filing reports all night and driving around with multiple officers looking at old apartments i had taken her to. Everything. I am t"
6:54 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "Too long. Lets just leave it at that."
6:57 am TL sends KC a text message that reads "Y wouldn't u tell me of all people I was ur boyfriend that cares about you and ur daughter. Dosn't make sense to me. Why would u lie to me th"
6:59 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "I lied to everyone. What was i supposed to say? I trust my daughter with some psycho. How does that look?"
7:01 am TL sends KC a text message that reads "Idk what to say.. I just hope your daughter is okay and I'm gonna do whatever I can do to help ur family and the cops."
7:01 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "I was put in handcuffs for almost 10 minutes and sat in the back of a cop car. The best thing and the most important person in my life is mi"
7:02 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "I am the dubest person and the worst mother. I honestly hate myself"
7:03 am KC sends Tl a text message that reads "The most important thing is getting caylee back but i truly hope that you can forgive me..granted i will never be able to forgive"
7:04 am TL sends KC a text message that reads "Who is this zanny nanny person"
7:06 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "Someone i had net through a mutual friend almost 4 years ago. She used to be my buddy jeffs nanny before she became mine"
7:09 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "Im scared"
7:12 am TL sends KC a text message that reads "R u home?"
7:13 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "Yeah. Almost 12 hours of stuff. Finally getting a shower. I feel like [edited out]"
7:15 am TL sends KC a text message that reads "Where did u drop off caylee last time u saw her?"
7:17 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "At her apartment. At the bottom stairs"
7:17 am TL sends KC a text message that reads "Where?!"
7:18 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "Sawgrass apartments"
7:19 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "Have told and showed the police the apartment."
7:20 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "Told them and drove out there with two different officers. I just got back from the second drive"
7:21 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "If they dont find her..guess who gets blamed and spends eternity in jail?"
7:23 am TL sends KC a text message that reads "Yeah no [edited out] this serious why would u say somthing sooner bout this? Too anyone?"
7:24 am TL sends KC a text message that reads "Oh and why are u texting me and not callin"
7:24 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "I talked to two people that have been directly connected to zanny. How can i sit there and be so blind and stupid? Its my fault"
7:25 am KC sends TL a text message that reads "I was scared to admit..i was scared that something was going to happen to my baby."
7:27 am KC calls TL, 2 hours and 2 minutes conversation.
8:30 a.m. CA calls RP and tells him about Caylee.
9:51 am KC takes call from LG, 4 minute conversation.
10:00 a.m. KC talks to RP and tells him the Zani story. He doesn't believe it. 13 minute conversation.
10:59 am KC calls MH, 5 minute conversation.
11:53 am KC takes call from MH, 3 minute conversation.
1:06 p.m. KC attempts to call LA.
1:42 p.m. KC sends a mass text messages to everyone on her cell phone stating Caylee is missing and has been for "32 days".
2:58 p.m. KC attempts to call SD. SD is in an interview with an OCSO detective, he does not answer the phone.
3:30 p.m. KC texts BS telling her Caylee's nanny took her and that she had had no calls until yesterday (15th).
4:13 p.m. KC texts BS telling her the car to watch for is a silver Ford Focus 4 door.
At some point during the day searches are made on Anthony's HP desktop for "Zenaida" and "Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez".
KC attempts to call CS twice from jail. He refuses both collect calls.
KC's laptop and cell phone turned over to the Computer Crimes Lab.
AH files a fraud report against KC.
AH interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: AH details the story of the house KC strung her along with. First KC told her that her mom was going to sign the house over to her and they could move in together. Then KC said they couldn't yet because there was landscaping and other issues her dad wanted to get fixed first. Prior to KC saying her mom was going to sign the house over to her, KC had told AH she was looking for a house for her and Caylee to move into. KC tells AH her dad is insane and they don't have a good relationship. After 3 weeks of saying the father was the cause for the delay, KC tells AH that her mom backed out of the deal. Then KC tells AH that the whole reason things fell through was because GA was cheating on CA and they were getting a divorce. AH has never met the nanny and doesn't know anyone who has. Talks about how Caylee "could sleep through anything" and times she slept on the couch right in the middle of a party. AH says KC stole $700 out of her checking account while she was Puerto Rico. AH describes KC's behavior when CA confronted her at TL's apartment on the 15th as being like a "sixteen year old caught doing something". AH goes over the incident where $400 she had saved for the Puerto Rico trip disappeared and KC, who was staying at AH and RM's apartment at the time, told AH she had seen her sleepwalking and counting the money. AH says KC claimed she had a Bank of America account. KC told AH she had $15,000 that she wanted to put down on a house. AH doesn't remember hearing the name "Zanny" until June. (About a month before the interview.) AH states prior to June KC rarely mentioned a "nanny". Most times when KC needed some one to watch Caylee she would refer to her parents. Only on a few occasions did she mention a nanny. After June she started talking about the nanny all the time.
JHo and MHo interviewed by OCSO. Interesting point: JHo confirms that JH has just gotten a new phone. KC had stated in her interview with LE that he had recently changed phones. They claim they got a phone call at 5:00 a.m. this date with a caller ID of "Anthony Casey". They did not answer it since they didn't know that name. States they are familiar with all their son's friends and that name is not familiar.
TL interviewed by OCSO. States KC referred to the nanny as "Zanny" the Nanny". About the time KC started staying at TL's apartment she told him that her parents were have a huge dispute and she hated her father. KC told TL her father was cheating on her mother. KC told him the reason she was staying at his place, and Caylee was staying with the nanny, was because she didn't want Caylee around what was happening at your parents' house. Says the only drug he knows KC used was marijuana. KC told TL she had $10k to $15k saved up in a Washovia bank account and a Bank of America account.
RM interviewed by OCSO. Never saw or talked to the nanny. Says KC talked about her boss Tom at Universal and her friend Julia at Universal. Says there were a few times KC and him were supposed to go a concert at Universal but it always fell through.
KC interviewed by OCSO at Anthony home.
KC interviewed by OCSO at Universal Studios.
11:16 pm - KC makes first phone call from jail to Anthony home. Basically only wants TL's phone number. When KCh gets on the line and becomes emotional about something happening to Caylee KC ends the call with "Oh, my God. Calling you guys, a waste. A huge waste..." Important points: KC makes statement that she got arrested "...because they're blaming me for stuff that I never would do. That I didn't do." An odd statement considering at the time she had been arrested for making false statements in an investigation and for not providing adequate care to Caylee - two charges she had already confessed to in an earlier interview with LE.
First search warrant issued for confiscation of KC's cell phone and laptop and any peripheral items associated with both.

SP's sister emails her obviously unaware of the events in Orlando. Asks SP if she has heard from CA. Says "I just can't imagine what is going on with Casey??? Unless she and Cindy had a 'spat' before she left last time, there doesn't seem to be any reason for her to do this to her mom???"

[edit on 4-12-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:26 PM
Timeline for July 16 (cont) to July 21 2008

16- KC is arrested on 3 charges: neglect of a child, false official statements, and obstructing a criminal investigation. Arrest affidavit
OCSO interviews management at Sawgrass apartments. Amanda Macklin, property manager, shows detective guest card signed by ZG. Harry Garcia is brought in to interview. He remembers the name ZG and states he filled out the guest card. Harry stated that they always fill out a guest card whenever some one comes to look at apartments. Detective shows Harry a piece of paper with approximately 12 photos on it. Harry says one of the photos looked familiar and he thought it was a person who had visited the complex looking at apartments. The detective then told Harry all photos were of the same woman. The detective did not tell Harry who the person was.
KC calls CA from jail. When her KCh begins to cry about something possibly happening to Caylee KC declares the call a "huge waste". Audio of phone call.

17 - OCSO detective has first meeting with BB. Conversation is recorded.
Part 1
Part 2
Anthony's Polaroid digital camera and HP desktop turned over to the Computer Crimes Lab.
Mki interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Believe she saw Caylee at TL's apartment on the 11 or 12th of June. MKi talks about how there was something wrong with the lack of care and attention KC was giving to Caylee. Talks about KC being in bedroom with TL while Caylee was in the living room with a bunch of strangers. Also talks about Caylee being out on balcony with her and how KC wasn't out on balcony with Caylee. Said KC told her that she pays her nanny $400/week to take care of Caylee. Told her Caylee's father was dead. MKi states that near the first of July KC told her that her parents had moved out and left her and Caylee the house.
DCo interviewed by OCSO. Important points: When KC came into the tattoo parlor on July 15th to schedule a tattoo on Saturday DCo asks about Caylee. KC says she is with the nanny and that she would bring Caylee in with her on Saturday. KC told DCo she was driving a friends car because her car was not big enough to carry all the luggage of the people she was about to pick up at the airport.
MC interviewed by OCSO. Important points: When MC ran into KC at the Subway on July 7th she was driving a dark SUV and she told him it was her boyfriend's. She said she was driving it while he was out of town. But TL was already back in Orlando on July 7th. On June 19th when MC shows TL the apartment he cannot show KC the apartment because she doesn't have her driver's license on her. Later in the week of the 19th of June KC talks to MC about going to Fusion. MC states that Katie Robinson, a friend since sixth grade, lives in the Sawgrass apartments.
SD interviewed by OCSO. Important points: SD confirms KC had been a liar all the way back in high school. Says he hadn't seen Caylee since her second birthday (August 2007)
JD interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Last time he saw Caylee was on her second birthday (August 2007)
Florida Department of Children and Families investigates allegations of child abuse.
LE conduct search of Anthony home backyard using cadaver dogs.
MH calls OCSO and tells them that he and KC had been in daily communication by phone and internet. MH is an active duty Marine stationed at 29 Palms, Ca. About 1 week prior (approximately 7/10) KC had told him she was going to come out there because she had something she needed to tell him. KC told MH she had already told her mother and brother and did not know how he (MH) would react about what she needed to tell him. MH said that he had been told that Caylee's father was deceased, and had been a security guard at Universal Studios.
OCSO conducts interview with Bobby Lee Williams who works at the tattoo shop. He is the one that gave KC the "Bella Vita" tattoo. States last time he saw KC was on 7/15. She spoke with DCo who asked about Caylee. KC stated Caylee was fine and with the nanny. KC scheduled an appointment for 7/19/08. Stated she was bringing a friend in to get a tattoo.
OCSO conducts interview with Lance Charles White who works at the tattoo shop. Lance has known KC since high school. He states it has been about 3 months since he saw Caylee. KC has been in the shop several times since then, but not with her daughter. Lance states the last time he saw KC was 7/15/08. While in the shop KC told him that she was moving out of her parents home. She stated Caylee was with the nanny. When DCo asked KC to bring Caylee by so they could see her, KC said she would bring her by real soon.
OCSO detective stops by an undisclosed restaurant in Altamonte Springs, FL and picks up a surveillance video of the front entrance of the restaurant for the time period 11:00 am to 1:00 pm 7/15/08.
OCSO detective contacts Eli Sleiman who believes he saw Caylee at the Chuck E Cheese in Orlando on 7/15 at 12:30 pm.

18 - LE conduct search of Anthony home backyard for signs of ground disturbance. 5 locations are searched. Items collected were a stuffed animal and a plastic bag.
OCSO contacts Mrs. Ann Marie Chase (MH's mother). Mrs. Chase states she last saw KC at the Target on July 10th and that KC seemed "normal and happy as usual".
6:58 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.

19 - CA claims JG was at the house on this day assisting LA with flyers. CA states JG used their computer to access his phone records. CA insinuates that JG went thru KC's things while he was in the house.
KTC contacts OCSO and they conduct an interview. KTC says KC called her on 7/9 asking for a loan. KTC said KC did not call from her cell phone. KTC told OCSO about their "hide-out" when they were young. She agreed to meet a detective at Hidden Oak Elementary School and show them the location. KTC met OCSO detective at school and showed them the location of their secret meeting place. KTC agreed to be interviewed. Interesting points: KTC says that when she and KC were young KTC was not allowed to go into KC's house if CA was there. If CA was gone and GA was the only parent there, then she could come in. KC told KTC that she wasn't allowed in the house because she was spanish. She never knew of any babysitter for Caylee other than CA and GA. She worked with KC at Universal in the past. She did not know Zani. She said the last time she saw KC was a couple of months ago at Walmart and KC did not have Caylee with her. KTC stated that KC had wanted to put Caylee up for adoption when she found out she was pregnant. KTC had wanted to adopt the baby because she had been told she couldnt' have children. KTC said CA would not let KC put the baby up for adoption. KTC said she thought KC was either bi-polar or had mental issues. KTC told about there were times she and KC had conversations and then the next day KC would not remember it. KTC gave an example of KC asking her a question and then her calling KC back one or two days later to give her the answer to the question, and KC not even remembering the conversation or asking the question. KTC talks about how KC changed after Caylee was born and seem to become more rebellious against CA. CA does not like Hispanics and KC was constantly dating guys that were either Hispanic or "other races".

20 - A group of KC's friends get together to construct a timeline. LE confiscates shovel from BB. First vigil for Caylee is held.
KTC contacts OCSO and states that the "Casey" who called her on 7/9 was not KC, but Casey Williams.
8:33 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.

21 - Credit card purchase receipts found in KC's bag are turned over to JB.
Anthony's Nikon digital camera turned over the Computer Crimes Lab.
LE visits CA and GA at the Anthony home. LE shows the Anthonys the photos of Caylee and that the date is not the 9th of June, but appears to be the 15th of June. They collect several toothbrushes, a hairbrush, a comb, and an oral thermometer used by Caylee for DNA testing.
LE obtains epithelial and hair samples from KC.
Court order issued to AT&T to turn over all information on KC's and TL's cell phones for the period from 6/1/08 to 7/21/08.
LE obtain air samples from KC's trunk.
JB sends a letter to OCSO stating his client is willing to assist in the efforts to find Caylee, but not for prosecuting KC.

[edit on 4-12-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:27 PM
Timeline for July 22 to July 23 2008

22 - TL interviewed by OCSO. Important points: After July 5th Casey starting waking up in the middle of the night having sweats and nightmares. Never heard KC talk to a nanny on the phone. Never saw the nanny. KC always left the apartment when she spoke to her mother on the phone. TL states that when he picked KC up at Amscot she had bags of groceries and clothing in her hands. The bags of groceries were not from a store, but appeared to be from her parentes' home. This would indicate that she had just visited the Anthony home prior to running out of gas. KC later tells TL that her dad picked up the car "to get it fixed". TL states that as early as 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. he received a call from LA on the 15th of July telling him Caylee had been missing a month. During this interview TL states KC had told him of "family problems" including: she had problems with her father and that GA had a gambling problem and had an affair; KC was upset with CA because she hadn't left GA; when KC was in middle school LA came in her bedroom and touched her and when she told CA her mom didn't believe her.
Audio of TL's interview with OCSO.
KA interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Verifies Caylee was at the nursing home with CA on June 15th.
SP interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Confirms June 15th as the last time she saw Caylee. Talks about two odd phones calls, one recorded on her answering machine and one she answered herself in which a small child is jibber-jabbering on the phone. She felt it was a recording because when, on the second, they realized some one had answered, they cut it off short. These calls were during the time that Casey was away from home, but before Caylee was reported missing.
BS interviewed by OCSO.
TL's cell phone is turned in to the Computer Crimes Lab. Pictures are taken of his phone.
CA and GA confirm to LE that CA and Caylee had visited AP on the 15th of June (Father's Day).
LE obtain more air samples from KC's trunk, inspect contents of trash bag taken from KC's trunk, and remove the stained portion of the tire cover from KC's trunk.
OCSO conducts a door to door canvas of Sawgrass apartments to see if anyone knows anything about Caylee. At this time Amanda Macklin, property manager, informs OCSO that she has reviewed her database and apartment 210 has been vacant since February 2008. She also informed them that no one had ever lived in apartment 110 below 210 because it is the leasing model they show potential residents.
OCSO detectives interview a "Zenaida Rosado" who works for the postal service in Orlando. Her last name prior to marrying 2 years before had been Gonzalez. She denied knowing KC or Caylee.
OCSO conducts a "neighborhood canvas" in the Anthony home area.
Hearing is held to set KC's bond. CA, GA, LA, YM and Jason Forgey testify. Bond is set at $500,000. Order to set bond
MBI receives KC's and TL's cell phone data and begin plotting KC's movements off cell phone pings.

23 - AH interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Has never met nanny. Had heard KC refer to nanny as "Zanny". Never saw KC speaking to the nanny on the phone. In last week of June KC told AH she was upset because she hadn't got to see Caylee much lately. KC then talks about how much fun Caylee is having and says "so at least she's in a good place and not involved in all of this other stuff."
When CA picked AH up at the mall on July 15th CA told her about smell in car and that since they hadn't seen Caylee in a month they had been concerned when they opened the trunk it would be KC or Caylee's body in the trunk. Significance here is that CA told this to AH during the car ride from the mall to TL's apartment. CA was not present when GA opened the trunk of the car. She was arguing with the towowner lady about the amount of the bill. This means GA had to have shared with CA that he had been concerned there was either KC's or Caylee's body in the trunk when he went to open it. CA told AH that there was a pizza box with maggots on it in the trash bag. But CA wasn't there when GA and the impount lot owner looked in the bag. This would indicate that GA told CA about the pizza box/maggots. AH questions CA during the ride about whether GA had had a stroke, or whether they were getting divorce. CA confirmed both were lies.
JG interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Never met the nanny but had heard the name "Zanny" for at least six months from KC. JG talks about how AH conveyed that when KC picked her up at the airport on the 15th she was all excited about the fact she had received a phone call earlier from Caylee on her cell phone. During this interview JG is still adamant that June 24th is the date he heard Caylee in the background while talking to KC on the phone and that he also heard KC tell Caylee to get off the table. JG says CA and GA believe KC has given Caylee away to some one. JG described KC as living "by the myspace and the Facebook".
KTC interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: KTC verifies in this interview that the "Casey" who had called her near the fist of July asking for a loan, was Casey Williams, not KC.
Audio of JG's interview with OCSO.
AH's cell phone is turned in to the Computer Crimes Lab.
LE respond to a playground where the ground appears to be disturbed from digging. Utilizing two cadaver dogs the results are negative. Upon further investigation it is found that a child has buried a dead animal in a small bucket.
LE take another air sample from KC's trunk using the "carbon strip method". Also obtain fibers from trunk carpet.
Wanda Wery contacts LE about thinking she saw Caylee at the Orlando airport on 7/2/08.
GA makes a recording which The Never Lose Hope Foundation broadcasts across Florida phone lines to thousands. GA's recorded message
AD requests extension on her citation on 5/24/08 for no seatbelts.
TL agrees to have his cell phone tapped in case KC calls him when she bonds out of jail.

[edit on 3-21-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:28 PM
Timeline for July 24, 2008

24 - Text messages downloaded from BS cell phone.
BS interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: KC told BS when she was 7 months pregnant with Caylee she had just found out she was pregnant. BS learned that KC was pregnant from a one night stand through LG, who KC had confided in. BS states that after Caylee being reported missing CA came to her house and visited her and stated she felt that KC was hiding something. CA told BS that there was a jealousy issue between CA and KC. Says she saw KC middle of June at the Anthony house walking from her car to the house. Caylee was not with her. CA told BS that Caylee's baby doll was in the car when they retrieved from the impound lot and that Caylee never went anywhere without the doll. Caylee had carried the doll since she was born. CA also told BS that KC had occasionally came to the house and gotten clothing for herself, but had never taken anything for Caylee. CA told BS that KC would call her and tell her to meet KC at a certain place, and she would leave and while she was gone KC would come to the house and take things she needed. And that Caylee's belongings had not even been moved. Never heard KC refer to the nanny by name. Says LA called her on the day Caylee was reported missing and voiced frustration that KC had provided them fake phone numbers. BS says LA calls her back later in the day and asks if this is Juliet and she says no this is Brittany and LA gets frustrated because KC has given this number as JL's number.
NL interviewedby OCSO. Important points: States SB said that when he opened the trunk flies came flying out and there was a bag of trash in the trunk which he threw in the dumpster.
JH interviewed by OCSO.
SB interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Had noticed smell coming from the car at one point in the 2 weeks it set in the impound lot. States that when GA unlocked the door and opened it the smell "knocked him back". GA had been talking about his granddaughter being missing as they walked to the car and SB states when the door was opened and he smelled the car "his heart sank". When they open the trunk flies come out and the smell was terrible and he thought to himself, "that's not garbage". Equated the smell to that of a car they got in once that a man had committed suicide in and his body had not been found for five days..."a very similar odor". SB states he pulled the garbage bag out of the trunk and opened it and him and GA looked in it and it had papers and he believes a pizza box, but he is not sure of the pizza box. SB says the trash sack was very light weight. He walked over to the fence and pitched over the fence by the dumpster. When the car wouldn't start, SB states it's out of gas and GA responds that he brought gas with him. SB states that was unusual. SB states he started talking to GA about the fact that it was towed from an Amscot and they are usually pretty lenient about having vehicles towed, so it must have been there more than just a few hours and GA states he had already called Amscot and they told him it had been there 3 days. This confused SB because he had not previously told GA where he towed it from and he didn't understand why GA would know to call Amscot. After GA and CA left SB went back and picked up the garbage bag and put it in the dumpster. SB described the smell of the car as a "deceased smell". Placed it as a seven on a scale of 1 to 10 on worst smells he had encountered. SB states YM told him the next day they had come at night and retrieved the garbage bag from the dumpster after GA had told them about it. SB describe the trash bag as white with yellow draw strings.
GR interviewed by OCSO.
GA interviewed by OCSO. Important points: GA requests this meeting. He talks about having "bad vibes" about the car from the day they picked it up at the impound. He states "I don't want to believe that I have, have raised someone, and bruoght someone in this world that could do something to another person." He states "...if we lost our granddaughter I've lost my daughter." GA states that KC has told JB she has $5000 to pay him, but he doesn't know how she could have any money. GA states when he got within 3 feet of the car at the impound lot he could smell something. He compares it to human decomposition he has smelled in the past working as LE. He stated when he and SB got to the trunk of the car he thought "Please don't let this be my Caylee." Describes stain on carpet as being right where the spare tire is stored and as big as a basketball. Says trash bag was on the left hand side of the trunk. Bag was closed when it was retrieved from trunk. When SB opened bag GA saw bugs and he saw Arm and Hammer laundry softener sheets. Says they use those at their house. When they get the car in the garage, GA says CA's first words were "Jesus Christ what died?" CA asks GA "It was the pizza, right?" And GA confesses he told her yes it was the pizza knowing that the smell was like the human decomposition he had smelled in the past. He restates he was concerned. GA brings up the pool ladder in this interview and states he thinks it was after the gas can incident, but on the Greta interview at the Anthony home he seems fairly confident it was the 17th of June. GA talks about resentment him and CA believe KC has against CA because the nurse handed Caylee to CA first when she was born. References time KC has stated Caylee thinks of CA as a mom more than she does KC. GA talks about a time that KC stated she was working at Sports Authority (she never did) and was held up by an armed robber that took $4000. GA states he called the lady at Amscot to find out how long the car had been there. This is possibly how he knew it had been at Amscot for 3 days when he spoke with SB at the impound on July 15th. Talks about one time when KC made a fake deposit receipt showing she had deposited over $4000 in CA and GA's checking account for them (after GA sold a car) and the money was never deposited. LE asks GA if he would like to listen to the 911 calls from June 15th. He requests they contact LA to come down and be there at the same time. LE contacts LA. GA has to go outside and ends up throwing up. (GA does not listen to the tapes, LA listens to them alone.) GA talks about a conversation he had with CA in which he warns her not to withhold information from LE or she'll get in trouble with the law.
Catherine Sanches, branch manager at the Amscot where KC's car is abandoned, interviewed by OCSO.
BS's cell phone is turned in to the Computer Crimes Lab.
Audio of GA's interview with OCSO.
Request for subpoena is made to obtain flight manifest for Flight 862 from Orlando to Atlanta on 7/2/08.
Subpoena issued for undisclosed financial firm to provide all information on financial transactions for entire Anthony family.
CA tells media that there has been a sighting of Caylee in Georgia. However LE find no evidence to support the claim.
KC gets a visit from Patrick Bourgeois who claimed to go to school with her. She doesn't seem to recognize him, but when he mentions a particular name she seems to become more talkative. Audio of visit
JB files Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus requesting that KC be released from jail to assist in finding Caylee.
OCSO attempts to get security camera footage from Orlando airport to verify Wanda Wery's tip. Earlist date still on camera was 7/8/08 - 6 days after Wanda claims to have seen Caylee. OCSO reviews passenger manifest of Flight 862 and finds that there were just 2 children onboard. Neither was Caylee.
OCSO interviewed both Wanda and her son Nicholas.
OCSO investigates 4 phone numbers KC attempted to call from OCSO jail on 07/16 and 07/21/08. They find they belong to TL, RP, CS and Daniel Davis.
OCSO requests subscriber information for two phone calls attempted by KC from the OCSO jail on 07/16 and 07/21/08. One was TL and the other was Daniel Davis (subsequently discovered to be contacted by another inmate in OCSO jail who used KC's pin).

[edit on 5-30-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:29 PM
Timeline for July 25 to July 29 2008

25 - Text messages downloaded from TB cell phone.
TB interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Never heard KC refer to the nanny by name. Never went with KC to drop off or pick up Caylee from the nanny's home. Believes the last time he saw Caylee was on June 10th at RM's apartment. Says a man "covered in tattoos" took KC to the tattoo parlor on July 3rd to get her new tattoo.
RM interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: RM started dating KC beginning of February. About 1 month into their relationship the google searches take place. RM never met the nanny. Cannot recall hearing KC speak to the nanny on the phone. KC did tell RM that "Zanny" stood for Zenaida. RM never was involved in picking up or dropping off Caylee at the nanny's house. KC talked about working with "Juliet" and that her boss's name was "Tom". RM never went to her work. RM refers to a im KC sent him in April or May venting about not being able to go out party with her friends because of Caylee.
RM's cell phone was turned in to the Computer Crimes Lab.
TB's cell phone was turned in to the Computer Crimes Lab.
TL turns over evidence to OCSO that he found in his jeep. Evidence includes a handwritten note that TL believes was written by KC and some receipts. TL believes KC left the items in his jeep when she borrowed it.
LE access and listen to voice messages on KC's phone.
CA and GA have first visits with KC at jail. Video of morning visit Part 1 Video of morning visit Part 2 Video of afternoon visit Part 1 Video of afternoon visit Part 2
LA has visitation with KC at jail. Video Part 1 Video Part 2 Video Part 3
JG turns over paternity test DNA results for Caylee to LE.
OCSO requests from Bright House Networks (BHN) information on IP associated with activity on 6/9/08 at 8:14 am and 6/16/08 at 10:27 a.m.; IP with activity on 6/17/08 at 9:14 pm and 7/14/08 at 1:47 pm; and IP with activity on 6/16/08 at 11:04 pm. BHN reports back that Louis Campana in Winter Park, FL is associated with IP and activity on 6/17/08 at 9:14 pm and 7/14/08 at 1:47 pm. BHN reports they have no records of an IP address of on 6/16/08 at 11:04 pm. BHN reports that IP with activity on 6/9/08 at 8:14 am and 6/16/08 at 10:27 am is assigned to "Lee AnthonY" with the 4937 Hopespring Drive address.
EDITOR'S NOTE: OCSO has made a mistake in this request to BHN. They are apparently trying to locate where certain photos in KC's photobucket account were uploaded from. However, they have requested the IP information for CENTRAL Time when Photobucket supplied the times the files were uploaded in MOUNTAIN Time. Hopefully they will catch this error and do a second request.

26 - LA sends an email to LE detailing conversation from jailhouse visit on 25th. KC calls LA from jail. Tells him she believes Caylee is okay. Audio of phone call

27 - KC reportedly offers to assist LE in making a composite sketch of Zani.

28 - LA visits KC at jail. Video Part 1 Video Part 2
JB files Motion for protective order to try and prevent release of phone calls and visitation videos involving KC.
OCSO performs a check to see if KC's tag has been queried by LE during the period from 05/01/08 to 07/28/08.

29 - LA interviewed by OCSO. Important points are: never met nanny, and had never heard KC use the nickname "Zanny" or the name "Zenaida" prior to the night of July 15th. KC says her mom has told her she is an unfit mother and states "maybe I am". KC states CA told her Caylee was her "best mistake" but that she was indeed a mistake...KC's mistake. When LA asked KC why she wouldn't let them see Caylee she responded "Well, maybe I'm a spiteful bitch." Admits she has stolen money from her parents and has "been a bad daughter" and untrustworthy. LA points out to KC that when CA makes another phone call to 911 that the cops are going to come and make her take them to Caylee. LA describes how KC has the "lightbulb" moment when she realizes she's going to have to come clean to both LE and her family. She starts crying and says she hasn't seen Caylee in 31 days and tells the kidnapped story. An interesting point is that LA states he didn't realize how much resentment, competition and "a wedge" was between his mother and sister until the night of the 911 calls. Makes reference to CA being the first person to hold Caylee when she was born. Another interesting point is that in the contents of KC's bag is a key that doesn't belong to any of the family's cars. LA assumes it is to AH's car (not sure why he would even know that KC had been using AH's car while AH was in Puerto Rico). He claims that AH calls the next day and states her car key is on KC's keyring, and he states AH requests he destroy the key. I don't know why some one would want their back-up key destroyed versus just picking it up. Seems odd to me. LA talks about the receipts that KC had saved in her bag. And how they were turned over to JB prior to JB turning them over to LE. He voiced concern that some may be missing. In particular he references that there are receipts from June 20th (but later states 28th to 15th) to July 15th, but that there might be one missing for June 27th. Unsure why he feels one is missing for that date. States Anthony's offered receipts to LE on the morning of the 16th, evening of the 16th and evening of the 17th and the LE did not take them. Receipts were turned over to JB on about July 21st. States laptop was turned off when he arrived at TL's apartment to get KC's things and sitting on kitchen counter. States he turned laptop on at TL's (why would he do this??? and has LE asked TL if LA did this???) and gets a boot up message that the laptop was improperly shut down and data was lost. I'm not sure there is a boot message that states "data has been lost"...maybe some one can address that. States it then went to a blue screen and he was unable to boot the computer up. States everything in KC's yahoo email prior to July 15th is gone. At first states the blue screen issue might be a virus that deleted necessary Window's files, but then has to modify that because that would not answer the purged yahoo email account. Later states "if some one actually deleted all the files on the computer it would make perfect sense that someone would go through and delete all of her messages [Yahoo] at that point as well." Also states all myspace entries from April 24th to July 4th are gone. Detective states KC has been putting photos up on her photobucket account all the way up to July 15th, but not from her laptop...from some one else's computer. LA later states the laptop was running when he got to TL's apartment but was blue screened. LA states when he recovered KC's things from TL's apartment there were no things for clothes, diapers, etc. Also, states that on the receipts recovered from KC's bag there are no purchases of items for Caylee.
Audio of LA's interview with OCSO.
LA provides LE with copies of emails from KC's yahoo account. One is an email string in which the original email appears to be from "Thomas Franck"
An attempt to execute warrant for KC's cell phone records is unsuccessful due to the fact the service had been discontinued by "unknown person(s)".
JB files Subpoena Duces tecum without Deposition requesting myspace turn over all internet activity associated with KC's myspace.
Travis Nichols, a former inmate of the Orange county jail, comes forward to LE and reports that while he was in custody KC told him Caylee was with one of her ex-boyfriends. LE discounts his story.
OCSO receives subscriber information on phone numbers in KC's cell phone. One number is found to be connected to a DEA case in Ft. Lauderdale in 2002. TL has undercover meeting with LA which is recorded by OCSO. OCSO receives electronic billing records of TB's cell phone account.
MBI traces KC's movements using her cell phone pings for 06/17/08 and shows she was near the Anthony home up until 2:27 pm when her phone went idle until 3:51 pm. She then tracked westward beginning at 4:05 pm from the Anthony home area.

[edit on 4-12-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:32 PM
Timeline for July 30, 2008

30 - BB interviewed by OCSO. Important points: BB does not believe the Anthonys were home when KC backed into the garage on June 17th because the parents usually park in the garage. Since KC was backing into the garage at least one of the parents' cars had to be gone - possibly both, but he is unsure. On 18th/19th when KC returned shovel she did not appear to be sweaty or dirty and the shovel did not have any visible mud on it.
WW interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Apparently KC went to buy beer for the 4th of July party and because she didn't have her ID (she had left it in her purse in the abandoned car) she couldn't buy it. KC actually brings up having a daughter during the July 4th party. On the 5th KC told WW that she was planning to move into a house with another friend of hers who had kids so that they could split the cost of having a nanny. KC said Caylee was with the nanny.
MK interviewed by OCSO. Important points: KC worked for Kodak in 2004-2005. Terminated due to job abandonment. The names JH and JL do not ring any bells as ever having worked for Kodak or Color vision.
CS interviewed by OCSO. Important points: KC stops by and visits CS at his parents' home on June 17th. She is in TL's dark green jeep and does not have Caylee with her. She says her parents are getting a divorce because her father has been cheating on her mother. CS states KC told him the nanny lived by UCF. KC never mentioned the nanny's name. CS has never been with KC when she dropped off or picked up Caylee from the nanny's house. CS states when he was dating KC (April 2007) she said she was working at Sport Authority (she never did work there). After they broke up KC told him a man from Universal came in SA and asked her to come back to work for Universal as an event coordinator. On July 15th CS thought he saw KC jogging down Chickasaw, but when he text her and asked if it was her she said no. When KC stopped by on the 17/18/19th of June and talked about her parents getting a divorce she said her mother told her that they would be together and her father would be out of their lives. KC told CS that her relationship with her mother was strong, but that her relationship with her father was strained. KC told him she was looking at a $250,000 home to buy for her and Caylee.
RP interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: Has known KC since she was 5 or 6 years old. RP is listed as "Best Friend" in KC's cell phone. Says he saw KC last of May, but may also have seen her again near middle of June. RP was in Orlando June 13-15th. KC was supposed to come out to his aunt's house but never made it. He spoke to her while he was in town, but did not see her. Talks about phone call he had with KC on 16th and how KC told him about Zani. RP states he didn't believe her because he had never heard the name before and KC was saying she had known Zani for 4 years. RP talks about how prior to 2008 whenever KC would refer to a nanny or babysitter, the name she used was not hispanic, but more like "Jenny", "Krista" or "Kristen". When asked if it could have been Christina, RP replies that sounds close but he couldn't remember exactly what the name was. RP talks about how KC resented how CA stepped in too often. When asked if he knows who Caylee's father is he says all he's knows is it was some "transient guy" some "randome guy". RP says KC and CA told him the guy died in a car wreck. RP talks about how KC sometimes said things like she regretted getting pregnant because she couldn't go out and do things she wanted to do. RP tells how every time he would share something about his life, like finishing final exams, or being one step closer to graduation, KC would come up with something that "one-upped" him as if it was a competition. KC had been telling RP she was an event coordinator for Universal for 2 to 3 years. RP tells about when he lent KC $400 that she said she needed to pay her parents rent. RP later learned from CA that at the time KC was telling CA and GA that she worked at Sports Authority (which is where RP was working at the time). KC was telling CA that the reason she had to stay out late was to do inventory at Sports Authority. RP found out about these lies when CA called him about 3 to 3-1/2 weeks before Caylee went missing (third or fourth week of May). CA told RP that she thought he needed to stay away from KC because KC was lying and stealing and CA didn't want RP to get hurt. CA asked RP questions about certain things she thought KC was lying to her about. CA told RP she didn't think it was even wise for him to talk to KC because "she was a sociopath". RP talks about how KC had started talking about smoking pot and taking other drugs. RP says KC talked to him about doing drugs about a week and half before Caylee was reported missing (first of July). RP feels that something went wrong, maybe an accident. RP talks about JB calling him 2 or 3 days after Caylee was reported missing and asking RP if he would be a good person to be a character witness and give a reference for KC. RP told JB "To be honest with you...I'm going to be a big detriment to your case."
LE speaks with MCo and finds that KC worked for Kodak in 2005 and was terminated that year for "job abandonment".
LE records phone conversation with RP. Important points: RP was in Orlando visiting his parents from June 14-16th but did not see KC. When KC calls RP on July 16th and tell his the Zani story he doesn't believe. RP had never heard the name Zani before and that is odd because he has been KC's close friend since she was about 5 years old, and now KC claims she has known Zani for 4 years without speaking her name. RP states KC had made statements about what her life would have been like if she hadn't had Caylee. RP says those type of comments were common. RP tells about an incident when he worked at Sports Authority when he loned KC $400 that she claimed she needed to pay her parents rent. Later (he believes about 3 to 3-1/2 weeks before Caylee was reported missing) CA called RP about that incident and stated that KC said she was working with him at Sports Authority. RP said she never worked for Sports Authority. CA told him, during the phone call, that he should stay away from KC because CA didn't want RP to get hurt and KC was lying about a lot of stuff and had stolen from her grandmother, SP. This would have been right after the fight CA and KC had around the 15th of June.

Report issued by Doctor Michael Sigman, chemist at University of Central Florida concerning forensics on trunk of KC's car. Dr. Sigman cannot conclusively demonstrate that human decomposition has occurred in the trunk.
LE obtains buccal swabs from BB.
LE conduct latent fingerprint examination of the trunk lid of KC's car.
CA and GA visit KC in jail. Video Part 1 Video Part 2
Attorney General rules that JB did not show cause for $500,000 bond being unreasonable. State's response to the Habeas Petition The Fifth court of Appeals agrees with the AG's decision and denies request to reduce bond.
KC calls LA from jail. Audio of phone call
OCSO retrieves a poem from the Anthony desktop created on 07/02/08 at 10:42 a.m. Ping records from KC's cell phone shows she was at or near AH and RM's apartment during that time. TL finds a note written by KC in between the seats of his jeep and turns it over to OCSO. It has the address of Jenna Prentice one of the shot-girls at Fusion. FDLE investigates the potential sightings of Caylee at Busch Gardens on 07/19 and 07/21/08. FDLE investigates the potential sighting of Caylee with a male at the Carmax in Pompano Beach, FL on 07/17/08.

CA interviewed by FBI. Important points: CA makes claim that JG's previous girlfriend before KC also had a baby and that some one (unnamed) who had previously babysat that baby and later babysat Caylee for a period of time (time period not stated). CA states "Eric", a high school friend of KC's, was the father of Caylee. CA states after "Eric" allegedly died that KC stayed in contact with his widow and that Caylee also had a half-brother. Of course, all this information came from KC. KC told CA Zani had no children of her own.
OCSO/MBI begin focusing on KC's cell phone activity between 06/14 and 06/24/08.

Videos of 07/30/08 CA interview with FBI:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

GA interviewed by FBI.
Videos of 07/30/08 GA interview with FBI:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

[edit on 5-30-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:33 PM
Timeline for July 31, 2008

JG interviewed by OCSO. Important points: JG states he is no longer certain he heard Caylee in the background during the phone call with KC on June 24th. JG states he doesn't think KC did anything to Caylee but that an accident could have occurred because of KC leaving Caylee unattended. He states if that happened he think KC would have had an emotional breakdown, a mental break and could see KC putting Caylee's body some where and inventing a new reality of what really happened to her. Uses the word "diabolical" to describe how KC lies. JG talks about how KC tends to be a chameleon and immediately takes on liking whatever the person she is with likes. JG tells about an incident in the past at the Anthony house where CA "throws KC under the bus". In a confrontation between CA and KC JG says to CA "please don't do this while I'm here. Don't talk to her like that. You know I love your daughter." CA's response to JG is "How do you want to be with somebody who's got no future? She didn't even go back to get her high school education. You know she's got a, she's a got a job and place where she doesn't really even make enough money to support Caylee. I'm doing, I'm the one supporting Caylee." JG tells that for the first several months of his and KC's relationship KC had a very adversarial relationship with her mother and would repeatedly say she never wanted to end up like her mother. Then all of a sudden she switched to putting things on her myspace like "I can't wait to be just like my mother when I grow up. I to be just like her. I love her so much."
Audio of JG's interview with OCSO.
KC calls LA from jail. In this phone call KC talks about the letters she is going to write LA, CA and GA - "if she gets some time" (she's in jail???). Audio of phone call

[edit on 5-30-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:34 PM
Timeline for August 1 to August 10 2008

1 - LG interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: Babysat Caylee for about 8 months right after whe was born (2005-2006). KC did not pay her for her services. LG stopped babysitting Caylee when she learned that KC wasn't really working at Sports Authority but was leaving Caylee with her to hang out with friends. KC told LG that Caylee's father was in the military. But also later told her the father had died in a car accident.
FBI Quantico Forensice Report of Examination issued concerning testing performed on hair recovered from portion of trunk liner on left side of KC's trunk. Important points: Hair found in trunk exhibited characteristics of decomposition and was microscopically similar to the hair recovered from a hairbrush provided by CA that was allegedly used on Caylee (NOTE: Later it was learned that CA did not provide LE the hairbrush used specifically on Caylee but a hairbrush used by both KC and Caylee)
LE retrieve 3 gas cans from GA and take swabs of each. Also conduct a latent fingerprint examination on gas cans.
OCSO receives spreadsheet of phone call activity for KC's cell phone. OCSO requests assistance from AT&T to get more detailed ping analysis on KC's movements from cell phone pings for period from 06/16 to 06/20/08. OCSO receives tip of potential sighting of KC and Caylee outside Macy's at Merritt Island, FL on 06/07/08. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee at a K-Mart in Seminole, FL on 07/12/08.
MBI has conference call with AT&T engineer to discuss the varying strengths of different cell towers in the Orlando area in an attempt to more accurately define the area of service for each tower. AT&T refuses to provide this information stating it would set a precedent and that the information they had provided to date satisfied their legal requirement.

3 - LA sends CA a text saying they should not talk about any letters from KC. He sends a second text stating that JB has individual messages from KC for each of the Anthonys. Tells CA in another text that JB wants to meet with them after the vigil.
GA visits KC in jail. Video Part 1 Video Part 2

4 - Forensic report on CA's cell phone.
CA interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: CA reveals that Caylee's backpack was in the car when they recovered it. She states it is the same backpack GA said Caylee was wearing the last time he saw her on June 16th. Says backpack only had a couple of diapers, some "hair things" and some wipes. Says that was unusual because KC usually kept their backpacks full with books, toys and clothes. CA reveals that KC's "work bag" was the bag left on the front seat of the abandoned car and that is was there when they retrieved the car. Additional contents in car were the pair of pants in the back seat (which CA ultimately washed), a pair of KC's boots, and a pair of KC's shoes. CA says the grey slacks "kinda took the smell of the car". CA states Caylee's baby doll was sitting in the car seat and that it was taken with the car (by LE?). CA admits she "washed all of KC's clothes". LE requests that CA bring the gray slacks in. CA accuses JG of "going through KC's stuff" on the 19th of July when he was at the Anthony house with LA. She also states JG used their computer on that day to access his phone records. CA states she could have KC out on bail right now but has chosen not to for KC and Caylee's safety. She thinks bad people are threatening the family's safety. CA states there was a "shamrock with white beads on it, it was a big one" in KC's work bag that was in the car. CA states that sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday when the LE came to take the car and it's contents, the shamrock disappeared and she doesn't know who took it. She thinks LE took it. CA says KC told her JH was dating Zani when KC and JH first met. At the end of the interview, when the detective wants to have CA swear to the statements made, CA states she didn't know she was swearing to anything and virtually places a caveat on her statements by saying "as best to my ability this was what I remember". She seems very concerned about the requirement to swear to her statements. [NOTE: Even though CA told LE during this interview that she would voluntarily bring KC's gray slacks in, she did not. She stopped taking LE's phone calls and the slacks were eventually recovered by LE via a search warrant.]
Video Part 1 of CA's interview.
Video Part 2 of CA's interview.
Video Part 3 of CA's interview.
Video Part 4 of CA's interview.
GA interviewed by OCSO. Important points: GA learns of KC's lie that he had a stroke on the 13th of June...confirms he didn't. GA believes KC's car was in driveway when he arrived home after 11 pm from work on June 15th (Father's Day). GA talks about day during the week of June 23-27 that he saw KC leave the Anthony house in his wife's vehicle and he chases her down 408. He says he saw her leave the house, drive down Chickasaw and get on the 408. Says the exact date would be easy to find out because he has an e-Pass on both cars. Claims KC got off the 408 at Hiawassee or Kirkman Road and he lost her there. GA gives details of gas can encounter with KC on 24th of June. KC states CA told her about the theft of the gas cans. GA suspects KC took the cans so he tells her he needs to retrieve metal chocks from her trunk so he can use them that weekend. KC responds with "I'll get them for you." GA says he has keys. KC becomes belligerent, says something rude to GA, blows past him to prevent him getting in the trunk. KC beats GA to trunk, removes gas cans, angrily gives them to GA and says "Here are your f*ing cans." KC says something about driving back and forth to Tampa to see Zani and GA points out the discrepancy between that statement and her supposed to be working. GA says he doesn't have time to get into that discussion but wants answer as to where Caylee is. KC gets in car and takes off. GA states he did not look in trunk. GA admits that for 2 years he has suspected his daughter was not working. GA says LA told him that the cell phone and testing activity shortly after KC left the house on the 16th of June was through the roof. GA talks about the smell in the car when he picked it up from the impound. He states "I don't like the smell in the car." Contrary to what CA stated in her interview, GA confirms that the backpack of Caylee's that was in the car when they retrieved it was not the white backpack with monkeys that he is certain she was wearing on the 16th of June. GA thinks KC's slacks in the car may have been the ones she was wearing on the 16th of June. GA talks about KC's jealousy because of Caylee's close relationship with CA and GA.
FBI Quantico Forensic Report of Examination issued on multiple sample of liner from KC's trunk.
FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee with a woman named "Angela" in Lake Wales, FL. FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee with four men at a bar on South Hutchinson Island. FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee who is said to be living with a woman at the Suburban Inn Hotel in Largo, FL. The child is confirmed to not be Caylee. FDLE investigates a potential sighting of KC and Caylee at a Quality Inn in Clearwater, FL.

5 - Formal charges are filed against KC for neglect of child and false report to LE authorities.
KW goes to Suburban Drive location where remains will ultimately be found and finds a Father's Day balloon and several ripped up trash bags. He does not report anything on this date.

6 - Search warrant obtained for Anthony's HP desktop computer. LE go to Valencia college and confirm that KC has never even applied for admission at the school, let alone attended classes.
LE investigates KC's story of Zani being in a Tampa hospital in June and finds no evidence that can support KC's story.
Search warrant is executed to obtain certain clothing of KC's from Anthony home.
CA tells investigators she is receiving death threats. LE begins to look into allegation.
FDLE investigates a potential sighting of KC at the Duval County Court House. Security guards could not remember ever seeing her their. FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee with a Hispanic woman at a flea market on 06/22/08. FDLE investigates a tip on a Zenaida F. O'Rear who lives in North Miami Beach, FL. The tipster stated that KC had said Caylee was living with Josefina Flores who is the sister of Zenaida F. O'Rear. Ms. O'Rear, Ms. Flores and Zacharay, Zenaida's teenage son are all questioned and the tip cleared. FDLE investigates a potential Caylee sighting at a restaurant on 07/29/08.

6 - MF meets with OCSO. MF states he had a lengthy discussion with GA and CA and that they stated the incident with the gate being open and the ladder being in the pool occurred on June 17th. He states the Anthonys also told him the pool supply box had been moved to near the side of the pool. He also says CA told him on June 15th or 16th she and KC had a big argument. This information had not been shared with LE.
FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee at a Habitat for Humanity thrift store on 06/22/08. FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee at a Food Lion grocery store in Deltona, FL. The child is located and confirmed to not be Caylee. FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee at a hospital in DeLand, FL. The child is confirmed not to be Caylee. FDLE investiagates a potential sighting of Caylee with a Hispanic woman (30's) at a Walmart in DeLand, FL on 07/16/08. While the sighting could not be confirmed by surveillance video, it led to investigating a Zenaida Gonzalez who had in a child support case in 2001. FDLE investigates reporter's claim that KC may be into organized prostitution and may have left Caylee in the care of another prostitute. No firm connection to the case is made. Interpol contacts FDLE requesting photos of Caylee for a potential sighting in New Zealnd, they later rule the sighting unfounded.

7 - State of Kentucky issues a copy of Eric F. Baker's death certificate to LE. KC had stated "Eric" was Caylee's father and he had died in a car accident just a few days after Caylee's 2nd birthday (which was 08/09/07). Eric Baker was pronounced dead on 5/4/07.
LE execute search on Anthony home and collect swabs and latent fingerprint examination on a number of items.
FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee with an older Hispanic woman at the Westfield Sarasota Square mall. No surveillance video is available. FDLE investigates a tip that KC, along with a Hispanic woman and Caylee visited the Kid Care Program office in Mt. Dora, FL in April or May 2008. The tipster also stated she saw KC and Caylee at Goodwill store in Eustis, FL near the end of June and that they left the store in a older white vehicle with possible NY tags and a Hispanic driver. No records to substantiate KC applying for the Kid Care Program could be located. FDLE investigates a tip on a Zenaida Gonzalez. She is 77 years old and lives in a 55 and over community that does not allow children under the age of 18 to live in the community. FDLE investigates a potential Caylee sighting at a Walmart in Ocala, FL on 07/18/08. Caylee was reported to be with a white female in her 60's. FDLE interviews a woman involved in drugs and prostitution as a follow up to the reporter's claim that KC may be involved in same.

8 - FBI Quantico Forensic Report of Examination issued on mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) testing of hair sample taken from left side of KC's trunk and buccal sample taken from KC. Important points: mDNA was the same for both samples.
LE requests examination for presence of blood on KC's clothing retrieved from Anthony home. Important points: 10 out of 11 items retrieved had suspicious stains.
LA arrives at jail for a scheduled visit with KC, but KC refuses to meet with him.
JB files a second motion in an attempt to get KC's bond lowered.
FDLE investigates a Zenaida Gonzalez who lives in Tampa, FL and had been jailed for DUI in March 2008 at the Hillsboro County jail. Upon interviewing them they learned she and her husband had been in Orlando for three days in the time period of June 10 to June 15, 2008 to go to Universal Studios and Magic Kingdom. FDLE investigates a potential Caylee sighting at the Albertson's grocery store in Pinellas Park on 07/27/08. No surveillance video is available to confirm. FDLE investigates a tip that Caylee maybe living with a foster family in Daytona Beach, FL. The child is confirmed to not be Caylee. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee at Lakeland Mall on 07/22/08. No surveillance video is available to confirm. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee at Palm Coast, FL post office. Surveillance video shows a white or Hispanic male with a young female child enter the post office and stand in line. The video is analyzed and eventually determined that the child is not Caylee. FDLE investigates a potential Caylee sighting at the Walmart in Sebastian, FL on 07/21/08. They are able to verify the sighting with surveillance video, but cannot determine the identity of the child.
MBI more precisely defines "areas of interest" based off KC's cell phone activity centering on days 06/16, 06/17 and 06/19/08.

9 - What should have been Caylee Marie Anthony's 3rd birthday.

10 - CA and GA arrive at jail for a scheduled visit with KC, but KC refuses to meet with them.

[edit on 6-13-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:36 PM
Timeline for August 11 to August 25 2008

11 - RK, David Dean and Chris Gibson are on Suburban Drive and RK sees what he believes is a vinyl bag and the top of a skull protruding from the water.
4:28 pm RK makes first 911 call to report something suspicious on Suburban near the intersection of Suburban and Hopesprings. This would later be the exact location where Caylee's remains would be found. He does not give his name, and does not agree to meet a deputy at the location. A deputy is dispatched to the general area on Suburban, but due to a lack of detail on specific location, is unable to find anything.
LE respond to a tip directing them to a wooded area on the north side of Lee Vista Boulevard. They collect small pieces of bones and what appears to be animal hair.
JB's second motion for a reduction in KC's bond is denied.
OCSO receives an updated subject list on KC's cell phone calls. OCSO requests detailed records on Daniel Davis in Winter Haven, FL. OCSO receives tip of potential sighting of Caylee at a Leesburg, FL Walmart on 07/08/08. FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee at the Windward apartment complex in Gainesville, FL. They find there is no such apartment complex in Gainesville. FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee accompanied by two individuals at the South Central Hospital in Okeechobee, FL on 07/24/08. No surveillance video is available to confirm and no records show a child matching Caylee's description had been treated. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with an older woman on 07/30/08 at a liquidation center at 8:28 a.m. They find that the store does not open until 10:00 a.m. and that there is no surveillance video to confirm. FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee with a woman at the Florida Health Building in Daytona Beach, FL. There was no surveillance video available to confirm. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee at Walgreens in Port Orange, FL on 07/28/08. Surveillance video is available to confirm tip but due to child not looking up, her face is not captured. FDLE investigates a potential Caylee sighting at a Christ United Methodist Church on 07/20/08. FDLE investigates a potential Caylee sighting in a Target parking lot. The child is located and confirmed not to be Caylee. FDLE investigates a tip in which it is insinuated Caylee may be being hid in an abandoned home in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The property owner is located and the tip cleared. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a man the tipster said looked like LA at the Hampton Inn in Pensacola Beach, FL. Sighting was on 08/03 or 08/04/08. FDLE investigates potential Caylee sighting at Mease Countryside Hospital in Safety Harbor, FL on 08/02/08. FDLE investigates two tips both of which are potential sightings of Caylee at a McDonalds in St. Petersburg, FL. One was in the week of 07/14/08 and the other is 07/23/08. No surveillance video confirms the sightings, but two employees remember seeing the child, but not that it was Caylee. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with an older man (70's) at a CVS Pharmacy in Ormond Beach, FL on 07/22/08 between 3 and 4 pm. There was no surveillance video to confirm the sighting.

12 - Ohio Department of Job and Family Services reports on search against Anthony family, that there are no records in the Central Registry on the family.
9:11 pm After not hearing anything on the news about locating a body, RK makes his second 911 call. He again reports a large bag. This time he gives his first name and his cell phone number as a call back. A deputy was dispatched but due to it already being dark, RK is advised to call back the next day when he can show deputies the location. RK is told to call CrimeLine.
9:17 pm - RK calls the CrimeLine and reports seeing a silver metallic thing that looked like a vinyl bag and some round and white. RK's description of the location is vague placing it on Suburban Drive. Deputy Jason Forgey and his cadaver dog had previously cleared the east end of Suburban Drive in July so it was "presumed that this area was also checked". Because of this assumption, this tip was cleared and not checked into. After the remains were discovered on December 11th, Deputy Forgey, upon responding to the crime scene, stated he and his dog had never checked that area. He said they had focused their efforts to the east end of Suburban Drive and across the street near the elementary school.
LE respond to a report of a white or pink baseball cap at Curry Ford Community Park; collect items.
GA tells media he is certain Caylee was kidnapped.
FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee at Bob Evans Restaurant in Vero Beach, FL on 07/28/08. The child is located and confirmed to not be Caylee. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with 2 males at the K-mart in Indian River county in June. The child is located and confirmed not to be Caylee. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with two women at a Publix in Orange City, FL on 07/27/08 at 2pm. Surveillance video does not confirm the sighting. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a white female on US Airways flight 183 from Phoenix to Ft. Lauderdale on 07/29/08. They are unable to confirm the sighting. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a young white male in the Subway at the International Plaza mall in Tampa, FL on 07/20/08 between 12:30 and 1:30 pm. No surveillance video is available to confirm sighting. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a Hispanic female at the Sam's Wholesale Club in Port St. Lucie, FL. Poor quality surveillance video does not allow confirmation of the sighting. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee at Marriott Residence Inn in Coconut Grove, FL. The child is located and confirmed to not be Caylee.

13 - FBI Quantico Forensic Report of Examination issued on testing of KC's clothing retrieved from her closet at Anthony home had any hairs exhibiting decomposition. None was found.
3:14 pm - RK makes final call to report his tip. He requests to meet with a deputy about a gray bag in the swamp area on Suburban Drive. RK states the top of the skull was still visible above the water line, but less prominent than before. "The deputy walked toward the waterline, looked around and then turned to walk back, slipping on the slope while doing so. The deputy got to within six feet from the object but never touched or manipulated it. Roy told the deputy he thought he saw a human skull but the deputy started 'arguing' with him on whether the remains would be skeletal by now. The deputy said he was wasting the county's time and Roy felt belittled." A second deputy arrived after they had already walked out of the swampy area. RK shared what he thought was in the woods with the second deputy. The second deputy never even went in the wooded area. Deputy logs report as "trash only".
LE conduct search with cadaver dog on area where baseball cap was found. Negative results.
OCSo investigates potential sighting of Caylee at a Leesburg, FL Walmart on 07/08/08. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee at Sandpiper Beach Resort in Panama City Beach, FL. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a woman at a Kangaroo gas station in Ocala, FL in the latter part of June. There is no surveillance video to confirm the sighting. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a man at an AutoZone in Belleview, FL on 07/27/08. Surveillance video confirms the sighting but analysis shows the child to be taller than Caylee. The id of the child is undetermined. FDLE investigates potential KC and Caylee sighting at the Jennifer Green apartments in Orange Park, FL. They are unable to verify the sighting. FDLE investigates potential Caylee sighting at a Walmart in Dunnellon, FL on 06/09/08. No surveillance video is available to confirm the sighting. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a Hispanic female at a McDonald's in Ocala, FL. Surveillance video leads to location of child who is confirmed to not be Caylee.

14 - GA and CA have visitation with KC at jail. KC whines for 30 minutes about herself, her plight and her being victim. Becomes enraged when CA attempts to ask for more information in her attempts to find Caylee.
KC writes letter to Sheriff Beary requesting a meeting with GA. LE makes arrangements to meet GA some where and take him to the jail to visit KC. GA arrived at the jail at 7:30 pm and after 1-1/2 hours of waiting at the jail, KC refused the meeting with her father and LE took GA home.
GA surreptitiously recorded by OCSO. Important points: This meeting with OCSO is after the jail visit with KC where GA tells her she is in charge and she can change things if she just takes action. Investigators are taking GA back to jail to meet with KC again.
Lt. Melanie Monroe at OCSO jail interviewedby OCSO about letter written by KC to KB.
JA turns over CD of photos he and TP took of KC on June 6th, 13th and 20th at Fusion. KC is photographed in a black dress on 6th and 13th and in a blue dress with black boots on the 20th.
JB files motion requesting information on training, veterinary records, etc. of cadaver dogs used in investigation.
OCSO receives detailed call data on all calls for KC's cell phone and find that no phone call made between 06/15 and 07/15/08 are from a Zenaida. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with an older man at the Burger King in Jacksonville, FL on 08/06/08. Surveillance video is available and no child matching Caylee's description is seen. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with an older man and woman at the Burger King in Jacksonville, FL on 08/04/08. No surveillance video is available to confirm the sighting. FDLE investigates a tip that there is a picture of KC on a particular website...tip turns odd before its over, but nothing of importance.
Forensics on KC's cell phone proves there are no calls to or from a "Zenaida Gonzalez".

15 - ZG22 makes a $100.00 payment to the Collections Court on the 05/24/08 driving without a valid license citation.
OCSO requests detailed records on JR. OCSO receives cell phone records on JR and JR's Florida DL photo. FDLE investigates an internet tip in which a Zenaida Gonzalez with a relative named Gloria is located in Sunny Isles Beach, FL. LE finds that this particular Zenaida Gonzalez is 81 years old and does not travel, nor does she have any personal connection to KC or Caylee.

16 - CA and GA select LGa as their spokesman.

17 - LP arrives in Orlando to bond KC out of jail. LP tells media that he is convinced Caylee will not be found as long as KC is in jail.

18 - Computer forensics find chat between KC and AR. AR's username is "nyitaliano3".
AR interviewed by OCSO. AR states that when KC stopped by his place at the beginning of May she said her and JG were fighting about something and she was talking to some new guy named "Tony". This must be TL and it must reference the Facebook communications because they had not met in person yet. AR states KC stated more than once how hard it is being a single mom. AR states KC said her nanny was young and had a kid Caylee could play with. AR states at one point KC told him she was going to be moving to Jacksonville or some where up north to live with some guy she was dating up there (Mike, Matt).
ZG22 pays $4.00 for copies of documents associated with her 05/24/08 driving without a valid license citation. This will be the last payment activity ZG22 has on this charge. Court changes status of ZG22's case to "Prosecutorial".
FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee with a Hispanic woman at the Walmart in Jupiter, FL on 07/31/08 between 10:20 and 10:30 a.m. No surveillance video was available to confirm. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a Hispanic woman at a Marion county flea market on 07/12 ro 07/13/08. There were no surveillance videos to confirm. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee of an older man at Whisper Lakes condominiums in Tampa, FL on 07/21/08. They are able to locate the child and confirm it is not Caylee. FDLE investigates potential Caylee sighting at a Goodwill store in Palm Cost, FL on 07/31/08 at about 4:30 to 4:45 pm. No surveillance video is available to confirm the sighting. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a middle-aged white man at the Carton Terrace in Bal Harbour, FL. They are unable to confirm the sighting.
KW returns to the Suburban location with a friend and phones in a finding of a bag full of stuffed animals at the location where Caylee's remains would ultimately be found. RC is, again, the officer who responds. He looks at the bag of animals and throws it back into the woods.

19 - JR interviewed by OCSO. Says KC was manager of shot girls at Fusion. However, JR's statements do not match most of the other statements in that she says KC started managing the shot girls on May 23rd. This is actually before KC even met TL for the first time, so it actually doesn't make sense. JR states at one point in mid-June her and KC plan to go out together but KC calls and says she just got a speeding ticket and didn't want to drive to Oviedo where JR was. LE later confirms KC's last speeding ticket was in 2004.
Forensic report on KC's cell phone. All phone activity had been erased.
OCSO receives records from Verizon on call records for Jenna Prentice, shot-girl at Fusion. OCSO requests detailed cell phone records for KC's cell phone on 05/06/08. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with 2 white females at a Waffle House. Upon investigating the sighting LE determines it was most likely the daughter of the woman at the address to which the car tag is tied. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a Hispanic woman at Barnacles in Ormond Beach, FL on 07/19/08 at approximately 5:30 pm. They are unable to confirm the sighting. FDLE investigates potential Caylee sighting at a Sunco Express gas station in Bunnell, FL on 08/08/08 at about 11:00 a.m. No surveillance video is available to confirm sighting. FDLE investigates potential Caylee sighting at a residence in Deltona, FL. The child is located and confirmed not to be Caylee. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with an elderly couple at the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort on 08/11 to 08/12/08. No surveillance video is available to confirm the sighting.

20 - LP puts up $500,000 bond to get KC out of jail.
OCSO receives phone records on LA and CA but does not receive the subpoenad 06/01-06/31/08 records. They resubmit the subpoena. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a man at the BHN office in Port Orange, FL on 07/21/08 at about 4:47 pm. No surveillance video is available to confirm the sighting. FDLE investigates a potential sighting of Caylee with a Hispanic male at a McDonald's in Land O' Lakes, FL on 08/15 or 08/16 at around 4 pm. The child is located and confirmed not to be Caylee. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a white female at Rita's Italian Ice in Seminole, FL on 08/08/08. The child is located and confirmed not to be Caylee. FDLE investigates a tip of a possible location of Caylee in an apartment in Miami, FL. When they arrive at the location there is no apartment complex in the area. The tip is ruled out.

21 - 10:30 am KC is released from jail to home confinement.
OCSO has recorded phone conversation with RPl. Important points: KC had previously stolen $354 from her grandparents (AP and SP) by forging a check to pay for her AT&T cell phone bill. RPl refers to KC's "propensity to lie". RPl tells that CA has been seeing a counselor about the problems she is having with KC and the counselor told her to kick KC to the curb. CA said she couldn't because of Caylee and the counselor advised her to file for custody of Caylee. CA had told SP about a couple of times she had threatened KC by telling her if she didn't straighten up CA would kick her out of the house and file for custody of Caylee. RPl states CA had told SP that KC had almost bankrupted them by running up CA's credit car accounts. RPl refers to how KC resents CA because Caylee likes CA more than her. RPl states none of the family knew Caylee or Casey had been missing until the day Casey got arrested. RPl tells about his wedding on June 4, 2005 when CA, GA and KC showed up and KC was noticably pregnant (KC would have been 7 months pregnant at this time). RPl states everyone could tell KC was pregnant but CA's response to RPl asking about her expecting was "KC told us she would have to have sex first in order to have a baby and she did not have sex with anyone." RPl confirms that KC also denied to people she was pregnant during this family event.
SP interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: SP confirms KC stole from her more than once. First time was around Caylee's 2nd birthday (August 2007). SP noticed one of her checks was missing and finds out KC wrote a check for $54.00 at a Publix. Second time was about 3 to 4 months ago when SP finds that $354 was missing from her checking account. She finds out KC forged a check to pay her AT&T phone bill. SP states she confronted KC and KC admitted it. SP would have pressed charges if it had not been for CA. SP states it was after the forged check that CA started seeing a counselor about KC. SP states she has heard the name "Zanny" for over a year. SP knew that KC and Caylee had left the Anthony house about a month ago. CA had told her originally they were going off "to bond". Then CA told her KC and Caylee were on vacation; then in Tampa. SP states that CA is changing her story to defend KC because if CA doesn't believe KC, then she has to consider Caylee might be dead. SP states the first time KC stole from her was around Caylee's 2nd birthday. KC stole a check from her checkbook and wrote it for $54 to pay for Caylee's birthday cake and other items for the party. Second time was back in the spring of 2008 (states "three or four months ago" - she found out about the missing money sometime in April or May) when KC stole $354 out of her husband's checking account. KC used the money to pay her AT&T cell phone bill. SP states she had heard the name "Zanny" over a period of a year. SP thinks KC may have stole up to $45,000 from CA and GA by using credit cards in their names. SP states she wondered if KC "hated her mom more than she loved Caylee".
OCSO presents MBI with an order authorizing taps on a number of unnamed phones.

22 - AR fired from OCSO for lying about his relationship with KC.
FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with an elderly couple at the West Palm Beach airport on 08/14/08 at about 7:30 am. The tipster states the couple along with the child boarded a flight that went to Philadelphia and then on to Rhode Island. The investigation reveals that only 5 people went all the way to Rhode Island and a subpoena was requested for those passengers' information. FDLE investigates potential Caylee sighting at the Shands Hospital on 06/18/08. No surveillance video is available to confirm the sighting. Upon request the hospital reviewed the patients treated on that date and found that no patience with the specified parameters (age, sex, etc.) had a name similar to Caylee or Anthony. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a couple at the Crystal River Post Office on or around 08/01/08. No surveillance video is available to confirm the sighting.

25 - Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) conducts interview with KC at Anthony home. Interesting points: DCF investigator asked KC why she needed a babysitter if she didn't have a job. KC's response was that she did have a job at Universal and LE "had it wrong".
LE examine contents of trash bag taken from KC's trunk for presence of pizza or other meat. No pizza or meat were found and no odor of decomposition was detected.
AD pays $7 9.50 fine for her 05/24/08 citation for no seatbelts; case is closed.
FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a young white male at the Walgreens store in Jacksonville, FL on 07/24/08 at about 8:30 pm. Surveillance video did not confirm the sighting. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with two hispanic men at the Epifany Thrift Shop in Port Orange, FL. No surveillance video is available to confirm the sighting. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with two women at the San Marcos National Monument on 07/26/08. The tipster was able to provide LE with a CD of video shot at the monument capturing the women, but due to obstructions in the video, the identity of the child could not be confirmed.

[edit on 6-13-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:37 PM
Discovery released on August 25, 2008

Part 1
Arrest warrant for KC 7/15/08 (2-6,10-19)
Witness log (7-8,20-21)
Prisoner transport jurat 7/16/08 (9)
Caylee's birth certificate (22)
Caylee/Family photos (23-27)
KC's diary of days entry on myspace (28,30)
KC's handwritten statement 7/16/08 (29,31-34)
LA's handwritten statement 7/15/08 (35)
CA's my caylee is missing entry on myspace (36)
CA's handwritten statement 7/15/08 (37-38)
GA's handwritten statement 7/15/08 (39-40)
GA's handwritten consent for OCSO to take KC's car 7/16/08 (41)
GA's handwritten consent for OCSO to take HP desktop and Polaroid camera 7/17/08 (42)
JG's handwritten statement 7/16/08 (43-45)
CH's handwritten statement 7/16/08 (46)
KCh's handwritten statement 7/16/08 (47)
Guest card from Sawgrass apartment filled out on ZG dated 6/17/08 (48,57)
ZG's handwritten statement 7/16/08 (49-52)
Copy of eviction notice served on occupants of Apt 210 Sawgrass apartments on 02/19/08 (53)
Copy of signed lease for Apt 210 Sawgrass apartments dated 6/24/06 (54)
Copy of signed lease renewal for Apt 210 Sawgrass apartments dated 4/27/07 (55-56)
Statement of interview with Harry Garcia at Sawgrass apartments (58-59)
Statement of interview with Amanda Macklin at Sawgrass apartments (60-61)
Transcript of CA's first 911 call from her home on 7/15/08 (62-65)
Transcript of CA's second 911 call from her home on 7/15/08 (66-70)
Transcript of OCSO interview of KC at the Anthony home on 7/16/08 (71-86)
Transcript of OCSO interview of KC at Universal Studios 7/16/08 (87-153)
Part 2
Transcript of 7/16/08 OCSO interview with TL (1-25)
Incident report on original missing person report by CA (26-31)
Incident report detailing picking up KC's car and items from car on 7/17/08 (32-34)
Incident report detailing interviews with DCo, MKi, JD, SD, and MH (35-38)
Incident report detailing interviews with Bobby Williams, Lance White, MC, and the retrieval of a surveillance tape from a restaurant (39-42)
Incident report of various OCSO activity including searches in Anthony backyard, search of TL's apartment, etc. (43-45)
Incident report on OCSO's investigation into Wanda Wery's tip that she had seen Caylee on 7/2/08 at Orlando airport (46-48)
Incident report on cadaver dog search of KC's car (49-50)
Incident report on various witness interviews and subpoenas and searches (51-58)
Incident report on various activites of the investigation from 07/15-07/29 (59-72)
Incident report on OCSO follow up about tip from Eli Sleiman who believes he saw Caylee on 7/15 (73-75)
Incident report on OCSO interview of Thomas Galaida who worked on TL's Jeep on 6/9/08 (76-78)
Incident report correcting an error in previous report (79-80)
Incident report detailing investigations into Sawgrass apartments (81-84)
Incident report covering interview with BB and KTC (85-90)
Incident report on interview of Zenaida Rosado and other activities (91-92)
Property report of items that had been in KC's car (93-94)
Property report on white trash bag from KC's trunk (96)
Property report on video tape taken from Anthony home (97)
Property report on guest card confiscated at Sawgrass apartments (98,100)
Part 3
Search warrant to obtain buccal swabs and hair samples from KC (1-7)
Court order for AT&T to turn over KC's cell phone records for period from 6/1-7/17/08 (8-13)
Paperwork received from Johnson's Wrecker on KC's car (14-19)
Screen captures of HR records search at Universal Studios (20-27)
Email from LA to OCSO about information KC gave him and parents during 07/25 visitation (28)
Email from Leonard Turtora at Universal Studios concerning names on KC's fake emails (29-30)
Email from Dee Crawford at Event Imaging Solutions concerning KC's employment history with the company (31-32)
Email from Dianne Tighe with Colovision International about merger date and verification of names provided by KC (33-35)
Email from Dee Crawford at Event Imaging Solutions verifying that no JH or JL worked for the company (36-38)
Email of wage and hour check on KC's employment showing her last employment was 1st quarter 2006 (39-40)
Email from Rich Garrad with Carlson Restaurants (TGI Friday's parent company) confirming no RF worked for the company (41-42)
Email from Leonard Turtora at Universal Studios confirming no TF is or has ever worked for the company (43-44)
Undeliverable mail notice received by YM when he attempted to email TF's email as it is shown on KC's fake email (45-46)
Email from Leonard Turtora on research he had done into KC's email address for TF (47)
Email sent by YM to TF to test email address (48)
Undeliverable mail notice received by YM when he attempted to email 3 email addresses listed in the cc list of KC's fake email from "Cheryl Davis" (49-50)
Copy of KC's fake email from imaginary TF (51)
Copy of KC's fake email from imaginary Cheryl Davis (52)
Copy of KC's fake email from imaginary Gabe Marsh (53)
Copy of KC's fake email from imaginary Mike Hamilton to imaginary Gabe Marsh as forwarded to her in the fake email by the imaginary Gabe Marsh as one fake email in an entire fake email chain! (53)
Copy of KC's fake email from imaginary Katherine Hart replete with faked header information! (54-55)
Letter from Valencia college to YM confirming KC never even applied there. (56)
Transcript of OCSO interview of BB on 7/17/08 (58-71)
Part 4
Transcript of OCSO interview of RP on 7/30/08 (1-32)
Transcript of OCSO interview of RM on 7/16/08 (33-49)
Transcript of OCSO interview of KTC on 7/23/08 (50-57)
Transcript of OCSO interview of KTC on 7/19/08 (58-75)
Transcript of OCSO interview of AH on 7/16/08 (76-113)

[edit on 5-30-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:38 PM
Timeline for August 26 to August 30 2008

26 - OCSO determines that the 07/21/08 call from the OCSO jail to Daniel Davis in Winter Haven, FL was made by another inmate who used the wrong PIN. They determine no connection between KC and Daniel Davis. FDLE investigates potential Caylee sighting at a residence in DeLand, FL. The child is located and confirmed to not be Caylee.

Discovery released: OCSO interoffice memo on firing of AR.

27 - Subpoena is issued to obtain all records from UUnet for all user information associated with IP for 8/8/08 at 8:21 pm.
FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a young woman at Sushi Jo in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. They find that Palm Beach Gardens police department has previously investigated the tip.

28 - LE collect maggots from inside trash bag taken from KC's trunk. LE hold press conference to update public on the case. Transcript of Press Conference
FDLE investigates a tip on a residence in Port Orange, FL. They find no connection to Caylee.

29 - TMi begins first official search for Caylee's body. LE provides TMi several "locations of interest" for the search.
KC is re-arrested and taken back to jail for economic crimes (theft and forgery concerning AH's money and checking account).
GA orders a Taurus .38 revolver.
UUnet responds to subpoena and states no user with an IP of was on at 8:21 pm 8/8/08.
LE receive air sampling equipment from Oak Ridge Laboratory and take 2 samples from inside car and 1 sample from trunk.
OCSO receives detailed phone records on a Erica Gonzalez in Oviedo, FL. FDLE investigates potential sighting of Caylee with a Hispanic woman at the Jet Blue counter at the Southwest Florida International Airport on 08/18/08. The child and woman took a flight to JFK airport. The woman and child was located and the child was confirmed to not be Caylee.

30 - LE, using equipment from Oak Ridge, take 2 samples of air from forensics garage, and 2 samples of air from trash bag recovered from KC's trunk. LP revokes KC's $500,000 bond.

[edit on 3-14-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:39 PM
Timeline for September 1 to September 14 2008

2 - LE ship sampling equipment and air samples to Oak Ridge Laboratory.
9:00 am limited immunity offer for KC expires.

3 - OCSO files 6 additional charges against KC for economic crimes.
OCSO investigates potential sighting of Caylee with young white male at Patrick Airforce base beach on 07/19/08. OCSO interviews a Zenaida Gonzalez Kotala in Brevard County and clears her. OCSO receives a tip of a possible sighting of Caylee with a black male at a Kangaroo gas station in Palm Bay, FL on 07/17 or 07/18/08. OCSO receives tip on potential sighting of Caylee at the Squid Lips restaurant in Melbourne, FL on 07/25/08. OCSO receives tip of potential sighting of Caylee in Indialantic, Fl on 07/11/08. OCSO uses analysis of KC's cell phone ping records to advise TES where to search for Caylee.
MBI turns over forensics on KC's cell phone to FBI.

4 - Ga picks up Taurus .38 revolver and a box of ammunition. Having this gun at the Anthony residence while KC is there violates her conditions of the Home confinement program.

5 - RG interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: RG requested meeting with LE. RG shares that on the night of the second vigil for Caylee he called GA and left a voicemail asking GA why he wasn't doing what "ex-cops do". GA called him back and told him "Because my wife doesn't want me to." RG states CA rules the house and "whatever Cindy wants is what Cindy gets". In conversation with CA she told RG "you know I could lose both my girls on this one". RG confirmed that KC had previously claimed to work at Sports Authority but that he had gone there and verified she had never worked there. Then RG tells when he first heard of Zani. Some where around March to May of 2006 KC had been leaving Caylee at there house for them to babysit while she was allegedly working. Since RG worked out of his house this was causing a disruption to his work and they had pressed KC to find a sitter. When he asked KC if she had found a sitter she gives the following response: "yeah, I've got that worked out. Oh, yeah, I found this lady uh, Zenaida Gonzalez and she, she watches my friend Jeffrey Hopkin's son Zachary. And Zachary and Caylee play together and they, they love to be together. So this'll work out great." (NOTE: Two things of importance here: 1. RG states they were watching Caylee up to 3 days per week and being told KC was working at Sports Authority. At the same time, LG was watching Caylee being told that KC worked at Sports Authority. This means during the time KC was claiming she worked at Sports Authority, Caylee was being watched most of the time by other people. 2. KC stops bringing Caylee to the Grund house at this time, and this is about the same time LG stops watching Caylee because she finds out that KC isn't really working. This means past the spring of 2006, no one knows who was watching Caylee if she was not with KC or CA.) RG states that in 2005-2006, KC didn't like her mother or her father and wanted out of the Anthony home badly. KC attempted to get JG to move in with her in their own place. RG states he confronted CA about saying how "special Casey was" by pointing out that KC had previously repaid JG for $250.00 he had loaned her by writing a bad check. RG states CA's response was "well, she only did it once." RG states LA told JG that right before Caylee went missing CA and KC had a big fight and CA put her hands on KC's neck and tried to strangle her. (NOTE: This is most likely the argument that occurred on June 15th.)
KC is re-released from jail on bond to home confinement.
LE learns of GA's revolver and goes to the Anthony house. They retrieve the gun from within the house.
OCSO investigates potential sighting of Caylee with 50 year old male at Titusville, FL Walmart on 07/17/08. Walmart recycles surveillance video every 15 days, so no video was available. OCSO investigates potential sighting of Caylee with young white male at a Publix in Melbourne, FL on 07/17/08. OCSO investigates potential sighting of Caylee with black male at Kangaroo gas station in Palm Bay, FL on 07/17 or 07/18/08. Security video is only retained one month, so no video was available. OCSO receives detailed phone records for a number on Therese Stutz (assumed to be mother of CS). OCSO receives detailed phone records on Anthony home landline for 06/15-07/04/08.

8 - FBI Quantico Forensic Report of Examination issued on testing on samples of trunk liner taken from KC's trunk. Important points: All samples either contained residues of chloroform, or contained residues consistent with chloroform.
DS interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: Lives in next building over from the one KC claimed she left Caylee with the nanny. DS has lived at Sawgrass for 3 years. KC has been to his apartment. Last time KC was at his partment was about 2 years prior. DS dated AD at one time. AD lives with DS for a while at Sawgrass. States he last saw KC on July 1st when he was BSn. Interesting points about BSn learned in this interview - BSn is in the military; DS describes KC and BSn's relationship as "weird" and describes it as a one night stand. Leads one to speculate that BSn may be Caylee's father. KC never mentioned to DS that her nanny lived in the same apartment complex as him. DS has a friend, Alicia, who previously lived in the building KC states she dropped Caylee of with Zani at. Alicia lived on the second floor (same floor KC said Zani lived on). He does not believe KC knew Alicia.
TL interviewed by OCSO. Important points: TL requested this meeting. TL had taken a polygraph prior to this meeting and made statements he had not previously shared with LE. One was that he had recalled a conversation with KC where he stated when he had children he was going to have boys because having two younger sisters he knew what was involved in raising girls. TL also added that when he picked KC up at Amscot on June 27th, she was standing outside her car and walked to his jeep. When she got in he asked if there was anything he needed to look at [concerning the car] and she said no, her dad was going to come take care of it. LE showed Tl pictures of the content of the trash bag taken from KC's car at the impound lot. TL stated that the trash inside appeared to have come from his apartment and he didn't understand why the trash bag would be in her trunk, especially since she had stated she ran out of gas while coming from her parents' home. TL confirms that KC ran out of gas and the cans were taken from the Anthony shed on June 23rd. TL confirms that KC smokes pot with him and his roommate sometimes.

9 - JG interviewed by OCSO. Important points: JG asked for meeting. JG conveys a discussion he had with LA after JG's 07/31 interview with OCSO in which LA told him about a heated argument between CA and KC in which CA started choking KC. LA told JG he believes this is why KC left with Caylee and didn't come back. JG talks about love/hate relationship KC has with CA and about KC's jealousy over CA holding Caylee first at her birth, and about CA trying to get Caylee to call her mommy. JG states that in September 2005 KC told him she wasn't comfortable being around LA because "Lee had tried to have sex with her". LE shows JG a chat between him and KC in which KC says "I can hit up my friend annie for some xanax." JG states he never knew KC to take Xanax. He believes the chat is from the beginning of 2007. JG talks about an incident on November 18, 2007 in which KC appeared to have a seizure. JG tells LE that LP told him the Anthony family is talking about framing him for Caylee's death.
RD states that KC changed the story and now says that she met Zani and her sister Samantha in Jay Blanchard Park. KC's new story is Zani and Samantha pushed her to the ground, grabbed Caylee and shoved a script in KC's hand that she was supposed to follow for the next 30 days.
OCSO receives detailed phone records for various numbers in KC's cell phone.

10 - OCSO receives tip from Brenda Farris on potential sighting of black woman and Caylee at the Bay Park Executive Center near Tampa, FL on 08/18/08. OCSo receives a tip about an individual, Robert Morgan, who has posted a comment on a article who states in March 2008 he was working at a construction site near Tampa, FL and woman who lives in Pinellas County came to the site with a child he believes was Caylee who stated she was 2-1/2. The woman had two pictures on her cell phone that are the same as pictures released to the public of Caylee and said "this is my daughter". OCSO interviews Jeffery Carter about his report of a "prostitute" he saw walking the sidewalk just outside the AmeriSuites hotel in Orlando at approximately 12:30 a.m. on July 7th. He said after the case hit the media and he saw pictures of KC, he believes the woman he saw was KC.

11 - Charging document filed listing 10 charges against KC for economic crimes.
The status of KC's traffic citation issued on 8/4/03 is changed to Prosecutori al even though the charges were dismissed in on 8/12/03.
OCSO investigates potential sighting of KC and Caylee outside Macy's at Merritt ISland, FL on 06/07/08. Surveillance video is only retained one month and there are no videos outside the store, so no video is available. OCSO investigates potential sighting of black woman and Caylee at Bay Park Executive Center near Tampa, FL on 08/18/08. No video is available. OCSO interviews Ronald Morgan who claims a woman in Pinellas county came to a construction site near Tampa, FL in March 2008 with a child he believes was Caylee and claimed "this is my daughter". Ronald Morgan claims the little girl told him her name was Caylee and she was 2-1/2. She had a temporary tattoo on her hand and wore a ballcap that is seen in released photos of Caylee. He has no doubt the child he saw was Caylee Anthony. The woman Caylee was with was Shannon McKinney. Ronald states that at one point the little girl called the woman by her first name "Shannon" and the woman reprimanded her. After that the little girl apologized and called her "mommy". Upon investigation of Shannon Mckinney it was found that she has a 4 year old daughte that "highly resembles Caylee". OCSO investigates potential sighting of Caylee at the Squid Lips restaurant in Melbourne, FL on 07/25/08. Surveillance video was reviewed, but no sign of Caylee was discovered. OCSo receives detailed records for KC's cell phone. TL requests permission to change phone number and cease consensual wiretap. OCSO investigates potential Caylee sighting with young white male at a Blockbuster store in Belleview, FL on 07/06/08.

12 - David Portwood interviewed by OCSO.
FBI Quantico Forensic Report of Examination issued on samples taken from shovel borrowed from BB. Important points: A fragment of a hair was recovered from the label at the bottom end of the shovel's handle. While this hair was too small to be used for microscopic comparison with hair samples taken from the hairbrush, it was sent on for mitrochondrial DNA testing.
OCSO releases audio files of first interviews with KC.
OCSO investigates potential sighting of Caylee at a residence in Indialantic, FL on 07/11/08. They canvas the neighborhood and are unable to verify the details of the tip. OCSO agrees to terminate consensual wiretap of TL's cell phone.

13 - SP interviewed by OCSO. Interesting points: SP shows investigator bank statement showing $354 illegal transfer made from her account by KC. SP tells investigator she does not want to press charges because KC is already in enough trouble.
Media reports claim that Anthony family refused to take polygraphs offered by both the FBI and OCSO.

14 - Florida Department of Children and Families Closes investigation of child abuse with findings of maltreatment of inadequate supervision and threatened harm.

[edit on 4-12-2009 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 07:42 PM
Timeline for September 15 to September 25 2008

15 - NLe interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Saw KC and Caylee several times end of May and beginning of June. Second or third week of June KC moves in "fulltime" and spends every night there. NLe doesn't see Caylee anymore past this point and asks KC about it, even pokes at her saying "I'm starting to think you don't even have a kid." NLe states KC just laughed and said "Oh, stop it, whatever, she's at the beach." NLe confirms KC never mentioned that Caylee was missing and never acted as if anything was wrong. NLe says KC did not get drunk at the apartment but got drunk every time she went to Fusion. Tells about her banging shots just before she got on the dance floor for the Hot Body Contest on June 20th. NLe states he nor anybody he knows has ever seen the nanny, talked to the nanny, been to the nanny's place, or had any other type of contact with the nanny. When asked if KC ever showed any pictures of the nanny NLe said no. NLe never heard KC talk to the nanny on the phone. He can't recall KC ever mentioning the nanny's name. NLe states KC said the reason Caylee was staying at the nanny's was because things were bad in her parents' home and she didn't want Caylee in that environment. KC said the nanny did not have room for her [KC] to stay there, so that is why she was staying at TL's. TL told NLe that KC had said her dad had "abused" her in the past. NLe tells about when LA arrived at the apartment on the morning of the 16th to get KC's things. LA told them he wished he had met them earlier to warn them about her sister and that she had become a pro at passing bad checks. LA told them they needed to check their bank accounts and their belongings. LA tells them KC lies.
JC interviewed by OCSO. Important points: Tells LE about two very loud arguments at the Anthony home that occurred in late May/June. Both were on weekends - JC knows this because he was doing yard work on the weekends. JC is unsure of dates but believes them to be about one month before KC's arrest (approximately June 15th). In both instances KC and CA came out of the house into the front yard and in both instances KC was screaming and cussing at CA. JC did not see Caylee present during either of these arguments.
KC is arrested again on additional economic crimes. Arrest warrant

16 - After seeing a report on TV accusing him of having information on where Caylee might be, WW calls LE to deny that claim. LE concludes "from the source of the accusation" that the claim is unfounded.
KC is re-released from jail on bond to home confinement.

17 - LE calls KR to see if she has further information regardin the Sawgrass apartments. KR states she will come in the 18th and provide a list of KC's friends who live at the complex. She never shows up.

18 - RP gives interview on local radio station and states he doesn't believe Caylee is alive. He thinks it was an accident.

19 - OCSO receives detailed information on KC's cell phone for 05/06/08 and 06/01-06/06/08.

22 - OCSO investigates a tip concerning a young girl who the tipster thinks might be Caylee. After interviewing the father of the young girl, they conclude it is not Caylee. Based on a tip OCSO investigates Section 8 housing applicants and finds no records of KC or Caylee in the Lake County programs, DCF or Section 8 programs.

23 - Trust fund set up for the search for Caylee is closed after accusations of misuse surface.
OCSO receives detailed phone records for a "Kevin Kirkland" and an "Erica Gonzalez.

Discovery released:
Calendar noting key moments in KC's case
07/29/08 LA interview transcript
07/23/08 AH interview transcript
07/22/08 TL interview transcript
Forensic cell phone report on CA's cell phone
Text messages retrieved from BS's cell phone
Text messages retrieved from TB's cell phone
07/25/08 TB interview transcript
07/30/08 BB interview transcript
7/24/08 BS interview transcript
8/1/08 LG interview transcript
7/25/08 RM interview transcript
7/30/08 WW interview transcript
7/23/08 JG interview transcript

24 - FBI Quantico Forensic Report of Examination on hair sample retrieved from BB's shovel. Important points: Hair from shovel did not match KC's or Caylee's mDNA.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory issues preliminary results of testing of carpet samples and air samples taken from KC's trunk for the detection of a possible "decompositional event". Important points: Report clearly states that previous reports of a pizza being in the trunk were untrue. Even though there was no pizza found in KC's trunk, a piece of mushroom and pepperoni pizza was obtained by the Body Farm (University of Tennessee) and allowed to decompose over several days. It was noted no maggots were produced on the decaying piece of pizza. The report notes that gasoline was present in the trunk and that 41% of chemicals typically observed in a decompositional event overlap with the constituents of gasoline. Of the 51 chemicals found in the carpet sample from the trunk, 41 (80%) of them were consistent with a decompositional event. 17 of the 41 overlapped with gasoline, leaving 24 chemicals associated with decomposition, but not with gasoline. 9 chemicals identified were also present in a control carpet sample taken from a car in a junkyard that was the same make and model with the same carpet lining in the trunk. Only 4 of these 9 chemicals could not be attributed to gasoline. One of those 4 was chloroform, but it was only found in trace amounts in the control carpet sample. 6 compounds in the pizza were also found in KC's trunk carpet sample. 4 of these 6 were found in the control carpet sample. The air samples showed 24 compounds not associated with gasoline. 16 of these are known to be associated with human decomposition. Of these 16, 7 are considered "significant human decomposition chemicals" with 5 of these significants present in larger than trace amounts. Of these 5 decomposition chemicals, all are produced in the very early stages of human decomposition, 4 are produced in either aerobic or anaerobic conditions, and 1 is produced primarily in anaerobic conditions. (This points to the body possibly being in a "deprived oxygen" environment while decomposing.) Air samples were taken in KC's trunk after the liner carpet was completely removed and those samples continued to show trace amounts of some of these significant decomposition chemicals. Air samples from inside the car did not show these chemicals. Carpet samples from KC's trunk were also tested for inorganic decomposition chemicals using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). "...every element known to be associated with a decompositional event" that could be detected with the LIBS was found to be in the carpet sample at levels above control values. The report concludes that "both odor analysis and LIBS results appear to be quite consistent with a decompositional event having occurred in the trunk". They note the elevated presence of chloroform and sulfur containing compounds as "particularly characteristic of decompositional events". They state that the comparison of chemicals detected in the trunk samples to those produced by animals points to a human origin as the source. Conclusion: An early stage human decomposition event, possibly under deprived-oxygen conditions, appears to have occured in KC's trunk.
ZG, through the law firm of Morgan & Morgan, files a civil suit against KC for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

25 - LE calls KR again to try to get information she may have on KC friends who live at Sawgrass apartments. Important points: KR states VA is a good friend of KC and that LE needed to contact VA. KR refuses to be interviewed by LE.
OCSO receives a letter from a psychic with a tip stating Caylee's remains could be found on Hwy 415 north of Osteen, FL.

Discovery released:
Audio of TL's 7/22/08 interview with OCSO.
Audio of LA's 7/29/08 interview with OCSO.
Audio of JG's 7/31/08 interview with OCSO.
Audio of JG's 7/23/08 interview with OCSO.

[edit on 3-14-2009 by Valhall]

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