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Summoning demons/spirits

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posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 08:29 PM
Does anyone here know how to summon demons/spirits and ask them to help you??? (please only 'rituals' that are simple, and don't require any hard to find items)

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 08:31 PM
Any specifics about what you want them to help you with?

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 08:47 PM
The only book I know that explains how to do this is the Lemegeton. (I tend to ignore the various faked versions of Necronimicon for obvious reasons).


Demons of The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 09:14 PM
Thank You, these seem to be good sources.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 09:23 PM
Mmmm, I am thinking that you probably don't want to do that, and that you really don't know what you are getting yourself into. If you do truley believe in demons you should know they don't want to help you , they only want to hurt you.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:02 PM
Well, you got me wondering now. Why in the world would you want to summon a demon to "help" you? I assume you are refering to the Christain style demon, so... yeah.

If you want to use them to do your bidding... well, good luck. You'll need it to find one that won't flip out on you.

That still doesn't answer your question, does it? Im getting there, hold on.

Actually, I have no idea how to summon a spirit. I can take a guess though, try it. I want to see if it works.

Just ask for them. Seriously, unless you try to get some super bad-ass spirit with a huge ego, they probablly wouldn't require you to do anything special. For instance, a dead pet's spirit probablly woundn't need you to sacrifice 100 goats on an altar made of human flesh.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by infovacume
Mmmm, I am thinking that you probably don't want to do that, and that you really don't know what you are getting yourself into. If you do truley believe in demons you should know they don't want to help you , they only want to hurt you.

What makes you think this? Just curious. I dont know that much about spirits or demons.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:14 PM
I think that Info may have had personal experience in this matter. When I read this that was my reaction as well, "are you sure you want to go there?" I say that because we had experiences with "spirits" when I was younger and I can see no reason of going out of your way to go there. 35 years later I can vividly recall the nightmares that I had back then. As bad as the funky # that happened when awake.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
I think that Info may have had personal experience in this matter. When I read this that was my reaction as well, "are you sure you want to go there?" I say that because we had experiences with "spirits" when I was younger and I can see no reason of going out of your way to go there. 35 years later I can vividly recall the nightmares that I had back then. As bad as the funky # that happened when awake.

Can you go into more detail? Im really curious. But I dont want to push you to talk about what you dont want to.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:27 PM
We lived in this house in Kenora, we constantly saw "shadows" that could move us and things. I saw this one shoving my mother around, my brother saw shoes walking across the room. The dreams involved me falling between the wall and the handrail, I know impossible, on the way to the basement, where all sorts of "creatures" were.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:30 PM
All right, I had to step in here.

Please, for the sake of your health and the sake of your soul, DO NOT attempt to summon ANY nether spirits. They ARE more powerful than you, and they WILL harm you.

Once you've contacted a demon, you're with it for life. I know a woman that unwittingly made contact fifteen years ago, and it plagues her to this day.

Do some research. This is NOT something you want to mess with. Attempting to make use of the power of the evil side of things is the quickest, shortest route to damnation... you'd be better off raping an entire convent of nuns.

Most of the information on abjuring and containing demons on the Internet is highly unreliable. Even the most minor demon is more than capable of swiping your soul right from under your nose without you even realizing it.

The odds that you're going to turn up anything are negligible as it is, but, if you need help summoning a demon, then I'd wager you're also unsure as to the proper protective measures as well.

If you MUST do this, and keep in mind that I am one hundred percent opposed to the idea, then be prepared for the consequences. You'll need an abjurative circle prepared COMPLETELY UNBROKEN with some holy substance-- powdered Eucharist ought to work, but I wouldn't recommend scattering that on the floor, unless you're on holy ground. Keep a silver crucifix and a blessed weapon (if you can come across one; it's hard to get a priest to do that sort of thing these days) on hand. Make SURE you know where to find a sanctioned Catholic exorcist if you need one; there is usually one in every diocese.

Don't do it, man. But if you must, be careful.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
We lived in this house in Kenora, we constantly saw "shadows" that could move us and things. I saw this one shoving my mother around, my brother saw shoes walking across the room. The dreams involved me falling between the wall and the handrail, I know impossible, on the way to the basement, where all sorts of "creatures" were.

Was this the result of a ouija board or something? Sounds like "shadow people" to me. Scary stuff.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:34 PM
No ouija board, that I'm aware of. I was 4-8 at the time. Maybe.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Xenographer
Please, for the sake of your health and the sake of your soul, DO NOT attempt to summon ANY nether spirits. They ARE more powerful than you, and they WILL harm you.

Once you've contacted a demon, you're with it for life. I know a woman that unwittingly made contact fifteen years ago, and it plagues her to this day.

Do some research. This is NOT something you want to mess with. Attempting to make use of the power of the evil side of things is the quickest, shortest route to damnation... you'd be better off raping an entire convent of nuns.

Most of the information on abjuring and containing demons on the Internet is highly unreliable. Even the most minor demon is more than capable of swiping your soul right from under your nose without you even realizing it.

The odds that you're going to turn up anything are negligible as it is, but, if you need help summoning a demon, then I'd wager you're also unsure as to the proper protective measures as well.

How can one take your soul without you realizing it? And how can they harm you? I thought you had to give it some sort of permission before it could do that. And why is this such a sin?

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:46 PM
Nah, you dont need to give any permission do have your soul stolen. The spirit just has to be VERY strong, as most demons are. I mean I could do it, with 50-75 years of training...

Xenographer, I like the idea of a cross. Perhaps a bible would help as well? I don't use holy objects myself... but then again, I dont mess with demons.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 10:58 PM



number one, Im sure its against the law (satanism or whatever)

number two, youre endangering yourself and the world around you.

Just a warning.

You wanna bring the heat down on your arse, thats fine by me.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 11:23 PM
Im sorry. Did you just say "against the law"?

Freedom of religion. Google it up.
He can believe in/do anything as long as its not impeding on the rights of others..

*grumble* ignorant *grumble*

Also, If you want to summon deamons, go right on ahead. Just be prepared for whatever backlash there is.

posted on Apr, 11 2004 @ 11:45 PM

Xenographer, I like the idea of a cross. Perhaps a bible would help as well? I don't use holy objects myself... but then again, I dont mess with demons.

Personally, I'd rather have a copy of De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam (Google it) on hand than a Bible, simply because the book itself isn't holy; rather, the scripture contained therein is such. Such as it is, though, there isn't a lot in the Bible (there is SOME, especially in Mark) that would help in containing, abjuring, or combatting a demon.

The aforementioned De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam is a book of Catholic exorcism rites, and is generally published in Latin; however, English copies are available.

For God's sake, man, if you're going to do this, be careful.

However... don't do it at all, and you won't have to be careful. Just keep that in mind

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 12:25 AM
About three years ago I was on a pagan chat board discussing just this subject.
One of the people there was a woman who had been linked to a demon since she was a teen. The women of her family were 'Gypsy/Satanists' who claimed that they could contact demonic entities.
At a particular time (I believe it was puberty), she underwent a ritual whereupon she was 'chosen' by a demon. This demon then aided her whenever she required his help. The relationship was symbiotic.
The woman was highly intelligent and answered every question I had in a concise manner. She either truly did have a demonic 'familiar' or was a very convincing fraud. Since the information she imparted could otherwise only be gained by much research, I am inclined to believe that she gained it during time spent in the company of this entity.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 01:05 AM
Wooooooow, I can't not belive what I am reading here.
That someone wants to summon a demon? Woooooow!

First of all, no disrepect but your are insane.

What I am about to say some of you will find disturbing and will prob not belive me.

I have a demon and have experienced it at first hand and I'm telling you, YOU DO NOT WANT TO PLAY WITH THIS.

I didn't know that I had a demon in me, I was actually born with it. This is a long story about me. When I was younger I used to have a lot of nightmares about stuff, used to think crazy things and I used to wonder why. I used to look at my self in the mirror deeply and I would see another image rather than mine. I used to get very STRONG headaches when I was in my house. A lot of stuff used to happend for years.

One day I decide to go see a wicth doctor and tell her these things and this was the day that I was told what was going on and that I had a demon.

Toooooo many of the things that happend to be made sense, it's crazy. I told the witch doctor about my nightmares and how I used to think, I was starting to think I was crazy, but I wasn't, it was the demon controlling.

When I used to sleep, I used to feel things hitting me. I thought it was dreams until one day I looked at what was hitting me and saw it.

I told all this to the witch doctor.

I also told my mom about what I saw and described it, she started crying when I told her. Cause what I had described to her she told me she saw the night before she gave birth to me and almost had a misscarrage.

So that was very freaky. So I have had this since I was born. The witch doctor told me that I am gifted. I will stop here now, don't want to write more for now at least.

But I'm telling you man, YOU DO NOT WANT TO PLAY WITH DEMONS!!!!

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