posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Logarock
This tactic is really not far removed from the playground antics of people that start fights with bigger boys and then use their ass beating
to leverage sympathy.
This isn't the case. You're claiming that Hamas started by provoking Israel with little Katousha rockets. Between 2005-2007 Israel fired over 14,600
artillary shells into civilian areas.
You'll notice the comments by many saying "but Hamas fired 3000 rockets last year". How many did Israel fire?
The issue with the propaganda game is Israel publisizes what happens to them and make every effort to avoid bad publicity for themself.
The "propaganda" coming out of Gaza is made up of photos and videos because like you say they have no credibility. So they use hard proof rather
than just the regular bias news paper articles coming out of Israel to convey their side of the story.
After 9/11 the media reflected that the whole muslim population were responsible. This has caused them to be seen as terrorists by the western world.
The media has portrayed them as not being credible. That is why everything Israel says is supposidly truth in comparison.
[edit on 1-2-2009 by Obliterated]