posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 11:42 AM
Well, the media constantly reports how loved he is worldwide.
But, how much of what the media reports is in any way factual?
The media created Obama, and have brainwashed a huge portion of this country.
There is just no sane reason for the support he is being shown.
Many have asked how the anti could rise to power in an information rich society in the first place.
Who would support him and why?
Exactly like this.
The faithful disregard everything pointed out to them.
They follow and trust him, for no other reason than they simply do.
Constant calls of 'racism' are correct, but are expressed in reverse.
Racism is what got him elected, not what caused him any problems.
Almost 100% of all black women who voted, voted for him, and 95% of all blacks who voted, voted for him.
Massive black and latino turnout this year.
Acorn also contributed a huge number of bogus votes for Obama.
The supposedly intelligent college groups also gave massive support, always out to be a part of the latest 'kewl' thing to do, they came out in
record numbers.
Now, you can take for granted what our blatantly biased media are trying to convince you of, or you can look at the man himself, and his track
They are diametrically opposed.
This was the most blatantly 'racist' election in history.
But it wasn't the whites voting based on race, it was the blacks.
I did not vote 'for' McCain, I voted against a man who was put in office to accomplish the one thing no one else has been able to do: disarm
America, and remove the one thing massive government can't control, a free People.
You may feel free to think as you like, but I predict the recent street shooting in Miami will be used as the spark that ignites a comprehensive gun
ban the likes of which could have never come to pass under any 'normal' President.
The 'dumbing of America' and the brainwashing of America by Hollywood special effects of what guns supposedly can do, combined with the media
constantly telling you guns are 'evil' . . . . it will all come to fruit for them before most of you see it coming.
Whether you see any sense in my post, or whether you see me as a nutcase, I wish you all the best of luck.
Our 'freedom' is about to be either proven wholly illusional, or proven to be worth fighting for.
And in either case, its gonna be devestating to our country.
I simply Pray we survive it as Americans, not as the newest peasants in the NWO. . .
John Thiel