wow what a nice guy, he should post on ATS.
I don't really like AAT because it seems a long winded answer to a simple question, panspermia or exogenisis i can accept as possible and i suppose
aliens could have visited millions of years ago, if they did i bet they avoided the savage monkey people and just enjoyed a bit of shore leave.
Maybe with the increase in satalites and probes in space we'll see a ship wizz through our solar system or maybe we'll notice them watching us from
the dark side of the moon - i just don't see why they would give wild tribes information mathmatics information? The mayan calander only works for
this solar system and this planet, hardly the sort of system an alien life form would use -why don't they use something more universal like the
startreck star date or some galatic decay constant, bing bang ripple timer or some such¿
If i was an alien i would know how far the light from the big bang has gone so far, due to the fact everything else in existence is behind it i would
know its rate of travel as the vacume would be perfect so i could work out the current time in the universe by its size, the time would be 1trillion
trillion miles oclock or some such.
So if you find a tribe who use a non-earth based system for counting or viewing the universe i would accept that maybe they know aliens.
meh, they never even know about atoms electrons, etc yet alone string theory or whatever really makes the world corporal - aliens could have told them
something useful like unified field theory
this is how i picture the conversation going,
et: take us to your leader.
em: er, we're sort of still a prehistoric society and really we weren't planning on installing a proper leader until long after the start of the
iron age -how about a wise woman?
h. well, we bring you a message of peace.
h er good, would you like a bit of stone? -you can make a spark with it!
et: oh thanks, we can offer you great things - a system for measuring the time which has passed.
em: thanks but we got that covered.
et: how about rough maps of the world and observations of the near planets? em:-thank's but no we're good for that too,
et: we could build you some rudamentary piles of cut stones to put dead people in if you want?
em: yeah er, we're basically in the bronze age now so we've been cutting large rocks for thousands of years but yeah that would be great.