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What Crashed in Roswell- July 7, 1947

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posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 03:34 PM
We all know what the Roswell UFO crash was about. But was it an Alien UFO? Here's a theory I propse to you, mind you the theory does have holes, but the overall understanding of the theory should be easy to understand.

Let start with a brief history of what the Rosewell Incident is for new visitors:

The Roswell UFO Incident involved the recovery of materials near Roswell, New Mexico, USA, on July 7, 1947, and since the early 1980s has become the subject of intense speculation, rumor and questioning. There are widely divergent views on what actually happened and passionate debate about what evidence can be believed. The United States military maintains that what was actually recovered was debris from an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to a classified program named "Mogul". Many UFO proponents maintain that a crashed alien craft and bodies were recovered, and that the military engaged in a cover-up. The incident has turned into a widely known pop culture phenomenon, and for some, Roswell is synonymous with UFOs. It ranks as one of the most publicized and controversial UFO incidents ever.

The Roswell event took place 2 years after the offical end of WWII. And the United States of America was in a Cold War with Russia. The Japanese were still recovering from the aftermath of the Atomic Bomb.

The United States Military claimed that it was a weather ballon that crashed and later stated it was a spy ballon. The United States did not even know about the crash of the object until they recieved a call, so the first question is if it was a Spy Ballon why on earth did the US not go out and search for it when it was missing. One would think the US would have an idea of were there Spy ballon would be at all times and the information that it would be collecting would be highly important to see if the Spy ballon even worked.

So I came to the conclusion that the object that fell from the sky, was not American. As stated above the US was in a cold war and the United States was also with a very unhappy Japan, which was still recovering from the aftermath of WWII. The debris was investigated and said to be a weather balloon, while the finders of the UFO said it was disc shaped, which they later recanted.

Brazel, home for the night, was listening to a roaring thunderstorm, not uncommon for his location, but this night it seemed worse than ever. He thought that maybe he had heard an explosion. The next morning, he was out again, checking the livestock, and riding fences for any breaks. A seven-year-old neighbor boy was with him. Riding into an open field, the two horsemen noticed a large area filled with some type of debris or wreckage. The wreckage was tiny pieces of shiny, metallic material. This material was unfamiliar to the rancher.

So Brazel found a shiny metalic debris and it was unfamiliar to the rancher. And it was a storm the night before, interesting.

After interviewing Brazel, Marcell was on the way to the debris field, accompanied by Army Counter Intelligence Corps officer Sheridan Cavitt and Brazel. Marcell related the events of the search through the debris in his own words:

"When we arrived at the crash site, it was amazing to see the vast amount of area it covered... it scattered over an area of about three quarters of a mile long, I would say, and fairly wide, several hundred feet wide. It was definitely not a weather or tracking device, nor was it any sort of plane or missile."

A lot of debris, so either the object was carrying a lot of stuff and the Object was big.

Although the theories about Roswell are composed of many conflicting accounts, some facts are clear. Something important crashed near Corona-important enough that witnesses were threatened if they revealed what they saw. There are too many witnesses who claim to have seen the alien bodies. There is adequate evidence to assume that autopsies were done on at least one alien body, and probably more.

So lets look at what we have: Brazell states that it was storming the night before and the next day he found debris of a metallic object. The RAAF stated it was a Mogul secret project a few years later, denying it was for weather purposes but for Spy missions. But now look at the time we are in: WWII was over, but the Japanese were still angry and the Cold War was also here.

Could it have been a Japanese attack? a Japanese spy balloon? Was it Russian? Was it the Russians spy balloon?

Lets look at some evidence:

In WWII The Japanese would attack American Soil by using Fire Balloons. Which was an enormous ballon that would carry explosives and other METALLIC devices. The balloons were not very effective and are rarely ever heard of. The last balloon launched was on April of 1945.

Japan released the first of these bomb-bearing balloons on November 3, 1944. They were found in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Michigan and Iowa, as well as Mexico and Canada.

So we know the balloons get and we also know that the Japanese were upset at the devastation caused by The United States.

Such balloons could carry incendiary and high-explosive bombs to the United States and drop them there to kill people, destroy buildings, and start forest fires.

A hydrogen balloon expands when warmed by the sunlight, and rises; then it contracts when cooled at night, and falls. The engineers devised a control system driven by an altimeter to discard ballast. When the balloon descended below 9 km (29,500 ft), it electrically fired a charge to cut loose sandbags. The sandbags were carried on a cast-aluminium four-spoked wheel and discarded two at a time to keep the wheel balanced.

Aluminum, expansion in warmed air and contracted at night. Brazell stated a storm at night, the day before finding the debris...interesting..

The balloon had to carry about 454 kg (1,000 lb) of gear. At first, the balloons were made of conventional rubberized silk, but there was a better way to make an envelope that leaked even less. An order went out for ten thousand balloons made of "washi", a paper derived from mulberry bushes that was impermeable and very tough.

Very tough and Impermeable. If I remember correctly, one of the men attempted to rip and try to break the material which it would not do.

Mod Edit: Added cites
Please link to your source

[edit on 1/25/2009 by Badge01]

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 03:35 PM
Look at Picture number 3 which is right below the first picture and now imagine finding this object on the ground. It looks like a UFO and all its debris thrown about, due to the thunderstorm and the high winds the night before. The mixture of heat from the lighteneing could have melted some of the aluminum parts to the washi, which is possible. The high winds could have sent many of the objects artillary or cargo away and around the main debris field.

Also the Washi was thought to be reinforced with a type of aluminum covering, to protect the paper and give it extra protection.

Despite their low success, the authorities were worried about the balloons anyway. There was the chance that they might get lucky. Much worse, the Americans had some knowledge that the Japanese had been working on biological weapons, most specifically at the infamous Unit 731 site at Pingfan in Manchuria, and a balloon carrying biowarfare agents could be a real threat.

Biological weapons? Interesting once again. Perhaps once the military and air force arrived they found a biological weapon. Its certainly possible and with the accounts of the "alien" bodies laying there. Perhaps the biological weapon was activated and killed some of the men around that area. (However, the accounts of teh alien bodies, is highly conflciting).

The United States not wanting to go back into a war that they have just ended and not certain who had sent the balloon could have simply dismissed the act, as a revenege plot, that did not happen. The United States simply could have talked to the Japanese and used some threats to get the message across and that could have ended the Japanese surprise attack.

The Russians could have also launched an attacked, but perhaps it was a real spy ballon sent by the Russians. Who were studying the Japanese tactics at the time. This could have made them believe that they could see what the US was doing and gather more data on the regions. Perhaps the cold war was planning to escalate, but do to a simple storm was cut short.
The US could have once again contacted the Russians and talked to them about there little spy balloon.

So what was it that really crashed there? A UFO, A Spy Balloon, A Japanese Fire Balloon, a Russian Spy Balloon? Personally, I am aiming at the Japanese Fire Balloon, it was the chance for them to get back at us, using a simple tool that could get into the US and was incredibily hard to detect. Along with some biological weapons to kill Americans, like we had killed in the Atomic Bomb.

What do you think ATS Community, is it possible, what are your thoughts?

Alright thanks for listening and first time thread in the Alien and UFO boards.


posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:06 PM
Awesome thread, I now have to seriously relook at what I once thought. I never knew about those Fire Balloons before, thanks for bringing that to my attention..
Keep the great threads coming!

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:11 PM

While I am not much for the alien and UFOs. I think you have a great theory about what it could have been. You have obviously researched this and for put together a nice theory star and flag for that.

[edit on 25-1-2009 by Ant4AU]

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:14 PM
The thread may be good, but you didn't have to SPAM through U2Us. Next time keep in mind that!

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Ant4AU

I apprecaite your kind words and I have been looking into this for a awhile and I have not seen anyone ever try and take on this theory. I wonder if I am the first, to actually attempt to mold this theory? Anyway, thank you and DreamWalker2009 for the kind words.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:15 PM
I never knew those bomb balloons traveled so far. I was under the impression they never got passed the west coast. What you suggest is very possible but I guess another question is Why? Why would Japan launch only one if they truly wanted to retaliate? Furthermore, these balloons were not so successful and I am sure the Japanese were aware of this.

Impressive none the less


posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:17 PM
The official story has to do with the "sound channel" that had to be kept secret at the time.

They had to lie because they were not only listening for signs that Russia was testing nuclear devices, but had to hide the fact that they were using the sound channel in the oceans as well by using simple devices to locate downed pilots.

Here's a detailed explanation from Berkeley.

Google Video Link

Of course, we all know about those "official" stories, don't we.


posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by SpookyVince

Yea, I know that a warning, sorry about that. Just thought that everyone should know about it. Sorry people if you thought it was SPAM. Apologies to everyone... Thanks for the kind words..

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by jam321

Good questions. I imagine that a massive volley would be seen as an act of agreession and war and it would be obvious as to who sent them. But 1 balloon being launched would cause questions and wonder of who it was. Japan could have been trying to get Russia and America to fight in a war and Japan would then ally themselves with Russia. Seems possible.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:20 PM
interesting thread but get enough spam on my home account without having to worry about it on ATS!

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:21 PM
This is a very interesting point of view.
I never thought of that allthough things like that (incidents being covered up so there will be no escalation) do happen and we're not aware of most of them.

There's one thing though.I remember that a person (probably a civilian.i don't remember his name) went close and even hold one little piece.He said that it was like very thin metal,he could easilly fold it but when he was releasing it it would return to it's original form.That's what i remember but i could be wrong.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:27 PM
The Definitive work on Roswell, here on ATS, was done by GAZROCK. It is quite in depth and well researched. You all would do well to read his work first. It can be found on ATS here:

This points to a list of well researched material which is some of the best work I have ever seen on ATS on any subject. Well worth considering for anyone interested in the events that happened in that small town in New Mexico.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:33 PM
Totally awesome thread, I for one am glad I got the u2u message. As I am from Roswell originally. I have never really bought into the whole alien incident, I have always thought that it was just some top secret government aircraft that was being tested, as there are quiet a few Air Force bases in the area and have been there for some time, not to mention Los Alamos and Sandia Labs.

I like your in depth research and theory. I for one am pretty convinced that you may be onto something. As for other saying why just launch one. I have 2 cents on that one. 1 balloon could be because of a rogue Japanese military person who wasnt happy with the fact that his country was hugely disgraced and we dropped atomic bombs on them. Maybe he was one of the few people who worked on these first balloons and knew how to build them. So he took it upon himself to build just one more and launch it against the devils across the sea as one final act of his loyalty for his country.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:34 PM
Japan launched over 9,000 balloon bombs in an attempt to attack America. Some actually landed across a wide area of the US. The experiment had a kill rate of almost 0.07%. So, the plan succeeded in a small way, killing about 6 people. However, they died from conventional explosives, not biological weapons.

There's a fascinating read in Wikipedia Japanese Balloon Bombs


posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:35 PM
Good thread, nice new theory.

I have a a few questions.

Wouldn't the sound of a bomb going off, even more than a few miles away, be distinguishable from lightning? Wouldn't the bomb also create a pretty large crater, rather than a 3/4 of a mile long, few hundred feet wide strip of dug up land? Brazel himself says it was not a missile.

What about the 'hieroglyph' type writings that were supposedly found?

I understand you say you have a few holes in your new theory, which is understandable, all new theories do. I hope these questions aren't too much to answer early on.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by wisefoolishness
Good thread, nice new theory.

I have a a few questions.

Wouldn't the sound of a bomb going off, even more than a few miles away, be distinguishable from lightning? Wouldn't the bomb also create a pretty large crater, rather than a 3/4 of a mile long, few hundred feet wide strip of dug up land? Brazel himself says it was not a missile.

What about the 'hieroglyph' type writings that were supposedly found?

I understand you say you have a few holes in your new theory, which is understandable, all new theories do. I hope these questions aren't too much to answer early on.

Good questions, but we do not know even if the weapons went off. The supposed Hieroglyphs could have been Japanese writings or even some sort of Japanese hero character or something. I for one am not too upheld about the hyroglyphs. Awesome questions!

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by waveguide3
Japan launched over 9,000 balloon bombs in an attempt to attack America. Some actually landed across a wide area of the US. The experiment had a kill rate of almost 0.07%. So, the plan succeeded in a small way, killing about 6 people. However, they died from conventional explosives, not biological weapons.

There's a fascinating read in Wikipedia Japanese Balloon Bombs


I never said the ones launched from 44-45 were biological in nature. I said tha the biological one could have ben the one that crashed at Roswell, which seems like it is extremely possible, after all the Japanese were working on Biological weapons and in the Wiki article it says, they had planned (possibly) to use it for biological purposes.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by speed_demon

Wow never thought of alone gunmen, interesting. And thank you fo rthe kind words. Perhpas it was an angry Jap, that was upset that the US used the Atom Bomb and that the Japanese here were forced into internment camps and that the Japs surrendored. Interesting theory,,

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

In that case, if no bomb went off, a 3/4 mile long, few hundred feet wide dug up strip of land seems a little too big for a balloon. The balloons themselves were about 100 feet in diameter, and could weigh about 800 pounds. It would have had to have been coming down pretty hard to tear up land like that.

Anyway, keep on searching for answers. ATS needs more threads like these!

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